< 1 Kings 3 >

1 Solomon made a marriage alliance with Pharaoh king of Egypt. He took Pharaoh’s daughter and brought her into David’s city until he had finished building his own house, the LORD’s house, and the wall around Jerusalem.
A Solomun se oprijatelji s Faraonom carem Misirskim, i oženi se kæerju Faraonovom, i dovede je u grad Davidov dokle ne dovrši svoj dom i dom Gospodnji i zid oko Jerusalima.
2 However, the people sacrificed in the high places, because there was not yet a house built for the LORD’s name.
Ali narod prinošaše žrtve na visinama; jer još ne bješe sazidan dom imenu Gospodnjemu do tada.
3 Solomon loved the LORD, walking in the statutes of David his father, except that he sacrificed and burned incense in the high places.
A Solomun ljubljaše Gospoda hodeæi po uredbama oca svojega Davida, samo što na visinama prinošaše žrtve i kaðaše.
4 The king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there, for that was the great high place. Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on that altar.
Zato otide car u Gavaon da ondje prinese žrtvu, jer to bijaše velika visina; i Solomun prinese tisuæu žrtava paljenica na onom oltaru.
5 In Gibeon, the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night; and God said, “Ask for what I should give you.”
I javi se Gospod Solomunu u Gavaonu noæu u snu, i reèe Bog: išti što hoæeš da ti dam.
6 Solomon said, “You have shown to your servant David my father great loving kindness, because he walked before you in truth, in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with you. You have kept for him this great loving kindness, that you have given him a son to sit on his throne, as it is today.
A Solomun reèe: ti si uèinio veliku milost sluzi svojemu Davidu ocu mojemu, kao što je hodio pred tobom vjerno i pravedno i s pravijem srcem prema tebi; i saèuvao si mu ovu veliku milost, te mu dao sina da sjedi na prijestolu njegovu, kao što se vidi danas.
7 Now, LORD my God, you have made your servant king instead of David my father. I am just a little child. I don’t know how to go out or come in.
I tako, Gospode Bože moj, ti si postavio slugu svojega carem na mjesto Davida oca mojega, a ja sam mlad, niti znam polaziti ni dolaziti.
8 Your servant is among your people which you have chosen, a great people, that can’t be numbered or counted for multitude.
I tvoj je sluga meðu narodom tvojim, koji si izabrao, narodom velikim, koji se ne može izbrojiti ni proraèunati od množine.
9 Give your servant therefore an understanding heart to judge your people, that I may discern between good and evil; for who is able to judge this great people of yours?”
Daj dakle sluzi svojemu srce razumno da može suditi narodu tvojemu i raspoznavati dobro i zlo. Jer ko može suditi narodu tvojemu tako velikom?
10 This request pleased the Lord, that Solomon had asked this thing.
I bi milo Gospodu što Solomun to zaiska.
11 God said to him, “Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked for yourself long life, nor have you asked for riches for yourself, nor have you asked for the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern justice,
I reèe mu Bog: kad to išteš, a ne išteš duga života niti išteš blaga niti išteš duša neprijatelja svojih nego išteš razuma da umiješ suditi;
12 behold, I have done according to your word. Behold, I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has been no one like you before you, and after you none will arise like you.
Evo uèinih po tvojim rijeèima; evo ti dajem srce mudro i razumno da takoga kakav si ti ni prije tebe nije bilo niti æe poslije tebe nastati taki kakav si ti.
13 I have also given you that which you have not asked, both riches and honor, so that there will not be any among the kings like you for all your days.
A svrh toga dajem ti i što nijesi iskao, i blago i slavu, da takoga kakav æeš ti biti neæe biti meðu carevima svega vijeka tvojega.
14 If you will walk in my ways, to keep my statutes and my commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your days.”
I ako uzideš mojim putovima držeæi uredbe moje i zapovijesti moje, kao što je išao David otac tvoj, produljiæu dane tvoje.
15 Solomon awoke; and behold, it was a dream. Then he came to Jerusalem and stood before the ark of the LORD’s covenant, and offered up burnt offerings, offered peace offerings, and made a feast for all his servants.
Tada se probudi Solomun, i gle, ono bješe san. I doðe u Jerusalim, i stavši pred kovèeg zavjeta Gospodnjega prinese žrtve paljenice i žrtve zahvalne, i poèasti sve sluge svoje.
16 Then two women who were prostitutes came to the king, and stood before him.
Tada doðoše dvije žene kurve k caru, i stadoše pred njim.
17 The one woman said, “Oh, my lord, I and this woman dwell in one house. I delivered a child with her in the house.
I reèe jedna žena: ah, gospodaru; ja i ova žena sjedimo u jednoj kuæi, i porodih se kod nje u istoj kuæi.
18 The third day after I delivered, this woman delivered also. We were together. There was no stranger with us in the house, just us two in the house.
A treæi dan poslije moga poroðaja porodi se i ova žena, i bijasmo zajedno i ne bijaše niko drugi s nama u kuæi, samo nas dvije bijasmo u kuæi.
19 This woman’s child died in the night, because she lay on it.
I umrije sin ove žene noæas, jer ona leže na nj.
20 She arose at midnight, and took my son from beside me while your servant slept, and laid it in her bosom, and laid her dead child in my bosom.
Pa ustavši u po noæi uze sina mojega iskraj mene, kad sluškinja tvoja spavaše, i stavi ga sebi u naruèje, a svoga sina mrtvoga stavi meni u naruèje.
21 When I rose in the morning to nurse my child, behold, he was dead; but when I had looked at him in the morning, behold, it was not my son whom I bore.”
A kad ustah ujutru da podojim sina svojega, a to, mrtav; ali kad razgledah ujutru, a to, ne bješe moj sin, kojega ja rodih.
22 The other woman said, “No! But the living one is my son, and the dead one is your son.” The first one said, “No! But the dead one is your son, and the living one is my son.” They argued like this before the king.
Tada reèe druga žena: nije tako; nego je moj sin ovaj živi, a tvoj je sin onaj mrtvi. Ali ona reèe: nije tako, nego je tvoj sin onaj mrtvi, a moj je sin ovaj živi. Tako govorahu pred carem.
23 Then the king said, “One says, ‘This is my son who lives, and your son is the dead one;’ and the other says, ‘No! But your son is the dead one, and my son is the living one.’”
A car reèe: ova kaže: ovaj je živi moj sin, a tvoj je sin ovaj mrtvi; a ona kaže: nije tako, nego je tvoj sin onaj mrtvi, a moj je sin ovaj živi.
24 The king said, “Get me a sword.” So they brought a sword before the king.
I reèe car: dajte mi maè. I donesoše maè pred cara.
25 The king said, “Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other.”
Tada reèe car: rasijecite živo dijete na dvoje, i podajte polovinu jednoj i polovinu drugoj.
26 Then the woman whose the living child was spoke to the king, for her heart yearned over her son, and she said, “Oh, my lord, give her the living child, and in no way kill him!” But the other said, “He shall be neither mine nor yours. Divide him.”
Tada žena kojoj sin bješe živi reèe caru, jer joj se uskoleba utroba za sinom: ah, gospodaru, podajte njojzi dijete živo, a nemojte ga ubijati. A ona reèe: neka ne bude ni meni ni tebi, rasijecite ga.
27 Then the king answered, “Give the first woman the living child, and definitely do not kill him. She is his mother.”
Tada odgovori car i reèe: podajte onoj živo dijete, nemojte ga ubiti, ona mu je mati.
28 All Israel heard of the judgment which the king had judged; and they feared the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to do justice.
I sav Izrailj èu sud koji izreèe car, i pobojaše se cara; jer vidješe da je u njemu mudrost Božija da sudi.

< 1 Kings 3 >