< Numbers 7 >

1 And it came to pass on the day that Moses had fully set up the tabernacle, and had anointed it, and sanctified it, and all its instruments, both the altar and all its vessels, and had anointed them, and sanctified them;
καὶ ἐγένετο ᾗ ἡμέρᾳ συνετέλεσεν Μωυσῆς ὥστε ἀναστῆσαι τὴν σκηνὴν καὶ ἔχρισεν αὐτὴν καὶ ἡγίασεν αὐτὴν καὶ πάντα τὰ σκεύη αὐτῆς καὶ τὸ θυσιαστήριον καὶ πάντα τὰ σκεύη αὐτοῦ καὶ ἔχρισεν αὐτὰ καὶ ἡγίασεν αὐτά
2 That the princes of Israel, heads of the house of their fathers, who [were] the princes of the tribes, and were over them that were numbered, offered:
καὶ προσήνεγκαν οἱ ἄρχοντες Ισραηλ δώδεκα ἄρχοντες οἴκων πατριῶν αὐτῶν οὗτοι ἄρχοντες φυλῶν οὗτοι οἱ παρεστηκότες ἐπὶ τῆς ἐπισκοπῆς
3 And they brought their offering before the LORD, six covered wagons, and twelve oxen; a wagon for two of the princes, and for each one an ox: and they brought them before the tabernacle.
καὶ ἤνεγκαν τὰ δῶρα αὐτῶν ἔναντι κυρίου ἓξ ἁμάξας λαμπηνικὰς καὶ δώδεκα βόας ἅμαξαν παρὰ δύο ἀρχόντων καὶ μόσχον παρὰ ἑκάστου καὶ προσήγαγον ἐναντίον τῆς σκηνῆς
4 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
καὶ εἶπεν κύριος πρὸς Μωυσῆν λέγων
5 Take [it] of them, that they may be to perform the service of the tabernacle of the congregation; and thou shalt give them to the Levites, to every man according to his service.
λαβὲ παρ’ αὐτῶν καὶ ἔσονται πρὸς τὰ ἔργα τὰ λειτουργικὰ τῆς σκηνῆς τοῦ μαρτυρίου καὶ δώσεις αὐτὰ τοῖς Λευίταις ἑκάστῳ κατὰ τὴν αὐτοῦ λειτουργίαν
6 And Moses took the wagons and the oxen, and gave them to the Levites.
καὶ λαβὼν Μωυσῆς τὰς ἁμάξας καὶ τοὺς βόας ἔδωκεν αὐτὰ τοῖς Λευίταις
7 Two wagons and four oxen he gave to the sons of Gershon, according to their service:
τὰς δύο ἁμάξας καὶ τοὺς τέσσαρας βόας ἔδωκεν τοῖς υἱοῖς Γεδσων κατὰ τὰς λειτουργίας αὐτῶν
8 And four wagons and eight oxen he gave to the sons of Merari, according to their service, under the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
καὶ τὰς τέσσαρας ἁμάξας καὶ τοὺς ὀκτὼ βόας ἔδωκεν τοῖς υἱοῖς Μεραρι κατὰ τὰς λειτουργίας αὐτῶν διὰ Ιθαμαρ υἱοῦ Ααρων τοῦ ἱερέως
9 But to the sons of Kohath he gave none: because the service of the sanctuary belonging to them [was that] they should bear upon their shoulders.
καὶ τοῖς υἱοῖς Κααθ οὐκ ἔδωκεν ὅτι τὰ λειτουργήματα τοῦ ἁγίου ἔχουσιν ἐπ’ ὤμων ἀροῦσιν
10 And the princes offered for dedicating the altar in the day that it was anointed, even the princes offered their offering before the altar.
καὶ προσήνεγκαν οἱ ἄρχοντες εἰς τὸν ἐγκαινισμὸν τοῦ θυσιαστηρίου ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ᾗ ἔχρισεν αὐτό καὶ προσήνεγκαν οἱ ἄρχοντες τὰ δῶρα αὐτῶν ἀπέναντι τοῦ θυσιαστηρίου
11 And the LORD said to Moses, They shall offer their offering, each prince on his day, for the dedicating of the altar.
καὶ εἶπεν κύριος πρὸς Μωυσῆν ἄρχων εἷς καθ’ ἡμέραν ἄρχων καθ’ ἡμέραν προσοίσουσιν τὰ δῶρα αὐτῶν εἰς τὸν ἐγκαινισμὸν τοῦ θυσιαστηρίου
12 And he that offered his offering the first day was Nahshon the son of Amminadab, of the tribe of Judah:
καὶ ἦν ὁ προσφέρων τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ πρώτῃ τὸ δῶρον αὐτοῦ Ναασσων υἱὸς Αμιναδαβ ἄρχων τῆς φυλῆς Ιουδα
13 And his offering [was] one silver charger, the weight of which [was] a hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them [were] full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering:
καὶ προσήνεγκεν τὸ δῶρον αὐτοῦ τρυβλίον ἀργυροῦν ἕν τριάκοντα καὶ ἑκατὸν ὁλκὴ αὐτοῦ φιάλην μίαν ἀργυρᾶν ἑβδομήκοντα σίκλων κατὰ τὸν σίκλον τὸν ἅγιον ἀμφότερα πλήρη σεμιδάλεως ἀναπεποιημένης ἐν ἐλαίῳ εἰς θυσίαν
14 One spoon of ten [shekels] of gold, full of incense:
θυίσκην μίαν δέκα χρυσῶν πλήρη θυμιάματος
15 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt-offering:
μόσχον ἕνα ἐκ βοῶν κριὸν ἕνα ἀμνὸν ἕνα ἐνιαύσιον εἰς ὁλοκαύτωμα
16 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering:
καὶ χίμαρον ἐξ αἰγῶν ἕνα περὶ ἁμαρτίας
17 And for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the first year; this [was] the offering of Nahshon the son of Amminadab.
καὶ εἰς θυσίαν σωτηρίου δαμάλεις δύο κριοὺς πέντε τράγους πέντε ἀμνάδας ἐνιαυσίας πέντε τοῦτο τὸ δῶρον Ναασσων υἱοῦ Αμιναδαβ
18 On the second day Nethaneel the son of Zuar, prince of Issachar, offered.
τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ δευτέρᾳ προσήνεγκεν Ναθαναηλ υἱὸς Σωγαρ ἄρχων τῆς φυλῆς Ισσαχαρ
19 He offered [for] his offering one silver charger, the weight of which [was] a hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering:
καὶ προσήνεγκεν τὸ δῶρον αὐτοῦ τρυβλίον ἀργυροῦν ἕν τριάκοντα καὶ ἑκατὸν ὁλκὴ αὐτοῦ φιάλην μίαν ἀργυρᾶν ἑβδομήκοντα σίκλων κατὰ τὸν σίκλον τὸν ἅγιον ἀμφότερα πλήρη σεμιδάλεως ἀναπεποιημένης ἐν ἐλαίῳ εἰς θυσίαν
20 One spoon of gold of ten [shekels], full of incense:
θυίσκην μίαν δέκα χρυσῶν πλήρη θυμιάματος
21 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt-offering:
μόσχον ἕνα ἐκ βοῶν κριὸν ἕνα ἀμνὸν ἕνα ἐνιαύσιον εἰς ὁλοκαύτωμα
22 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering:
καὶ χίμαρον ἐξ αἰγῶν ἕνα περὶ ἁμαρτίας
23 And for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Nethaneel the son of Zuar.
καὶ εἰς θυσίαν σωτηρίου δαμάλεις δύο κριοὺς πέντε τράγους πέντε ἀμνάδας ἐνιαυσίας πέντε τοῦτο τὸ δῶρον Ναθαναηλ υἱοῦ Σωγαρ
24 On the third day Eliab the son of Helon, prince of the children of Zebulun, [offered]:
τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ τρίτῃ ἄρχων τῶν υἱῶν Ζαβουλων Ελιαβ υἱὸς Χαιλων
25 His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight of which [was] a hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering:
τὸ δῶρον αὐτοῦ τρυβλίον ἀργυροῦν ἕν τριάκοντα καὶ ἑκατὸν ὁλκὴ αὐτοῦ φιάλην μίαν ἀργυρᾶν ἑβδομήκοντα σίκλων κατὰ τὸν σίκλον τὸν ἅγιον ἀμφότερα πλήρη σεμιδάλεως ἀναπεποιημένης ἐν ἐλαίῳ εἰς θυσίαν
26 One golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of incense:
θυίσκην μίαν δέκα χρυσῶν πλήρη θυμιάματος
27 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt-offering:
μόσχον ἕνα ἐκ βοῶν κριὸν ἕνα ἀμνὸν ἕνα ἐνιαύσιον εἰς ὁλοκαύτωμα
28 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering:
καὶ χίμαρον ἐξ αἰγῶν ἕνα περὶ ἁμαρτίας
29 And for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Eliab the son of Helon.
καὶ εἰς θυσίαν σωτηρίου δαμάλεις δύο κριοὺς πέντε τράγους πέντε ἀμνάδας ἐνιαυσίας πέντε τοῦτο τὸ δῶρον Ελιαβ υἱοῦ Χαιλων
30 On the fourth day Elizur the son of Shedeur, prince of the children of Reuben, [offered]:
τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ τετάρτῃ ἄρχων τῶν υἱῶν Ρουβην Ελισουρ υἱὸς Σεδιουρ
31 His offering [was] one silver charger, of the weight of a hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering:
τὸ δῶρον αὐτοῦ τρυβλίον ἀργυροῦν ἕν τριάκοντα καὶ ἑκατὸν ὁλκὴ αὐτοῦ φιάλην μίαν ἀργυρᾶν ἑβδομήκοντα σίκλων κατὰ τὸν σίκλον τὸν ἅγιον ἀμφότερα πλήρη σεμιδάλεως ἀναπεποιημένης ἐν ἐλαίῳ εἰς θυσίαν
32 One golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of incense:
θυίσκην μίαν δέκα χρυσῶν πλήρη θυμιάματος
33 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt-offering:
μόσχον ἕνα ἐκ βοῶν κριὸν ἕνα ἀμνὸν ἕνα ἐνιαύσιον εἰς ὁλοκαύτωμα
34 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering:
καὶ χίμαρον ἐξ αἰγῶν ἕνα περὶ ἁμαρτίας
35 And for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Elizur the son of Shedeur.
καὶ εἰς θυσίαν σωτηρίου δαμάλεις δύο κριοὺς πέντε τράγους πέντε ἀμνάδας ἐνιαυσίας πέντε τοῦτο τὸ δῶρον Ελισουρ υἱοῦ Σεδιουρ
36 On the fifth day Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai, prince of the children of Simeon, [offered]:
τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ πέμπτῃ ἄρχων τῶν υἱῶν Συμεων Σαλαμιηλ υἱὸς Σουρισαδαι
37 His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight of which [was] a hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering:
τὸ δῶρον αὐτοῦ τρυβλίον ἀργυροῦν ἕν τριάκοντα καὶ ἑκατὸν ὁλκὴ αὐτοῦ φιάλην μίαν ἀργυρᾶν ἑβδομήκοντα σίκλων κατὰ τὸν σίκλον τὸν ἅγιον ἀμφότερα πλήρη σεμιδάλεως ἀναπεποιημένης ἐν ἐλαίῳ εἰς θυσίαν
38 One golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of incense:
θυίσκην μίαν δέκα χρυσῶν πλήρη θυμιάματος
39 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt-offering:
μόσχον ἕνα ἐκ βοῶν κριὸν ἕνα ἀμνὸν ἕνα ἐνιαύσιον εἰς ὁλοκαύτωμα
40 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering:
καὶ χίμαρον ἐξ αἰγῶν ἕνα περὶ ἁμαρτίας
41 And for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai.
καὶ εἰς θυσίαν σωτηρίου δαμάλεις δύο κριοὺς πέντε τράγους πέντε ἀμνάδας ἐνιαυσίας πέντε τοῦτο τὸ δῶρον Σαλαμιηλ υἱοῦ Σουρισαδαι
42 On the sixth day Eliasaph the son of Deuel, prince of the children of Gad, [offered]:
τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ ἕκτῃ ἄρχων τῶν υἱῶν Γαδ Ελισαφ υἱὸς Ραγουηλ
43 His offering [was] one silver charger, of the weight of a hundred and thirty [shekels], a silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering:
τὸ δῶρον αὐτοῦ τρυβλίον ἀργυροῦν ἕν τριάκοντα καὶ ἑκατὸν ὁλκὴ αὐτοῦ φιάλην μίαν ἀργυρᾶν ἑβδομήκοντα σίκλων κατὰ τὸν σίκλον τὸν ἅγιον ἀμφότερα πλήρη σεμιδάλεως ἀναπεποιημένης ἐν ἐλαίῳ εἰς θυσίαν
44 One golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of incense:
θυίσκην μίαν δέκα χρυσῶν πλήρη θυμιάματος
45 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt-offering:
μόσχον ἕνα ἐκ βοῶν κριὸν ἕνα ἀμνὸν ἕνα ἐνιαύσιον εἰς ὁλοκαύτωμα
46 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering:
καὶ χίμαρον ἐξ αἰγῶν ἕνα περὶ ἁμαρτίας
47 And for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Eliasaph the son of Deuel.
καὶ εἰς θυσίαν σωτηρίου δαμάλεις δύο κριοὺς πέντε τράγους πέντε ἀμνάδας ἐνιαυσίας πέντε τοῦτο τὸ δῶρον Ελισαφ υἱοῦ Ραγουηλ
48 On the seventh day Elishama the son of Ammihud, prince of the children of Ephraim, [offered]:
τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ ἑβδόμῃ ἄρχων τῶν υἱῶν Εφραιμ Ελισαμα υἱὸς Εμιουδ
49 His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight of which [was] a hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering:
τὸ δῶρον αὐτοῦ τρυβλίον ἀργυροῦν ἕν τριάκοντα καὶ ἑκατὸν ὁλκὴ αὐτοῦ φιάλην μίαν ἀργυρᾶν ἑβδομήκοντα σίκλων κατὰ τὸν σίκλον τὸν ἅγιον ἀμφότερα πλήρη σεμιδάλεως ἀναπεποιημένης ἐν ἐλαίῳ εἰς θυσίαν
50 One golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of incense:
θυίσκην μίαν δέκα χρυσῶν πλήρη θυμιάματος
51 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt-offering:
μόσχον ἕνα ἐκ βοῶν κριὸν ἕνα ἀμνὸν ἕνα ἐνιαύσιον εἰς ὁλοκαύτωμα
52 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering:
καὶ χίμαρον ἐξ αἰγῶν ἕνα περὶ ἁμαρτίας
53 And for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Elishama the son of Ammihud.
καὶ εἰς θυσίαν σωτηρίου δαμάλεις δύο κριοὺς πέντε τράγους πέντε ἀμνάδας ἐνιαυσίας πέντε τοῦτο τὸ δῶρον Ελισαμα υἱοῦ Εμιουδ
54 On the eighth day [offered] Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur, prince of the children of Manasseh:
τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ ὀγδόῃ ἄρχων τῶν υἱῶν Μανασση Γαμαλιηλ υἱὸς Φαδασσουρ
55 His offering [was] one silver charger of the weight of a hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering:
τὸ δῶρον αὐτοῦ τρυβλίον ἀργυροῦν ἕν τριάκοντα καὶ ἑκατὸν ὁλκὴ αὐτοῦ φιάλην μίαν ἀργυρᾶν ἑβδομήκοντα σίκλων κατὰ τὸν σίκλον τὸν ἅγιον ἀμφότερα πλήρη σεμιδάλεως ἀναπεποιημένης ἐν ἐλαίῳ εἰς θυσίαν
56 One golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of incense:
θυίσκην μίαν δέκα χρυσῶν πλήρη θυμιάματος
57 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt-offering:
μόσχον ἕνα ἐκ βοῶν κριὸν ἕνα ἀμνὸν ἕνα ἐνιαύσιον εἰς ὁλοκαύτωμα
58 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering:
καὶ χίμαρον ἐξ αἰγῶν ἕνα περὶ ἁμαρτίας
59 And for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur.
καὶ εἰς θυσίαν σωτηρίου δαμάλεις δύο κριοὺς πέντε τράγους πέντε ἀμνάδας ἐνιαυσίας πέντε τοῦτο τὸ δῶρον Γαμαλιηλ υἱοῦ Φαδασσουρ
60 On the ninth day Abidan the son of Gideoni, prince of the children of Benjamin, [offered]:
τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ ἐνάτῃ ἄρχων τῶν υἱῶν Βενιαμιν Αβιδαν υἱὸς Γαδεωνι
61 His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight of which [was] a hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering:
τὸ δῶρον αὐτοῦ τρυβλίον ἀργυροῦν ἕν τριάκοντα καὶ ἑκατὸν ὁλκὴ αὐτοῦ φιάλην μίαν ἀργυρᾶν ἑβδομήκοντα σίκλων κατὰ τὸν σίκλον τὸν ἅγιον ἀμφότερα πλήρη σεμιδάλεως ἀναπεποιημένης ἐν ἐλαίῳ εἰς θυσίαν
62 One golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of incense:
θυίσκην μίαν δέκα χρυσῶν πλήρη θυμιάματος
63 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt-offering:
μόσχον ἕνα ἐκ βοῶν κριὸν ἕνα ἀμνὸν ἕνα ἐνιαύσιον εἰς ὁλοκαύτωμα
64 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering:
καὶ χίμαρον ἐξ αἰγῶν ἕνα περὶ ἁμαρτίας
65 And for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Abidan the son of Gideoni.
καὶ εἰς θυσίαν σωτηρίου δαμάλεις δύο κριοὺς πέντε τράγους πέντε ἀμνάδας ἐνιαυσίας πέντε τοῦτο τὸ δῶρον Αβιδαν υἱοῦ Γαδεωνι
66 On the tenth day Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai, prince of the children of Dan, [offered]:
τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ δεκάτῃ ἄρχων τῶν υἱῶν Δαν Αχιεζερ υἱὸς Αμισαδαι
67 His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight of which [was] a hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering:
τὸ δῶρον αὐτοῦ τρυβλίον ἀργυροῦν ἕν τριάκοντα καὶ ἑκατὸν ὁλκὴ αὐτοῦ φιάλην μίαν ἀργυρᾶν ἑβδομήκοντα σίκλων κατὰ τὸν σίκλον τὸν ἅγιον ἀμφότερα πλήρη σεμιδάλεως ἀναπεποιημένης ἐν ἐλαίῳ εἰς θυσίαν
68 One golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of incense:
θυίσκην μίαν δέκα χρυσῶν πλήρη θυμιάματος
69 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt-offering:
μόσχον ἕνα ἐκ βοῶν κριὸν ἕνα ἀμνὸν ἕνα ἐνιαύσιον εἰς ὁλοκαύτωμα
70 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering:
καὶ χίμαρον ἐξ αἰγῶν ἕνα περὶ ἁμαρτίας
71 And for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.
καὶ εἰς θυσίαν σωτηρίου δαμάλεις δύο κριοὺς πέντε τράγους πέντε ἀμνάδας ἐνιαυσίας πέντε τοῦτο τὸ δῶρον Αχιεζερ υἱοῦ Αμισαδαι
72 On the eleventh day Pagiel the son of Ocran, prince of the children of Asher, [offered]:
τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ ἑνδεκάτῃ ἄρχων τῶν υἱῶν Ασηρ Φαγαιηλ υἱὸς Εχραν
73 His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight of which [was] a hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering:
τὸ δῶρον αὐτοῦ τρυβλίον ἀργυροῦν ἕν τριάκοντα καὶ ἑκατὸν ὁλκὴ αὐτοῦ φιάλην μίαν ἀργυρᾶν ἑβδομήκοντα σίκλων κατὰ τὸν σίκλον τὸν ἅγιον ἀμφότερα πλήρη σεμιδάλεως ἀναπεποιημένης ἐν ἐλαίῳ εἰς θυσίαν
74 One golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of incense:
θυίσκην μίαν δέκα χρυσῶν πλήρη θυμιάματος
75 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt-offering:
μόσχον ἕνα ἐκ βοῶν κριὸν ἕνα ἀμνὸν ἕνα ἐνιαύσιον εἰς ὁλοκαύτωμα
76 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering:
καὶ χίμαρον ἐξ αἰγῶν ἕνα περὶ ἁμαρτίας
77 And for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Pagiel the son of Ocran.
καὶ εἰς θυσίαν σωτηρίου δαμάλεις δύο κριοὺς πέντε τράγους πέντε ἀμνάδας ἐνιαυσίας πέντε τοῦτο τὸ δῶρον Φαγαιηλ υἱοῦ Εχραν
78 On the twelfth day Ahira the son of Enan, prince of the children of Naphtali, [offered]:
τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ δωδεκάτῃ ἄρχων τῶν υἱῶν Νεφθαλι Αχιρε υἱὸς Αιναν
79 His offering [was] one silver charger, the weight of which [was] a hundred and thirty [shekels], one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering:
τὸ δῶρον αὐτοῦ τρυβλίον ἀργυροῦν ἕν τριάκοντα καὶ ἑκατὸν ὁλκὴ αὐτοῦ φιάλην μίαν ἀργυρᾶν ἑβδομήκοντα σίκλων κατὰ τὸν σίκλον τὸν ἅγιον ἀμφότερα πλήρη σεμιδάλεως ἀναπεποιημένης ἐν ἐλαίῳ εἰς θυσίαν
80 One golden spoon of ten [shekels], full of incense:
θυίσκην μίαν δέκα χρυσῶν πλήρη θυμιάματος
81 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt-offering:
μόσχον ἕνα ἐκ βοῶν κριὸν ἕνα ἀμνὸν ἕνα ἐνιαύσιον εἰς ὁλοκαύτωμα
82 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering:
καὶ χίμαρον ἐξ αἰγῶν ἕνα περὶ ἁμαρτίας
83 And for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the first year: this [was] the offering of Ahira the son of Enan.
καὶ εἰς θυσίαν σωτηρίου δαμάλεις δύο κριοὺς πέντε τράγους πέντε ἀμνάδας ἐνιαυσίας πέντε τοῦτο τὸ δῶρον Αχιρε υἱοῦ Αιναν
84 This [was] the dedication of the altar (in the day when it was anointed) by the princes of Israel: twelve chargers of silver, twelve silver bowls, twelve spoons of gold:
οὗτος ὁ ἐγκαινισμὸς τοῦ θυσιαστηρίου ᾗ ἡμέρᾳ ἔχρισεν αὐτό παρὰ τῶν ἀρχόντων τῶν υἱῶν Ισραηλ τρυβλία ἀργυρᾶ δώδεκα φιάλαι ἀργυραῖ δώδεκα θυίσκαι χρυσαῖ δώδεκα
85 Each charger of silver [weighing] a hundred and thirty [shekels], each bowl seventy: all the silver vessels [weighed] two thousand and four hundred [shekels], after the shekel of the sanctuary:
τριάκοντα καὶ ἑκατὸν σίκλων τὸ τρυβλίον τὸ ἕν καὶ ἑβδομήκοντα σίκλων ἡ φιάλη ἡ μία πᾶν τὸ ἀργύριον τῶν σκευῶν δισχίλιοι καὶ τετρακόσιοι σίκλοι ἐν τῷ σίκλῳ τῷ ἁγίῳ
86 The golden spoons [were] twelve, full of incense, [weighing] ten [shekels] apiece, after the shekel of the sanctuary: all the gold of the spoons [was] a hundred and twenty [shekels].
θυίσκαι χρυσαῖ δώδεκα πλήρεις θυμιάματος πᾶν τὸ χρυσίον τῶν θυισκῶν εἴκοσι καὶ ἑκατὸν χρυσοῖ
87 All the oxen for the burnt-offering [were] twelve bullocks, the rams twelve, the lambs of the first year twelve, with their meat-offering: and the kids of the goats for sin-offering, twelve.
πᾶσαι αἱ βόες εἰς ὁλοκαύτωσιν μόσχοι δώδεκα κριοὶ δώδεκα ἀμνοὶ ἐνιαύσιοι δώδεκα καὶ αἱ θυσίαι αὐτῶν καὶ αἱ σπονδαὶ αὐτῶν καὶ χίμαροι ἐξ αἰγῶν δώδεκα περὶ ἁμαρτίας
88 And all the oxen for the sacrifice of the peace-offerings [were] twenty and four bullocks, the rams sixty, the he-goats sixty, the lambs of the first year sixty. This [was] the dedication of the altar, after it was anointed.
πᾶσαι αἱ βόες εἰς θυσίαν σωτηρίου δαμάλεις εἴκοσι τέσσαρες κριοὶ ἑξήκοντα τράγοι ἑξήκοντα ἀμνάδες ἑξήκοντα ἐνιαύσιαι ἄμωμοι αὕτη ἡ ἐγκαίνωσις τοῦ θυσιαστηρίου μετὰ τὸ πληρῶσαι τὰς χεῖρας αὐτοῦ καὶ μετὰ τὸ χρῖσαι αὐτόν
89 And when Moses had entered into the tabernacle of the congregation to speak with him, then he heard the voice of one speaking to him from off the mercy-seat that [was] upon the ark of testimony, from between the two cherubim: and he spoke to him.
ἐν τῷ εἰσπορεύεσθαι Μωυσῆν εἰς τὴν σκηνὴν τοῦ μαρτυρίου λαλῆσαι αὐτῷ καὶ ἤκουσεν τὴν φωνὴν κυρίου λαλοῦντος πρὸς αὐτὸν ἄνωθεν τοῦ ἱλαστηρίου ὅ ἐστιν ἐπὶ τῆς κιβωτοῦ τοῦ μαρτυρίου ἀνὰ μέσον τῶν δύο χερουβιμ καὶ ἐλάλει πρὸς αὐτόν

< Numbers 7 >