< Exodus 26 >

1 “Moreover you shall make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, with cherubim. You shall make them with the work of a skillful workman.
A šator æeš naèiniti od deset zavjesa od tankoga platna uzvedenoga i od porfire i od skerleta i od crvca; i po njima da budu vezeni heruvimi.
2 The length of each curtain shall be twenty-eight cubits, and the width of each curtain four cubits: all the curtains shall have one measure.
Jedan zavjes neka bude dvadeset i osam lakata dug i èetiri lakta širok; svi zavjesi da budu jedne mjere.
3 Five curtains shall be coupled together to one another, and the other five curtains shall be coupled to one another.
Pet zavjesa neka se sastavljaju jedan s drugim, i pet drugih zavjesa neka se sastavljaju jedan s drugim.
4 You shall make loops of blue on the edge of the one curtain from the edge in the coupling, and you shall do likewise on the edge of the curtain that is outermost in the second coupling.
I naèini petlje od porfire po kraju jednoga zavjesa, gdje æe se krajevi sastavljati, i tako naèini po kraju drugoga zavjesa, gdje æe se krajevi sastavljati.
5 You shall make fifty loops in the one curtain, and you shall make fifty loops in the edge of the curtain that is in the second coupling. The loops shall be opposite one another.
Pedeset petalja naèini na jednom zavjesu, a pedeset petalja naèini na kraju drugoga zavjesa, gdje æe se sastavljati s drugim, a petlje da budu jedna prema drugoj.
6 You shall make fifty clasps of gold, and couple the curtains to one another with the clasps. The tabernacle shall be a unit.
I naèini pedeset kuka od zlata, da zapneš zavjese jedan za drugi kukama, i tako æe biti šator jedan.
7 “You shall make curtains of goats’ hair for a covering over the tabernacle. You shall make eleven curtains.
I naèini zavjese od kostrijeti za naslon nad šatorom; jedanaest takih zavjesa naèini.
8 The length of each curtain shall be thirty cubits, and the width of each curtain four cubits: the eleven curtains shall have one measure.
Zavjes jedan neka bude trideset lakata dug, a širok èetiri lakta; tijeh jedanaest zavjesa da su jedne mjere.
9 You shall couple five curtains by themselves, and six curtains by themselves, and shall double over the sixth curtain in the forefront of the tent.
I sastavi pet zavjesa zajedno, a šest ostalijeh zajedno, na dvoje æeš previti šesti zavjes s prednje strane naslonu.
10 You shall make fifty loops on the edge of the one curtain that is outermost in the coupling, and fifty loops on the edge of the curtain which is outermost in the second coupling.
I naèini pedeset petalja na stražnjem kraju prvoga zavjesa, gdje æe se sastavljati, a pedeset petalja na kraju drugoga zavjesa, gdje æe se sastavljati.
11 You shall make fifty clasps of bronze, and put the clasps into the loops, and couple the tent together, that it may be one.
I naèini kuka mjedenijeh pedeset, i zapni kuke na petlje, i sastavi naslon, da bude jedno.
12 The overhanging part that remains of the curtains of the tent—the half curtain that remains—shall hang over the back of the tabernacle.
A što je više u zavjesa na naslonu, polovina zavjesa što pretjeèe, neka visi na stražnjoj strani šatoru.
13 The cubit on the one side and the cubit on the other side, of that which remains in the length of the curtains of the tent, shall hang over the sides of the tabernacle on this side and on that side, to cover it.
I lakat s jedne strane a lakat s druge strane što ima više u dužinu u zavjesa na naslonu, neka visi šatoru sa strane i tamo i amo, da ga zaklanja.
14 You shall make a covering for the tent of rams’ skins dyed red, and a covering of sea cow hides above.
I naèini pokrivaè naslonu od koža ovnujskih crvenih obojenih, i svrh njega pokrivaè od koža jazavèjih.
15 “You shall make the boards for the tabernacle of acacia wood, standing upright.
I naèini za šator daske od drveta sitima, koje æe stajati pravo.
16 Ten cubits shall be the length of a board, and one and a half cubits the width of each board.
Deset lakata neka bude svaka daska duga a podrug lakta široka.
17 There shall be two tenons in each board, joined to one another: thus you shall make for all the boards of the tabernacle.
Dva èepa neka budu na dasci, jedan prema drugome najednako; tako naèini na svakoj dasci za šator.
18 You shall make twenty boards for the tabernacle, for the south side southward.
Tako naèini daske za šator, dvadeset dasaka na južnoj strani.
19 You shall make forty sockets of silver under the twenty boards; two sockets under one board for its two tenons, and two sockets under another board for its two tenons.
A pod dvadeset dasaka naèini èetrdeset stopica od srebra: dvije stopice pod jednu dasku za dva èepa njezina, i dvije stopice pod drugu dasku za dva èepa njezina.
20 For the second side of the tabernacle, on the north side, twenty boards,
A na drugoj strani šatora prema sjeveru dvadeset dasaka.
21 and their forty sockets of silver; two sockets under one board, and two sockets under another board.
Sa èetrdeset stopica srebrnijeh, dvije stopice pod jednu dasku i dvije stopice pod drugu dasku.
22 For the far side of the tabernacle westward you shall make six boards.
A na zapadnoj strani šatora naèini šest dasaka,
23 You shall make two boards for the corners of the tabernacle in the far side.
I dvije daske na dva ugla od šatora.
24 They shall be double beneath, and in the same way they shall be whole to its top to one ring: thus shall it be for them both; they shall be for the two corners.
I one neka se sastavljaju ozdo i neka se sastavljaju ozgo bioèugom; tako neka bude u obje koje æe biti na oba ugla.
25 There shall be eight boards, and their sockets of silver, sixteen sockets; two sockets under one board, and two sockets under another board.
Tako æe biti osam dasaka sa stopicama srebrnijem, sa šesnaest stopica, dvije stopice pod jednu dasku a dvije stopice pod drugu dasku.
26 “You shall make bars of acacia wood: five for the boards of the one side of the tabernacle,
I naèini prijevornice od drveta sitima, pet za daske na jednoj strani šatora,
27 and five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards of the side of the tabernacle, for the far side westward.
I pet prijevornica za daske na drugoj strani šatora, i pet prijevornica za daske na zapadnoj strani šatora do oba ugla.
28 The middle bar in the middle of the boards shall pass through from end to end.
A srednja prijevornica da ide preko srijede dasaka od jednoga kraja do drugoga.
29 You shall overlay the boards with gold, and make their rings of gold for places for the bars. You shall overlay the bars with gold.
A daske okuj zlatom, i bioèuge im naèini od zlata, da se kroz njih provuku prijevornice, a i prijevornice okuj zlatom.
30 You shall set up the tabernacle according to the way that it was shown to you on the mountain.
Tako æeš podignuti šator po slici koja ti je pokazana na gori.
31 “You shall make a veil of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen, with cherubim. It shall be the work of a skillful workman.
I naèini zavjes od porfire i od skerleta i od crvca i od tankoga platna uzvedenoga, i po njemu neka budu vezeni heruvimi.
32 You shall hang it on four pillars of acacia overlaid with gold; their hooks shall be of gold, on four sockets of silver.
I objesi ga o èetiri stupa od drveta sitima, okovana zlatom, sa kukama zlatnim, na èetiri stopice srebrne.
33 You shall hang up the veil under the clasps, and shall bring the ark of the covenant in there within the veil. The veil shall separate the holy place from the most holy for you.
I objesi zavjes o kuke, i unesi za zavjes kovèeg od svjedoèanstva, da vam zavjes rastavlja svetinju od svetinje nad svetinjama.
34 You shall put the mercy seat on the ark of the covenant in the most holy place.
I metni zaklopac na kovèeg od svjedoèanstva u svetinji nad svetinjama.
35 You shall set the table outside the veil, and the lamp stand opposite the table on the side of the tabernacle toward the south. You shall put the table on the north side.
I namjesti sto pred zavjes a svijetnjak prema stolu na južnoj strani šatora, da sto stoji na sjevernoj strani.
36 “You shall make a screen for the door of the Tent, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen, the work of the embroiderer.
I na vrata naslonu naèiniæeš zavjes od porfire i od skerleta i od crvca i od tankoga platna uzvedenoga, vezen;
37 You shall make for the screen five pillars of acacia, and overlay them with gold. Their hooks shall be of gold. You shall cast five sockets of bronze for them.
I za taj zavjes naèiniæeš pet stupova od drveta sitima, koje æeš okovati zlatom, sa kukama zlatnijem, i saliæeš za njih pet stopica od mjedi.

< Exodus 26 >