< 1 Corinthians 16 >

1 Now concerning the collection for the saints: as I commanded the assemblies of Galatia, you do likewise.
A za milostinju svetima, kao što uredih po crkvama Galatijskijem onako i vi èinite.
2 On the first day of every week, let each one of you save as he may prosper, that no collections are made when I come.
Svaki prvi dan nedjelje neka svaki od vas ostavlja kod sebe i skuplja koliko može, da ne bivaju zbiranja kad doðem.
3 When I arrive, I will send whoever you approve with letters to carry your gracious gift to Jerusalem.
A kad doðem, koje naðete za vrijedne one æu s poslanicama poslati u Jerusalim neka odnesu vašu pomoæ.
4 If it is appropriate for me to go also, they will go with me.
A ako bude vrijedno da i ja idem, poæi æe sa mnom.
5 I will come to you when I have passed through Macedonia, for I am passing through Macedonia.
A k vama æu doæi kad proðem Maæedoniju, jer æu proæi kroz Maæedoniju.
6 But with you it may be that I will stay with you, or even winter with you, that you may send me on my journey wherever I go.
A u vas može biti da æu se zabaviti, ili i zimovati, da me vi pratite kud poðem.
7 For I do not wish to see you now in passing, but I hope to stay a while with you, if the Lord permits.
Sad vas u prolaženju neæu vidjeti, a nadam se neko vrijeme ostati kod vas, ako Gospod dopusti.
8 But I will stay at Ephesus until Pentecost,
A u Efesu æu ostati do Trojièina dne;
9 for a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.
Jer mi se otvoriše velika i bogata vrata, i protivnika ima mnogo.
10 Now if Timothy comes, see that he is with you without fear, for he does the work of the Lord, as I also do.
A ako doðe Timotije, gledajte da bude kod vas bez straha; jer on radi djelo Gospodnje kao i ja.
11 Therefore let no one despise him. But set him forward on his journey in peace, that he may come to me; for I expect him with the brothers.
Da ga niko dakle ne prezre, nego ga ispratite s mirom da doðe k meni; jer ga èekam s braæom.
12 Now concerning Apollos the brother, I strongly urged him to come to you with the brothers, but it was not at all his desire to come now; but he will come when he has an opportunity.
A za brata Apola, mnogo ga molih da doðe k vama s braæom: i nikako ne bješe mu volja da sad doðe; ali æe doæi kad imadbude kad.
13 Watch! Stand firm in the faith! Be courageous! Be strong!
Pazite, stojte u vjeri, muški se držite, utvrðujte se.
14 Let all that you do be done in love.
Sve da vam biva u ljubavi.
15 Now I beg you, brothers—you know the house of Stephanas, that it is the first fruits of Achaia, and that they have set themselves to serve the saints—
Molim vas pak, braæo, znate dom Stefanin da je novina od Ahaje, i na služenje svetima odredi se;
16 that you also be in subjection to such, and to everyone who helps in the work and labors.
Da ste i vi pokorni takovima, i svakome koji pomaže i trudi se.
17 I rejoice at the coming of Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus; for that which was lacking on your part, they supplied.
Ali se obradovah dolasku Stefaninu i Fortunatovu i Ahajikovu, jer mi oni naknadiše što sam bio bez vas;
18 For they refreshed my spirit and yours. Therefore acknowledge those who are like that.
Jer umiriše duh moj i vaš. Pripoznajte dakle takove.
19 The assemblies of Asia greet you. Aquila and Priscilla greet you warmly in the Lord, together with the assembly that is in their house.
Pozdravljaju vas crkve Azijske. Pozdravljaju vas u Gospodu mnogo Akila i Priskila s domašnjom svojom crkvom.
20 All the brothers greet you. Greet one another with a holy kiss.
Pozdravljaju vas braæa sva. Pozdravite jedan drugoga cjelivom svetijem.
21 This greeting is by me, Paul, with my own hand.
Pozdravljam vas ja Pavle svojom rukom.
22 If any man doesn’t love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be cursed. Come, Lord!
Ako ko ne ljubi Gospoda Isusa Hrista da bude proklet, maran ata.
23 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Blagodat Gospoda našega Isusa Hrista s vama;
24 My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen.
I ljubav moja sa svima vama u Hristu Isusu. Amin.

< 1 Corinthians 16 >