< Exodus 22 >

1 “If a man steals an ox or a sheep, and kills it or sells it, he shall pay five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep.
Əgǝr birsi bir kala yaki ⱪoyni oƣrilap, uni soysa ya setiwǝtsǝ, u bir kalining orniƣa bǝx kala, bir ⱪoyning orniƣa tɵt ⱪoy tɵlisun.
2 If the thief is found breaking in, and is struck so that he dies, there shall be no guilt of bloodshed for him.
Oƣri tam tǝxkǝndǝ tutulup ⱪelip, tayaⱪ yǝp ɵlüp ⱪalsa, ɵltürgüqigǝ hun jazasi kǝlmisun.
3 If the sun has risen on him, he is guilty of bloodshed. He shall make restitution. If he has nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.
Lekin xu wǝⱪǝ bolƣan pǝyttǝ kün qiⱪip ⱪalƣan bolsa, undaⱪta ɵltürgüqi hun jazasiƣa tartilsun. Oƣri oƣriliƣinini tɵlǝp ziyanni toluⱪlap berixi kerǝk; uningda bir nemǝ bolmisa, ⱪulluⱪⱪa setilip, oƣriliƣan nǝrsini tɵlixi kerǝk.
4 If the stolen property is found in his hand alive, whether it is ox, donkey, or sheep, he shall pay double.
Oƣri tutulƣanda oƣriliƣan nǝrsǝ, kala bolsun, exǝk bolsun, ⱪoy bolsun uning ⱪolida tirik ⱨalǝttǝ tepilsa, u ikki ⱨǝssǝ ⱪimmǝttǝ tɵlǝp bǝrsun.
5 “If a man causes a field or vineyard to be eaten by letting his animal loose, and it grazes in another man’s field, he shall make restitution from the best of his own field, and from the best of his own vineyard.
Əgǝr birsi ɵz mal-qarwilirini etizliⱪⱪa yaki üzümzarliⱪⱪa otlaxⱪa ⱪoyuwetip, baxⱪilarning baƣ-etizliⱪida otlaxⱪa yol ⱪoysa, undaⱪta u ɵzining ǝng esil mǝⱨsulatliridin yaki üzümzarliⱪining ǝng esil mewisidin ziyanni tɵlǝp bǝrsun.
6 “If fire breaks out, and catches in thorns so that the shocks of grain, or the standing grain, or the field are consumed; he who kindled the fire shall surely make restitution.
Əgǝr ot ketip, tikǝnlikkǝ tutixip ketip, andin ɵnqilǝrni, bax tartip pixⱪan ziraǝtni kɵydürüp, pütkül etizliⱪni kül ⱪiliwǝtsǝ, undaⱪta ot ⱪoyƣuqi barliⱪ ziyanni tɵlǝp bǝrsun.
7 “If a man delivers to his neighbour money or stuff to keep, and it is stolen out of the man’s house, if the thief is found, he shall pay double.
Əgǝr birsi ⱪoxnisiƣa pul yaki mal-dunyasini amanǝt ⱪilƣan bolsa, bular ɵyidin oƣrilinip kǝtsǝ, xundaⱪla oƣri keyin tutulsa, u oƣriliƣinini ikki ⱨǝssǝ ⱪimmǝttǝ tɵlǝp bǝrsun.
8 If the thief isn’t found, then the master of the house shall come near to God, to find out whether or not he has put his hand on his neighbour’s goods.
Lekin oƣri tepilmisa, ɵy igisining ⱪoxnisining meliƣa ⱪol tǝgküzgǝn ya tǝgküzmigǝnliki mǝlum bolsun dǝp, ⱨakimlarning aldiƣa kǝltürülsun.
9 For every matter of trespass, whether it is for ox, for donkey, for sheep, for clothing, or for any kind of lost thing, about which one says, ‘This is mine,’ the cause of both parties shall come before God. He whom God condemns shall pay double to his neighbour.
Ⱨǝrhil hiyanǝt, u mǝyli kala, exǝk, ⱪoy, kiyim-keqǝk bolsun, yittürüp ⱪoyƣan nǝrsǝ bolsun, ular toƣruluⱪ bir ⱪoxnisi: «ǝmǝliyǝttǝ mundaⱪ idi» dǝp talaxⱪan bolsa, ⱨǝr ikkisining dǝwasi ⱨakimlarning aldiƣa kǝltürülsun; ⱨakimlar ⱪaysiƣa gunaⱨ bekitsǝ, xu ⱪoxnisiƣa ikki ⱨǝssǝ ⱪimmǝttǝ tɵlǝp bǝrsun.
10 “If a man delivers to his neighbour a donkey, an ox, a sheep, or any animal to keep, and it dies or is injured, or driven away, no man seeing it;
Əgǝr birsi ⱪoxnisiƣa exǝk, kala, ⱪoy yaki baxⱪa bir qarpayni amanǝt ⱪilsa, bu amanǝt meli kixi kɵrmǝy ɵlüp kǝtsǝ, yaki zǝhimlǝnsǝ, yaki ⱨǝydǝp ǝkitilsǝ,
11 the oath of the LORD shall be between them both, he has not put his hand on his neighbour’s goods; and its owner shall accept it, and he shall not make restitution.
undaⱪta ⱪoxnisining meliƣa ⱪol tǝgküzgǝn ya tǝgküzmigǝnliki mǝlum bolsun dǝp, Pǝrwǝrdigarning aldida ularning otturisida bir ⱪǝsǝm iqürülsun. Mal igisi bu ⱪǝsǝmni ⱪobul ⱪilsun; ⱪoxnisi uningƣa tɵlǝm tɵlǝp bǝrmisun.
12 But if it is stolen from him, the one who stole shall make restitution to its owner.
Lekin mal oƣrilanƣan bolsa, u igisigǝ tɵlǝp bǝrsun.
13 If it is torn in pieces, let him bring it for evidence. He shall not make good that which was torn.
Əgǝr uni wǝⱨxiy ⱨaywan boƣup ⱪoyƣan bolsa, u malning ⱪalduⱪini guwaⱨliⱪ üqün kɵrsitip, uni tɵlǝp bǝrmisimu bolidu.
14 “If a man borrows anything of his neighbour’s, and it is injured, or dies, its owner not being with it, he shall surely make restitution.
Əgǝr birsi ⱪoxnisidin bir ulaƣni ɵtnǝ elip, ulaƣ igisi yoⱪ yǝrdǝ zǝhimlǝnsǝ yaki ɵlüp ⱪalsa, ɵtnǝ alƣuqi toluⱪ tɵlǝp bǝrsun.
15 If its owner is with it, he shall not make it good. If it is a leased thing, it came for its lease.
Lekin igisi nǝⱪ mǝydanda bolsa, ɵtnǝ alƣuqi tɵlǝp bǝrmisun; ulaƣ ijarigǝ elinƣan bolsa, alƣuqi tɵlǝm tɵlimisun; qünki uni ijarǝ tɵlǝp ǝkǝlgǝn.
16 “If a man entices a virgin who isn’t pledged to be married, and lies with her, he shall surely pay a dowry for her to be his wife.
Əgǝr bir adǝm tehi yatliⱪ bolmiƣan bir ⱪizni azdurup, uning bilǝn billǝ yatsa, undaⱪta u uning toyluⱪini berixi kerǝk, andin uni hotunluⱪⱪa alsun.
17 If her father utterly refuses to give her to him, he shall pay money according to the dowry of virgins.
Lekin ⱪizning atisi uni uningƣa bǝrgili unimisa, zina ⱪilƣuqi pak ⱪizlarning toyluⱪiƣa barawǝr kelidiƣan kümüx pulni tarazida ɵlqǝp bǝrsun.
18 “You shall not allow a sorceress to live.
Jadugǝr hotunni tirik ⱪoymiƣin.
19 “Whoever has sex with an animal shall surely be put to death.
Ⱨaywan bilǝn jinsiy munasiwǝt ɵtküzgǝn ⱨǝrbiri jǝzmǝn ɵlümgǝ mǝⱨkum ⱪilinsun.
20 “He who sacrifices to any god, except to the LORD only, shall be utterly destroyed.
Kimdǝkim birdinbir Pǝrwǝrdigardin baxⱪa ⱨǝrⱪandaⱪ ilaⱨƣa ⱪurbanliⱪ sunsa, ⱨaram dǝp mutlǝⱪ ⱨalakǝtkǝ mǝⱨkum ⱪilinsun.
21 “You shall not wrong an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.
Silǝrmu Misirda musapir bolup turƣanikǝnsilǝr, musapir bolƣan kixini ⱨeq harlimanglar wǝ yaki uningƣa ⱨeq zulum ⱪilmanglar.
22 “You shall not take advantage of any widow or fatherless child.
Ⱨǝrⱪandaⱪ tul hotun yaki yetim balini horlimanglar.
23 If you take advantage of them at all, and they cry at all to me, I will surely hear their cry;
Sǝn ularni ⱨǝrⱪandaⱪ tǝrǝptǝ horlisang, ular manga pǝryad kɵtürsǝ, Mǝn ularning awazini qoⱪum anglaymǝn;
24 and my wrath will grow hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.
xuning bilǝn ƣǝzipim tutixip, silǝrni ⱪiliqlap ɵltürimǝn, silǝrning hotunliringlar tul ⱪilinip, baliliringlar yetim bolup ⱪalidu.
25 “If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be to him as a creditor. You shall not charge him interest.
Əgǝr sǝn Mening hǝlⱪimning iqidin sanga ⱪoxna bolƣan kǝmbǝƣǝlgǝ ⱪǝrz bǝrgǝn bolsang, uningƣa jazanihorlardǝk muamilǝ ⱪilmiƣin; uningdin ɵsüm almanglar.
26 If you take your neighbour’s garment as collateral, you shall restore it to him before the sun goes down,
Əgǝr sǝn ⱪoxnangning qapinini gɵrügǝ alƣan bolsang, kün olturmasta uningƣa yandurup bǝr.
27 for that is his only covering, it is his garment for his skin. What would he sleep in? It will happen, when he cries to me, that I will hear, for I am gracious.
Qünki qapini uning birdinbir yepinqisi bolup, bǝdinini yapidiƣan kiyim xudur. U bolmisa, u nemini yepinip yatidu? Bu sǝwǝbtin Manga pǝryad ⱪilsa, pǝryadini anglaymǝn; qünki Mǝn xǝpⱪǝtlikturmǝn.
28 “You shall not blaspheme God, nor curse a ruler of your people.
Hudaƣa kupurluⱪ ⱪilma, wǝ hǝlⱪingning ǝmirlirinimu ⱪarƣap tillima.
29 “You shall not delay to offer from your harvest and from the outflow of your presses. “You shall give the firstborn of your sons to me.
Haminingning ⱨosulining axⱪinidin wǝ xarab-zǝytun meyi kɵlqikingdin taxⱪinidin Manga ⱨǝdiyǝ sunuxni ⱨayal ⱪilmiƣin. Sǝn oƣulliringning tunjisini Manga atiƣin.
30 You shall do likewise with your cattle and with your sheep. It shall be with its mother seven days, then on the eighth day you shall give it to me.
Kala bilǝn ⱪoyliringning tunji balilirinimu ⱨǝm xundaⱪ atiƣin; tunji bala yǝttǝ küngiqǝ anisi bilǝn billǝ tursun; ǝmma sǝkkizinqi küni uni Manga atap sunƣin.
31 “You shall be holy men to me, therefore you shall not eat any meat that is torn by animals in the field. You shall cast it to the dogs.
Silǝr Manga atalƣan muⱪǝddǝs kixilǝr bolisilǝr; xunga dalada yirtⱪuq ⱨaywan tǝripidin boƣulƣan ⱨaywanning gɵxini yemǝnglar, bǝlki uni itlarƣa taxlap beringlar.

< Exodus 22 >