< Psalms 54 >

1 To the chief Musician on Neginoth, Maschil, A Psalm of David, when the Ziphims came and said to Saul, Doth not David hide himself with us? Save me, O God, by thy name, and judge me by thy strength.
Reši me, oh Bog, po svojem imenu in sodi me s svojo močjo.
2 Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth.
Usliši mojo molitev, oh Bog, pazljivo prisluhni besedam mojih ust.
3 For strangers have risen up against me, and oppressors seek after my soul: they have not set God before them. (Selah)
Kajti zoper mene so vstali tujci in zatiralci strežejo po moji duši; pred seboj si niso postavili Boga. (Sela)
4 Behold, God is my helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul.
Glej, Bog je moj pomočnik. Gospod je s tistimi, ki podpirajo mojo dušo.
5 He shall reward evil to my enemies: cut them off in thy truth.
Mojim sovražnikom bo povrnil zlo, odreži jih v svoji resnici.
6 I will freely sacrifice to thee: I will praise thy name, O LORD; for it is good.
Velikodušno ti bom daroval, hvalil bom tvoje ime, oh Gospod, kajti to je dobro.
7 For he hath delivered me out of all trouble: and my eye hath seen its desire upon my enemies.
Kajti osvobodil me je iz vseh težav in moje oko je videlo njegovo željo na mojih sovražnikih.

< Psalms 54 >