< Proverbs 14 >

1 Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.
Ɔbea nyansafo si ne dan, nanso ɔbea kwasea de nʼankasa ne nsa dwiriw ne de gu fam.
2 He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the LORD: but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth him.
Nea ne nantew teɛ no suro Awurade, na nea nʼakwan kyea no bu no animtiaa.
3 In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them.
Ɔkwasea kasa ma wɔbɔ nʼakyi abaa, nanso anyansafo ano bɔ wɔn ho ban.
4 Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.
Faako a anantwi nni no, adididaka no mu da mpan, na nantwi ahoɔden mu na nnɔbae pii fi ba.
5 A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.
Ɔdanseni nokwafo rennaadaa, ɔdansekurumni hwie atoro gu hɔ.
6 A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not: but knowledge is easy to him that understandeth.
Ɔfɛwdifo hwehwɛ nyansa nanso onya, nanso wɔn a wɔwɔ nhumu nya nimdeɛ ntɛm.
7 Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.
Twe wo ho fi ɔkwasea ho, efisɛ, worennya nimdeɛ mfi nʼano.
8 The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit.
Anitewfo nyansa ne sɛ wɔbɛdwene wɔn akwan ho, na nkwaseafo agyimisɛm yɛ nnaadaa.
9 Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour.
Nkwaseafo de bɔne ho adwensakra di fɛw, na wɔn a wɔteɛ mu na anisɔ wɔ.
10 The heart knoweth its own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with its joy.
Koma biara nim ɔyaw wɔ ne mu, na obi foforo rentumi ne no nkyɛ nʼanigye.
11 The house of the wicked shall be overthrown: but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish.
Wɔbɛsɛe amumɔyɛfo fi, nanso teefo ntamadan bɛyɛ frɔmfrɔm.
12 There is a way which seemeth right to a man, but the end of it are the ways of death.
Ɔkwan bi wɔ hɔ a ɛteɛ wɔ onipa ani so, nanso awiei no, ɛkɔ owu mu.
13 Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness.
Ɔserew mu mpo, koma tumi di yaw, na anigye tumi wie awerɛhow.
14 The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself.
Akyirisanfo benya akatua sɛnea wɔn akwan te, na onipa pa nso benya ne de.
15 The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.
Atetekwaa gye biribiara di, nanso onitefo dwene nʼanammɔntu ho.
16 A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident.
Onyansafo suro Awurade na oguan bɔne, nanso ɔkwasea yɛ asowui ne basabasa.
17 He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated.
Onipa a ne bo nkyɛ fuw no yɛ nkwaseade, na wɔtɔn nea ɔpam apam bɔne no.
18 The simple inherit folly: but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.
Ntetekwaafo agyapade ne gyimi, na wɔde nimdeɛ bɔ anitewfo abotiri.
19 The evil bow before the good; and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.
Nnipa bɔnefo bɛkotow nnipa pa anim, na amumɔyɛfo akotow atreneefo apon ano.
20 The poor is hated even by his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends.
Ahiafo de, wɔn yɔnkonom mpo mpɛ wɔn anim ahwɛ, nanso adefo wɔ nnamfonom bebree.
21 He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth: but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he.
Nea obu ne yɔnko animtiaa yɛ bɔne, na nhyira nka nea ne yam ye ma ohiani.
22 Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good.
So wɔn a wɔbɔ pɔw bɔne nyera kwan ana? Nanso wɔn a wɔhyehyɛ nea eye no nya adɔe ne nokware.
23 In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to poverty.
Adwumadenyɛ nyinaa de mfaso ba, na kasahunu de, ɛkɔ ohia mu.
24 The crown of the wise is their riches: but the foolishness of fools is folly.
Anyansafo ahonya ne wɔn abotiri, na nkwaseafo agyimisɛm sow gyimi aba.
25 A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies.
Ɔdanseni nokwafo gye nkwa, nanso ɔdansekurumni yɛ ɔdaadaafo.
26 In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.
Nea osuro Awurade no wɔ bammɔ a mu yɛ den, na ɛbɛyɛ guankɔbea ama ne mma.
27 The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.
Awurade suro yɛ nkwa asuti, eyi onipa fi owu afiri mu.
28 In the multitude of people is the king’s honour: but in the lack of people is the destruction of the prince.
Ɔman mu nnipa dodow yɛ ɔhene anuonyam, nanso sɛ asomfo nni hɔ a mmapɔmma no sɛe.
29 He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly.
Onipa a ɔwɔ abodwokyɛre wɔ ntease a mu dɔ, na nea ne bo fu ntɛm no da agyimisɛm adi.
30 A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.
Koma mu asomdwoe ma nipadua nkwa, na anibere ma nnompe porɔw.
31 He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor.
Nea ɔhyɛ ahiafo so no bu wɔn Yɛfo animtiaa, nanso nea ohu ohiani mmɔbɔ no hyɛ Onyankopɔn anuonyam.
32 The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death.
Sɛ amanehunu ba a amumɔyɛfo hwe ase, nanso owu mu mpo atreneefo wɔ guankɔbea.
33 Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding: but that which is in the midst of fools is made known.
Nyansa te ntease koma mu, na nkwaseafo mu mpo, oyi ne ho adi.
34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
Trenee pagyaw ɔman, na bɔne yɛ animguase ma nnipa nyinaa.
35 The king’s favour is toward a wise servant: but his wrath is against him that causeth shame.
Ɔhene ani sɔ ɔsomfo nyansani, na ɔsomfo nimguasefo hyɛ no abufuw.

< Proverbs 14 >