< 2 Corinthians 3 >

1 Are we beginning again to commend ourselves? Or do we need, as do some, letters of commendation to you or from you?
وَیَں کِمْ آتْمَپْرَشَںسَنَں پُنَرارَبھامَہے؟ یُشْمانْ پْرَتِ یُشْمَتّو وا پَریشاں کیشانْچِدْ اِواسْماکَمَپِ کِں پْرَشَںساپَتْریشُ پْرَیوجَنَمْ آسْتے؟
2 You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men,
یُویَمیواسْماکَں پْرَشَںساپَتْرَں تَچّاسْماکَمْ اَنْتَحکَرَنیشُ لِکھِتَں سَرْوَّمانَوَیشْچَ جْنییَں پَٹھَنِییَنْچَ۔
3 being revealed that you are a letter of Messiah, served by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tablets of stone, but in tablets that are hearts of flesh.
یَتو سْمابھِح سیوِتَں کھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ پَتْرَں یُویَپیوَ، تَچَّ نَ مَسْیا کِنْتْوَمَرَسْییشْوَرَسْیاتْمَنا لِکھِتَں پاشانَپَتْریشُ تَنَّہِ کِنْتُ کْرَوْیَمَییشُ ہرِتْپَتْریشُ لِکھِتَمِتِ سُسْپَشْٹَں۔
4 Such confidence we have through Messiah towards God,
کھْرِیشْٹینیشْوَرَں پْرَتْیَسْماکَمْ اِیدرِشو درِڈھَوِشْواسو وِدْیَتے؛
5 not that we are sufficient of ourselves to account anything as from ourselves; but our sufficiency is from God,
وَیَں نِجَگُنینَ کِمَپِ کَلْپَیِتُں سَمَرْتھا اِتِ نَہِ کِنْتْوِیشْوَرادَسْماکَں سامَرْتھْیَں جایَتے۔
6 who also made us sufficient as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
تینَ وَیَں نُوتَنَنِیَمَسْیارْتھَتو کْشَرَسَںسْتھانَسْیَ تَنَّہِ کِنْتْواتْمَنَ ایوَ سیوَنَسامَرْتھْیَں پْراپْتاح۔ اَکْشَرَسَںسْتھانَں مرِتْیُجَنَکَں کِنْتْواتْما جِیوَنَدایَکَح۔
7 But if the service of death, written engraved on stones, came with glory, so that the children of Israel could not look steadfastly on the face of Moses for the glory of his face, which was passing away,
اَکْشَرَے رْوِلِکھِتَپاشانَرُوپِنِی یا مرِتْیوح سیوا سا یَدِیدرِکْ تیجَسْوِنِی جاتا یَتَّسْیاچِرَسْتھایِنَسْتیجَسَح کارَناتْ مُوسَسو مُکھَمْ اِسْراییلِییَلوکَیح سَںدْرَشْٹُں ناشَکْیَتَ،
8 won’t service of the Spirit be with much more glory?
تَرْہْیاتْمَنَح سیوا کِں تَتوپِ بَہُتیجَسْوِنِی نَ بھَویتْ؟
9 For if the service of condemnation has glory, the service of righteousness exceeds much more in glory.
دَنْڈَجَنِکا سیوا یَدِ تیجویُکْتا بھَویتْ تَرْہِ پُنْیَجَنِکا سیوا تَتودھِکَں بَہُتیجویُکْتا بھَوِشْیَتِ۔
10 For most certainly that which has been made glorious has not been made glorious in this respect, by reason of the glory that surpasses.
اُبھَیوسْتُلَنایاں کرِتایامْ ایکَسْیاسْتیجو دْوِتِییایاح پْرَکھَرَتَرینَ تیجَسا ہِینَتیجو بھَوَتِ۔
11 For if that which passes away was with glory, much more that which remains is in glory.
یَسْمادْ یَتْ لوپَنِییَں تَدْ یَدِ تیجویُکْتَں بھَویتْ تَرْہِ یَتْ چِرَسْتھایِ تَدْ بَہُتَرَتیجویُکْتَمیوَ بھَوِشْیَتِ۔
12 Having therefore such a hope, we use great boldness of speech,
اِیدرِشِیں پْرَتْیاشاں لَبْدھْوا وَیَں مَہَتِیں پْرَگَلْبھَتاں پْرَکاشَیامَح۔
13 and not as Moses, who put a veil on his face so that the children of Israel wouldn’t look steadfastly on the end of that which was passing away.
اِسْراییلِییَلوکا یَتْ تَسْیَ لوپَنِییَسْیَ تیجَسَح شیشَں نَ وِلوکَیییُسْتَدَرْتھَں مُوسا یادرِگْ آوَرَنینَ سْوَمُکھَمْ آچّھادَیَتْ وَیَں تادرِکْ نَ کُرْمَّح۔
14 But their minds were hardened, for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant the same veil remains, because in Messiah it passes away.
تیشاں مَناںسِ کَٹھِنِیبھُوتانِ یَتَسْتیشاں پَٹھَنَسَمَیے سَ پُراتَنو نِیَمَسْتیناوَرَنینادْیاپِ پْرَچّھَنَّسْتِشْٹھَتِ۔
15 But to this day, when Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart.
تَچَّ نَ دُورِیبھَوَتِ یَتَح کھْرِیشْٹینَیوَ تَتْ لُپْیَتے۔ مُوسَسَح شاسْتْرَسْیَ پاٹھَسَمَیےدْیاپِ تیشاں مَناںسِ تیناوَرَنینَ پْرَچّھادْیَنْتے۔
16 But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.
کِنْتُ پْرَبھُں پْرَتِ مَنَسِ پَراورِتّے تَدْ آوَرَنَں دُورِیکارِشْیَتے۔
17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
یَح پْرَبھُح سَ ایوَ سَ آتْما یَتْرَ چَ پْرَبھوراتْما تَتْرَیوَ مُکْتِح۔
18 But we all, with unveiled face seeing the glory of the Lord as in a mirror, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord, the Spirit.
وَیَنْچَ سَرْوّےناچّھادِتیناسْیینَ پْرَبھوسْتیجَسَح پْرَتِبِمْبَں گرِہْلَنْتَ آتْمَسْوَرُوپینَ پْرَبھُنا رُوپانْتَرِیکرِتا وَرْدّھَمانَتیجویُکْتاں تامیوَ پْرَتِمُورْتِّں پْراپْنُمَح۔

< 2 Corinthians 3 >