< Psalms 9 >

1 For the Chief Musician. Set to “The Death of the Son.” A Psalm by David. I will give thanks to Yahweh with my whole heart. I will tell of all your marvelous works.
Nkunga Davidi kuidi pfumu minyimbidi mu lufua lu muana. Ndiela kuzitisa, a Yave, mu ntimꞌama wumvimba. Ndiela yamikisa matsiminanga maku moso.
2 I will be glad and rejoice in you. I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.
Ndiela mona khini ayi ndiela sakadala mu ngeyo, Ndiela yimbidila nzitusu mu diambu di dizina diaku, ngeyo Nzambi wuzangama.
3 When my enemies turn back, they stumble and perish in your presence.
Bambeni ziama balembo vutukisa ku manima, balembo bumina zithutu ayi balembo bungana va ntualꞌaku.
4 For you have maintained my just cause. You sit on the throne judging righteously.
Bila ngeyo wunzengidi nkanu mu busonga, wudedisidi mambu mama; ngeyo wuvuendi va kundu kiaku ki kipfumu mu sambisa mu busonga.
5 You have rebuked the nations. You have destroyed the wicked. You have blotted out their name forever and ever.
Ngeyo wutemina makanda, wubunga mutu wumbimbi, wukubula mvimba mazina mawu mu zithangu zioso.
6 The enemy is overtaken by endless ruin. The very memory of the cities which you have overthrown has perished.
Mbivusu yikambulu tsukulu yibuididi bambeni; wutiolumuna mavula mawu ayi malendi buela tebukulu moyo ko.
7 But Yahweh reigns forever. He has prepared his throne for judgment.
Yave wunyalanga mu zithangu zioso; wukubika kundu kiandi ki kipfumu mu diambu di sambisa.
8 He will judge the world in righteousness. He will administer judgment to the peoples in uprightness.
Wela sambisa nza mu busonga, wela yadila batu mu bufuana.
9 Yahweh will also be a high tower for the oppressed; a high tower in times of trouble.
Yave niandi suamunu ki mutu weti yamusu; suamunu kingolo mu thangu yi ziphasi.
10 Those who know your name will put their trust in you, for you, Yahweh, have not forsaken those who seek you.
Babo bazebi dizina diaku, bela tula diana diawu mu ngeyo. Bila ngeyo, Yave, wuyekulanga ko bobo bakutombanga.
11 Sing praises to Yahweh, who dwells in Zion, and declare among the people what he has done.
Luyimbidila Yave minzitusu mutu wowo wukala ku Sioni; yamikisanu mambu mandi kavanga muidi makanda.
12 For he who avenges blood remembers them. He doesn’t forget the cry of the afflicted.
Bila mutu wowo wumvutulanga landi mu diambu di menga matengolo wuntebukanga moyo; kazimbakananga ko yamikina ku batu badi mu phasi.
13 Have mercy on me, Yahweh. See my affliction by those who hate me, and lift me up from the gates of death,
A Yave, tala buevi bambeni ziama balembo ndiamisa wumboni kiadi ayi wundanguna mu mielo mi lufua.
14 that I may show all of your praise. I will rejoice in your salvation in the gates of the daughter of Zion.
Muingi ndiyamikisa minzitusu miaku mu mielo mi muana ndumba wu Sioni, muingi ndimona khini mu phulusu aku.
15 The nations have sunk down in the pit that they made. In the net which they hid, their own foot is taken.
Makanda mabuidi mu dibulu dinneni diodi bakaba; malu mawu mabakini mu dikondi diodi batamba.
16 Yahweh has made himself known. He has executed judgment. The wicked is snared by the work of his own hands. (Meditation, Selah)
Yave wukimonikisidi, mu busonga buandi; mutu wumbimbi wukangimini mu mavanga ma mioko miandi.
17 The wicked shall be turned back to Sheol, even all the nations that forget God. (Sheol h7585)
Batu bambimbi balembo vutuki ku tsi bafua, makanda moso momo mazimbakana Nzambi. (Sheol h7585)
18 For the needy shall not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the poor perish forever.
Vayi nsukami kalendi tumbu zimbukunu ko ayi diana di batu badi mu phasi dilendi tumbu lalakana ko.
19 Arise, Yahweh! Don’t let man prevail. Let the nations be judged in your sight.
A Yave, telama! Bika mutu kabika nunga! Bika makanda masambusu va meso maku.
20 Put them in fear, Yahweh. Let the nations know that they are only men. (Selah)
A Yave, wubabuisila tsisi! Bika makanda mazaba ti badi kaka batu.

< Psalms 9 >