< Acts 7 >

1 The high priest said, “Are these things so?”
tata. h para. m mahaayaajaka. h p. r.s. tavaan, e. saa kathaa. m ki. m satyaa?
2 He said, “Brothers and fathers, listen. The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran,
tata. h sa pratyavadat, he pitaro he bhraatara. h sarvve laakaa manaa. msi nidhaddhva. m|asmaaka. m puurvvapuru. sa ibraahiim haara. nnagare vaasakara. naat puurvva. m yadaa araam-naharayimade"se aasiit tadaa tejomaya ii"svaro dar"sana. m datvaa
3 and said to him, ‘Get out of your land and away from your relatives, and come into a land which I will show you.’
tamavadat tva. m svade"saj naatimitraa. ni parityajya ya. m de"samaha. m dar"sayi. syaami ta. m de"sa. m vraja|
4 Then he came out of the land of the Chaldaeans and lived in Haran. From there, when his father was dead, God moved him into this land where you are now living.
ata. h sa kasdiiyade"sa. m vihaaya haara. nnagare nyavasat, tadanantara. m tasya pitari m. rte yatra de"se yuuya. m nivasatha sa ena. m de"samaagacchat|
5 He gave him no inheritance in it, no, not so much as to set his foot on. He promised that he would give it to him for a possession, and to his offspring after him, when he still had no child.
kintvii"svarastasmai kamapyadhikaaram arthaad ekapadaparimitaa. m bhuumimapi naadadaat; tadaa tasya kopi santaano naasiit tathaapi santaanai. h saarddham etasya de"sasyaadhikaarii tva. m bhavi. syasiiti tampratya"ngiik. rtavaan|
6 God spoke in this way: that his offspring would live as aliens in a strange land, and that they would be enslaved and mistreated for four hundred years.
ii"svara ittham aparamapi kathitavaan tava santaanaa. h parade"se nivatsyanti tatastadde"siiyalokaa"scatu. h"satavatsaraan yaavat taan daasatve sthaapayitvaa taan prati kuvyavahaara. m kari. syanti|
7 ‘I will judge the nation to which they will be in bondage,’ said God, ‘and after that they will come out and serve me in this place.’
aparam ii"svara enaa. m kathaamapi kathitavaan, ye lokaastaan daasatve sthaapayi. syanti taallokaan aha. m da. n.dayi. syaami, tata. h para. m te bahirgataa. h santo maam atra sthaane sevi. syante|
8 He gave him the covenant of circumcision. So Abraham became the father of Isaac, and circumcised him the eighth day. Isaac became the father of Jacob, and Jacob became the father of the twelve patriarchs.
pa"scaat sa tasmai tvakchedasya niyama. m dattavaan, ata ishaakanaamni ibraahiima ekaputre jaate, a. s.tamadine tasya tvakchedam akarot| tasya ishaaka. h putro yaakuub, tatastasya yaakuubo. asmaaka. m dvaada"sa puurvvapuru. saa ajaayanta|
9 “The patriarchs, moved with jealousy against Joseph, sold him into Egypt. God was with him
te puurvvapuru. saa iir. syayaa paripuur. naa misarade"sa. m pre. sayitu. m yuu. sapha. m vyakrii. nan|
10 and delivered him out of all his afflictions, and gave him favor and wisdom before Pharaoh, king of Egypt. He made him governor over Egypt and all his house.
kintvii"svarastasya sahaayo bhuutvaa sarvvasyaa durgate rak. sitvaa tasmai buddhi. m dattvaa misarade"sasya raaj na. h phirau. na. h priyapaatra. m k. rtavaan tato raajaa misarade"sasya sviiyasarvvaparivaarasya ca "saasanapada. m tasmai dattavaan|
11 Now a famine came over all the land of Egypt and Canaan, and great affliction. Our fathers found no food.
tasmin samaye misara-kinaanade"sayo rdurbhik. sahetoratikli. s.tatvaat na. h puurvvapuru. saa bhak. syadravya. m naalabhanta|
12 But when Jacob heard that there was grain in Egypt, he sent out our fathers the first time.
kintu misarade"se "sasyaani santi, yaakuub imaa. m vaarttaa. m "srutvaa prathamam asmaaka. m puurvvapuru. saan misara. m pre. sitavaan|
13 On the second time Joseph was made known to his brothers, and Joseph’s family was revealed to Pharaoh.
tato dvitiiyavaaragamane yuu. saph svabhraat. rbhi. h paricito. abhavat; yuu. sapho bhraatara. h phirau. n raajena paricitaa abhavan|
14 Joseph sent and summoned Jacob his father and all his relatives, seventy-five souls.
anantara. m yuu. saph bhraat. rga. na. m pre. sya nijapitara. m yaakuuba. m nijaan pa ncaadhikasaptatisa. mkhyakaan j naatijanaa. m"sca samaahuutavaan|
15 Jacob went down into Egypt and he died, himself and our fathers;
tasmaad yaakuub misarade"sa. m gatvaa svayam asmaaka. m puurvvapuru. saa"sca tasmin sthaane. amriyanta|
16 and they were brought back to Shechem and laid in the tomb that Abraham bought for a price in silver from the children of Hamor of Shechem.
tataste "sikhima. m niitaa yat "sma"saanam ibraahiim mudraadatvaa "sikhima. h pitu rhamora. h putrebhya. h kriitavaan tat"sma"saane sthaapayaa ncakrire|
17 “But as the time of the promise came close which God had sworn to Abraham, the people grew and multiplied in Egypt,
tata. h param ii"svara ibraahiima. h sannidhau "sapatha. m k. rtvaa yaa. m pratij naa. m k. rtavaan tasyaa. h pratij naayaa. h phalanasamaye nika. te sati israayellokaa simarade"se varddhamaanaa bahusa. mkhyaa abhavan|
18 until there arose a different king who didn’t know Joseph.
"se. se yuu. sapha. m yo na paricinoti taad. r"sa eko narapatirupasthaaya
19 The same took advantage of our race and mistreated our fathers, and forced them to abandon their babies, so that they wouldn’t stay alive.
asmaaka. m j naatibhi. h saarddha. m dhuurttataa. m vidhaaya puurvvapuru. saan prati kuvyavahara. napuurvvaka. m te. saa. m va. m"sanaa"sanaaya te. saa. m navajaataan "si"suun bahi rnirak. sepayat|
20 At that time Moses was born, and was exceedingly handsome to God. He was nourished three months in his father’s house.
etasmin samaye muusaa jaj ne, sa tu paramasundaro. abhavat tathaa pit. rg. rhe maasatrayaparyyanta. m paalito. abhavat|
21 When he was abandoned, Pharaoh’s daughter took him up and reared him as her own son.
kintu tasmin bahirnik. sipte sati phirau. naraajasya kanyaa tam uttolya niitvaa dattakaputra. m k. rtvaa paalitavatii|
22 Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. He was mighty in his words and works.
tasmaat sa muusaa misarade"siiyaayaa. h sarvvavidyaayaa. h paarad. r.svaa san vaakye kriyaayaa nca "saktimaan abhavat|
23 But when he was forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brothers, the children of Israel.
sa sampuur. nacatvaari. m"sadvatsaravayasko bhuutvaa israayeliiyava. m"sanijabhraat. rn saak. saat kartu. m mati. m cakre|
24 Seeing one of them suffer wrong, he defended him and avenged him who was oppressed, striking the Egyptian.
te. saa. m janameka. m hi. msita. m d. r.s. tvaa tasya sapak. sa. h san hi. msitajanam upak. rtya misariiyajana. m jaghaana|
25 He supposed that his brothers understood that God, by his hand, was giving them deliverance; but they didn’t understand.
tasya hastene"svarastaan uddhari. syati tasya bhraat. rga. na iti j naasyati sa ityanumaana. m cakaara, kintu te na bubudhire|
26 “The day following, he appeared to them as they fought, and urged them to be at peace again, saying, ‘Sirs, you are brothers. Why do you wrong one another?’
tatpare. ahani te. saam ubhayo rjanayo rvaakkalaha upasthite sati muusaa. h samiipa. m gatvaa tayo rmelana. m karttu. m mati. m k. rtvaa kathayaamaasa, he mahaa"sayau yuvaa. m bhraatarau parasparam anyaaya. m kuta. h kurutha. h?
27 But he who did his neighbor wrong pushed him away, saying, ‘Who made you a ruler and a judge over us?
tata. h samiipavaasina. m prati yo jano. anyaaya. m cakaara sa ta. m duuriik. rtya kathayaamaasa, asmaakamupari "saast. rtvavicaarayit. rtvapadayo. h kastvaa. m niyuktavaan?
28 Do you want to kill me as you killed the Egyptian yesterday?’
hyo yathaa misariiya. m hatavaan tathaa ki. m maamapi hani. syasi?
29 Moses fled at this saying, and became a stranger in the land of Midian, where he became the father of two sons.
tadaa muusaa etaad. r"sii. m kathaa. m "srutvaa palaayana. m cakre, tato midiyanade"sa. m gatvaa pravaasii san tasthau, tatastatra dvau putrau jaj naate|
30 “When forty years were fulfilled, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in the wilderness of Mount Sinai, in a flame of fire in a bush.
anantara. m catvaari. m"sadvatsare. su gate. su siinayaparvvatasya praantare prajvalitastambasya vahni"sikhaayaa. m parame"svaraduutastasmai dar"sana. m dadau|
31 When Moses saw it, he wondered at the sight. As he came close to see, the voice of the Lord came to him,
muusaastasmin dar"sane vismaya. m matvaa vi"se. sa. m j naatu. m nika. ta. m gacchati,
32 ‘I am the God of your fathers: the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ Moses trembled and dared not look.
etasmin samaye, aha. m tava puurvvapuru. saa. naam ii"svaro. arthaad ibraahiima ii"svara ishaaka ii"svaro yaakuuba ii"svara"sca, muusaamuddi"sya parame"svarasyaitaad. r"sii vihaayasiiyaa vaa. nii babhuuva, tata. h sa kampaanvita. h san puna rniriik. situ. m pragalbho na babhuuva|
33 The Lord said to him, ‘Take off your sandals, for the place where you stand is holy ground.
parame"svarasta. m jagaada, tava paadayo. h paaduke mocaya yatra ti. s.thasi saa pavitrabhuumi. h|
34 I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and have heard their groaning. I have come down to deliver them. Now come, I will send you into Egypt.’
aha. m misarade"sasthaanaa. m nijalokaanaa. m durdda"saa. m nitaantam apa"sya. m, te. saa. m kaataryyokti nca "srutavaan tasmaat taan uddharttum avaruhyaagamam; idaaniim aagaccha misarade"sa. m tvaa. m pre. sayaami|
35 “This Moses whom they refused, saying, ‘Who made you a ruler and a judge?’—God has sent him as both a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel who appeared to him in the bush.
kastvaa. m "saast. rtvavicaarayit. rtvapadayo rniyuktavaan, iti vaakyamuktvaa tai ryo muusaa avaj naatastameva ii"svara. h stambamadhye dar"sanadaatraa tena duutena "saastaara. m muktidaataara nca k. rtvaa pre. sayaamaasa|
36 This man led them out, having worked wonders and signs in Egypt, in the Red Sea, and in the wilderness for forty years.
sa ca misarade"se suuphnaamni samudre ca pa"scaat catvaari. m"sadvatsaraan yaavat mahaapraantare naanaaprakaaraa. nyadbhutaani karmmaa. ni lak. sa. naani ca dar"sayitvaa taan bahi. h k. rtvaa samaaninaaya|
37 This is that Moses who said to the children of Israel, ‘The Lord our God will raise up a prophet for you from among your brothers, like me.’
prabhu. h parame"svaro yu. smaaka. m bhraat. rga. nasya madhye maad. r"sam eka. m bhavi. syadvaktaaram utpaadayi. syati tasya kathaayaa. m yuuya. m mano nidhaasyatha, yo jana israayela. h santaanebhya enaa. m kathaa. m kathayaamaasa sa e. sa muusaa. h|
38 This is he who was in the assembly in the wilderness with the angel that spoke to him on Mount Sinai, and with our fathers, who received living revelations to give to us,
mahaapraantarasthama. n.daliimadhye. api sa eva siinayaparvvatopari tena saarddha. m sa. mlaapino duutasya caasmatpit. rga. nasya madhyastha. h san asmabhya. m daatavyani jiivanadaayakaani vaakyaani lebhe|
39 to whom our fathers wouldn’t be obedient, but rejected him and turned back in their hearts to Egypt,
asmaaka. m puurvvapuru. saastam amaanya. m katvaa svebhyo duuriik. rtya misarade"sa. m paraav. rtya gantu. m manobhirabhila. sya haaro. na. m jagadu. h,
40 saying to Aaron, ‘Make us gods that will go before us, for as for this Moses who led us out of the land of Egypt, we don’t know what has become of him.’
asmaakam agre. agre gantum asmadartha. m devaga. na. m nirmmaahi yato yo muusaa asmaan misarade"saad bahi. h k. rtvaaniitavaan tasya ki. m jaata. m tadasmaabhi rna j naayate|
41 They made a calf in those days, and brought a sacrifice to the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their hands.
tasmin samaye te govatsaak. rti. m pratimaa. m nirmmaaya taamuddi"sya naivedyamutm. rjya svahastak. rtavastunaa aananditavanta. h|
42 But God turned away and gave them up to serve the army of the sky, as it is written in the book of the prophets, ‘Did you offer to me slain animals and sacrifices forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?
tasmaad ii"svaraste. saa. m prati vimukha. h san aakaa"sastha. m jyotirga. na. m puujayitu. m tebhyo. anumati. m dadau, yaad. r"sa. m bhavi. syadvaadinaa. m granthe. su likhitamaaste, yathaa, israayeliiyava. m"saa re catvaari. m"satsamaan puraa| mahati praantare sa. msthaa yuuyantu yaani ca| balihomaadikarmmaa. ni k. rtavantastu taani ki. m| maa. m samuddi"sya yu. smaabhi. h prak. rtaaniiti naiva ca|
43 You took up the tabernacle of Moloch, the star of your god Rephan, the figures which you made to worship, so I will carry you away beyond Babylon.’
kintu vo molakaakhyasya devasya duu. syameva ca| yu. smaaka. m rimphanaakhyaayaa devataayaa"sca taarakaa| etayorubhayo rmuurtii yu. smaabhi. h paripuujite| ato yu. smaa. mstu baabela. h paara. m ne. syaami ni"scita. m|
44 “Our fathers had the tabernacle of the testimony in the wilderness, even as he who spoke to Moses commanded him to make it according to the pattern that he had seen;
apara nca yannidar"sanam apa"syastadanusaare. na duu. sya. m nirmmaahi yasmin ii"svaro muusaam etadvaakya. m babhaa. se tat tasya niruupita. m saak. syasvaruupa. m duu. syam asmaaka. m puurvvapuru. sai. h saha praantare tasthau|
45 which also our fathers, in their turn, brought in with Joshua when they entered into the possession of the nations whom God drove out before the face of our fathers to the days of David,
pa"scaat yiho"suuyena sahitaiste. saa. m va. m"sajaatairasmatpuurvvapuru. sai. h sve. saa. m sammukhaad ii"svare. na duuriik. rtaanaam anyade"siiyaanaa. m de"saadhik. rtikaale samaaniita. m tad duu. sya. m daayuudodhikaara. m yaavat tatra sthaana aasiit|
46 who found favor in the sight of God, and asked to find a habitation for the God of Jacob.
sa daayuud parame"svarasyaanugraha. m praapya yaakuub ii"svaraartham eka. m duu. sya. m nirmmaatu. m vavaa ncha;
47 But Solomon built him a house.
kintu sulemaan tadartha. m mandiram eka. m nirmmitavaan|
48 However, the Most High doesn’t dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says,
tathaapi ya. h sarvvoparistha. h sa kasmi. m"scid hastak. rte mandire nivasatiiti nahi, bhavi. syadvaadii kathaametaa. m kathayati, yathaa,
49 ‘heaven is my throne, and the earth a footstool for my feet. What kind of house will you build me?’ says the Lord. ‘Or what is the place of my rest?
pare"so vadati svargo raajasi. mhaasana. m mama| madiiya. m paadapii. tha nca p. rthivii bhavati dhruva. m| tarhi yuuya. m k. rte me ki. m pranirmmaasyatha mandira. m| vi"sraamaaya madiiya. m vaa sthaana. m ki. m vidyate tviha|
50 Didn’t my hand make all these things?’
sarvvaa. nyetaani vastuuni ki. m me hastak. rtaani na||
51 “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit! As your fathers did, so you do.
he anaaj naagraahakaa anta. hkara. ne "srava. ne caapavitralokaa. h yuuyam anavarata. m pavitrasyaatmana. h praatikuulyam aacaratha, yu. smaaka. m puurvvapuru. saa yaad. r"saa yuuyamapi taad. r"saa. h|
52 Which of the prophets didn’t your fathers persecute? They killed those who foretold the coming of the Righteous One, of whom you have now become betrayers and murderers.
yu. smaaka. m puurvvapuru. saa. h ka. m bhavi. syadvaadina. m naataa. dayan? ye tasya dhaarmmikasya janasyaagamanakathaa. m kathitavantastaan aghnan yuuyam adhuunaa vi"svaasaghaatino bhuutvaa ta. m dhaarmmika. m janam ahata|
53 You received the law as it was ordained by angels, and didn’t keep it!”
yuuya. m svargiiyaduutaga. nena vyavasthaa. m praapyaapi taa. m naacaratha|
54 Now when they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth.
imaa. m kathaa. m "srutvaa te mana. hsu biddhaa. h santasta. m prati dantaghar. sa. nam akurvvan|
55 But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,
kintu stiphaana. h pavitre. naatmanaa puur. no bhuutvaa gaga. na. m prati sthirad. r.s. ti. m k. rtvaa ii"svarasya dak. si. ne da. n.daayamaana. m yii"su nca vilokya kathitavaan;
56 and said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!”
pa"sya, meghadvaara. m muktam ii"svarasya dak. si. ne sthita. m maanavasuta nca pa"syaami|
57 But they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears, then rushed at him with one accord.
tadaa te proccai. h "sabda. m k. rtvaa kar. ne. sva"ngulii rnidhaaya ekacittiibhuuya tam aakraman|
58 They threw him out of the city and stoned him. The witnesses placed their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul.
pa"scaat ta. m nagaraad bahi. h k. rtvaa prastarairaaghnan saak. si. no laakaa. h "saulanaamno yuuna"scara. nasannidhau nijavastraa. ni sthaapitavanta. h|
59 They stoned Stephen as he called out, saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!”
anantara. m he prabho yii"se madiiyamaatmaana. m g. rhaa. na stiphaanasyeti praarthanavaakyavadanasamaye te ta. m prastarairaaghnan|
60 He kneeled down and cried with a loud voice, “Lord, don’t hold this sin against them!” When he had said this, he fell asleep.
tasmaat sa jaanunii paatayitvaa proccai. h "sabda. m k. rtvaa, he prabhe paapametad ete. su maa sthaapaya, ityuktvaa mahaanidraa. m praapnot|

< Acts 7 >