< 1 Samuel 6 >

1 The LORD’s ark was in the country of the Philistines seven months.
Basi sanduku la BWANA lilikaa katika nchi ya Wafilisti kwa miezi saba.
2 The Philistines called for the priests and the diviners, saying, “What shall we do with the LORD’s ark? Show us how we should send it to its place.”
Ndipo Wafilisti wakawaita makuhani na waganga; wakawaambia, “Tulifanyie nini sanduku la BWANA? Twambieni jinsi ambavyo tunapaswa kulirudisha sanduku katika nchi yake.”
3 They said, “If you send away the ark of the God of Israel, don’t send it empty; but by all means return a trespass offering to him. Then you will be healed, and it will be known to you why his hand is not removed from you.”
Makuhani na waganga wakasema, “Kama mtalirudisha sanduku la Mungu wa Israeli, msilipeleke bila zawadi; kwa namna yoyote ile mpelekeeni sadakaa ya hatia. Hapo ndipo mtapona, na mtajua ni kwanini mkono wake hadi sasa haujaondoka juu yenu.”
4 Then they said, “What should the trespass offering be which we shall return to him?” They said, “Five golden tumors and five golden mice, for the number of the lords of the Philistines; for one plague was on you all, and on your lords.
Ndipo wakawauliza, “Sadaka ya hatia itakuwa nini kwamba tunampelekea?” Wakawajibu, “Majipu matano ya dhahabu na panya watano wa dhahabu, Idadi hiyo ya watano ni sawa na idadi ya viongozi wa Wafilisti. Kwa sababu tauni ya aina moja iliwashambulia ninyi na viongozi wenu.
5 Therefore you shall make images of your tumors and images of your mice that mar the land; and you shall give glory to the God of Israel. Perhaps he will release his hand from you, from your gods, and from your land.
Kwa hiyo, nilazima mtengeneze mifano ya majipu yenu, na mifano ya panya wenu ambayo huiharibu nchi, na mpeni utukufu Mungu wa Israeli. Labda ataondoa mkono wake kutoka juu yenu, kutoka juu ya miungu yenu, na kutoka juu ya nchi yenu.
6 Why then do you harden your hearts as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their hearts? When he had worked wonderfully among them, didn’t they let the people go, and they departed?
Kwanini mfanye mioyo yenu kwa migumu, kama vile Wamisri na Farao walifanya mioyo yao kuwa migumu? Hicho ni kipindi ambacho Mungu wa Israeli aliwashughilikia sana; Je, Wamisri hawakuwaachilia watu, na wakaondoka?
7 “Now therefore take and prepare yourselves a new cart and two milk cows on which there has come no yoke; and tie the cows to the cart, and bring their calves home from them;
Basi sasa, andaeni mkokoteni mpya pamoja na ng'ombe wawili wake wanaonyonyesha, ambao hawajawahi kufungwa nira. Wafungeni ng'ombe hao kwenye mkokoteni, lakini warudisheni wale ndama wao nyumbani.
8 and take the LORD’s ark and lay it on the cart. Put the jewels of gold, which you return him for a trespass offering, in a box by its side; and send it away, that it may go.
Kisha lichukueni sanduku la BWANA na kuliweka ndani ya mkokoteni. Wekeni ndani ya kasha yale maumbo ya dhahabu mnayompelekea ambyo ni sadaka ya hatia kando yake. Ndipo mlipeleke lipate kuondoka.
9 Behold, if it goes up by the way of its own border to Beth Shemesh, then he has done us this great evil; but if not, then we shall know that it is not his hand that struck us. It was a chance that happened to us.”
Kisha muwe makini; kama litapanda kwenda kwa njia hadi nchini mwake hadi Beth Shemeshi, basi mjue kuwa BWANA ndiye aliyetenda pigo hili kubwa. Lakini kama halitakwenda, ndipo tutajua kwamba siyo mkono wake uliotupatia mateso; badala yake tutajua kuwa yaliyotupata ilikuwa ni kwa bahati mbaya tu.
10 The men did so, and took two milk cows and tied them to the cart, and shut up their calves at home.
Watu hao wakafanya kama walivyoambiwa, walichukuwa ng'ombe wawili wanaonyonyesha, wakawafunga kwenye mkokoteni, na kuwabakiza ndama wao nyumbani.
11 They put the LORD’s ark on the cart, and the box with the golden mice and the images of their tumors.
Wakaliweka sanduku la BWANA juu ya mkokoteni, pamoja na lile kasha lililobeba panya wa dhahabu na yale maumbo ya majipu yao.
12 The cows took the straight way by the way to Beth Shemesh. They went along the highway, lowing as they went, and didn’t turn away to the right hand or to the left; and the lords of the Philistines went after them to the border of Beth Shemesh.
Hao ng'ombe waliondoka moja kwa moja kuelekea Beth Shemeshi. Walikwenda kwa kuifuata nija moja kuu, wakiteremka walipokuwa wakienda, na hwakugeuka upande wa kushoto au kulia. Viongozi wa Wafilisti walifuata kwa nyuma hadi mpaka wa Beth Shemeshi.
13 The people of Beth Shemesh were reaping their wheat harvest in the valley; and they lifted up their eyes and saw the ark, and rejoiced to see it.
Nao watu wa Beth Shemeshi walikuwa wakivuna ngano yao katika bonde. Waliponyanyua macho yao juu na kuliona sanduku, wakafurahi.
14 The cart came into the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh, and stood there, where there was a great stone. Then they split the wood of the cart and offered up the cows for a burnt offering to the LORD.
Huo mkokoteni ulifikia ndani ya shamba la Yoshua wa Beth Shemeshi na ukasimama hapo. Kulikuapo jiwe kubwa mahali hapo, wakatayarisha kuni kutokana na mkokoteni huo, na wakawatoa ng'ombe hao kama sadaka ya kuteketezwa kwa ajili ya BWANA.
15 The Levites took down the LORD’s ark and the box that was with it, in which the jewels of gold were, and put them on the great stone; and the men of Beth Shemesh offered burnt offerings and sacrificed sacrifices the same day to the LORD.
Walawi walilitelemsha sanduku la BWANA chini pamoja na kasha lake lililoyatunza yale maumbo ya dhahabu, wakaweka vitu hivyo juu ya hilo jiwe kubwa. Watu wa Beth Shemeshi walitoa sadaka za kuteketezwa na kutoa dhabihu kwa BWANA siku iyo hiyo.
16 When the five lords of the Philistines had seen it, they returned to Ekron the same day.
Hao viongozi watano wa Wafilisti walipoona hayo, walirejea Ekroni siku iyo hiyo.
17 These are the golden tumors which the Philistines returned for a trespass offering to the LORD: for Ashdod one, for Gaza one, for Ashkelon one, for Gath one, for Ekron one;
Haya ndiyo majipu ya dhahabu ambayo Wafilisti walirudisha kama sadaka ya hatia kwa BWANA: moja kwa ajili ya Ashdodi, moja kwa Gaza, moja kwa Ashkeloni, moja kwa Gathi, na moja kwa Ekroni.
18 and the golden mice, according to the number of all the cities of the Philistines belonging to the five lords, both of fortified cities and of country villages, even to the great stone on which they set down the LORD’s ark. That stone remains to this day in the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh.
Idadi ya wale panya wa dhahabu ilikuwa sawa na ile ya idadi ya miji yote ya Wafilisti inayomilikiwa na viongozi watano, kwa miji iliyojengewa maboma na vijiji vya mashambani. Lile jiwe kubwa, ambalo kando yake waliweka sanduku la BWANA, lipo kama ushuhuda hadi leo katika shamba la Yoshua Mbeth- Shemeshi.
19 He struck of the men of Beth Shemesh, because they had looked into the LORD’s ark, he struck fifty thousand seventy of the men. Then the people mourned, because the LORD had struck the people with a great slaughter.
BWANA akawashambulia baadhi ya watu wa Bethi Shemeshi kwa sababu walichungulia ndani ya sanduku lake. Aliwaua watu sabini. Watu wakaomboleza, kwa sababu BWANA aliwapa watu pigo kubwa mno.
20 The men of Beth Shemesh said, “Who is able to stand before the LORD, this holy God? To whom shall he go up from us?”
Watu wa Bethi Shemeshi wakasema, “Ni nani mwenye uwezo wa kushindana na BWANA, huyu Mungu mtakatifu? Na atampandia nani akitoka kwetu.”” Je, ni nani awezaye kusimama mbele ya BWANA, huyu Mungu mtakatifu? Na ni kwa nani ambako sanduku litaenda likitoka hapa.”
21 They sent messengers to the inhabitants of Kiriath Jearim, saying, “The Philistines have brought back the LORD’s ark. Come down and bring it up to yourselves.”
Wakawatuma wajumbe kwenda kwa wenyeji wa Kiriath Yearimu, wakisema, “Wafilisti wamelirudisha sanduku la BWANA; teremkeni na mkalipeleke kwenu.”

< 1 Samuel 6 >