< Exodus 39 >

1 Of the blue, purple, and scarlet, they made finely worked garments for ministering in the holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron, as the LORD commanded Moses.
तिनीहरूले निलो, बैजनी र रातो ऊनबाट पवित्रस्थानमा सेवा गर्नका लागि राम्ररी बुनेका पोशाकहरू बनाए । परप्रभुले मोशालाई आज्ञा दिनुभएअनुसार तिनीहरूले पवित्रस्थानको लागि हारूनका पोशाकहरू बनाए ।
2 He made the ephod of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen.
बजलेलले सुन, निलो, बैजनी, रातो ऊन र मसिनो गरी बाटेको सुती कपडाबाट एपोद बनाए ।
3 They beat the gold into thin plates, and cut it into wires, to work it in with the blue, the purple, the scarlet, and the fine linen, the work of the skilful workman.
तिनीहरूले सुन पिटेर पातला पाताहरू काटेर तारहरू बनाए । ती निलो, बैजनी, रातो ऊन र मसिनो सुती कपडामा लगाउनलाई थिए र यो निपुण शिल्पकारको काम थियो ।
4 They made shoulder straps for it, joined together. It was joined together at the two ends.
तिनीहरूले एपोदको लागि दुई छेउमा गाँसेका काँधे-बन्धनहरू बनाए ।
5 The skilfully woven band that was on it, with which to fasten it on, was of the same piece, like its work: of gold, of blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen, as the LORD commanded Moses.
यसको राम्ररी बुनेको कमरपेटी एपोदजस्तै थियो । यसलाई एपोदकै टुक्राबाट बनाइएको थियो र यो मसिनो गरी बाटेको सुती कपडा, सुन, निलो, बैजनी र रातो ऊनबाट बनाइएको थियो, जस्तो परमप्रभुले मोशालाई आज्ञा दिनुभएको थियो ।
6 They worked the onyx stones, enclosed in settings of gold, engraved with the engravings of a signet, according to the names of the children of Israel.
तिनीहरूले सुनका मणिघरहरूमा आनिक्स रत्‍नहरू जडे, र छापमा खोपिएजस्तै तिनीहरूले इस्राएलका बाह्र छोराका नाउँ खोपे ।
7 He put them on the shoulder straps of the ephod, to be stones of memorial for the children of Israel, as the LORD commanded Moses.
परमप्रभुले मोशालाई आज्ञा गर्नुभएझैँ बजलेलले तिनलाई एपोदको काँधे-बन्धनहरूमा इस्राएलका बाह्र छोराका निम्ति सम्झनाको रत्‍न हुनलाई ती लगाए ।
8 He made the breastplate, the work of a skilful workman, like the work of the ephod: of gold, of blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen.
तिनले एपोदजस्तै छाती-पाता बनाए जुन सिपालु शिल्पकारको काम थियो । तिनले यसलाई सुन, निलो, बैजनी, रातो ऊन र मसिनो सुती कपडाबाट बनाए ।
9 It was square. They made the breastplate double. Its length was a span, and its width a span, being double.
यो वर्गाकार थियो । तिनीहरूले यसलाई दोब्बर पट्ट्याए । यो एक बित्ता लामो र एक बित्ता चौडा थियो ।
10 They set in it four rows of stones. A row of ruby, topaz, and beryl was the first row;
तिनीहरूले यसलाई चार लहर गरी मणिहरू जडे । पहिलो लहर मानिक, पुष्पराज र बेरूजको थियो ।
11 and the second row, a turquoise, a sapphire, and an emerald;
दोस्रो लहर फिरोजा, नीर र पन्‍नाको थियो ।
12 and the third row, a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst;
तेस्रो लहर नीलमणि, हाकिक र कटेलाको थियो ।
13 and the fourth row, a chrysolite, an onyx, and a jasper. They were enclosed in gold settings.
चौथो लहर पीतमणि, आनिक्स र बिल्लौरको थियो । ती सुनका मणिघरहरूमा जडिएका थिए ।
14 The stones were according to the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names; like the engravings of a signet, everyone according to his name, for the twelve tribes.
ती मणिहरू इस्राएलका बाह्र छोराका नाउँअनुसार क्रमैसँग राखिएका थिए । छाप-औँठीमा खोपेजस्तै हरेक नाउँले बाह्र कुलका हरेक कुलको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्थ्यो ।
15 They made on the breastplate chains like cords, of braided work of pure gold.
तिनीहरूले छाती-पातामा डोरीजस्तो बाटेको निखुर सुनका सिक्रीहरू बनाए ।
16 They made two settings of gold, and two gold rings, and put the two rings on the two ends of the breastplate.
तिनीहरूले छाती-पाताको लागि सुनका दुईवटा मुन्द्री बनाए र तिनलाई छाती-पाताका दुईवटै किनारामा लगाए ।
17 They put the two braided chains of gold in the two rings at the ends of the breastplate.
तिनीहरूले सुनका दुईवटा सिक्रीलाई छाती-पाताका किनाराहरूमा लगाए ।
18 The other two ends of the two braided chains they put on the two settings, and put them on the shoulder straps of the ephod, in its front.
तिनीहरूले बाटेका दुईवटा सिक्रीका अर्का दुईवटा छेउलाई दुवै मणिघरमा जोडे । त्यसपछि तिनीहरूले ती दुईवटालाई एपोदको काँधे-बन्धनको अगाडिपट्टि लगाए ।
19 They made two rings of gold, and put them on the two ends of the breastplate, on its edge, which was towards the side of the ephod inward.
तिनीहरूले सुनका दुईवटा मुन्द्री बनाए, र भित्रपट्टिको बिँडको छेउमा तिनलाई छाती-पाताका अर्का दुईवटा कुनामा लगाए ।
20 They made two more rings of gold, and put them on the two shoulder straps of the ephod underneath, in its front, close by its coupling, above the skilfully woven band of the ephod.
तिनीहरूले थप दुईवटा सुनका मुन्द्री बनाए, र तिनलाई एपोदको अगाडिपट्टि दुवै काँधे-बन्धनका मुनिबाट र एपोदको निकै राम्ररी बुनेको कमरपेटीमाथिको सिउनीनेर लगाए ।
21 They bound the breastplate by its rings to the rings of the ephod with a lace of blue, that it might be on the skilfully woven band of the ephod, and that the breastplate might not come loose from the ephod, as the LORD commanded Moses.
तिनीहरूले छाती-पाता त्यसका मुन्द्रीहरूद्वारा एपोदका मुन्द्रीहरूमा निलो फित्ताले कमरपेटीमा बाँधे ताकि त्यो बुनिएको एपोददेखि सर्न नपाओस् । परमप्रभुले मोशालाई आज्ञा गर्नुभएबमोजिम तिनीहरूले बनाए ।
22 He made the robe of the ephod of woven work, all of blue.
बजलेलले एपोदको अलखा पूर्ण रूपमा निलो रङको बुनेको कपडाबाट बनाए । यो जुलाहाको काम थियो ।
23 The opening of the robe in the middle of it was like the opening of a coat of mail, with a binding around its opening, that it should not be torn.
यसको बिचमा टाउको छिराउने प्वाल थियो । नच्यातियोस् भन्‍नाका लागि यसमा कठालोको प्वालजस्तै बुनेको बिट थियो ।
24 They made on the skirts of the robe pomegranates of blue, purple, scarlet, and twined linen.
तिनीहरूले तलको फेरोको चारैतिर निलो, बैजनी, रातो धागो र मसिनो सुती कपडाका दारिमहरू बनाए ।
25 They made bells of pure gold, and put the bells between the pomegranates around the skirts of the robe, between the pomegranates;
तिनीहरूले निखुर सुनका घण्टीहरू बनाए, र तलको फेरोमा वरिपरि दारिमका बिच-बिचमा तिनीहरूले ती लगाए ।
26 a bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate, around the skirts of the robe, to minister in, as the LORD commanded Moses.
तिनीहरूले हारूनले भित्र सेवा गर्दा लगाउने अलखाको छेउ-छेउमा एउटा घण्टी र एउटा दारिम अनि एउटा घण्टी र एउटा दारिम लगाए । परमप्रभुले मोशालाई आज्ञा गर्नुभएअनुसार तिनीहरूले गरे ।
27 They made the tunics of fine linen of woven work for Aaron and for his sons,
तिनीहरूले हारून र तिनका छोराहरूका लागि मसिनो सुती कपडाका लबेदाहरू बनाए ।
28 the turban of fine linen, the linen headbands of fine linen, the linen trousers of fine twined linen,
तिनीहरूले मसिनो सुती कपडाको फेटा, सुती कपडाका अन्य फेटाहरू, सुती कपडाका भित्री वस्‍त्रहरू,
29 the sash of fine twined linen, blue, purple, and scarlet, the work of the embroiderer, as the LORD commanded Moses.
सुती कपडा र निलो, बैजनी, रातो धागोको पटुका बनाए । यो बुट्टा भर्नेको काम थियो । परमप्रभुले मोशालाई आज्ञा गर्नुभएअनुसार तिनीहरूले गरे ।
30 They made the plate of the holy crown of pure gold, and wrote on it an inscription, like the engravings of a signet: “HOLY TO THE LORD”.
तिनीहरूले निखुर सुनको पवित्र मुकुटको पाता बनाए ।
31 They tied to it a lace of blue, to fasten it on the turban above, as the LORD commanded Moses.
तिनीहरूले यसलाई छाप-औँठीमा झैँ “परमप्रभुको निम्ति पवित्र” भनेर खोपे । तिनीहरूले फेटाको माथिपट्टि निलो फित्ता बाँधे । परमप्रभुले आज्ञा गर्नुभएअनुसार तिनीहरूले गरे ।
32 Thus all the work of the tabernacle of the Tent of Meeting was finished. The children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses; so they did.
यसरी पवित्र वासस्थान अर्थात् भेट हुने पालको काम सकियो । इस्राएलका मानिसहरूले सबै कुरा गरे । परमप्रभुले मोशालाई भन्‍नुभएका सबै आज्ञालाई तिनीहरूले पछ्याए ।
33 They brought the tabernacle to Moses: the tent, with all its furniture, its clasps, its boards, its bars, its pillars, its sockets,
तिनीहरूले पवित्र वासस्थान, पाल र यसका सबै सरसामान अर्थात् यसका अङ्कुसेहरू, फल्याकहरू, बारहरू, खम्बाहरू र आधारहरू, रातो
34 the covering of rams’ skins dyed red, the covering of sea cow hides, the veil of the screen,
रङले रङ्ग्याइएका भेडाका छालाहरूको छत, सीलको छालाको छत र ढाक्‍ने पर्दा,
35 the ark of the covenant with its poles, the mercy seat,
गवाहीको सन्दुकसाथै डन्डाहरू र प्रायश्‍चित्तको ढकनी ल्याए ।
36 the table, all its vessels, the show bread,
तिनीहरूले टेबुल, यसका सबै भाँडाकुँडा र उपस्थितिको रोटी,
37 the pure lamp stand, its lamps, even the lamps to be set in order, all its vessels, the oil for the light,
निखुर सुनको सामदान र लहरै राखिने यसका दियाहरू, यसका सबै सामान र दियाहरूका लागि तेल,
38 the golden altar, the anointing oil, the sweet incense, the screen for the door of the Tent,
सुनको वेदी, अभिषेक गर्ने तेल र सुगन्धित धूप, पवित्र वासस्थानको प्रवेशद्वारको पर्दा,
39 the bronze altar, its grating of bronze, its poles, all of its vessels, the basin and its base,
काँसाको वेदी र काँसाको झिँजा र यसका डन्डाहरू र भाँडाकुँडा र ठुलो बाटा र यसको खुट्टा ल्याए ।
40 the hangings of the court, its pillars, its sockets, the screen for the gate of the court, its cords, its pins, and all the instruments of the service of the tabernacle, for the Tent of Meeting,
तिनीहरूले चोकका लागि यसका खम्बाहरू र आधारहरू अनि चोकको प्रवेशद्वारको लागि पर्दा, यसका डोरीहरू र पालका किलाहरू अनि पवित्र वासस्थान अर्थात् भेट हुने पालको सेवाको लागि सबै सरसामान ल्याए ।
41 the finely worked garments for ministering in the holy place, the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons, to minister in the priest’s office.
तिनीहरूले पवित्रस्थानमा सेवा गर्नको लागि बुनेका मसिनो सुती कपडाका पोशाकहरू, पुजारी भएर सेवा गर्न हारून र तिनका छोराहरूका लागि पवित्र पोशाकहरू ल्याए ।
42 According to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so the children of Israel did all the work.
यसरी इस्राएलका मानिसहरूले परमप्रभुले मोशालाई आज्ञा दिनुभएमुताबिक सबै काम गरे ।
43 Moses saw all the work, and behold, they had done it as the LORD had commanded. They had done so; and Moses blessed them.
मोशाले सबै कामको जाँच गर्दा तिनीहरूले गरेका पाए । परमप्रभुले आज्ञा गर्नुभएअनुसार तिनीहरूले गरे । तब मोशाले तिनीहरूलाई आशिष् दिए ।

< Exodus 39 >