< Nehemiah 2 >

1 In the month Nisan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king, when wine was before him, I picked up the wine, and gave it to the king. Now I had not been sad before in his presence.
Artaxerxes siangpahrang ah ohhaih saning pumphaeto akoephaih, Nisan khrah thungah, a hmaa ih misurtui to ka lak moe, siangpahrang hanah ka paek; a hmaa ah natuek naah doeh palungsethaih kam tuengsak vai ai vop.
2 The king said to me, “Why is your face sad, since you are not sick? This is nothing else but sorrow of heart.” Then I was very much afraid.
To pongah siangpahrang mah lok ang dueng, Ngan na tui to mah, tipongah mikhmai na set loe? Hae loe tidoeh na ai, palungsethaih ah ni oh, tiah ang naa. To naah paroeai ka zit,
3 I said to the king, “Let the king live forever! Why shouldn’t my face be sad, when the city, the place of my fathers’ tombs, lies waste, and its gates have been consumed with fire?”
Kai mah siangpahrang khaeah, Siangpahrang na hinglung sawk nasoe! Kam panawk aphumhaih, vangpui to amro moe, khongkhanawk hmai mah kang naah, kawbangmaw mikhmai sae ai ah ka om thai tih? tiah ka naa.
4 Then the king said to me, “What is your request?” So I prayed to the God of heaven.
Siangpahrang mah kai khaeah, Timaw na koeh? tiah ang naa. To pongah van Sithaw khaeah lawk ka thuih.
5 I said to the king, “If it pleases the king, and if your servant has found favour in your sight, I ask that you would send me to Judah, to the city of my fathers’ tombs, that I may build it.”
Siangpahrang khaeah, siangpahrang koehhaih ah ka oh moe, na tamna hae na mikhnukah koeh koiah ka oh nahaeloe, vangpui to ka sak let thai hanah, kam pa aphumhaih, Judah prae ah na patoeh let ah, tiah ka naa.
6 The king said to me (the queen was also sitting by him), “How long will your journey be? When will you return?” So it pleased the king to send me, and I set a time for him.
Siangpahrang mah, (siangpahrang zu doeh anih taengah anghnut) Kholong na caehhaih nazetto maw akra tih? Natuek naah maw nam laem o let han? tiah ang naa. Siangpahrang mah kai patoeh han poekhaih tawnh pongah, atue to ka pahoe.
7 Moreover I said to the king, “If it pleases the king, let letters be given me to the governors beyond the River, that they may let me pass through until I come to Judah;
Kai mah anih khaeah, Siangpahrang koeh baktiah om nahaeloe, vapui taeng ih prae ukkungnawk khaeah ca sin pae han ka koeh, to tiah ni Judah prae ka phak khoek to, nihcae mah kamong ah na patoeh o thai tih.
8 and a letter to Asaph the keeper of the king’s forest, that he may give me timber to make beams for the gates of the citadel by the temple, for the wall of the city, and for the house that I will occupy.” The king granted my requests, because of the good hand of my God on me.
Siangpahrang ih taw toepkung, Asaph mah im khongkha tung, vangpui tapang, ka ohhaih im sak hanah thing ang paek thai hanah, ca na tarik pae thai tih maw? tiah ka naa. Ka Sithaw tahmenhaih ka ban ah oh pongah, ka hnik ih hmuen to siangpahrang mah ang paek.
9 Then I came to the governors beyond the River, and gave them the king’s letters. Now the king had sent captains of the army and horsemen with me.
To pongah vapui zaeh ih prae ukkungnawk khaeah ka caeh moe, siangpahrang ih ca to ka paek. Siangpahrang mah misatuh angraengnawk hoi hrang angthueng kaminawk to ang patoeh pae.
10 When Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite servant heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly, because a man had come to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.
Horon acaeng Sanballat hoi Ammon acaeng toksah angraeng Tobiah hnik mah, to lok to thaih hoi naah, Israel caanawk khosak qoengsak hanah, kami maeto angzoh boeh, tiah a thaih hoi pongah, paroeai poeknawm hoi ai.
11 So I came to Jerusalem, and was there three days.
Jerusalem ah ka caeh moe, to ah ni thumto ka cam pacoengah,
12 I arose in the night, I and a few men with me. I didn’t tell anyone what my God put into my heart to do for Jerusalem. There wasn’t any animal with me except the animal that I rode on.
ka taengah kaom kami zetta hoi nawnto aqum ah kholong ka caeh o; Jerusalem ah toksak hanah Sithaw mah palung thungah ang suek pae ih hmuen to mi khaeah doeh ka thui ai; kang thueng ih hrang khue ai ah loe, kalah hrang om ai.
13 I went out by night by the valley gate towards the jackal’s well, then to the dung gate; and I inspected the walls of Jerusalem, which were broken down, and its gates were consumed with fire.
Khoving naah azawn ih khongkha hoi Pahui tuikhaw taeng ih, Anghnoeng khongkha khoek to ka caeh moe, kamtimh Jerusalem tapangnawk hoi hmai mah kangh ih khongkhanawk to ka khet.
14 Then I went on to the spring gate and to the king’s pool, but there was no place for the animal that was under me to pass.
To pacoengah tuipuek ohhaih khongkha hoi siangpahrang ih tuili ohhaih bangah ka caeh poe; toe hrang caehhaih kakhawt ahmuen to om ai pongah,
15 Then I went up in the night by the brook and inspected the wall; and I turned back, and entered by the valley gate, and so returned.
aqum ah azawn ah ka caeh moe, tapangnawk to ka khet; kam laem let, azawn bang ih khongkha hoiah ka kun moe, kam laem let.
16 The rulers didn’t know where I went, or what I did. I had not as yet told it to the Jews, nor to the priests, nor to the nobles, nor to the rulers, nor to the rest who did the work.
Judahnawk, qaimanawk, araengh kasang angraengnawk, ukkungnawk hoi toksah kami, mi kawbaktih khaeah doeh lok ka thui pae ai pongah, naa ah maw ka caeh moe, timaw ka sak, tito ukkungnawk mah panoek o ai.
17 Then I said to them, “You see the bad situation that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are burnt with fire. Come, let’s build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we won’t be disgraced.”
Kam laem let naah loe nihcae khaeah, ka tongh o ih raihaih, Jerusalem amrohaih, hmai mah khongkhanawk kangh boihhaih kawng to ka thuih pae. Angzo oh, kasae thuihaih hoiah a oh o han ai ah, Jerusalem tapang hae sah o let si boeh, tiah ka naa.
18 I told them about the hand of my God which was good on me, and also about the king’s words that he had spoken to me. They said, “Let’s rise up and build.” So they strengthened their hands for the good work.
Sithaw tahmenhaih ka nuiah oh pongah, siangpahrang mah kai khaeah thuih ih loknawk to nihcae khaeah ka thuih pae naah, Nihcae mah, angthawk o si loe, sah o si boeh, tiah thuih o. To pongah tha pathok o moe, kahoih hae tok hae a sak amtong o.
19 But when Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite servant, and Geshem the Arabian, heard it, they ridiculed us and despised us, and said, “What is this thing that you are doing? Will you rebel against the king?”
Toe Horon kami Sanballat, Ammon kami angraeng Tobiah hoi Arab kami Geshem mah to lok to thaih o naah, kaicae to patoek moe, ang pahnuih hoi thuih. Timaw na sak o loe? Siangpahrang ih lok na aek o han maw? tiah ang naa hoi.
20 Then I answered them, and said to them, “The God of heaven will prosper us. Therefore we, his servants, will arise and build; but you have no portion, nor right, nor memorial in Jerusalem.”
Kai mah nihcae khaeah, Kaicae loe van Sithaw mah qoeng sak tih; a tamna ah kaom kaicae loe angthawk moe, ka sak o han; toe nangcae loe Jerusalem ah qawktoep hanah taham na tawn o ai, sakthaihaih doeh na tawn o ai moe, pakuem han koi tidoeh na tawn o ai, tiah ka naa.

< Nehemiah 2 >