< 2 Samuel 21 >

1 There was a famine in the days of David for three years, year after year; and David sought the face of Yahweh. Yahweh said, “It is for Saul, and for his bloody house, because he put the Gibeonites to death.”
David tue vaengah kum thum tah kum khat phoeiah kum khat khokha tlung. Te dongah David loh BOEIPA maelhmai te a toem. Te vaengah BOEIPA loh Saul neh anih imkhui loh Gibonee a ngawn vaengkah thii kawng te a thui.
2 The king called the Gibeonites and said to them (now the Gibeonites were not of the children of Israel, but of the remnant of the Amorites, and the children of Israel had sworn to them; and Saul sought to kill them in his zeal for the children of Israel and Judah);
Te dongah manghai loh Gibonee rhoek te a khue tih amih te, “Gibonee rhoek amih he Israel ca khui lamkah moenih. Tedae Amori hlangrhuel lamkah ni. Israel ca rhoek loh amih taengah ol a caeng uh coeng. Tedae Israel ca neh Judah kongah ni Saul loh amih te a thatlai neh ngawn hamla a moeh,” a ti nah.
3 and David said to the Gibeonites, “What should I do for you? And with what should I make atonement, that you may bless Yahweh’s inheritance?”
David loh Gibonee rhoek taengah, “Nangmih taengah balae kan saii eh? BOEIPA kah rho te yoethen sak ham ba nen lae kan rhong eh,” a ti nah.
4 The Gibeonites said to him, “It is no matter of silver or gold between us and Saul or his house; neither is it for us to put any man to death in Israel.” He said, “I will do for you whatever you say.”
Te dongah Gibonee rhoek loh, “Saul taeng lamkah neh anih imkhui lamkah cak neh sui te kaimih loh ka kuek uh moenih. Israel khuikah pakhat ngawn ham kaimih hut moenih,” a ti na uh. Te vaengah, “Na ti uh coeng te tah nangmih ham balae kan saii eh?” a ti nah.
5 They said to the king, “The man who consumed us and who plotted against us, that we should be destroyed from remaining in any of the borders of Israel,
Te phoeiah manghai te, “Mamih aka khap tih mamih aka lutlat thil hlang, anih loh Israel khorhi tom ah aka pai te a mitmoeng sak.
6 let seven men of his sons be delivered to us, and we will hang them up to Yahweh in Gibeah of Saul, the chosen of Yahweh.” The king said, “I will give them.”
Anih koca lamkah hlang parhih te kaimih taengah han tloeng lammah han tloeng saeh lamtah, amih te BOEIPA kah a coelh Saul khopuei Gibeah kah BOEIPA taengah hoeng uh saeh,” a ti uh. Te dongah manghai loh, “Kamah loh kan tloeng bitni,” a ti nah.
7 But the king spared Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan the son of Saul, because of Yahweh’s oath that was between them, between David and Jonathan the son of Saul.
Tedae amih laklo kah BOEIPA olhlo bangla manghai tah Saul koca Jonathan capa Mephibosheth taengah a thinphat. Te tah David laklo neh Saul capa Jonathan laklo kah ni.
8 But the king took the two sons of Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, whom she bore to Saul, Armoni and Mephibosheth; and the five sons of Merab the daughter of Saul, whom she bore to Adriel the son of Barzillai the Meholathite.
Tedae manghai loh Aiah canu Rizpah loh Saul ham a sak pah ca tongpa panit, Armoni neh Mephibosheth, Saul canu Mikhal loh Mekoloti Barzillai capa Adriel ham a sak pah ca tongpa panga te a loh.
9 He delivered them into the hands of the Gibeonites; and they hanged them on the mountain before Yahweh, and all seven of them fell together. They were put to death in the days of harvest, in the first days, at the beginning of barley harvest.
Te phoeiah amih te Gibonee kut ah a paek tih BOEIPA mikhmuh kah tlang ah a hoeng uh tih amih parhih tah a parhih la rhenten cungku uh. Amih tah cangah cuek vaengkah cangtun cangah a moecuek hnin vaengah a duek sak uh.
10 Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sackcloth and spread it for herself on the rock, from the beginning of harvest until water poured on them from the sky. She allowed neither the birds of the sky to rest on them by day, nor the animals of the field by night.
Te vaengah Aiah canu Rizpah loh tlamhni te a loh tih cangah tong lamloh vaan lamkah tui loh amih a bo thil duela lungpang dongah a phaih thil. Te dongah khothaih ah vaan vaa, khoyin ah kohong mulhing te amih soah cuuk sak pawh.
11 David was told what Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, the concubine of Saul, had done.
Saul kah yula Aiah nu Rizpah kah a saii te David taengla a puen pa uh.
12 So David went and took the bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son from the men of Jabesh Gilead, who had stolen them from the street of Beth Shan, where the Philistines had hanged them in the day that the Philistines killed Saul in Gilboa;
Te dongah David te cet tih Saul rhuh neh a capa Jonathan rhuh te Jabesh Gilead khokung taeng lamloh a loh. Amih te Bethshan toltung lamkah a huen uh. Te tah Philisti kah amih a kuiok nah neh amih a kingkaek nah ni. Philisti kah Gilboa ah Saul te Philisti loh hnin at neh pahoi a ngawn.
13 and he brought up from there the bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son. They also gathered the bones of those who were hanged.
Saul kah a rhuh neh a capa Jonathan kah a rhuh te khaw te lamloh a khuen uh daengah a rhuh a hoeng uh tangtae khaw te a soem uh.
14 They buried the bones of Saul and Jonathan his son in the country of Benjamin in Zela, in the tomb of Kish his father; and they performed all that the king commanded. After that, God answered prayer for the land.
Saul neh a capa Jonathan kah a rhuh te Benjamin kho Zela kah a napa Kish phuel ah a up uh tih manghai loh a uen bangla boeih a saii uh. Te phoeiah ni khohmuen ham a thangthui te Pathen loh a rhoi pueng.
15 The Philistines had war again with Israel; and David went down, and his servants with him, and fought against the Philistines. David grew faint;
Te vaengah Philisti neh Israel laklo ah caem koep om tih David neh amah taengkah a sal rhoek a suntlak thil. Philisti te a vathoh vaengah David lamlum.
16 and Ishbibenob, who was of the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spear was three hundred shekels of bronze in weight, he being armed with a new sword, thought he would kill David.
Ishbibenob, Rapha cahlah Ishbibenob, a caai khiing mah rhohum khiing ah ya thum a lo pah. Anih loh a thai la a muk tih David te ngawn hamla cai.
17 But Abishai the son of Zeruiah helped him, and struck the Philistine and killed him. Then the men of David swore to him, saying, “Don’t go out with us to battle any more, so that you don’t quench the lamp of Israel.”
Tedae David te Zeruiah capa Abishai loh a bom tih Philisti te a tloek pah. Anih te a ngawn van dongah David kah hlang rhoek loh anih taengah a toemngam uh tih, “Caemtloek la kaimih taengah koep na lo pawt mako, te daengah ni Israel kah hmaithoi te a thih pawt eh,” a ti nah.
18 After this, there was again war with the Philistines at Gob. Then Sibbecai the Hushathite killed Saph, who was of the sons of the giant.
Te phoeiah om bal tih Goba ah Philisti caem koep thoo bal tih Khushathi Sibbekhai loh Rapha cahlah Saph te a ngawn.
19 There was again war with the Philistines at Gob, and Elhanan the son of Jaare-Oregim the Bethlehemite killed Goliath the Gittite’s brother, the staff of whose spear was like a weaver’s beam.
Goba tangkhuet ah Philisti neh caemtloek koep om bal tih Bethlehem Jaareoregim capa Elhanan loh Ghitti Goliath te a ngawn. Te vaengkah a caai tueng mah hnitah nah tampai bangla om.
20 There was again war at Gath, where there was a man of great stature, who had six fingers on every hand and six toes on every foot, twenty-four in number, and he also was born to the giant.
Gath ah khaw caemtloek koep om tih a hlang te a songsang neh a cungnueh khaw om. A kut dongkah kutdawn neh a kho khodawn parhuk parhuk om tih pakul pali rhenten a lo pah. Anih te khaw Rapha lamkah ni a sak.
21 When he defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimei, David’s brother, killed him.
Israel te a veet dongah David maya, Shimeah Shimei capa Jonathan loh anih te a ngawn.
22 These four were born to the giant in Gath; and they fell by the hand of David and by the hand of his servants.
Te rhoek pali te Gath ah Rapha lamkah a sak uh tih David kut neh a sal rhoek kah kut ah cungku uh.

< 2 Samuel 21 >