< Joshua 1 >

1 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ minister, saying,
Pea hili ʻae pekia ʻa Mōsese ko e tamaioʻeiki ʻa Sihova, naʻe hoko ʻo pehē, naʻe folofola ʻa Sihova kia Siosiua ko e foha ʻo Nuni, ko e tauhi ʻo Mōsese, ʻo pehē,
2 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, to the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel.
“Kuo pekia ʻa ʻeku tamaioʻeiki ko Mōsese; pea ko eni, ke ke tuʻu hake, mo ʻalu ki he kauvai ʻe taha ʻo Sioatani, ʻa koe mo e kakai ni kotoa pē, ki he fonua ʻaia ʻoku ou foaki kiate kinautolu, ʻio, ki he fānau ʻa ʻIsileli.
3 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given to you, as I said to Moses.
Ko e potu kotoa pē ʻe tuʻu ki ai homou ʻaofivaʻe, ko ia kuo u foaki kiate kimoutolu, ʻo hangē ko ʻeku tala kia Mōsese.
4 From the wilderness and this Lebanon even to the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the great sea toward the setting of the sun, shall be your land.
Mei he toafa mo Lepanoni ni, ʻio, ʻo aʻu atu ki he vaitafe lahi, ko e vaitafe ko ʻIufaletesi, ʻae fonua kotoa pē ʻoe kakai Heti, ʻo aʻu atu ki he tahi lahi ʻo hangē atu ki he toʻanga laʻā, ko hoʻomou potu ia.
5 There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
‌ʻE ʻikai ha tangata te ne faʻa tuʻu ʻi ho ʻao, ʻi he ngaahi ʻaho kotoa pē ʻo hoʻo moʻui: ʻo hangē ko ʻeku ʻia Mōsese, ʻe pehē pe ʻeku ʻiate koe: ʻe ʻikai te u fakatukutukuʻi koe, pe siʻaki koe.
6 Be strong and of a good courage: for to this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I swore to their fathers to give them.
Ke ke mālohi mo ke lototoʻa; koeʻuhi te ke tufa ki he kakai ni ʻae fonua, ʻaia naʻaku fuakava ai ki heʻenau ngaahi tamai ke foaki kiate kinautolu ko honau tofiʻa.
7 Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper wherever thou goest.
Kae kehe ke mālohi pe ʻa koe mo ke lototoʻa ʻaupito, koeʻuhi ke ke tokanga ʻo fai ʻo fakatatau ki he fono kotoa pē, ʻaia naʻe fekau kiate koe ʻe heʻeku tamaioʻeiki ko Mōsese: ʻoua naʻa ke tafoki mei ai ki he nima toʻomataʻu pē ki he toʻohema, koeʻuhi ke ke monūʻia koe ʻi he potu kotoa pē ʻoku ke ʻalu ki ai.
8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate in it day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written in it: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Ko e tohi ni ʻoe fono ke ʻoua naʻa mahuʻi ia mei ho ngutu: ka ke fakalaulauloto ki ai ʻi he ʻaho mo e pō, koeʻuhi ke ke tokanga ʻo fai ʻo fakatatau ki he meʻa kotoa pē kuo tohi ʻi ai: he ko ia te ke ngaohi ke monūʻia ai ho hala, pea ke toki fai fakapotopoto ai.
9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee wherever thou goest.
‌ʻIkai ko au kuo u fekauʻi koe? Ke ke mālohi koe pea ke lototoʻa; ʻoua naʻa ke manavahē, pea ʻoua naʻa ke puputuʻu: he ko Sihova ko ho ʻOtua ʻoku ʻiate koe ia ʻi he potu kotoa pē ʻoku ke ʻalu ki ai.”
10 Then Joshua commanded the officers of the people, saying,
Pea naʻe fekau ai ʻe Siosiua, ki he kau matāpule ʻoe kakai, ʻo pehē,
11 Pass through the host, and command the people, saying, Prepare provisions; for within three days ye shall pass over this Jordan, to go in to possess the land, which the LORD your God giveth you to possess it.
“Mou ʻalu ʻi he vahaʻa ʻoe kautau, pea fekau ki he kakai, ʻo pehē, Teuteu hoʻomou meʻakai; koeʻuhi ʻi he teʻeki ngata ʻae ʻaho ʻe tolu, te mou hoko atu ki he kauvai ʻe taha ʻoe Sioatani ni, ke mou hoko ke maʻu ʻae fonua, ʻaia ʻoku foaki kiate kimoutolu ʻe Sihova ko homou ʻOtua ke mou maʻu ia.”
12 And to the Reubenites, and to the Gadites, and to half the tribe of Manasseh, spoke Joshua, saying,
Pea naʻe lea ʻa Siosiua ki he faʻahinga ʻo Lupeni, mo e faʻahinga ʻo Kata, mo hono vaeua ʻoe faʻahinga ʻo Manase, ʻo pehē,
13 Remember the word which Moses the servant of the LORD commanded you, saying, The LORD your God hath given you rest, and hath given you this land.
“Mou manatu ki he lea ʻaia naʻe fekau ʻe Mōsese ko e tamaioʻeiki ʻa Sihova kiate kimoutolu, ʻo pehē, Kuo foaki ʻe Sihova ko homou ʻOtua ʻae mālōlōʻanga kiate kimoutolu, pea kuo ne foaki kiate kimoutolu ʻae fonua ni.
14 Your wives, your little ones, and your cattle, shall remain in the land which Moses gave you on this side of Jordan; but ye shall pass before your brethren armed, all the mighty men of valour, and help them;
‌ʻE nofo homou ngaahi uaifi, mo hoʻomou fānau siʻi, mo hoʻomou fanga manu, ʻi he fonua ʻaia naʻe foaki ʻe Mōsese kiate kimoutolu ʻi he kauvai ni ʻo Sioatani; ka ʻe ʻalu muʻomuʻa ʻakimoutolu mo e mahafutau ʻi he ʻao ʻo homou ngaahi kāinga, ʻae kau tangata mālohi mo toʻa kotoa pē, ʻo tokoni ʻakinautolu;
15 Until the LORD shall have given your brethren rest, as he hath given you, and they also have possessed the land which the LORD your God giveth them: then ye shall return to the land of your possession, and enjoy it, which Moses the LORD’S servant gave you on this side of Jordan toward the sunrising.
Kaeʻoua ke foaki ʻe Sihova ʻae mālōlōʻanga ki homou ngaahi kāinga ʻo hangē ko kimoutolu, pea ke maʻu ʻekinautolu foki ʻae fonua ʻaia ʻoku foaki ʻe Sihova ko homou ʻOtua kiate kinautolu: pea hili ia te mou toe haʻu ki he fonua ko homou tofiʻa, ʻo maʻu ia ʻo fiemālie ʻi ai, ʻaia naʻe foaki kiate kimoutolu ʻe Mōsese ko e tamaioʻeiki ʻa Sihova ʻi he kauvai ni ʻo Sioatani ʻo hanga atu ki he hopoʻangalaʻā.”
16 And they answered Joshua, saying, All that thou commandest us we will do, and wherever thou sendest us, we will go.
Pea naʻa nau talaange kia Siosiua, ʻo pehē, “Ko ia fulipē ʻoku ke fekau kiate kimautolu te mau fai ia, pea ko e potu kotoa pē ʻoku ke fekauʻi ʻakimautolu ki ai, te mau ʻalu.
17 According as we hearkened to Moses in all things, so will we hearken to thee: only the LORD thy God be with thee, as he was with Moses.
Hangē ko ʻemau tokanga kia Mōsese ʻi he ngaahi meʻa kotoa pē, ʻe pehē pe ʻemau tokanga kiate koe: kae kehe ke ʻiate koe ʻa Sihova ko ho ʻOtua, ʻo hangē ko ʻene ʻia Mōsese.
18 Every one that doth rebel against thy commandment, and will not hearken to thy words in all that thou commandest him, shall be put to death: only be strong and of a good courage.
‌ʻIlonga ha tokotaha ʻoku angatuʻu ki hoʻo fekau, pea ʻoku ʻikai tokanga ia ki hoʻo ngaahi lea ʻi he ngaahi meʻa kotoa pē ʻoku ke fekau kiate ia, ʻe tāmateʻi ia ka ke mālohi koe mo ke lototoʻa.”

< Joshua 1 >