< Genesis 43 >

1 The famine was severe in the land.
Ali glad bješe vrlo velika u onoj zemlji.
2 When they had eaten up the grain which they had brought out of Egypt, their father said to them, “Go again, buy us a little more food.”
Pa kad pojedoše žito koje bijahu donijeli iz Misira, reèe im otac: idite opet, i kupite nam malo hrane.
3 Judah spoke to him, saying, “The man solemnly warned us, saying, ‘You shall not see my face, unless your brother is with you.’
A Juda mu progovori i reèe: tvrdo nam se zarekao onaj èovjek govoreæi: neæete vidjeti lica mojega, ako ne bude s vama brat vaš.
4 If you’ll send our brother with us, we’ll go down and buy you food;
Ako æeš pustiti s nama brata našega, iæi æemo i kupiæemo ti hrane.
5 but if you don’t send him, we won’t go down, for the man said to us, ‘You shall not see my face, unless your brother is with you.’”
Ako li neæeš pustiti, neæemo iæi, jer nam je kazao onaj èovjek: neæete vidjeti lica mojega, ako ne bude s vama brat vaš.
6 Israel said, “Why did you treat me so badly, telling the man that you had another brother?”
A Izrailj reèe: što mi to zlo uèiniste i kazaste èovjeku da imate još jednoga brata?
7 They said, “The man asked directly concerning ourselves, and concerning our relatives, saying, ‘Is your father still alive? Have you another brother?’ We just answered his questions. Is there any way we could know that he would say, ‘Bring your brother down’?”
A oni rekoše: èovjek je potanko raspitivao za nas i za rod naš govoreæi: je li vam jošte živ otac? imate li još braæe? a mi mu odgovarasmo kako nas pitaše. Jesmo li mogli kako znati da æe kazati: dovedite brata svojega?
8 Judah said to Israel, his father, “Send the boy with me, and we’ll get up and go, so that we may live, and not die, both we, and you, and also our little ones.
I reèe Juda Izrailju ocu svojemu: pusti dijete sa mnom, pa æemo se podignuti i otiæi, da ostanemo živi i ne pomremo i mi i ti i naša djeca.
9 I’ll be collateral for him. From my hand will you require him. If I don’t bring him to you, and set him before you, then let me bear the blame forever;
Ja ti se jamèim za nj, iz moje ga ruke išti; ako ti ga ne dovedem natrag i preda te ne stavim, da sam ti kriv dovijeka.
10 for if we hadn’t delayed, surely we would have returned a second time by now.”
Da nijesmo toliko oklijevali, do sada bismo se dva puta vratili.
11 Their father, Israel, said to them, “If it must be so, then do this: Take from the choice fruits of the land in your bags, and carry down a present for the man, a little balm, a little honey, spices and myrrh, nuts, and almonds;
Onda reèe Izrailj otac njihov: kad je tako, uèinite ovo: uzmite što najljepše ima u ovoj zemlji u svoje vreæe, i ponesite èovjeku onom dar: malo tamjana i malo meda, mirisava korijenja i smirne, urme i badema.
12 and take double money in your hand, and take back the money that was returned in the mouth of your sacks. Perhaps it was an oversight.
A novaca ponesite dvojinom, i uzmite novce što bijahu ozgo u vreæama vašim i odnesite natrag, može biti da je pogrješka.
13 Take your brother also, get up, and return to the man.
I uzmite brata svojega, pa ustanite i idite opet k onom èovjeku.
14 May God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may release to you your other brother and Benjamin. If I am bereaved of my children, I am bereaved.”
A Bog svemoguæi da vam da da naðete milost u onoga èovjeka, da vam pusti brata vašega drugoga i Venijamina; ako li ostanem bez djece, nek ostanem bez djece.
15 The men took that present, and they took double money in their hand, and Benjamin; and got up, went down to Egypt, and stood before Joseph.
Tada uzevši dare i novaca dvojinom, uzevši i Venijamina, podigoše se i otidoše u Misir, i izaðoše pred Josifa.
16 When Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the steward of his house, “Bring the men into the house, and butcher an animal, and prepare; for the men will dine with me at noon.”
A Josif kad vidje s njima Venijamina, reèe èovjeku koji upravljaše kuæom njegovom: odvedi ove ljude u kuæu, pa nakolji mesa i zgotovi, jer æe u podne sa mnom jesti ovi ljudi.
17 The man did as Joseph commanded, and the man brought the men to Joseph’s house.
I uèini èovjek kako Josif reèe, i uvede ljude u kuæu Josifovu.
18 The men were afraid, because they were brought to Joseph’s house; and they said, “Because of the money that was returned in our sacks the first time, we’re brought in; that he may seek occasion against us, attack us, and seize us as slaves, along with our donkeys.”
A oni se bojahu kad ih èovjek voðaše u kuæu Josifovu, i rekoše: za novce koji preðe bjehu metnuti u vreæe naše vodi nas, dokle smisli kako æe nas okriviti, da nas zarobi i uzme naše magarce.
19 They came near to the steward of Joseph’s house, and they spoke to him at the door of the house,
Pa pristupivši k èovjeku koji upravljaše kuæom Josifovom, progovoriše mu na vratima kuænim,
20 and said, “Oh, my lord, we indeed came down the first time to buy food.
I rekoše: èuj, gospodaru; došli smo bili i preðe, i kupismo hrane;
21 When we came to the lodging place, we opened our sacks, and behold, each man’s money was in the mouth of his sack, our money in full weight. We have brought it back in our hand.
Pa kad doðosmo u jednu gostionicu i otvorismo vreæe, a to novci svakoga nas bijahu ozgo u vreæi njegovoj, novci naši na mjeru; i evo smo ih donijeli natrag;
22 We have brought down other money in our hand to buy food. We don’t know who put our money in our sacks.”
A druge smo novce donijeli da kupimo hrane; ne znamo ko nam metnu novce naše u vreæe.
23 He said, “Peace be to you. Don’t be afraid. Your God, and the God of your father, has given you treasure in your sacks. I received your money.” He brought Simeon out to them.
A on im reèe: budite mirni, ne bojte se; Bog vaš i Bog oca vašega metnuo je blago u vreæe vaše; novci su vaši bili u mene. I izvede im Simeuna.
24 The man brought the men into Joseph’s house, and gave them water, and they washed their feet. He gave their donkeys fodder.
I uvede ih èovjek u kuæu Josifovu, i donese im vode te opraše noge, i magarcima njihovijem položi.
25 They prepared the present for Joseph’s coming at noon, for they heard that they should eat bread there.
I pripraviše dar èekajuæi dokle doðe Josif u podne, jer èuše da æe oni ondje objedovati.
26 When Joseph came home, they brought him the present which was in their hand into the house, and bowed themselves down to the earth before him.
I kad Josif doðe kuæi, iznesoše mu dar koji imahu kod sebe, i pokloniše mu se do zemlje.
27 He asked them of their welfare, and said, “Is your father well, the old man of whom you spoke? Is he yet alive?”
A on ih zapita kako su, i reèe: kako je otac vaš stari, za koga mi govoriste? je li jošte živ?
28 They said, “Your servant, our father, is well. He is still alive.” They bowed down humbly.
A oni rekoše: dobro je sluga tvoj, otac naš; još je živ. I pokloniše mu se.
29 He lifted up his eyes, and saw Benjamin, his brother, his mother’s son, and said, “Is this your youngest brother, of whom you spoke to me?” He said, “God be gracious to you, my son.”
A on pogledav vidje Venijamina brata svojega, sina matere svoje, i reèe: je li vam to najmlaði brat vaš za kojega mi govoriste? I reèe: Bog da ti bude milostiv, sinko!
30 Joseph hurried, for his heart yearned over his brother; and he sought a place to weep. He entered into his room, and wept there.
A Josifu goraše srce od ljubavi prema bratu svojemu, te brže potraži gdje æe plakati, i ušav u jednu sobu plaka ondje.
31 He washed his face, and came out. He controlled himself, and said, “Serve the meal.”
Poslije umiv se izaðe, i ustežuæi se reèe: dajte objed.
32 They served him by himself, and them by themselves, and the Egyptians who ate with him by themselves, because the Egyptians don’t eat with the Hebrews, for that is an abomination to the Egyptians.
I donesoše njemu napose, i njima napose, i Misircima koji objedovahu u njega napose, jer ne mogahu Misirci jesti s Jevrejima, jer je to neèisto Misircima.
33 They sat before him, the firstborn according to his birthright, and the youngest according to his youth, and the men marveled with one another.
A sjeðahu pred njim stariji po starješinstvu svojem a mlaði po mladosti svojoj. I zgledahu se od èuda.
34 He sent portions to them from before him, but Benjamin’s portion was five times as much as any of theirs. They drank, and were merry with him.
I uzimajuæi jela ispred sebe slaše njima, i Venijaminu dopade pet puta više nego drugima. I piše i napiše se s njim.

< Genesis 43 >