< Mark 4 >

1 Again he began to teach by the seaside. A great multitude was gathered to him, so that he entered into a boat in the sea and sat down. All the multitude were on the land by the sea.
I opet poèe uèiti kod mora, i skupiše se oko njega ljudi mnogi tako da mora uæi u laðu, i sjediti na moru; a narod sav bijaše na zemlji kraj mora.
2 He taught them many things in parables, and told them in his teaching,
I uèaše ih u prièama mnogo, i govoraše im u nauci svojoj:
3 “Listen! Behold, the farmer went out to sow.
Slušajte: evo iziðe sijaè da sije.
4 As he sowed, some seed fell by the road, and the birds came and devoured it.
I kad sijaše dogodi se da jedno pade ukraj puta, i doðoše ptice i pozobaše ga.
5 Others fell on the rocky ground, where it had little soil, and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of soil.
A drugo pade na kamenito mjesto gdje ne bijaše mnogo zemlje; i odmah iznièe; jer ne bijaše u dubinu zemlje:
6 When the sun had risen, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away.
A kad obasja sunce, uvenu, i buduæi da nemaše korijena, usahnu.
7 Others fell among the thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no fruit.
I drugo pade u trnje; i naraste trnje i udavi ga, i ne donese roda.
8 Others fell into the good ground and yielded fruit, growing up and increasing. Some produced thirty times, some sixty times, and some one hundred times as much.”
I drugo pade na zemlju dobru; i davaše rod koji napredovaše i rastijaše i donošaše po trideset i po šeset i po sto.
9 He said, “Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear.”
I reèe: ko ima uši da èuje neka èuje.
10 When he was alone, those who were around him with the twelve asked him about the parables.
A kad osta sam, zapitaše ga koji bijahu s njim i sa dvanaestoricom za ovu prièu.
11 He said to them, “To you is given the mystery of God’s Kingdom, but to those who are outside, all things are done in parables,
I reèe im: vama je dano da znate tajne carstva Božijega, a onima napolju sve u prièama biva;
12 that ‘seeing they may see and not perceive, and hearing they may hear and not understand, lest perhaps they should turn again, and their sins should be forgiven them.’”
Da oèima gledaju i da ne vide, i da ušima slušaju i da ne razumiju; da se kako ne obrate i da im se ne oproste grijesi.
13 He said to them, “Don’t you understand this parable? How will you understand all of the parables?
I reèe im: zar ne razumijete ove prièe? A kako æete sve prièe razumjeti?
14 The farmer sows the word.
Sijaè rijeè sije.
15 The ones by the road are the ones where the word is sown; and when they have heard, immediately Satan comes and takes away the word which has been sown in them.
A ono su kraj puta, gdje se sije rijeè i kad je èuju odmah doðe sotona i otme rijeè posijanu u srcima njihovijem.
16 These in the same way are those who are sown on the rocky places, who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with joy.
Tako su i ono što se sije na kamenitijem mjestima koji kad èuju rijeè odmah je prime s radošæu;
17 They have no root in themselves, but are short-lived. When oppression or persecution arises because of the word, immediately they stumble.
Ali nemaju korijena u sebi, nego su nepostojani, pa kad bude do nevolje ili ih potjeraju rijeèi radi, odmah se sablazne.
18 Others are those who are sown among the thorns. These are those who have heard the word,
A ono su što se u trnju sije koji slušaju rijeè,
19 and the cares of this age, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. (aiōn g165)
Ali brige ovoga svijeta i prijevara bogatstva i ostale slasti uðu i zaguše rijeè, i bez roda ostane. (aiōn g165)
20 Those which were sown on the good ground are those who hear the word, accept it, and bear fruit, some thirty times, some sixty times, and some one hundred times.”
A ono su što se na dobroj zemlji sije koji slušaju rijeè i primaju, i donose rod po trideset i po šeset i po sto.
21 He said to them, “Is a lamp brought to be put under a basket or under a bed? Isn’t it put on a stand?
I govoraše im: eda li se svijeæa užiže da se metne pod sud ili pod odar? a ne da se na svijetnjak metne?
22 For there is nothing hidden except that it should be made known, neither was anything made secret but that it should come to light.
Jer nema ništa tajno što neæe biti javno; niti ima što sakriveno što neæe iziæi na vidjelo.
23 If any man has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Ako ima ko uši da èuje neka èuje.
24 He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you; and more will be given to you who hear.
I govoraše im: pamtite što èujete: kakom mjerom mjerite onakom æe vam se mjeriti i dometnuæe se vama koji slušate.
25 For whoever has, to him more will be given; and he who doesn’t have, even that which he has will be taken away from him.”
Jer ko ima, daæe mu se; a koji nema, uzeæe mu se i ono što ima.
26 He said, “God’s Kingdom is as if a man should cast seed on the earth,
I govoraše im: tako je carstvo Božije kao èovjek kad baci sjeme u zemlju;
27 and should sleep and rise night and day, and the seed should spring up and grow, though he doesn’t know how.
I spava i ustaje noæu i danju; i sjeme nièe i raste, da ne zna on.
28 For the earth bears fruit by itself: first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.
Jer zemlja sama od sebe najprije donese travu, potom klas, pa onda ispuni pšenicu u klasu.
29 But when the fruit is ripe, immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.”
A kad sazri rod, odmah pošlje srp; jer nasta žetva.
30 He said, “How will we liken God’s Kingdom? Or with what parable will we illustrate it?
I govoraše: kakvo æemo kazati da je carstvo Božije? ili u kakvoj æemo ga prièi iskazati?
31 It’s like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, though it is less than all the seeds that are on the earth,
Ono je kao zrno gorušièno koje kad se posije u zemlju manje je od sviju sjemena na zemlji;
32 yet when it is sown, grows up and becomes greater than all the herbs, and puts out great branches, so that the birds of the sky can lodge under its shadow.”
A kad se posije, uzraste i bude veæe od svega povræa, i pusti grane velike da mogu u njegovu hladu ptice nebeske življeti.
33 With many such parables he spoke the word to them, as they were able to hear it.
I takovijem mnogijem prièama kazivaše im rijeè koliko mogahu slušati.
34 Without a parable he didn’t speak to them; but privately to his own disciples he explained everything.
A bez prièa ne govoraše im ni rijeèi. A uèenicima osobito kazivaše sve.
35 On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let’s go over to the other side.”
I reèe im onaj dan uveèe: hajdemo na onu stranu.
36 Leaving the multitude, they took him with them, even as he was, in the boat. Other small boats were also with him.
I otpustivši narod uzeše ga kako bješe u laði; a i druge laðe bijahu s njim.
37 A big wind storm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so much that the boat was already filled.
I postade velika oluja; i valovi tako zaljevahu u laðu da se veæ napuni.
38 He himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and asked him, “Teacher, don’t you care that we are dying?”
A on na krmi spavaše na uzglavlju; i probudiše ga, i rekoše mu: uèitelju! zar ti ne mariš što ginemo?
39 He awoke and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” The wind ceased and there was a great calm.
I ustavši zaprijeti vjetru, i reèe moru: æuti, prestani. I utoli vjetar, i postade tišina velika.
40 He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? How is it that you have no faith?”
I reèe im: zašto ste tako strašljivi? Kako nemate vjere.
41 They were greatly afraid and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”
I uplašiše se vrlo, i govorahu jedan drugome: ko je ovaj dakle da ga i vjetar i more slušaju?

< Mark 4 >