< Genesis 32 >

1 Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him.
Alò, pandan Jacob te fin pran wout li, zanj Bondye yo te rankontre li.
2 When he saw them, Jacob said, “This is God’s army.” He called the name of that place Mahanaim.
Jacob te di lè li te wè yo: “Sa se lame Bondye a.” Konsa, li te nonmen plas sa a Mahanaïm.
3 Jacob sent messengers in front of him to Esau, his brother, to the land of Seir, the field of Edom.
Alò, Jacob te voye mesaje yo devan li kote frè li Ésaü nan peyi Séir a nan teritwa Édom an.
4 He commanded them, saying, “This is what you shall tell my lord, Esau: ‘This is what your servant, Jacob, says. I have lived as a foreigner with Laban, and stayed until now.
Li te bay mesaje yo lòd, e li te di: “Konsa ou va pale a mèt mwen an, Ésaü: ‘Men sa ke sèvitè ou, Jacob di ou: Mwen te vin rete avèk Laban, e mwen te demere la jis rive koulye a.
5 I have cattle, donkeys, flocks, male servants, and female servants. I have sent to tell my lord, that I may find favor in your sight.’”
Mwen gen bèf avèk bourik, avèk bann mouton, sèvitè avèk sèvant. M ap voye pou di mèt mwen sa, pou m kapab vin jwenn favè nan zye w.’”
6 The messengers returned to Jacob, saying, “We came to your brother Esau. He is coming to meet you, and four hundred men are with him.”
Mesaje yo te retounen vè Jacob. Yo te di li: “Nou te rankontre frè ou Ésaü. Konsa, li ap vin kote ou avèk kat-san òm.”
7 Then Jacob was greatly afraid and was distressed. He divided the people who were with him, along with the flocks, the herds, and the camels, into two companies.
Epi Jacob te vin pè anpil, e byen twouble. Li te divize moun ki te avè l yo, bann mouton, twoupo bèf ak chamo pou fè de konpanyen.
8 He said, “If Esau comes to the one company, and strikes it, then the company which is left will escape.”
Konsa, li te di: “Si Ésaü ta vin atake youn nan konpanyen yo, alò, konpanyen ki rete a va chape.”
9 Jacob said, “God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, Yahweh, who said to me, ‘Return to your country, and to your relatives, and I will do you good,’
Jacob te di: “O Bondye a papa m nan Abraham e Bondye a papa m nan Isaac, O SENYÈ ki te di mwen an: ‘Retounen nan peyi ou, e a moun fanmi ou yo, e mwen va fè ou vin pwospere,’
10 I am not worthy of the least of all the loving kindnesses, and of all the truth, which you have shown to your servant; for with just my staff I crossed over this Jordan; and now I have become two companies.
mwen pa merite tout lanmou, mizerikòd ak fidelite ke ou te montre sèvitè ou a; paske se sèl avèk baton mwen ke m te travèse rivyè Jourdain an, men koulye a nou vin de konpanyen.
11 Please deliver me from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau; for I fear him, lest he come and strike me and the mothers with the children.
Delivre mwen, souple anba men frè m nan, anba men Ésaü; paske mwen pè li, pou li pa vin atake mwen avèk manman yo, ak timoun yo.
12 You said, ‘I will surely do you good, and make your offspring as the sand of the sea, which can’t be counted because there are so many.’”
Paske ou te di: ‘Anverite, Mwen va fè nou vin pwospere, e fè desandan nou yo vin tankou sab lanmè a, k ap twò gran pou konte.’”
13 He stayed there that night, and took from that which he had with him a present for Esau, his brother:
Epi li te pase nwit lan la. Alò, li te chwazi nan sa li te gen avè l yo kòm yon kado pou frè li, Ésaü:
14 two hundred female goats and twenty male goats, two hundred ewes and twenty rams,
De-san kabrit femèl, ven kabrit mal, de-san femèl mouton, ak ven mal,
15 thirty milk camels and their colts, forty cows, ten bulls, twenty female donkeys and ten foals.
trant chamo ki t ap bay lèt a pitit pa yo, karant bèf avèk dis towo, ven bourik femèl, ak dis ti bourik.
16 He delivered them into the hands of his servants, every herd by itself, and said to his servants, “Pass over before me, and put a space between herd and herd.”
Li te livre yo nan men a sèvitè li yo. Chak ekip te mache pou kont li, e li te di a sèvitè li yo: “Pase devan m, e mete yon espas antre de bann yo.”
17 He commanded the foremost, saying, “When Esau, my brother, meets you, and asks you, saying, ‘Whose are you? Where are you going? Whose are these before you?’
Li te kòmande sila ki te devan an e li te di li: “Lè frè m Ésaü vin rankontre ou, e mande ou: ‘Pou kilès ou ye, kibò w prale, e pou kilès bèt sa yo ki devan ou yo ye?’
18 Then you shall say, ‘They are your servant, Jacob’s. It is a present sent to my lord, Esau. Behold, he also is behind us.’”
Alò, ou va di: ‘Se pou sèvitè ou, Jacob. Se yon kado ke li voye bay mèt mwen, Ésaü. Men gade byen, li la dèyè nou.’”
19 He commanded also the second, and the third, and all that followed the herds, saying, “This is how you shall speak to Esau, when you find him.
Li te kòmande osi a dezyèm nan, a twazyèm nan, ak tout sa ki te swiv ekip yo, e li te di: “Se konsa nou va pale avèk Ésaü lè nou rankontre li.
20 You shall say, ‘Not only that, but behold, your servant, Jacob, is behind us.’” For, he said, “I will appease him with the present that goes before me, and afterward I will see his face. Perhaps he will accept me.”
Ou va di: ‘Gade, men sèvitè ou Jacob dèyè nou an tou.’ Paske li te di: ‘Mwen va satisfè li avèk kado ki ale devan m yo. E apre, mwen va wè figi li. Petèt li kapab aksepte mwen.’”
21 So the present passed over before him, and he himself stayed that night in the camp.
Epi kado a te pase devan li, e li menm te pase nwit lan menm kote li te fè kan an.
22 He rose up that night, and took his two wives, and his two servants, and his eleven sons, and crossed over the ford of the Jabbok.
Alò, li te leve pandan menm nwit lan, e li te pran de madanm li yo avèk de sèvant li yo, onz pitit li yo, e li te travèse lariviyè a bò kote Jabbok la.
23 He took them, and sent them over the stream, and sent over that which he had.
Li te pran yo, e li te voye yo travèse dlo a. Konsa, li te voye travèse ak tout sa li te genyen.
24 Jacob was left alone, and wrestled with a man there until the breaking of the day.
Konsa, Jacob te rete tout sèl, e yon nonm te vin lite avèk li jis rive granmmaten.
25 When he saw that he didn’t prevail against him, the man touched the hollow of his thigh, and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was strained as he wrestled.
Lè li te wè ke li pa t genyen l, li te touche gwo jwenti janm li (anwo kote l tache nan kò a), epi li te vin dejwente pandan li t ap lite avè l.
26 The man said, “Let me go, for the day breaks.” Jacob said, “I won’t let you go unless you bless me.”
Epi nonm nan te di: “Lage m, paske jou a pwòch.” Men Jacob te di: “Mwen p ap lage ou amwenske ke ou beni m.”
27 He said to him, “What is your name?” He said, “Jacob”.
Alò, li te di li: “Kòman yo rele ou?” Li te reponn: “Jacob.”
28 He said, “Your name will no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have fought with God and with men, and have prevailed.”
Li te di: “Yo p ap rele ou Jacob ankò, men Israël; paske ou te lite avèk Bondye, e avèk lòm, epi ou te reyisi.”
29 Jacob asked him, “Please tell me your name.” He said, “Why is it that you ask what my name is?” So he blessed him there.
Alò Jacob te mande li: “Souple, di m non ou.” Li te reponn: “Poukisa ou mande m non mwen?” Epi li te beni li la.
30 Jacob called the name of the place Peniel; for he said, “I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.”
Konsa, Jacob te nonmen kote sa Peniel, paske li te di: “Mwen te wè Bondye fasafas, malgre sa, vi mwen te prezève.”
31 The sun rose on him as he passed over Peniel, and he limped because of his thigh.
Alò, solèy la te leve sou li nan menm moman li t ap travèse Peniel la, e li te bwate akoz gwo janm nan.
32 Therefore the children of Israel don’t eat the sinew of the hip, which is on the hollow of the thigh, to this day, because he touched the hollow of Jacob’s thigh in the sinew of the hip.
Pou sa, jis jounen jodi a, fis Israël yo pa manje tandon ki tache nan gwo janm nan avèk anch ki sou jwenti a, akoz ke li te touche jwenti gwo janm nan tandon ki tache nan anch lan.

< Genesis 32 >