< Numbers 32 >

1 Now the children of Reuben and the children of Gad had a very great multitude of cattle: and when they saw the land of Jazer, and the land of Gilead, that, behold, the place was a place for cattle;
Rubeniterne og Gaditerne havde meget Kvæg i store mængder. Da de nu saa Ja'zers Land og Gileads Land, fandt de, at Stedet egnede sig til Kvægavl.
2 The children of Gad and the children of Reuben came and spoke to Moses, and to Eleazar the priest, and to the princes of the congregation, saying,
Derfor kom Gaditerne og Rubeniterne og sagde til Moses og Præsten Eleazar og Menighedens Øverste:
3 Ataroth, and Dibon, and Jazer, and Nimrah, and Heshbon, and Elealeh, and Shebam, and Nebo, and Beon,
»Atarot, Dibon, Ja'zer, Nimra, Hesjbon, El'ale, Sebam, Nebo og Beon,
4 Even the country which the LORD smote before the congregation of Israel, is a land for cattle, and thy servants have cattle:
det Land, HERREN har erobret for Israels Menighed, er et Land, der egner sig til Kvægavl, og dine Trælle ejer Hjorde.«
5 Therefore, said they, if we have found grace in thy sight, let this land be given to thy servants for a possession, and bring us not over Jordan.
Og de sagde: »Dersom vi har fundet Naade for dine Øjne, saa lad dine Trælle faa dette Land i Eje; før os ikke over Jordan!«
6 And Moses said to the children of Gad and to the children of Reuben, Shall your brethren go to war, and shall ye sit here?
Men Moses sagde til Gaditerne og Rubeniterne: »Skal eders Brødre drage i Krig, medens I bliver boende her?
7 And why discourage ye the heart of the children of Israel from going over into the land which the LORD hath given them?
Og hvorfor vil I betage Israeliterne Modet til at drage over til det Land, HERREN har givet dem?
8 Thus did your fathers, when I sent them from Kadeshbarnea to see the land.
Det gjorde eders Fædre, da jeg fra Kadesj-Barnea sendte dem hen for at se paa Landet;
9 For when they went up to the valley of Eshcol, and saw the land, they discouraged the heart of the children of Israel, that they should not go into the land which the LORD had given them.
da de var draget op til Esjkoldalen og havde set paa Landet, det og de Israeliterne Modet til at drage ind i det Land, HERREN havde givet dem.
10 And the LORD’S anger was kindled the same time, and he swore, saying,
Men HERRENS Vrede blussede den Gang op, og han svor:
11 Surely none of the men that came up from Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land which I swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; because they have not wholly followed me:
De Mænd, der er draget op fra Ægypten, fra Tyveaarsalderen og opefter, skal ikke faa det Land at se, jeg tilsvor Abraham, Isak og Jakob, fordi de ikke viste mig fuld Lydighed,
12 Except Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite, and Joshua the son of Nun: for they have wholly followed the LORD.
med Undtagelse af Kenizziten Kaleb, Jefunnes Søn, og Josua, Nuns Søn, thi de viste HERREN fuld Lydighed!
13 And the LORD’S anger was kindled against Israel, and he made them wander in the wilderness forty years, until all the generation, that had done evil in the sight of the LORD, was consumed.
Og HERRENS Vrede blussede op mod Israel, og han lod dem vanke om i Ørkenen i fyrretyve Aar, indtil hele den Slægt var gaaet til Grunde, der gjorde, hvad der var ondt i HERRENS Øjne.
14 And, behold, ye have risen up in your fathers’ stead, an increase of sinful men, to augment yet the fierce anger of the LORD toward Israel.
Og se, I træder nu i eders Fædres Fodspor, en Yngel af Syndere, for yderligere at øge HERRENS Vrede mod Israel!
15 For if ye turn away from after him, he will yet again leave them in the wilderness; and he shall destroy all this people.
Naar I viger bort fra ham, vil han lade det blive endnu længer i Ørkenen, og I bringer Fordærvelse over hele dette Folk.«
16 And they came near to him, and said, We will build sheepfolds here for our cattle, and cities for our little ones:
Da traadte de frem for ham og sagde: »Vi vil kun bygge Kvægfolde til vore Hjorde her og Byer til vore Familier;
17 But we ourselves will go ready armed before the children of Israel, until we have brought them to their place: and our little ones shall dwell in the fortified cities because of the inhabitants of the land.
men selv vil vi ruste os til Kamp og drage i Spidsen for Israeliterne, til vi har bragt dem hen til deres Sted; imens skal vore Familier blive i de befæstede Byer i Ly for Landets Indbyggere.
18 We will not return to our houses, until the children of Israel have inherited every man his inheritance.
Vi vil ikke vende tilbage til vore Huse, før enhver af Israeliterne har faaet sin Arvelod;
19 For we will not inherit with them on the other side of Jordan, or beyond; because our inheritance hath fallen to us on this side of Jordan eastward.
thi vi vil ikke have Arvelod sammen med dem paa den anden Side af Jordan og længere borte, eftersom vi har faaet vor Arvelod her paa denne Side af Jordan paa Østsiden.«
20 And Moses said to them, If ye will do this thing, if ye will go armed before the LORD to war,
Da sagde Moses til dem: »Hvis I gør det, hvis I ruster eder til Kamp for HERRENS Aasyn,
21 And will go all of you armed over Jordan before the LORD, until he hath driven out his enemies from before him,
hvis alle eders kamprustede Mænd overskrider Jordan for HERRENS Aasyn og bliver der, indtil han har jaget sine Fjender bort fra sit Aasyn,
22 And the land shall be subdued before the LORD: then afterward ye shall return, and be guiltless before the LORD, and before Israel; and this land shall be your possession before the LORD.
og hvis I først vender tilbage, naar Landet er undertvunget for HERRENS Aasyn, skal I være sagesløse over for HERREN og Israel, og saa skal Landet her blive eders Ejendom for HERRENS Aasyn.
23 But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out.
Men hvis I ikke gør det, se, da synder I mod HERREN, og da skal I faa eders Synd at mærke, den skal nok finde eder.
24 Build for yourselves cities for your little ones, and folds for your sheep; and do that which hath proceeded out of your mouth.
Byg eder Byer til eders Familier og Folde til eders Smaakvæg og gør, som I har sagt!«
25 And the children of Gad and the children of Reuben spoke to Moses, saying, Thy servants will do as my lord commandeth.
Da sagde Gaditerne og Rubeniterne til Moses: »Dine Trælle vil gøre, som min Herre byder;
26 Our little ones, our wives, our flocks, and all our cattle, shall be there in the cities of Gilead:
vore Børn, Kvinder, Hjorde og alt vort Kvæg skal blive der i Gileads Byer,
27 But thy servants will pass over, every man armed for war, before the LORD to battle, as my lord saith.
men dine Trælle vil drage over og tage Del i Krigen, saa mange som er rustet til Kamp for HERRENS Aasyn, saaledes som min Herre har sagt.«
28 So concerning them Moses commanded Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun, and the chief fathers of the tribes of the children of Israel:
Saa gav Moses Præsten Eleazar og Josua, Nuns Søn, og Overhovederne for de israelitiske Stammers Fædrenehuse Befaling om dem,
29 And Moses said to them, If the children of Gad and the children of Reuben will pass with you over Jordan, every man armed for battle, before the LORD, and the land shall be subdued before you; then ye shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession:
og Moses sagde til dem: »Hvis Gaditerne og Rubeniterne, saa mange som er rustet til Kamp for HERRENS Aasyn, gaar over Jordan sammen med eder og Landet bliver eder underlagt, skal I give dem Gilead i Eje;
30 But if they will not pass over with you armed, they shall have possessions among you in the land of Canaan.
men hvis de ikke gaar over sammen med eder, rustede til Kamp, skal de have Bopæl anvist blandt eder i Kana'ans Land.«
31 And the children of Gad and the children of Reuben answered, saying, As the LORD hath said to thy servants, so will we do.
Da svarede Gaditerne og Rubeniterne: »Hvad HERREN har talt til dine Trælle, vil vi gøre;
32 We will pass over armed before the LORD into the land of Canaan, that the possession of our inheritance on this side Jordan may be ours.
vi vil, rustede til Kamp for HERRENS Øjne, drage over til Kana'ans Land, men vor Arvelod paa den anden Side af Jordan bliver i vort Eje.«
33 And Moses gave to them, even to the children of Gad, and to the children of Reuben, and to half the tribe of Manasseh the son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorites, and the kingdom of Og king of Bashan, the land, with its cities within the borders, even the cities of the surrounding country.
Da gav Moses Gaditerne, Rubeniterne og Josefs Søn Manasses halve Stamme Amoriterkongen Sihons Kongerige og Kong Og af Basans Kongerige, Landet med Byerne og deres Omraade, Landets Byer rundt om.
34 And the children of Gad built Dibon, and Ataroth, and Aroer,
Saa byggede Gaditerne Dibon, Atarot, Aroer.
35 And Atroth, Shophan, and Jaazer, and Jogbehah,
Atarot-Sjofan, Ja'zer, Jogbeha,
36 And Bethnimrah, and Bethharan, fortified cities: and folds for sheep.
Bet-Nimra, Bet-Haran, befæstede Byer, og Kvægfolde;
37 And the children of Reuben built Heshbon, and Elealeh, and Kirjathaim,
og Rubeniterne byggede Hesjbon, El'ale og Kirjatajim,
38 And Nebo, and Baalmeon, (their names being changed, ) and Shibmah: and gave other names to the cities which they built.
Nebo og Ba'al-Meon, hvis Navne ændredes, og Sibma; og de opkaldte Byerne, som de byggede, efter deres Navne.
39 And the children of Machir the son of Manasseh went to Gilead, and took it, and dispossessed the Amorite who was in it.
Og Manasses Søn Makirs Sønner drog til Gilead og erobrede det og drev de der boende Amoriter bort;
40 And Moses gave Gilead to Machir the son of Manasseh; and he dwelt in it.
og Moses overdrog Gilead til Manasses Søn Makir, og han bosatte sig der;
41 And Jair the son of Manasseh went and took its small towns, and called them Havothjair.
men Manasses Søn Ja'ir drog hen og erobrede deres Teltbyer og kaldte dem Ja'irs Teltbyer.
42 And Nobah went and took Kenath, and its villages, and called it Nobah, after his own name.
Og Noba drog hen og erobrede Kenat med tilhørende Smaabyer og kaldte det Noba efter sit eget Navn.

< Numbers 32 >