< Luke 9 >

1 He called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases.
تَتَح پَرَں سَ دْوادَشَشِشْیاناہُویَ بھُوتانْ تْیاجَیِتُں روگانْ پْرَتِکَرْتُّنْچَ تیبھْیَح شَکْتِمادھِپَتْیَنْچَ دَدَو۔
2 He sent them out to preach God’s Kingdom and to heal the sick.
اَپَرَنْچَ اِیشْوَرِییَراجْیَسْیَ سُسَںوادَں پْرَکاشَیِتُمْ روگِناماروگْیَں کَرْتُّنْچَ پْریرَنَکالے تانْ جَگادَ۔
3 He said to them, “Take nothing for your journey—no staffs, nor wallet, nor bread, nor money. Don’t have two tunics each.
یاتْرارْتھَں یَشْٹِ رْوَسْتْرَپُٹَکَں بھَکْشْیَں مُدْرا دْوِتِییَوَسْتْرَمْ، ایشاں کِمَپِ ما گرِہْلِیتَ۔
4 Into whatever house you enter, stay there, and depart from there.
یُویَنْچَ یَنِّویشَنَں پْرَوِشَتھَ نَگَرَتْیاگَپَرْیَّنَتَں تَنِّویشَنے تِشْٹھَتَ۔
5 As many as don’t receive you, when you depart from that city, shake off even the dust from your feet for a testimony against them.”
تَتْرَ یَدِ کَسْیَچِتْ پُرَسْیَ لوکا یُشْماکَماتِتھْیَں نَ کُرْوَّنْتِ تَرْہِ تَسْمانَّگَرادْ گَمَنَکالے تیشاں وِرُدّھَں ساکْشْیارْتھَں یُشْماکَں پَدَدھُولِیح سَمْپاتَیَتَ۔
6 They departed and went throughout the villages, preaching the Good News and healing everywhere.
اَتھَ تے پْرَسْتھایَ سَرْوَّتْرَ سُسَںوادَں پْرَچارَیِتُں پِیڈِتانْ سْوَسْتھانْ کَرْتُّنْچَ گْرامیشُ بھْرَمِتُں پْراریبھِرے۔
7 Now Herod the tetrarch heard of all that was done by him; and he was very perplexed, because it was said by some that John had risen from the dead,
ایتَرْہِ ہیرودْ راجا یِیشوح سَرْوَّکَرْمَّناں وارْتّاں شْرُتْوا بھرِشَمُدْوِوِجی
8 and by some that Elijah had appeared, and by others that one of the old prophets had risen again.
یَتَح کیچِدُوچُرْیوہَنْ شْمَشانادُدَتِشْٹھَتْ۔ کیچِدُوچُح، ایلِیو دَرْشَنَں دَتَّوانْ؛ ایوَمَنْیَلوکا اُوچُح پُورْوِّییَح کَشْچِدْ بھَوِشْیَدْوادِی سَمُتّھِتَح۔
9 Herod said, “I beheaded John, but who is this about whom I hear such things?” He sought to see him.
کِنْتُ ہیرودُواچَ یوہَنَح شِروہَمَچھِنَدَمْ اِدانِیں یَسْییدرِکَّرْمَّناں وارْتّاں پْراپْنومِ سَ کَح؟ اَتھَ سَ تَں دْرَشْٹُمْ اَیچّھَتْ۔
10 The apostles, when they had returned, told him what things they had done. He took them and withdrew apart to a desert region of a city called Bethsaida.
اَنَنْتَرَں پْریرِتاح پْرَتْیاگَتْیَ یانِ یانِ کَرْمّانِ چَکْرُسْتانِ یِیشَوے کَتھَیاماسُح تَتَح سَ تانْ بَیتْسَیدانامَکَنَگَرَسْیَ وِجَنَں سْتھانَں نِیتْوا گُپْتَں جَگامَ۔
11 But the multitudes, perceiving it, followed him. He welcomed them, spoke to them of God’s Kingdom, and he cured those who needed healing.
پَشْچالْ لوکاسْتَدْ وِدِتْوا تَسْیَ پَشْچادْ یَیُح؛ تَتَح سَ تانْ نَیَنْ اِیشْوَرِییَراجْیَسْیَ پْرَسَنْگَمُکْتَوانْ، ییشاں چِکِتْسَیا پْرَیوجَنَمْ آسِیتْ تانْ سْوَسْتھانْ چَکارَ چَ۔
12 The day began to wear away; and the twelve came and said to him, “Send the multitude away, that they may go into the surrounding villages and farms and lodge and get food, for we are here in a deserted place.”
اَپَرَنْچَ دِواوَسَنّے سَتِ دْوادَشَشِشْیا یِیشورَنْتِکَمْ ایتْیَ کَتھَیاماسُح، وَیَمَتْرَ پْرانْتَرَسْتھانے تِشْٹھامَح، تَتو نَگَرانِ گْرامانِ گَتْوا واسَسْتھانانِ پْراپْیَ بھَکْشْیَدْرَوْیانِ کْریتُں جَنَنِوَہَں بھَوانْ وِسرِجَتُ۔
13 But he said to them, “You give them something to eat.” They said, “We have no more than five loaves and two fish, unless we should go and buy food for all these people.”
تَدا سَ اُواچَ، یُویَمیوَ تانْ بھیجَیَدھْوَں؛ تَتَسْتے پْروچُرَسْماکَں نِکَٹے کیوَلَں پَنْچَ پُوپا دْوَو مَتْسْیَو چَ وِدْیَنْتے، اَتَایوَ سْتھانانْتَرَمْ اِتْوا نِمِتَّمیتیشاں بھَکْشْیَدْرَوْییشُ نَ کْرِیتیشُ نَ بھَوَتِ۔
14 For they were about five thousand men. He said to his disciples, “Make them sit down in groups of about fifty each.”
تَتْرَ پْرایینَ پَنْچَسَہَسْرانِ پُرُشا آسَنْ۔
15 They did so, and made them all sit down.
تَدا سَ شِشْیانْ جَگادَ پَنْچاشَتْ پَنْچاشَجَّنَیح پَںکْتِیکرِتْیَ تانُپَویشَیَتَ، تَسْماتْ تے تَدَنُسارینَ سَرْوَّلوکانُپَویشَیاپاسُح۔
16 He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to the sky, he blessed them, broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the multitude.
تَتَح سَ تانْ پَنْچَ پُوپانْ مِینَدْوَیَنْچَ گرِہِیتْوا سْوَرْگَں وِلوکْییشْوَرَگُنانْ کِیرْتَّیانْچَکْرے بھَنْکْتا چَ لوکیبھْیَح پَرِویشَنارْتھَں شِشْییشُ سَمَرْپَیامْبَبھُووَ۔
17 They ate and were all filled. They gathered up twelve baskets of broken pieces that were left over.
تَتَح سَرْوّے بھُکْتْوا ترِپْتِں گَتا اَوَشِشْٹانانْچَ دْوادَشَ ڈَلَّکانْ سَںجَگرِہُح۔
18 As he was praying alone, the disciples were near him, and he asked them, “Who do the multitudes say that I am?”
اَتھَیکَدا نِرْجَنے شِشْیَیح سَہَ پْرارْتھَناکالے تانْ پَپْرَچّھَ، لوکا ماں کَں وَدَنْتِ؟
19 They answered, “‘John the Baptizer,’ but others say, ‘Elijah,’ and others, that one of the old prophets has risen again.”
تَتَسْتے پْراچُح، تْواں یوہَنْمَجَّکَں وَدَنْتِ؛ کیچِتْ تْوامْ ایلِیَں وَدَنْتِ، پُورْوَّکالِکَح کَشْچِدْ بھَوِشْیَدْوادِی شْمَشانادْ اُدَتِشْٹھَدْ اِتْیَپِ کیچِدْ وَدَنْتِ۔
20 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered, “The Christ of God.”
تَدا سَ اُواچَ، یُویَں ماں کَں وَدَتھَ؟ تَتَح پِتَرَ اُکْتَوانْ تْوَمْ اِیشْوَرابھِشِکْتَح پُرُشَح۔
21 But he warned them and commanded them to tell this to no one,
تَدا سَ تانْ درِڈھَمادِدیشَ، کَتھامیتاں کَسْمَیچِدَپِ ما کَتھَیَتَ۔
22 saying, “The Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and the third day be raised up.”
سَ پُنَرُواچَ، مَنُشْیَپُتْرینَ وَہُیاتَنا بھوکْتَوْیاح پْراچِینَلوکَیح پْرَدھانَیاجَکَیرَدھْیاپَکَیشْچَ سووَجْنایَ ہَنْتَوْیَح کِنْتُ ترِتِییَدِوَسے شْمَشاناتْ تینوتّھاتَوْیَمْ۔
23 He said to all, “If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.
اَپَرَں سَ سَرْوّانُواچَ، کَشْچِدْ یَدِ مَمَ پَشْچادْ گَنْتُں وانْچھَتِ تَرْہِ سَ سْوَں دامْیَتُ، دِنے دِنے کْرُشَں گرِہِیتْوا چَ مَمَ پَشْچاداگَچّھَتُ۔
24 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever will lose his life for my sake will save it.
یَتو یَح کَشْچِتْ سْوَپْرانانْ رِرَکْشِشَتِ سَ تانْ ہارَیِشْیَتِ، یَح کَشْچِنْ مَدَرْتھَں پْرانانْ ہارَیِشْیَتِ سَ تانْ رَکْشِشْیَتِ۔
25 For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses or forfeits his own self?
کَشْچِدْ یَدِ سَرْوَّں جَگَتْ پْراپْنوتِ کِنْتُ سْوَپْرانانْ ہارَیَتِ سْوَیَں وِنَشْیَتِ چَ تَرْہِ تَسْیَ کو لابھَح؟
26 For whoever will be ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his glory, and the glory of the Father, and of the holy angels.
پُنَ رْیَح کَشْچِنْ ماں مَمَ واکْیَں وا لَجّاسْپَدَں جاناتِ مَنُشْیَپُتْرو یَدا سْوَسْیَ پِتُشْچَ پَوِتْراناں دُوتانانْچَ تیجوبھِح پَرِویشْٹِتَ آگَمِشْیَتِ تَدا سوپِ تَں لَجّاسْپَدَں جْناسْیَتِ۔
27 But I tell you the truth: There are some of those who stand here who will in no way taste of death until they see God’s Kingdom.”
کِنْتُ یُشْمانَہَں یَتھارْتھَں وَدامِ، اِیشْوَرِییَراجَتْوَں نَ درِشْٹَوا مرِتْیُں ناسْوادِشْیَنْتے، ایتادرِشاح کِیَنْتو لوکا اَتْرَ سْتھَنےپِ دَنْڈایَماناح سَنْتِ۔
28 About eight days after these sayings, he took with him Peter, John, and James, and went up onto the mountain to pray.
ایتَداکھْیانَکَتھَناتْ پَرَں پْراییناشْٹَسُ دِنیشُ گَتیشُ سَ پِتَرَں یوہَنَں یاکُوبَنْچَ گرِہِیتْوا پْرارْتھَیِتُں پَرْوَّتَمیکَں سَمارُروہَ۔
29 As he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became white and dazzling.
اَتھَ تَسْیَ پْرارْتھَنَکالے تَسْیَ مُکھاکرِتِرَنْیَرُوپا جاتا، تَدِییَں وَسْتْرَمُجّوَلَشُکْلَں جاتَں۔
30 Behold, two men were talking with him, who were Moses and Elijah,
اَپَرَنْچَ مُوسا ایلِیَشْچوبھَو تیجَسْوِنَو درِشْٹَو
31 who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.
تَو تینَ یِرُوشالَمْپُرے یو مرِتْیُح سادھِشْیَتے تَدِییاں کَتھاں تینَ سارْدّھَں کَتھَیِتُمْ آریبھاتے۔
32 Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep, but when they were fully awake, they saw his glory, and the two men who stood with him.
تَدا پِتَرادَیَح سْوَسْیَ سَنْگِنو نِدْرَیاکرِشْٹا آسَنْ کِنْتُ جاگَرِتْوا تَسْیَ تیجَسْتینَ سارْدّھَمْ اُتِّشْٹھَنْتَو جَنَو چَ دَدرِشُح۔
33 As they were parting from him, Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is good for us to be here. Let’s make three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah,” not knowing what he said.
اَتھَ تَیورُبھَیو رْگَمَنَکالے پِتَرو یِیشُں بَبھاشے، ہے گُروسْماکَں سْتھانےسْمِنْ سْتھِتِح شُبھا، تَتَ ایکا تْوَدَرْتھا، ایکا مُوسارْتھا، ایکا ایلِیارْتھا، اِتِ تِسْرَح کُٹْیوسْمابھِ رْنِرْمِّییَنْتاں، اِماں کَتھاں سَ نَ وِوِچْیَ کَتھَیاماسَ۔
34 While he said these things, a cloud came and overshadowed them, and they were afraid as they entered into the cloud.
اَپَرَنْچَ تَدْواکْیَوَدَنَکالے پَیودَ ایکَ آگَتْیَ تیشامُپَرِ چھایاں چَکارَ، تَتَسْتَنْمَدھْیے تَیوح پْرَویشاتْ تے شَشَنْکِرے۔
35 A voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him!”
تَدا تَسْماتْ پَیودادْ اِیَماکاشِییا وانِی نِرْجَگامَ، مَمایَں پْرِیَح پُتْرَ ایتَسْیَ کَتھایاں مَنو نِدھَتَّ۔
36 When the voice came, Jesus was found alone. They were silent, and told no one in those days any of the things which they had seen.
اِتِ شَبْدے جاتے تے یِیشُمیکاکِنَں دَدرِشُح کِنْتُ تے تَدانِیں تَسْیَ دَرْشَنَسْیَ واچَمیکامَپِ نوکْتْوا مَنَحسُ سْتھاپَیاماسُح۔
37 On the next day, when they had come down from the mountain, a great multitude met him.
پَرےہَنِ تیشُ تَسْماچّھَیلادْ اَوَرُوڈھیشُ تَں ساکْشاتْ کَرْتُّں بَہَوو لوکا آجَگْمُح۔
38 Behold, a man from the crowd called out, saying, “Teacher, I beg you to look at my son, for he is my only born child.
تیشاں مَدھْیادْ ایکو جَنَ اُچَّیرُواچَ، ہے گُرو اَہَں وِنَیَں کَرومِ مَمَ پُتْرَں پْرَتِ کرِپادرِشْٹِں کَروتُ، مَمَ سَ ایوَیکَح پُتْرَح۔
39 Behold, a spirit takes him, he suddenly cries out, and it convulses him so that he foams; and it hardly departs from him, bruising him severely.
بھُوتینَ دھرِتَح سَنْ سَں پْرَسَبھَں چِیچّھَبْدَں کَروتِ تَنْمُکھاتْ پھینا نِرْگَچّھَنْتِ چَ، بھُوتَ اِتّھَں وِدارْیَّ کْلِشْٹْوا پْرایَشَسْتَں نَ تْیَجَتِ۔
40 I begged your disciples to cast it out, and they couldn’t.”
تَسْماتْ تَں بھُوتَں تْیاجَیِتُں تَوَ شِشْیَسَمِیپے نْیَویدَیَں کِنْتُ تے نَ شیکُح۔
41 Jesus answered, “Faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you and bear with you? Bring your son here.”
تَدا یِیشُرَوادِیتْ، رے آوِشْواسِنْ وِپَتھَگامِنْ وَںشَ کَتِکالانْ یُشْمابھِح سَہَ سْتھاسْیامْیَہَں یُشْماکَمْ آچَرَنانِ چَ سَہِشْیے؟ تَوَ پُتْرَمِہانَیَ۔
42 While he was still coming, the demon threw him down and convulsed him violently. But Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, healed the boy, and gave him back to his father.
تَتَسْتَسْمِنّاگَتَماتْرے بھُوتَسْتَں بھُومَو پاتَیِتْوا وِدَدارَ؛ تَدا یِیشُسْتَمَمیدھْیَں بھُوتَں تَرْجَیِتْوا بالَکَں سْوَسْتھَں کرِتْوا تَسْیَ پِتَرِ سَمَرْپَیاماسَ۔
43 They were all astonished at the majesty of God. But while all were marveling at all the things which Jesus did, he said to his disciples,
اِیشْوَرَسْیَ مَہاشَکْتِمْ اِماں وِلوکْیَ سَرْوّے چَمَچَّکْرُح؛ اِتّھَں یِیشوح سَرْوّابھِح کْرِیابھِح سَرْوَّیرْلوکَیراشْچَرْیّے مَنْیَمانے سَتِ سَ شِشْیانْ بَبھاشے،
44 “Let these words sink into your ears, for the Son of Man will be delivered up into the hands of men.”
کَتھییَں یُشْماکَں کَرْنیشُ پْرَوِشَتُ، مَنُشْیَپُتْرو مَنُشْیاناں کَریشُ سَمَرْپَیِشْیَتے۔
45 But they didn’t understand this saying. It was concealed from them, that they should not perceive it, and they were afraid to ask him about this saying.
کِنْتُ تے تاں کَتھاں نَ بُبُدھِرے، سْپَشْٹَتْوابھاواتْ تَسْیا اَبھِپْرایَسْتیشاں بودھَگَمْیو نَ بَبھُووَ؛ تَسْیا آشَیَح کَ اِتْیَپِ تے بھَیاتْ پْرَشْٹُں نَ شیکُح۔
46 An argument arose among them about which of them was the greatest.
تَدَنَنْتَرَں تیشاں مَدھْیے کَح شْریشْٹھَح کَتھامیتاں گرِہِیتْوا تے مِتھو وِوادَں چَکْرُح۔
47 Jesus, perceiving the reasoning of their hearts, took a little child, and set him by his side,
تَتو یِیشُسْتیشاں مَنوبھِپْرایَں وِدِتْوا بالَکَمیکَں گرِہِیتْوا سْوَسْیَ نِکَٹے سْتھاپَیِتْوا تانْ جَگادَ،
48 and said to them, “Whoever receives this little child in my name receives me. Whoever receives me receives him who sent me. For whoever is least among you all, this one will be great.”
یو جَنو مَمَ نامْناسْیَ بالاسْیاتِتھْیَں وِدَدھاتِ سَ مَماتِتھْیَں وِدَدھاتِ، یَشْچَ مَماتِتھْیَں وِدَدھاتِ سَ مَمَ پْریرَکَسْیاتِتھْیَں وِدَدھاتِ، یُشْماکَں مَدھْیییَح سْوَں سَرْوَّسْماتْ کْشُدْرَں جانِیتے سَ ایوَ شْریشْٹھو بھَوِشْیَتِ۔
49 John answered, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we forbade him, because he doesn’t follow with us.”
اَپَرَنْچَ یوہَنْ وْیاجَہارَ ہے پْرَبھے تَوَ نامْنا بھُوتانْ تْیاجَیَنْتَں مانُشَمْ ایکَں درِشْٹَوَنْتو وَیَں، کِنْتْوَسْماکَمْ اَپَشْچادْ گامِتْواتْ تَں نْیَشیدھامْ۔ تَدانِیں یِیشُرُواچَ،
50 Jesus said to him, “Don’t forbid him, for he who is not against us is for us.”
تَں ما نِشیدھَتَ، یَتو یو جَنوسْماکَں نَ وِپَکْشَح سَ ایواسْماکَں سَپَکْشو بھَوَتِ۔
51 It came to pass, when the days were near that he should be taken up, he intently set his face to go to Jerusalem
اَنَنْتَرَں تَسْیاروہَنَسَمَیَ اُپَسْتھِتے سَ سْتھِرَچیتا یِرُوشالَمَں پْرَتِ یاتْراں کَرْتُّں نِشْچِتْیاگْرے دُوتانْ پْریشَیاماسَ۔
52 and sent messengers before his face. They went and entered into a village of the Samaritans, so as to prepare for him.
تَسْماتْ تے گَتْوا تَسْیَ پْرَیوجَنِییَدْرَوْیانِ سَںگْرَہِیتُں شومِرونِییاناں گْرامَں پْرَوِوِشُح۔
53 They didn’t receive him, because he was traveling with his face set toward Jerusalem.
کِنْتُ سَ یِرُوشالَمَں نَگَرَں یاتِ تَتو ہیتو رْلوکاسْتَسْیاتِتھْیَں نَ چَکْرُح۔
54 When his disciples, James and John, saw this, they said, “Lord, do you want us to command fire to come down from the sky and destroy them, just as Elijah did?”
اَتَایوَ یاکُوبْیوہَنَو تَسْیَ شِشْیَو تَدْ درِشْٹْوا جَگَدَتُح، ہے پْرَبھو ایلِیو یَتھا چَکارَ تَتھا وَیَمَپِ کِں گَگَنادْ آگَنْتُمْ ایتانْ بھَسْمِیکَرْتُّنْچَ وَہْنِماجْناپَیامَح؟ بھَوانْ کِمِچّھَتِ؟
55 But he turned and rebuked them, “You don’t know of what kind of spirit you are.
کِنْتُ سَ مُکھَں پَراوَرْتْیَ تانْ تَرْجَیِتْوا گَدِتَوانْ یُشْماکَں مَنوبھاوَح کَح، اِتِ یُویَں نَ جانِیتھَ۔
56 For the Son of Man didn’t come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” They went to another village.
مَنُجَسُتو مَنُجاناں پْرانانْ ناشَیِتُں ناگَچّھَتْ، کِنْتُ رَکْشِتُمْ آگَچّھَتْ۔ پَشْچادْ اِتَرَگْرامَں تے یَیُح۔
57 As they went on the way, a certain man said to him, “I want to follow you wherever you go, Lord.”
تَدَنَنْتَرَں پَتھِ گَمَنَکالے جَنَ ایکَسْتَں بَبھاشے، ہے پْرَبھو بھَوانْ یَتْرَ یاتِ بھَوَتا سَہاہَمَپِ تَتْرَ یاسْیامِ۔
58 Jesus said to him, “The foxes have holes and the birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”
تَدانِیں یِیشُسْتَمُواچَ، گومایُوناں گَرْتّا آسَتے، وِہایَسِییَوِہَگاناں نِیڈانِ چَ سَنْتِ، کِنْتُ مانَوَتَنَیَسْیَ شِرَح سْتھاپَیِتُں سْتھانَں ناسْتِ۔
59 He said to another, “Follow me!” But he said, “Lord, allow me first to go and bury my father.”
تَتَح پَرَں سَ اِتَرَجَنَں جَگادَ، تْوَں مَمَ پَشْچادْ ایہِ؛ تَتَح سَ اُواچَ، ہے پْرَبھو پُورْوَّں پِتَرَں شْمَشانے سْتھاپَیِتُں مامادِشَتُ۔
60 But Jesus said to him, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead, but you go and announce God’s Kingdom.”
تَدا یِیشُرُواچَ، مرِتا مرِتانْ شْمَشانے سْتھاپَیَنْتُ کِنْتُ تْوَں گَتْویشْوَرِییَراجْیَسْیَ کَتھاں پْرَچارَیَ۔
61 Another also said, “I want to follow you, Lord, but first allow me to say good-bye to those who are at my house.”
تَتونْیَح کَتھَیاماسَ، ہے پْرَبھو مَیاپِ بھَوَتَح پَشْچادْ گَںسْیَتے، کِنْتُ پُورْوَّں مَمَ نِویشَنَسْیَ پَرِجَنانامْ اَنُمَتِں گْرَہِیتُمْ اَہَمادِشْیَے بھَوَتا۔
62 But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for God’s Kingdom.”
تَدانِیں یِیشُسْتَں پْروکْتَوانْ، یو جَنو لانْگَلے کَرَمَرْپَیِتْوا پَشْچاتْ پَشْیَتِ سَ اِیشْوَرِییَراجْیَں نارْہَتِ۔

< Luke 9 >