< Judges 5 >

1 Then Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam sang on that day, saying,
καὶ ᾖσαν Δεββωρα καὶ Βαρακ υἱὸς Αβινεεμ ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἐκείνῃ λέγοντες
2 “Because the leaders took the lead in Israel, because the people offered themselves willingly, be blessed, LORD!
ἀπεκαλύφθη ἀποκάλυμμα ἐν Ισραηλ ἐν τῷ ἑκουσιασθῆναι λαὸν εὐλογεῖτε κύριον
3 “Hear, you kings! Give ear, you princes! I, even I, will sing to the LORD. I will sing praise to the LORD, the God of Israel.
ἀκούσατε βασιλεῖς καὶ ἐνωτίσασθε σατράπαι ἐγώ εἰμι τῷ κυρίῳ ἐγώ εἰμι ᾄσομαι ψαλῶ τῷ κυρίῳ τῷ θεῷ Ισραηλ
4 “LORD, when you went out of Seir, when you marched out of the field of Edom, the earth trembled, the sky also dropped. Yes, the clouds dropped water.
κύριε ἐν τῇ ἐξόδῳ σου ἐν Σηιρ ἐν τῷ ἀπαίρειν σε ἐξ ἀγροῦ Εδωμ γῆ ἐσείσθη καὶ ὁ οὐρανὸς ἔσταξεν δρόσους καὶ αἱ νεφέλαι ἔσταξαν ὕδωρ
5 The mountains quaked at the LORD’s presence, even Sinai at the presence of the LORD, the God of Israel.
ὄρη ἐσαλεύθησαν ἀπὸ προσώπου κυρίου Ελωι τοῦτο Σινα ἀπὸ προσώπου κυρίου θεοῦ Ισραηλ
6 “In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were unoccupied. The travellers walked through byways.
ἐν ἡμέραις Σαμεγαρ υἱοῦ Αναθ ἐν ἡμέραις Ιαηλ ἐξέλιπον ὁδοὺς καὶ ἐπορεύθησαν ἀτραπούς ἐπορεύθησαν ὁδοὺς διεστραμμένας
7 The rulers ceased in Israel. They ceased until I, Deborah, arose; Until I arose a mother in Israel.
ἐξέλιπον δυνατοὶ ἐν Ισραηλ ἐξέλιπον ἕως οὗ ἀναστῇ Δεββωρα ἕως οὗ ἀναστῇ μήτηρ ἐν Ισραηλ
8 They chose new gods. Then war was in the gates. Was there a shield or spear seen amongst forty thousand in Israel?
ἐξελέξαντο θεοὺς καινούς τότε ἐπολέμησαν πόλεις ἀρχόντων θυρεὸς ἐὰν ὀφθῇ καὶ λόγχη ἐν τεσσαράκοντα χιλιάσιν ἐν Ισραηλ
9 My heart is towards the governors of Israel, who offered themselves willingly amongst the people. Bless the LORD!
ἡ καρδία μου εἰς τὰ διατεταγμένα τῷ Ισραηλ οἱ ἑκουσιαζόμενοι ἐν λαῷ εὐλογεῖτε κύριον
10 “Speak, you who ride on white donkeys, you who sit on rich carpets, and you who walk by the way.
ἐπιβεβηκότες ἐπὶ ὄνου θηλείας μεσημβρίας καθήμενοι ἐπὶ κριτηρίου καὶ πορευόμενοι ἐπὶ ὁδοὺς συνέδρων ἐφ’ ὁδῷ
11 Far from the noise of archers, in the places of drawing water, there they will rehearse the LORD’s righteous acts, the righteous acts of his rule in Israel. “Then the LORD’s people went down to the gates.
διηγεῖσθε ἀπὸ φωνῆς ἀνακρουομένων ἀνὰ μέσον ὑδρευομένων ἐκεῖ δώσουσιν δικαιοσύνας κυρίῳ δικαιοσύνας αὔξησον ἐν Ισραηλ τότε κατέβη εἰς τὰς πόλεις λαὸς κυρίου
12 ‘Awake, awake, Deborah! Awake, awake, utter a song! Arise, Barak, and lead away your captives, you son of Abinoam.’
ἐξεγείρου ἐξεγείρου Δεββωρα ἐξεγείρου ἐξεγείρου λάλησον ᾠδήν ἀνάστα Βαρακ καὶ αἰχμαλώτισον αἰχμαλωσίαν σου υἱὸς Αβινεεμ
13 “Then a remnant of the nobles and the people came down. The LORD came down for me against the mighty.
τότε κατέβη κατάλειμμα τοῖς ἰσχυροῖς λαὸς κυρίου κατέβη αὐτῷ ἐν τοῖς κραταιοῖς
14 Those whose root is in Amalek came out of Ephraim, after you, Benjamin, amongst your peoples. Governors come down out of Machir. Those who handle the marshal’s staff came out of Zebulun.
ἐξ ἐμοῦ Εφραιμ ἐξερρίζωσεν αὐτοὺς ἐν τῷ Αμαληκ ὀπίσω σου Βενιαμιν ἐν τοῖς λαοῖς σου ἐν ἐμοὶ Μαχιρ κατέβησαν ἐξερευνῶντες καὶ ἀπὸ Ζαβουλων ἕλκοντες ἐν ῥάβδῳ διηγήσεως γραμματέως
15 The princes of Issachar were with Deborah. As was Issachar, so was Barak. They rushed into the valley at his feet. By the watercourses of Reuben, there were great resolves of heart.
καὶ ἀρχηγοὶ ἐν Ισσαχαρ μετὰ Δεββωρας καὶ Βαρακ οὕτως Βαρακ ἐν κοιλάσιν ἀπέστειλεν ἐν ποσὶν αὐτοῦ εἰς τὰς μερίδας Ρουβην μεγάλοι ἐξικνούμενοι καρδίαν
16 Why did you sit amongst the sheepfolds? To hear the whistling for the flocks? At the watercourses of Reuben, there were great searchings of heart.
εἰς τί ἐκάθισαν ἀνὰ μέσον τῆς διγομίας τοῦ ἀκοῦσαι συρισμοῦ ἀγγέλων εἰς διαιρέσεις Ρουβην μεγάλοι ἐξετασμοὶ καρδίας
17 Gilead lived beyond the Jordan. Why did Dan remain in ships? Asher sat still at the haven of the sea, and lived by his creeks.
Γαλααδ ἐν τῷ πέραν τοῦ Ιορδάνου ἐσκήνωσεν καὶ Δαν εἰς τί παροικεῖ πλοίοις Ασηρ ἐκάθισεν παραλίαν θαλασσῶν καὶ ἐπὶ διεξόδοις αὐτοῦ σκηνώσει
18 Zebulun was a people that jeopardised their lives to the death; Naphtali also, on the high places of the field.
Ζαβουλων λαὸς ὠνείδισεν ψυχὴν αὐτοῦ εἰς θάνατον καὶ Νεφθαλι ἐπὶ ὕψη ἀγροῦ
19 “The kings came and fought, then the kings of Canaan fought at Taanach by the waters of Megiddo. They took no plunder of silver.
ἦλθον αὐτῶν βασιλεῖς παρετάξαντο τότε ἐπολέμησαν βασιλεῖς Χανααν ἐν Θανααχ ἐπὶ ὕδατι Μεγεδδω δῶρον ἀργυρίου οὐκ ἔλαβον
20 From the sky the stars fought. From their courses, they fought against Sisera.
ἐξ οὐρανοῦ παρετάξαντο οἱ ἀστέρες ἐκ τρίβων αὐτῶν παρετάξαντο μετὰ Σισαρα
21 The river Kishon swept them away, that ancient river, the river Kishon. My soul, march on with strength.
χειμάρρους Κισων ἐξέσυρεν αὐτούς χειμάρρους ἀρχαίων χειμάρρους Κισων καταπατήσει αὐτὸν ψυχή μου δυνατή
22 Then the horse hoofs stamped because of the prancing, the prancing of their strong ones.
τότε ἐνεποδίσθησαν πτέρναι ἵππου σπουδῇ ἔσπευσαν ἰσχυροὶ αὐτοῦ
23 ‘Curse Meroz,’ said the LORD’s angel. ‘Curse bitterly its inhabitants, because they didn’t come to help the LORD, to help the LORD against the mighty.’
καταρᾶσθε Μηρωζ εἶπεν ἄγγελος κυρίου καταρᾶσθε ἐπικατάρατος πᾶς ὁ κατοικῶν αὐτήν ὅτι οὐκ ἤλθοσαν εἰς βοήθειαν κυρίου εἰς βοήθειαν ἐν δυνατοῖς
24 “Jael shall be blessed above women, the wife of Heber the Kenite; blessed shall she be above women in the tent.
εὐλογηθείη ἐν γυναιξὶν Ιαηλ γυνὴ Χαβερ τοῦ Κιναίου ἀπὸ γυναικῶν ἐν σκηναῖς εὐλογηθείη
25 He asked for water. She gave him milk. She brought him butter in a lordly dish.
ὕδωρ ᾔτησεν γάλα ἔδωκεν ἐν λεκάνῃ ὑπερεχόντων προσήνεγκεν βούτυρον
26 She put her hand to the tent peg, and her right hand to the workmen’s hammer. With the hammer she struck Sisera. She struck through his head. Yes, she pierced and struck through his temples.
χεῖρα αὐτῆς ἀριστερὰν εἰς πάσσαλον ἐξέτεινεν καὶ δεξιὰν αὐτῆς εἰς σφῦραν κοπιώντων καὶ ἐσφυροκόπησεν Σισαρα διήλωσεν κεφαλὴν αὐτοῦ καὶ ἐπάταξεν διήλωσεν κρόταφον αὐτοῦ
27 At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay. At her feet he bowed, he fell. Where he bowed, there he fell down dead.
ἀνὰ μέσον τῶν ποδῶν αὐτῆς κατεκυλίσθη ἔπεσεν καὶ ἐκοιμήθη ἀνὰ μέσον τῶν ποδῶν αὐτῆς κατακλιθεὶς ἔπεσεν καθὼς κατεκλίθη ἐκεῖ ἔπεσεν ἐξοδευθείς
28 “Through the window she looked out, and cried: Sisera’s mother looked through the lattice. ‘Why is his chariot so long in coming? Why do the wheels of his chariots wait?’
διὰ τῆς θυρίδος παρέκυψεν μήτηρ Σισαρα ἐκτὸς τοῦ τοξικοῦ διότι ᾐσχύνθη ἅρμα αὐτοῦ διότι ἐχρόνισαν πόδες ἁρμάτων αὐτοῦ
29 Her wise ladies answered her, Yes, she returned answer to herself,
αἱ σοφαὶ ἄρχουσαι αὐτῆς ἀπεκρίθησαν πρὸς αὐτήν καὶ αὐτὴ ἀπέστρεψεν λόγους αὐτῆς ἑαυτῇ
30 ‘Have they not found, have they not divided the plunder? A lady, two ladies to every man; to Sisera a plunder of dyed garments, a plunder of dyed garments embroidered, of dyed garments embroidered on both sides, on the necks of the plunder?’
οὐχ εὑρήσουσιν αὐτὸν διαμερίζοντα σκῦλα οἰκτίρμων οἰκτιρήσει εἰς κεφαλὴν ἀνδρός σκῦλα βαμμάτων τῷ Σισαρα σκῦλα βαμμάτων ποικιλίας βάμματα ποικιλτῶν αὐτά τῷ τραχήλῳ αὐτοῦ σκῦλα
31 “So let all your enemies perish, LORD, but let those who love him be as the sun when it rises in its strength.” Then the land had rest forty years.
οὕτως ἀπόλοιντο πάντες οἱ ἐχθροί σου κύριε καὶ οἱ ἀγαπῶντες αὐτὸν ὡς ἔξοδος ἡλίου ἐν δυνάμει αὐτοῦ καὶ ἡσύχασεν ἡ γῆ τεσσαράκοντα ἔτη

< Judges 5 >