< Hebrews 10 >

1 For the Torah, having a shadow of the good to come, not the very image of the things, can never with the same sacrifices year by year, which they offer continually, make perfect those who draw near.
Nkaambo mulawu mwenzwide bikupayilwayo wazikntu zibotu zichiza, kawutali chiimo loko pe chazintu eezi. Aabo baza kuli Leza tabakonzyi pe kululamikwa anzizyo zipayizyo nzibaswini kabapayila munyaka amunyaka.
2 Or else wouldn’t they have ceased to be offered, because the worshippers, having been once cleansed, would have had no more consciousness of sins?
Mulikumwi kwaamba konzo zipayizyo tezyaka yimikizigwa? Na kakuli boobo, na kazili zyasalazigwa zyamanina aatu, basykomi teensi balikunoba kabaziba zibi pe.
3 But in those sacrifices there is a yearly reminder of sins.
Pesi muzipayizyo eezi kuli kuyeezegwa kwazibi amunyaka amunyaka.
4 For it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins.
Nkaambo tazichiti pe kuti bulowa bwaba pule bang'ombe ampongo bumane milandu.
5 Therefore when he comes into the world, he says, “You didn’t desire sacrifice and offering, but you prepared a body for me.
Lino Kkilisito naakasika munyika, wakati, “Zipayizyho azipo tenzizyo nzwakayandisisya pe. Pesi, wakali mubili ngumwakandibambila.
6 You had no pleasure in whole burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin.
Kazitali muzipayizyho zitentedwe na zipayizyo zyazibi nzimwakabotelwa kulinzizyo.
7 Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come (in the scroll of the book it is written of me) to do your will, O God.’”
Mpawo ndakati, 'Langa, ndasika, mbuli mukulembedwe atala andime mumalembe, chita kuyanda kwako.'”
8 Previously saying, “Sacrifices and offerings and whole burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin you didn’t desire, neither had pleasure in them” (those which are offered according to the Torah),
Kakutanguna wakati, “Teensi zipayizyo pe, na zipo, niziba zyoonse zipayizyo zyakuumpa, mna zipayizyo zyazibi nzimwakalikuyanda. Na kubotelwa mulinzizyo.” Eezi nzezipayizyo zipegwa kwiinda mumulawu.
9 then he has said, “Behold, I have come to do your will.” He takes away the first, that he may establish the second,
Mpawo wakati, “Langa mpawa ndili wano kuti ndichite lkuyanda kwenu.” Wakagwisya mabelekelo mataanzi kuti asangune mabelekelo aabili.
10 by which will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Yeshua the Messiah once for all.
Munzila eeyi, twakasalazigwa kwiinda mukupayilwa kwamubili wa Jesu Kkilisitu mpawo kwamanina aatu.
11 Every priest indeed stands day by day serving and offering often the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins,
Kulilimwi bbazu, buzuba abuzuba, awumwi mupayizi ulayimikila kubelekela Leza. Ukkede kapayila zipayizyo nzizyo nzizyo, nikuba tazikwe nizisalazya zibi pe.
12 but he, when he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God,
Kúli limwi bbazu, Kkilisito wakapayila chipayizyo chomwe kwa lyoonse, wakakkala ansi kululyo lwa Leza.
13 from that time waiting until his enemies are made the footstool of his feet.
Ulilindide mane basinkondonyina bakachitwe chilyatilizyo chamawulu aakwe.
14 For by one offering he has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.
Nkaambo achipayizyo chomwe wakalulamika aabo balikusalazigwa.
15 The Holy Spirit also testifies to us, for after saying,
Alimwi Muuya Uusalala ulatwaambilila kulindiswe. Nkaambno usanguna kati,
16 “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days,” says the Lord, “I will put my laws on their heart, I will also write them on their mind;” then he says,
“Eechi nchechizuminano nchesikachite aabo musule lyawayo mazuba ayo, mbawamba Mwami. Ndiyobikka milawu yangu mumyoyo akwilemba mumizeezo yabo
17 “I will remember their sins and their iniquities no more.”
Taakwe nesikaziyeeye lubo pe zibi zyabo.”
18 Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin.
Lino aawo ali kulekelelwa kwabaaba, taachikwe nikucheelede zipayizyo zyazibi pe.
19 Having therefore, brothers, boldness to enter into the holy place by the blood of Yeshua,
Aboobo, bana bakwesu, twaba achaamba chakunjila mubusena busalalisya nkaambo kabulowa bwa Jesu.
20 by the way which he dedicated for us, a new and living way, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh,
Njenzila mpya yakupomna njatujulila kwiinda mudyembo nkukwaambo kuti mubili wakwe.
21 and having a great priest over God’s house,
Nkaambo tujis mupayizi mupati kampatila wang'anda ya Leza,
22 let’s draw near with a true heart in fullness of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and having our body washed with pure water,
atunjile amyooyo yachoonzyo amulusyomo luzwide, moyo yesu kiisaledekuzwa kumizeezo amibili yesu kisanzizigwe amaanzi aaslala.
23 let’s hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering; for he who promised is faithful.
Alukbo ngatujatisye katutazungani kubulangizi mbutulingulula, nkaambo ooyo wakasyomezya ulisyomekede.
24 Let’s consider how to provoke one another to love and good works,
Tuyeesesye mbutunga tulasungwaazyania umwi awumi mumilimu yaluyando.
25 not forsaking our own assembling together, as the custom of some is, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
Tutanoleki kuswaanana, mbuli mbubakaleka bamwi. Pesoi agtusungwaazyanie umwi awumwi mukuvula akwiinkila kunembo mbuli mbumukubwene kuti buzuba bwaba afwiifwi.
26 For if we sin wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more a sacrifice for sins,
Kuti na twachita chibi achaali musule akutambula busongo akasimpe, chipayizyo chazibi tachichiwo pe.
27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgement, and a fierceness of fire which will devour the adversaries.
Pele kwasyaala biyo kubetekwa kuyoosya, abukali bwamulilo buyotenta basinkondonyina ba Leza.
28 A man who disregards the Torah of Moses dies without compassion on the word of two or three witnesses.
Kufumbwa uukaka mulawu wa Mozesi ulafwa katausilwi pe kakuli bakamboni babili na nbatatu.
29 How much worse punishment do you think he will be judged worthy of who has trodden under foot the Son of God, and has counted the blood of the covenant with which he was sanctified an unholy thing, and has insulted the Spirit of grace?
Muyeeya kuti nga chilatana aali chisubulo chipegwa ooyo wakaba kunsi lyamawulu aMwana wa Leza, oyo wakabweza bulowa bwachizuminano mbuli butasalede, - bulowa bulimbubo bwakamululamika - mpawo wakatukila Muuya waluzyalo?
30 For we know him who said, “Vengeance belongs to me. I will repay,” says the Lord. Again, “The Lord will judge his people.”
Nkaambo tulimuzi wakati, “Kukolotya nkukwangu; ndiyobbadala.” Alubo, Mwami uyobeteka bantu bakwe.”
31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Nchintu chiyoosya kuwida mumaboko a Leza uupona.
32 But remember the former days, in which, after you were enlightened, you endured a great struggle with sufferings:
Pesi aukayeeye mazuba akusanguna nimwakajana mumuni, kuti mwakasima biyeni mukulwana amukoomba.
33 partly, being exposed to both reproaches and oppressions, and partly, becoming partakers with those who were treated so.
Mwakaba akusampawoulwa aluundu akupenzegwa, alimwi mwakali kwaabilana abaabo bamwi bakiinda mubusampawuzi amapenzi aya.
34 For you both had compassion on me in my chains and joyfully accepted the plundering of your possessions, knowing that you have for yourselves a better possession and an enduring one in the heavens.
Nkaambo mwakali aluse kuli aabo bakangidwe alimwi mwakali kutambula amoyo omwe kunyanzigwa zintu zyenu. Mwakalizi lwanu kuti mwakalizi kuti mulijis lubono lutamani.
35 Therefore don’t throw away your boldness, which has a great reward.
Aboobo tamusowi chaamba chenu, chijyoomweetela mpindu mpati.
36 For you need endurance so that, having done the will of God, you may receive the promise.
Nkaambo muyanda kuba akukakatila, kuchitila kuti mukatambule eezyo Leza nzyakamusyhomezya, kamuli mwachita luyando lwakwe.
37 “In a very little while, he who comes will come and will not wait.
“Nkaambo muchiindi chifwiifwi chimboola, ooyo uzabuza ulasika alimwi tachedwi pe.
38 But the righteous one will live by faith. If he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him.”
Mululami wangu uyoopona alusyomo. Naayoowa, nsikoyoomubotelwa pe.”
39 But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the saving of the soul.
Pesi tatuli babaabo bawa pe kababweeda kukunyonyoonwa. Pesi, tuli bamwi babaabo bajisi lusyomo lwakubamba myuuya yesu.

< Hebrews 10 >