< Job 20 >

1 Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said,
And he answered Zophar the Naamathite and he said.
2 Therefore do my thoughts cause me to answer, and for this I make haste.
Therefore disquieting thoughts my they make respond me and in order to agitate I in me.
3 I have heard the rebuke that reproaches me, and the spirit of my understanding causeth me to answer.
[the] correction of Insult my I have heard and a spirit from understanding my it answers me.
4 Knowest thou not this of old, since man was placed upon earth,
¿ This do you know from antiquity from when put humankind on earth.
5 That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?
That [the] cry of joy of wicked [people] [is] from near and [the] gladness of [the] godless [is] until a moment.
6 Though his excellency shall mount up to the heavens, and his head reach to the clouds;
Though it will go up to the heavens loftiness his and head his to the cloud[s] it will reach.
7 Yet he shall perish for ever like his own dung: they who have seen him shall say, Where is he?
Like own dung his to perpetuity he will perish [those who] saw him they will say where [is]? he.
8 He shall fly away as a dream, and shall not be found: yea, he shall be chased away as a vision of the night.
Like a dream he will fly away and not people will find him and he may be chased away like a vision of [the] night.
9 The eye also which saw him shall see him no more; neither shall his place any more behold him.
An eye it caught sight of him and not it will repeat and not again it will see him place his.
10 His children shall seek to please the poor, and his hands shall restore their goods.
Children his they will seek [the] favor of poor [people] and own hands his they will give back wealth his.
11 His bones are full of the sin of his youth, which shall lie down with him in the dust.
Bones his they were full (youthful vigor his *Q(K)*) and with him on [the] dust it will lie down.
12 Though wickedness may be sweet in his mouth, though he may hide it under his tongue;
Though it is sweet in mouth his evil he hides it under tongue his.
13 Though he may spare it, and forsake it not; but keep it still within his mouth:
He spares it and not he lets loose it and he withholds it in [the] midst of mouth his.
14 Yet his food in his body is turned, it is the gall of asps within him.
Food his in inward parts his it is changed venom of cobras in inward part[s] his.
15 He hath swallowed down riches, and he shall vomit them up again: God shall cast them out of his belly.
Wealth he swallows and he has vomited up it from belly his he drives out it God.
16 He shall suck the poison of asps: the viper’s tongue shall slay him.
[the] poison of Cobras he sucks it slays him [the] tongue of a viper.
17 He shall not see the rivers, the floods, the brooks of honey and butter.
May not he look on streams rivers of torrents of honey and curd.
18 That which he laboured for shall he restore, and shall not swallow it down: according to his substance shall the restitution be, and he shall not rejoice in it.
[he is] restoring [the] gain And not he swallows [it] according to [the] wealth of trading his not he will rejoice.
19 Because he hath oppressed and hath forsaken the poor; because he hath violently taken away an house which he did not build;
For he has crushed he has neglected poor [people] a house he has seized and not he had built it.
20 Surely he shall not feel quietness in his belly, he shall not save of that which he desired.
For - not he knows quiet in belly his among desired [things] his not he delivers.
21 There shall none of his food be left; therefore shall no man look for his goods.
There not [is] a survivor to devour he there-fore not it will endure prosperity his.
22 In the fulness of his sufficiency he shall be in straits: every hand of the wicked shall come upon him.
When is full sufficiency his it will be distress to him every hand of a sufferer it will come to him.
23 When he is about to fill his belly, God shall cast the fury of his wrath upon him, and shall rain it upon him while he is eating.
May he be - [about] to fill belly his he will send on him [the] burning of anger his and he will send rain on him in bowel[s] his.
24 He shall flee from the iron weapon, and the bow of steel shall strike him through.
He will flee from a weapon of iron it will cut through him a bow of bronze.
25 It is drawn, and cometh out of the body; yea, the glittering sword cometh out of his gall: terrors are upon him.
He will draw [it] out and it came out from [the] back and lightning from gall-bladder his it will come on him terrors.
26 All darkness shall be hid in his secret places: a fire not blown shall consume him; it shall go ill with him that is left in his tent.
All darkness [is] hidden for treasured [things] his it will consume him fire [which] not it has been fanned it will be evil a survivor in tent his.
27 The heaven shall reveal his iniquity; and the earth shall rise up against him.
They will reveal [the] heavens iniquity his and [the] earth [will] rise up to him.
28 The increase of his house shall depart, and his goods shall flow away in the day of his wrath.
It will depart [the] produce of house his torrents on [the] day of anger his.
29 This is the portion of a wicked man from God, and the heritage appointed to him by God.
This - [is the] portion of a person wicked from God and [the] inheritance of decree his from God.

< Job 20 >