< Luke 17 >

1 Jesus said to His disciples, "It is inevitable that causes of stumbling should come; but alas for him through whom they come!
A KOTIN majani on japwilim a tounpadak kan: Nan jota kak, men kamakar kan en jo pwaida, a juedi on me kokido.
2 It would be well for him if, with a millstone round his neck, he were lying at the bottom of the sea, rather than that he should cause even one of these little ones to fall.
A mau on, takai en ir plaua eu en paudoki on ni tapin wor a, ap lokidokila nan madau, jan a kamakar amen tikitik pukat.
3 Be on your guard. "If your brother acts wrongly, reprove him; and if he is sorry, forgive him;
Kalaka pein komail! Ma ri om ol wia dipi on uk, en kapun on i, a ma a pan kalukila, maki on i.
4 and if seven times in a day he acts wrongly towards you, and seven times turns again to you and says, 'I am sorry,' you must forgive him."
A ma a wia dipi on uk pan ijepak ni ran eu o pure don uk pan ijepak indada: I kalula, koe en maki on i!
5 And the Apostles said to the Lord, "Give us faith."
A wanporon akan potoan on Kaun o: Re kotin kalaudela at pojon!
6 "If your faith," replied the Lord, "is like a mustard seed, you might command this black-mulberry-tree, 'Tear up your roots and plant yourself in the sea,' and instantly it would obey you.
A Kaun o kotin majani: Ma omail pojon laudi on wan katirin, komail pan kak indai on tuka pik pot et: Kai jan, kajau on nan madau, a pan oke komail.
7 But which of you who has a servant ploughing, or tending sheep, will say to him when he comes in from the farm, 'Come at once and take your place at table,'
A ij re omail, me a ladu men, me kin matimat o kamakamana man akan, pan indan i ni a puredo jan matuel o: Madan kodo mondi o mana?
8 and will not rather say to him, 'Get my dinner ready, make yourself tidy, and wait upon me till I have finished my dinner, and then you shall have yours'?
A jota pan indan i: Kaonopada me i pan mana nin jautik o, kaiada om likau, papa ia, lao i manaer o nim, a muri koe pan mana o nim.
9 Does he thank the servant for obeying his orders?
De a pan danke ladu pweki a wiada, me a majani on i? I lamelam jo.
10 So you also, when you have obeyed all the orders given you, must say, "'There is no merit in our service: what we have done is only what we were in duty bound to do.'"
Pil dueta komail, komail, lao wiadar meakan me kakaliki on komail er, komail ap pan inda: Kit ladu mal, pwe i eta, me je wiadar, me kakalik on kit er.
11 As they pursued their journey to Jerusalem, He passed through Samaria and Galilee.
Kadekadeo ni a kotilan Jerujalem, a kotin weid nan wein Jamaria o Kalilaa.
12 And as He entered a certain village, ten men met Him who were lepers and stood at a distance.
O ni a kotin kotilon on nan kijin kanim eu, purai kit!
13 In loud voices they cried out, "Jesus, Rabbi, take pity on us."
Irail nil laudeda indada: Main Iejuj, kupurai kit!
14 Perceiving this, He said to them, "Go and show yourselves to the Priests." And while on their way to do this they were made clean.
A lao kotin majanier, ap majani on irail: Komail koieila kajanjale on pein komail on jamero kan. Kadekadeo ni arail kokola irail kelailada.
15 One of them, seeing that he was cured, came back, adoring and praising God in a loud voice,
A amen irail ni a kilaner me a kelailadar, ap puredo nil laudeda, kapikapina Kot.
16 and he threw himself at the feet of Jesus, thanking Him. He was a Samaritan.
O poridi jan aluwilu a, danke i; ari, i men Jamaria men.
17 "Were not all ten made clean?" Jesus asked; "but where are the nine?
Iejuj kotin japen majani: Kaidin me ek, me kelailadar, a ia me duemen oko?
18 Have none been found to come back and give glory to God except this foreigner?"
Jota me pure don kapina Kot, ol en liki men et eta?
19 And He said to him, "Rise and go: your faith has cured you."
A majani on i: Uda ko wei, om pojon me kakel uk ada!
20 Being asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God was coming, He answered, "The Kingdom of God does not so come that you can stealthily watch for it.
Parijar akai lao kalelapok re a: Dokan da me wein Kot pan pwaida? A kotin japen majani: Nan wein Kot jota kin janjal kokodo.
21 Nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' --for the Kingdom of God is within you."
Irail jota pan indada: Kilan met, de kilan monen, pwe kilan, wein Kot mi lol omail.
22 Then, turning to His disciples, He said, "There will come a time when you will wish you could see a single one of the days of the Son of Man, but will not see one.
A kotin majani on japwilim a tounpadak kan: Ran oko pan kodo, me komail pan men kilanada ran eu en Nain aramaj, a komail jota pan kak kilan.
23 And they will say to you, 'See there!' 'See here!' Do not start off and go in pursuit.
Irail pan indai on komail: Kilan monen, de kilan met! A der kola o der idauen ir ala!
24 For just as the lightning, when it flashes, shines from one part of the horizon to the opposite part, so will the Son of Man be on His day.
Pwe duen liol kin linalin jan apali en lan lel pali teio en lan, iduen Nain aramaj ni a ran o.
25 But first He must endure much suffering, and be rejected by the present generation.
A maj a pan kalokolok toto o lokidokila ren di wet.
26 "And as it was in the time of Noah, so will it also be in the time of the Son of Man.
O duen a wiaui ni muein Noa, iduen a pan wiaui ni ran oko en Nain aramaj:
27 Men were eating and drinking, taking wives and giving wives, up to the very day on which Noah entered the Ark, and the Deluge came and destroyed them all.
Irail mana, irail nim, irail papaud, irail kapapaud, lao lei ran en Noa a pedelon on nan war im o, o nolik pwaida kamom ir ala karoj.
28 The same was true in the time of Lot: they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building;
Pil dueta ni muein Lot: Irail mana, irail nim, irail netinet, irail japajap, irail kauadar im,
29 but on the day that Lot left Sodom, God rained fire and brimstone from the sky and destroyed them all.
A ni ran o, me Lot koiei jan Jodom, kijiniai o jwepel ap moredi jan nanlan, kame ir ala karoj.
30 Exactly so will it be on the day that the veil is lifted from the Son of Man.
Nan iduen a pan wiaui ni ran, me Nain aramaj pan janjaledo.
31 "On that day, if a man is on the roof and his property indoors, let him not go down to fetch it; and, in the same way, he who is in the field, let him not turn back.
Ni ran o meamen mi pon im, o a kapwa mi nan im, a ender kodi on ale. O pil dueta me mimi nan jap, i ender puredo.
32 Remember Lot's wife.
Tamatamanda en Lot a paud!
33 Any man who makes it his object to keep his own life safe, will lose it; but whoever loses his life will preserve it.
Pwe meamen kanakanai on maur a, pan pupe jan, a me pan kajela, nan i me pan maureta.
34 On that night, I tell you, there will be two men in one bed: one will be taken away and the other left behind.
I indai on komail, ni pon ota ol riamen pan wonon pon pet eu, amen pan peuka jan, a me teio pan mimieta.
35 There will be two women turning the mill together: one will be taken away and the other left behind."
Li riamen pan irij pena plaua, amen pan peuka jan, a me teio pan mimieta.
Ol riamen pan mi nan jap, amen pan peuka jan, a me teio pan mimieta.
37 "Where, Master?" they inquired. "Where the dead body is," He replied, "there also will the vultures flock together."
Irail japen potoan on i: Ia Main? A kotin majani on irail: Waja me man mat mi ia, nan i waja pwin ikel pan pil pokon pena ia.

< Luke 17 >