< 2 Kings 4 >

1 Now a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, “Your servant my husband is dead. You know that your servant feared Yahweh. Now the creditor has come to take for himself my two children to be slaves.”
Tonghma koca rhoek yuu khui lamkah manu pakhat te Elisha taengah pang tih, “Na sal, kai va he duek coeng. Na ming bangla na sal te BOEIPA aka rhih la om. Tedae laiba aka suk loh ka ca rhoi he amah taengah sal la loh ham ha pawk coeng,” a ti nah.
2 Elisha said to her, “What should I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” She said, “Your servant has nothing in the house, except a pot of oil.”
Te dongah Elisha loh anih te, “Nang ham balae kan saii eh? Im ah namah ham banim aka om kai taengah thui lah,” a ti nah. Te vaengah, “Situi um bueng phoeiah tah na salnu ham he imkhui tom ah a tloe a om moenih,” a ti nah.
3 Then he said, “Go, borrow empty containers from all your neighbors. Don’t borrow just a few containers.
Te phoeiah, “Cet, na imben tom lamkah neh a kaepvai lamkah am te namah ham dawt lah. Na imben kah am hoeng te hmaai boeh.
4 Go in and shut the door on you and on your sons, and pour oil into all those containers; and set aside those which are full.”
Na kun neh thohkhaih te khai lamtah namah hlip neh na ca rhoi hlip ah he am boeih he koei, aka bae te rhoe,” a ti nah.
5 So she went from him, and shut the door on herself and on her sons. They brought the containers to her, and she poured oil.
Anih taeng lamloh a nong phoeiah tah amah hnuk neh a ca rhoi hnuk ah thohkhaih te a kaih. A ca rhoi loh a taengla a tawn pah dongah a hlawn mai a hlawn mai.
6 When the containers were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another container.” He said to her, “There isn’t another container.” Then the oil stopped flowing.
Am rhoek te a bae vaengah tah a capa te, “Kai taengla am koep han khuen,” a ti nah. Tedae anih te, “Am om voel pawh,” a ti nah vaengah situi khaw pat.
7 Then she came and told the man of God. He said, “Go, sell the oil, and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest.”
Te phoeiah cet tih Pathen kah hlang taengah a puen pah. Te daengah, “Cet, situi te yoi lamtah na laiba te na laiba bangla sah. A coih nen te namah khaw na ca rhoi khaw hing uh,” a ti nah.
8 One day Elisha went to Shunem, where there was a prominent woman; and she persuaded him to eat bread. So it was, that as often as he passed by, he turned in there to eat bread.
Hnin at ah Elisha te Shunam la cet. Teah te huta hlangrhoei pakhat om tih Elisha te buh ca la a hloh. Te dongah a pha takuem ah buh ca la pahoi duem.
9 She said to her husband, “See now, I perceive that this is a holy man of God who passes by us continually.
A va taengah, “Mah rhoi taengla aka pawk taitu te Pathen kah hlang cim la ka ming coeng he.
10 Please, let’s make a little room on the roof. Let’s set a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp stand for him there. When he comes to us, he can stay there.”
Imhman ah pangbueng ca saii sih lamtah anih ham baiphaih neh caboei khaw ngolkhoel neh hmaitung pahoi khueh pah sih. Mamih rhoi taengla amah ha pawk vaengah tah te ah te pah saeh,” a ti nah.
11 One day he came there, and he went to the room and lay there.
Hnin at vaengah tah te lam te pawk tangloeng. Te vaengah imhman la kun tih pahoi yalh.
12 He said to Gehazi his servant, “Call this Shunammite.” When he had called her, she stood before him.
Te phoeiah a tueihyoeih Gehazi te, “Shunam nu he khue lah,” a ti nah dongah anih te a khue pah tih a mikhmuh ah a pai pah.
13 He said to him, “Say now to her, ‘Behold, you have cared for us with all this care. What is to be done for you? Would you like to be spoken for to the king, or to the captain of the army?’” She answered, “I dwell among my own people.”
Gehazih taengah, “Huta te, ‘He kah thuennah cungkuem dongah kaimih rhoi ham na lakueng coeng he. Nang ham balae kan saii eh? Manghai taeng neh caempuei mangpa taengah nang yueng la thui ham koi om a?’ ti nah,” a ti nah. Tedae, “Kai tah ka pilnam lakli ah kho ka sak,” a ti nah.
14 He said, “What then is to be done for her?” Gehazi answered, “Most certainly she has no son, and her husband is old.”
Te dongah, “Anih ham balae n'saii eh,” a ti nah. Te vaengah Gehazi loh, “Then, anih he ca a khueh moenih, a va khaw patong coeng,” a ti nah.
15 He said, “Call her.” When he had called her, she stood in the door.
Te dongah, “Amah te khue lah,” a ti nah vanbangla amah te a khue pah tih thohka ah a pai pah.
16 He said, “At this season next year, you will embrace a son.” She said, “No, my lord, you man of God, do not lie to your servant.”
Te phoeiah, “Lomai tue kah khoning vaengah he nang te capa na kop ni,” a ti nah. Tedae, “Moenih, ka boei Pathen kah hlang aw, na salnu taengah laithae boeh,” a ti nah.
17 The woman conceived, and bore a son at that season when the time came around, as Elisha had said to her.
Tedae huta te vawn tih lomai tue kah khoning vaengah tah Elisha loh anih taengah a thui bangla capa a cun.
18 When the child was grown, one day he went out to his father to the reapers.
Camoe pantai tih hnin at ah tah a napa taengah cangat la cet.
19 He said to his father, “My head! My head!” He said to his servant, “Carry him to his mother.”
Te vaengah a napa taengah, “Ka lu, ka lu,” a ti nah. Te dongah tueihyoeih pakhat taengah, “Anih he a manu taengla thak,” a ti nah.
20 When he had taken him and brought him to his mother, he sat on her knees until noon, and then died.
Anih te a phueih tih a manu taengla a pawk puei. Tedae khothun hil a manu khuklu dongah a ngol phoeiah duek.
21 She went up and laid him on the man of God’s bed, and shut the door on him, and went out.
Te dongah cet tih camoe te Pathen hlang kah baiphaih dongah a yalh sak. Te phoeiah thoh a khaih thil tih khoe uh.
22 She called to her husband and said, “Please send me one of the servants, and one of the donkeys, that I may run to the man of God and come again.”
A va te a khue tih, “Kai he tueihyoeih pakhat, laak pakhat han tueih mai. Te daengah ni Pathen kah hlang taengla ka yong vetih tatloe la ka mael eh,” a ti nah.
23 He said, “Why would you want to go to him today? It is not a new moon or a Sabbath.” She said, “It’s all right.”
Tedae, “Nang namah cing te anih taengah a balae tih na caeh khaw na caeh mai? Tihnin he hlasae moenih, Sabbath bal moenih,” a ti nah vaengah, “Ngaimong la,” a ti nah.
24 Then she saddled a donkey, and said to her servant, “Drive, and go forward! Don’t slow down for me, unless I ask you to.”
Laak te a ngoldoelh phoeiah tah a tueihyoeih te, “Vai lamtah cet laeh, nang taengah ngol ham ka thui hlan atah kai ham he uelh boeh,” a ti nah.
25 So she went, and came to the man of God to Mount Carmel. When the man of God saw her afar off, he said to Gehazi his servant, “Behold, there is the Shunammite.
Cet tangloeng tih Karmel tlang kah Pathen hlang taengla la pawk. Pathen kah hlang loh anih te rhaldan ah a hmuh coeng tih a tueihyoeih Gehazi taengah, “Shunam nu la ke,
26 Please run now to meet her, and ask her, ‘Is it well with you? Is it well with your husband? Is it well with your child?’” She answered, “It is well.”
Anih ke doe hamla yong laeh laeh. Anih te, ‘Na sading a? Na va te a sading a? Camoe te a sading a?’ ti nah,” a ti nah. Tedae huta loh, “Ka sading uh ngawn,” a ti nah.
27 When she came to the man of God to the hill, she caught hold of his feet. Gehazi came near to thrust her away; but the man of God said, “Leave her alone, for her soul is troubled within her; and Yahweh has hidden it from me, and has not told me.”
Tlang kah Pathen hlang taengla a pha vaengah a kho te a kop pah. Gehazi loh anih te thaek ham thoeih dae Pathen kah hlang loh, “Anih te hlah laeh, anih ham tah a hinglu paep coeng dae BOEIPA loh kai ham a phah tih kai taengah thui pawh,” a ti nah.
28 Then she said, “Did I ask you for a son, my lord? Didn’t I say, ‘Do not deceive me’?”
Te phoeiah, “Ka boeipa taengah capa kam bih nim? Kai he m'phok boeh ka ti moenih a?” a ti nah.
29 Then he said to Gehazi, “Tuck your cloak into your belt, take my staff in your hand, and go your way. If you meet any man, don’t greet him; and if anyone greets you, don’t answer him again. Then lay my staff on the child’s face.”
Gehazi te, “Na cinghen yen lamtah na kut dongah kai kah conghol he pom. Yong lamtah hlang loh m'hmuh a khaw uem boeh. Hlang loh nang ng'uem akhaw doo boeh. Ka conghol he camoe maelhmai ah tloeng pah,” a ti nah.
30 The child’s mother said, “As Yahweh lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you.” So he arose, and followed her.
Tedae camoe kah a manu loh, “BOEIPA kah hingnah neh na hinglu kah hingnah bangla nang kan hlah mahpawh,” a ti nah. Te dongah thoo tih a hnukah a vai.
31 Gehazi went ahead of them, and laid the staff on the child’s face; but there was no voice and no hearing. Therefore he returned to meet him, and told him, “The child has not awakened.”
Gehazi tah amih rhoi hmai ah cet coeng tih conghol te camoe maelhmai ah a tloeng pah. Tedae ol om pawt tih hnatungnah khaw om pawh. Te dongah amah te doe hamla mael tih amah taengah a puen pah. “Camoe a haenghang moenih,” a ti nah.
32 When Elisha had come into the house, behold, the child was dead, and lying on his bed.
Elisha te im la a pawk vaengah tah camoe te anih kah baiphaih dongah a duek la tarha ana yalh pah.
33 He went in therefore, and shut the door on them both, and prayed to Yahweh.
Kun tih amah rhoi hnuk ah thohkhaih te a khaih phoeiah BOEIPA taengah thangthui.
34 He went up and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth, and his eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands. He stretched himself on him; and the child’s flesh grew warm.
Cet tih camoe soah a bakop thil. A ka neh a ka, a mik neh a mik, a kut rhoi khaw a kut neh a kut a ben. A soah a khup thil vaengah camoe kah pumsa te bae hang.
35 Then he returned, and walked in the house once back and forth, then went up and stretched himself out on him. Then the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes.
Koep mael tih imkhui ah he la vai, he la vai cet. Koep yoeng tih a soah a khup thil vaengah tah camoe te voei rhih ikthi. Te daengah camoe loh a mik te a dai.
36 He called Gehazi, and said, “Call this Shunammite!” So he called her. When she had come in to him, he said, “Take up your son.”
Gehazi te a khue tih, “Shunam nu te khue laeh,” a ti nah. Anih te a khue tih a taengla a pawk pah vaengah tah, “Na capa he poeh laeh,” a ti nah.
37 Then she went in, fell at his feet, and bowed herself to the ground; then she picked up her son, and went out.
Anih te kun tih Elisha kah kho kung ah a yalh pah phoeih diklai la a bakop pah. Te phoeiah a capa te a loh tih cet.
38 Elisha came again to Gilgal. There was a famine in the land; and the sons of the prophets were sitting before him; and he said to his servant, “Get the large pot, and boil stew for the sons of the prophets.”
Elisha te Gilgal la a mael vaengah khohmuen ah khokha pai. Te vaengah a mikhmuh ah tonghma ca rhoek a ngol pah dongah a tueihyoeih taengah, “Am len khueng lamtah tonghma ca rhoek ham andam thong pah,” a ti nah.
39 One went out into the field to gather herbs, and found a wild vine, and gathered a lap full of wild gourds from it, and came and cut them up into the pot of stew; for they didn’t recognize them.
Te dongah pakhat te lohma ah an yoep la cet. Te vaengah kohong sulyam a hmuh tih kohong hava thaih khaw a himbai a bae la a yoep. A mael vaengah andam am khuila a laep thil te ming uh pawh.
40 So they poured out for the men to eat. As they were eating some of the stew, they cried out and said, “Man of God, there is death in the pot!” And they could not eat it.
Te phoeiah tah hlang rhoek loh a caak ham te a thui pah. Tedae andam te a caak uh van neh amih te pang uh tih, “Pathen hlang kah am dongah dueknah om,” a ti uh. Te dongah a caak uh ham khaw coeng uh pawh.
41 But he said, “Then bring meal.” He threw it into the pot; and he said, “Serve it to the people, that they may eat.” And there was nothing harmful in the pot.
Te vaengah, “Vaidam lo uh dae,” a ti nah tih am khuiah a hlum phoeiah tah, “Pilnam ham thui pah laeh,” a ti nah. A caak uh vaengah am dongah a thae hno om voel pawh.
42 A man from Baal Shalishah came, and brought the man of God some bread of the first fruits: twenty loaves of barley and fresh ears of grain in his sack. Elisha said, “Give to the people, that they may eat.”
Te phoeiah Baalshalisha lamkah hlang ha pawk tih Pathen hlang ham te thaihcuek buh la cangtun buh cun kul neh cangthai te a tolkhui dongah a khuen pah. Tedae, “Pilnam te pae lamtah ca uh saeh,” a ti nah.
43 His servant said, “What, should I set this before a hundred men?” But he said, “Give it to the people, that they may eat; for Yahweh says, ‘They will eat, and will have some left over.’”
Te vaengah anih taengkah aka thotat rhoek loh, “Hlang yakhat kah mikhmuh ah he he metlam ka tawn eh,” a ti nah. Tedae, “Pilnam taengah pae lamtah ca uh saeh. BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. A caak uh phoeiah coih bitni,” a ti nah.
44 So he set it before them and they ate and had some left over, according to Yahweh’s word.
Amih mikhmuh ah a tawn pah tih a caak uh vaengah tah BOEIPA ol bangla a caknoi uh.

< 2 Kings 4 >