< Genesis 28 >

1 Isaac called Jacob, blessed him, and commanded him, “You shall not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan.
Choncho Isake anayitanitsa Yakobo namudalitsa nʼkumuwuzitsa kuti, “Usakwatire mkazi wa kuno ku Kanaani.
2 Arise, go to Paddan Aram, to the house of Bethuel your mother’s father. Take a wife from there from the daughters of Laban, your mother’s brother.
Panopo upite ku Padanaramu, ku nyumba kwa Betueli abambo a amayi akowa, kumeneko ukakwatire mmodzi mwa ana aakazi a Labani, mlongo wa amayi akowa.
3 May God Almighty bless you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, that you may be a company of peoples,
Mulungu Wamphamvuzonse akudalitse iwe nakupatse ana ambiri mpaka udzasanduke gulu lalikulu la mitundu ya anthu.
4 and give you the blessing of Abraham, to you and to your offspring with you, that you may inherit the land where you travel, which God gave to Abraham.”
Mulunguyo akudalitse iwe monga mmene anamudalitsira Abrahamu kuti zidzukulu zako zidzalandira dziko limene ukukhalamo ngati mlendo kuti lidzakhale lawo. Ili ndi dziko limene Mulungu anapereka kwa Abrahamu.”
5 Isaac sent Jacob away. He went to Paddan Aram to Laban, son of Bethuel the Syrian, the brother of Rebekah, Jacob’s and Esau’s mother.
Ndipo Isake anamulola Yakobo kuti anyamuke kupita ku Padanaramu kwa Labani mwana wa Betueli Mwaramu. Labani anali mlongo wa Rebeka, mayi wa Yakobo ndi Esau.
6 Now Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob and sent him away to Paddan Aram, to take him a wife from there, and that as he blessed him he gave him a command, saying, “You shall not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan;”
Tsopano Esau anadziwa kuti Isake anadalitsa Yakobo ndi kumutumiza ku Padanaramu kuti akakwatire kumeneko. Anawuzidwanso kuti, “Usakwatire mkazi wa ku Kanaani.”
7 and that Jacob obeyed his father and his mother, and was gone to Paddan Aram.
Yakobo anamvera abambo ake ndi amayi ake ndi kupita ku Padanaramu.
8 Esau saw that the daughters of Canaan didn’t please Isaac, his father.
Ndiye pamenepo Esau anazindikira kuti abambo ake Isake sankakondwera ndi akazi a ku Kanaani;
9 So Esau went to Ishmael, and took, in addition to the wives that he had, Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael, Abraham’s son, the sister of Nebaioth, to be his wife.
anapita kwa Ismaeli mwana wa Abrahamu nakwatira Mahalati mwana wa Ismaeli, mlongo wake wa Nebayoti. Anatero kuwonjezera akazi amene anali nawo kale.
10 Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran.
Yakobo ananyamuka pa ulendo kuchoka ku Beeriseba kupita ku Harani.
11 He came to a certain place, and stayed there all night, because the sun had set. He took one of the stones of the place, and put it under his head, and lay down in that place to sleep.
Atafika pa malo pena, anayima kuti agonepo chifukwa dzuwa linali litalowa. Anatenga mwala wina pomwepo natsamiritsapo mutu wake, ndipo anagona.
12 He dreamed and saw a stairway set upon the earth, and its top reached to heaven. Behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.
Mʼmaloto, anaona makwerero oyimikidwa pansi ndipo anakafika kumwamba. Angelo a Mulungu amakwera ndi kutsika pa makwereropo.
13 Behold, the LORD stood above it, and said, “I am the LORD, the God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac. I will give the land you lie on to you and to your offspring.
Tsono Yehova anayimirira pambali pake, nati, “Ine ndine Yehova, Mulungu wa Abrahamu kholo lake la Isake abambo ako. Ndidzakupatsa iwe ndi zidzukulu zako dziko limene ukugonamolo.
14 Your offspring will be as the dust of the earth, and you will spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south. In you and in your offspring, all the families of the earth will be blessed.
Zidzukulu zako zidzachuluka ngati fumbi la pa dziko lapansi ndipo zidzabalalikira kumadzulo ndi kummawa, kumpoto ndi kummwera. Anthu onse adzalandira madalitso kudzera mwa iwe ndi zidzukulu zako.
15 Behold, I am with you, and will keep you, wherever you go, and will bring you again into this land. For I will not leave you until I have done that which I have spoken of to you.”
Ine ndili nawe pamodzi ndipo ndidzakuyangʼanira kulikonse upiteko, ndipo ndidzakubwezera ku dziko lino. Sindidzakusiya mpaka nditachita zimene ndakulonjezazi.”
16 Jacob awakened out of his sleep, and he said, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I didn’t know it.”
Yakobo atadzidzimuka, anati, “Zoonadi Yehova ali pa malo ano, ndipo ine sindinadziwe.”
17 He was afraid, and said, “How awesome this place is! This is none other than God’s house, and this is the gate of heaven.”
Tsono anachita mantha ndipo anati, “Malo ano ndi woopsa ndithu. Zoonadi pano ndi pa nyumba ya Mulungu ndi khomo la kumwamba.”
18 Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put under his head, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil on its top.
Mmamawa mwake Yakobo anatenga mwala umene anatsamira mutu wake uja nawuyimika ngati chipilala ndi kuthira mafuta pamwamba pake
19 He called the name of that place Bethel, but the name of the city was Luz at the first.
Iye anawatcha malowo Beteli, ngakhale kuti poyamba mzindawo ankawutcha Luzi.
20 Jacob vowed a vow, saying, “If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and clothing to put on,
Pamenepo Yakobo analumbira kwa Yehova nati, “Ngati inu Mulungu mukhala ndi ine, kundiyangʼanira pa ulendo wangawu ndi kundipatsa chakudya ndi chovala;
21 so that I come again to my father’s house in peace, and the LORD will be my God,
ngati inu mudzandibweretsa kwathu mu mtendere, ndiye kuti mudzakhala Mulungu wanga,
22 then this stone, which I have set up for a pillar, will be God’s house. Of all that you will give me I will surely give a tenth to you.”
ndipo mwala uwu ndawuyimikawu udzakhala Nyumba ya Mulungu. Ine ndidzakupatsani chakhumi cha zinthu zonse zimene mudzandipatse.”

< Genesis 28 >