< Genesis 11 >

1 The whole earth was of one language and of one speech.
Alò, tout latè te sèvi avèk menm lang avèk menm mo.
2 As they traveled east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they lived there.
Konsa, li te rive ke pandan yo t ap vwayaje vè lès, ke yo te twouve yon gran plèn nan peyi ki rele Schinear, e yo te vin rete la.
3 They said to one another, “Come, let’s make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.” They had brick for stone, and they used tar for mortar.
Yo te di youn ak lòt: “Vini, annou fè brik e brile yo byen brile.” Epi yo te sèvi ak brik pou wòch, e yo te sèvi ak azfòt kòm mòtye.
4 They said, “Come, let’s build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top reaches to the sky, and let’s make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad on the surface of the whole earth.”
Yo te di: “Vini, annou bati yon gran vil pou pwòp tèt nou, avèk yon kay wo tou won avèk yon twati ki va lonje rive jis nan syèl la. Konsa, annou fè pou pwòp tèt nou yon gran non, sof ke sa, nou va vin gaye toupatou sou tout sifas tè a.”
5 Yahweh came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men built.
SENYÈ a te vin desann pou wè gran vil avèk kay wo tou won ke fis a lòm yo te fè a.
6 Yahweh said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do. Now nothing will be withheld from them, which they intend to do.
Senyè a te di: “Gade byen, se yon sèl pèp yo ye, e yo tout gen menm lang, epi men sa ke yo kòmanse fè. Konsa, nenpòt sa yo eseye fè, yo p ap anpeche.
7 Come, let’s go down, and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”
Vini, annou desann e konfonn langaj yo pou yo pa konprann lang youn lòt.”
8 So Yahweh scattered them abroad from there on the surface of all the earth. They stopped building the city.
Pou sa, SENYÈ a te gaye yo toupatou sou tout tè a, e yo te sispann bati gran vil la.
9 Therefore its name was called Babel, because there Yahweh confused the language of all the earth. From there, Yahweh scattered them abroad on the surface of all the earth.
Pou koz sa a, yo te rele non vil la Babel, akoz ke se la, SENYÈ a te konfonn langaj yo nan tout latè. Depi la, SENYÈ a te gaye yo toupatou sifas a tout tè a.
10 This is the history of the generations of Shem: Shem was one hundred years old when he became the father of Arpachshad two years after the flood.
Sa yo se te achiv pou tout jenerasyon a Sem yo. Sem te gen laj santan, lè l te vin papa a Arpacschad, dez ane apre delij la.
11 Shem lived five hundred years after he became the father of Arpachshad, and became the father of more sons and daughters.
Epi Sem te viv senk-santane apre li te vin papa a Arpacschad. Li te gen lòt fis ak fi.
12 Arpachshad lived thirty-five years and became the father of Shelah.
Arpacschad te viv trant-senk ane, lè l te vin papa a Schélach.
13 Arpachshad lived four hundred three years after he became the father of Shelah, and became the father of more sons and daughters.
Konsa, Arpacschad te viv kat-san-twa lane apre li te vin papa a Schélach, e li te gen lòt fis ak fi.
14 Shelah lived thirty years, and became the father of Eber.
Schélach te viv trantan, e li te vin papa a Héber;
15 Shelah lived four hundred three years after he became the father of Eber, and became the father of more sons and daughters.
epi Schélach te viv kat-san-twazane apre li te vin papa a Héber. Li te gen lòt fis ak fi.
16 Eber lived thirty-four years, and became the father of Peleg.
Héber te viv pandan trant-kat ane, lè l te devni papa a Péleg;
17 Eber lived four hundred thirty years after he became the father of Peleg, and became the father of more sons and daughters.
epi konsa, Héber te viv pandan kat-san-trant ane apre li te vin papa a Péleg, e li te gen lòt fis ak fi.
18 Peleg lived thirty years, and became the father of Reu.
Péleg te viv pandan trant ane, lè l te vin papa a Reu.
19 Peleg lived two hundred nine years after he became the father of Reu, and became the father of more sons and daughters.
Konsa, Péleg te viv pandan de-san-nèf ane apre li te vin papa a Rehu, e li te gen lòt fis ak fi.
20 Reu lived thirty-two years, and became the father of Serug.
Rehu te viv pandan trant-de ane, lè l te vin papa a Serug.
21 Reu lived two hundred seven years after he became the father of Serug, and became the father of more sons and daughters.
Rehu te viv pandan de-san-sèt ane apre li te vin papa a Serug, e li te gen lòt fis ak fi.
22 Serug lived thirty years, and became the father of Nahor.
Serug te viv pandan trant ane lè l te vin papa a Nachor.
23 Serug lived two hundred years after he became the father of Nahor, and became the father of more sons and daughters.
Epi Serug te viv de-san ane apre li te vin papa a Nachor, e li te fè lòt fis ak fi.
24 Nahor lived twenty-nine years, and became the father of Terah.
Nachor te viv pandan vent-nèf ane, e li te vin papa a Térach;
25 Nahor lived one hundred nineteen years after he became the father of Terah, and became the father of more sons and daughters.
epi Nachor te viv san-diz-nèf ane apre li te vin papa a Térach, e li te gen lòt fis ak fi.
26 Terah lived seventy years, and became the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran.
Térach te viv swasann-dis ane, e li te vin papa a Abram, Nachor, ak Haran.
27 Now this is the history of the generations of Terah. Terah became the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran. Haran became the father of Lot.
Alò sa yo se achiv pou tout jenerasyon a Térach yo. Térach te vin papa Abram, Nachor, avèk Haran. Haran te fè Lot.
28 Haran died in the land of his birth, in Ur of the Chaldees, while his father Terah was still alive.
Haran te mouri nan prezans papa li, Térach nan peyi nesans li, nan Ur pou Kaldeyen yo.
29 Abram and Nahor married wives. The name of Abram’s wife was Sarai, and the name of Nahor’s wife was Milcah, the daughter of Haran, who was also the father of Iscah.
Abram avèk Nachor te pran madanm yo pou yo menm. Non a madanm Abram nan se te Saraï, e non a madanm Nachor a se te Milca, fi a Haran an, papa a Milcah avèk Jisca.
30 Sarai was barren. She had no child.
Saraï te esteril. Li pa t fè pitit.
31 Terah took Abram his son, Lot the son of Haran, his son’s son, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, his son Abram’s wife. They went from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan. They came to Haran and lived there.
Térach te pran Abram, fis li a, e Lot, fis Haran an, pitit a pitit li, ak Saraï, bèlfi li, madanm a Abram, fis li. Konsa, yo te kite Ur a Kaldeyen yo ansanm, pou yo ta kapab antre nan peyi Canaan an. Yo te ale jis rive Haran, e yo te rete la.
32 The days of Terah were two hundred five years. Terah died in Haran.
Jou a Térach yo te de-san-senk ane. Térach te vin mouri Haran.

< Genesis 11 >