< Isaiah 10 >

1 Woe to them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;
Ⱪǝbiⱨlik ⱪanunlirini tüzgüqilǝrgǝ, Azabliⱪ pǝrman-ⱨɵkümlǝrni yazƣuqilarƣa way!
2 To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless!
Tul hotunlarni oljimiz ⱪilayli, Yetim-yesirlarni bulap-talayli dǝp, Ular miskinlǝrgǝ adalǝtni bǝrmǝy, Hǝlⱪimdiki ajiz-beqarilǝrdin ⱨoⱪuⱪni bulap ketidu.
3 And what will ye do in the day of punishment, and in the desolation which shall come from far? to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory?
Ⱨesab alidiƣan künidǝ, Yǝni yiraⱪtin kǝlgǝn tuyuⱪsiz balayi’apǝt künidǝ, Nemǝ ⱪilisilǝr? Kimdin baxpanaⱨliⱪ izdǝp yürisilǝr? Bayliⱪ-xɵⱨritinglarni nǝgǝ amanǝt ⱪoyisilǝr?
4 Without me they shall bow down under the prisoners, and they shall fall under the slain. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.
Ularƣa ǝsirlǝr arisida zongziyip olturuxtin, Yaki ɵltürülgǝnlǝr arisida yiⱪilixtin baxⱪa ⱨeqnemǝ ⱪalmidi! Ⱨǝmmisi xundaⱪ bolsimu, Uning ƣǝzipi yǝnila yanmaydu, Sozƣan ⱪoli yǝnila ⱪayturulmay turidu.
5 O Assyrian, the rod of my anger, and the staff in their hand is my indignation.
Ⱪoliƣa ƣǝzipimning toⱪmiⱪi tutⱪuzulƣan, Ɵzümning dǝrƣǝzipimning tayiⱪi bolƣan Asuriyǝlikkǝ way!
6 I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I command him, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.
Mǝn uni hudasiz bir «yat ǝl»gǝ, Dǝrƣǝzipim ⱪaritilƣan hǝlⱪimgǝ zǝrbǝ berixkǝ ǝwǝtimǝn; Uningƣa olja tutuwelixⱪa, Ƣǝniymǝtni bulaxⱪa, [Hǝlⱪimni] koqilardiki lay-patⱪaⱪlarni dǝssigǝndǝk dǝssǝxkǝ buyruymǝn.
7 Yet he meaneth not so, neither doth his heart think so; but it is in his heart to destroy and cut off nations not a few.
Biraⱪ [Asuriyǝlikning] kɵzdǝ tutⱪini muxu ǝmǝs, U xundaⱪ ⱨeq oyliƣan ǝmǝs. Uning oyliƣini wǝyran ⱪilix, Kɵp dɵlǝtlǝrni yoⱪitixtin ibarǝttur.
8 For he saith, Are not my princes altogether kings?
U: — «Mening sǝrdarlirimningmu ⱨǝmmisi padixaⱨlarƣa barawǝr ǝmǝsmu?
9 Is not Calno as Carchemish? is not Hamath as Arpad? is not Samaria as Damascus?
Kalno xǝⱨiri Karkemix xǝⱨirigǝ, Hamat xǝⱨiri Arpad xǝⱨirigǝ, Samariyǝ xǝⱨiri Dǝmǝxⱪ xǝⱨirigǝ ohxax ǝmǝsmu?
10 As my hand hath found the kingdoms of the idols, and whose graven images excelled them of Jerusalem and of Samaria;
Mǝbudliri Samariyǝning wǝ Yerusalemningkidin uluƣ bolƣini bilǝn, Mening ⱪolum muxu mǝbudⱪa tǝwǝ bolƣan padixaⱨliⱪlarƣa igǝ boluxⱪa yǝtküdǝk tursa,
11 Shall I not, as I have done to Samaria and her idols, so do to Jerusalem and her idols?
Samariyǝ wǝ uning mǝbudlirini ⱪandaⱪ ⱪilƣan bolsam, Yerusalem wǝ uning mǝbudlirini ohxaxla xundaⱪ ⱪilmamdimǝn?» — dǝydu.
12 Therefore it shall come to pass, that when the Lord hath performed his whole work upon mount Zion and on Jerusalem, I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the king of Assyria, and the glory of his high looks.
Biraⱪ Rǝb Zion teƣi wǝ Yerusalemda pütkül jaza ixini pütküzüp bolƣandin keyin, U: — «Mǝn Asuriyǝ padixaⱨining kɵnglidiki baxbaxtaⱪliⱪning aⱪiwitini [uningƣa qüxürimǝn], Uning kɵzliridiki kibirlik nǝzǝrlirini jazalaymǝn» dǝydu.
13 For he saith, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent: and I have removed the bounds of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man:
Qünki u: — «Bu ixlarni ɵz ⱪolumning küqi bilǝn, Ɵz danaliⱪim bilǝn mǝn ⱪilƣanmǝn; Qünki mǝn ǝⱪilliⱪturmǝn; Mǝn ǝllǝrning pasillirini yoⱪattim, Ularning hǝzinilirini buliwaldim, Tǝhtkǝ olturƣanlarni batur kǝbi qüxürüp taxlidimmǝn;
14 And my hand hath found as a nest the riches of the people: and as one gathereth eggs that are left, have I gathered all the earth; and there was none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth, or peeped.
Mǝn ⱪolumni bir ⱪux uwisiƣa uzatⱪandǝk ǝllǝrning bayliⱪliriƣa uzattim, Birsi taxliwetilgǝn tuhumlarni tǝrgǝndǝk mǝn pütkül dunyani yiƣⱪanmǝn; Ulardin ⱨeqbirimu ⱪanatlirini palaⱪlatmidi, Tumxuⱪini aqmidi, Yaki quk-quk ⱪilip awaz qiⱪarmidi» — dǝydu.
15 Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth with it? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that moveth it? as if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it, or as if the staff should lift itself, as if it were no wood.
Palta ɵzini ixlǝtküqisigǝ lap atsa bolamdu? Ⱨǝrǝ ⱨǝridigüqigǝ poqiliⱪ ⱪilsa bolamdu? Xundaⱪ ix ikǝn, huddi tayaⱪ ɵzini kɵtürgüqisini oynitalisa bolidiƣandǝk, Huddi ⱨasa yaƣaq ǝmǝs bolƣuqini kɵtürgǝndǝk bolatti ǝmǝsmu?!
16 Therefore shall the Lord, the Lord of hosts, send among his fat ones leanness; and under his glory he shall kindle a burning like the burning of a fire.
Xunga samawi ⱪoxunlarning Sǝrdari bolƣan Rǝb Pǝrwǝrdigar xu [Asuriyǝlkning] palwanliri arisiƣa oruⱪlitix kesilini ǝwǝtidu, Uning xan-xǝripining astida lawuldap yalⱪunlaydiƣan bir otni yaⱪidu.
17 And the light of Israel shall be for a fire, and his Holy One for a flame: and it shall burn and devour his thorns and his briers in one day;
«Israilning Nuri»ning Ɵzi ot, Uningdiki Muⱪǝddǝs Bolƣuqi yalⱪun bolidu, U bir kün iqidǝ uning jiƣanliri wǝ tikǝnlirini kɵydürüp, yutuwalidu.
18 And shall consume the glory of his forest, and of his fruitful field, both soul and body: and they shall be as when a standardbearer fainteth.
Ⱨǝm uning ormanzarliⱪ wǝ baƣ-etizlirining xan-xǝripini, jan wǝ tenini kɵydürüp kül ⱪiliwetidu; Ular bǝǝyni jüdǝp ketiwatⱪan kesǝl adǝmdǝk bolup ⱪalidu.
19 And the rest of the trees of his forest shall be few, that a child may write them.
Buning bilǝn ormanzarliⱪtiki dǝrǝhlǝrning ⱪep ⱪalƣini xunqǝ az boliduki, Kiqik bala ularni sanap hatiriliyǝlǝydu.
20 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel, and such as have escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again lean upon him that smote them; but shall lean upon the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth.
Xu küni xundaⱪ boliduki, Israilning ⱪaldi hǝlⱪi, yǝni Yaⱪupning jǝmǝtidin ⱪeqip ⱪaytⱪanlar ɵzlirini urƣuqiƣa ikkinqi tayanmaydu; bǝlki ular ⱨǝⱪiⱪǝtǝn Pǝrwǝrdigar, yǝni «Israildiki Muⱪǝddǝs Bolƣuqi»ƣa tayinidu.
21 The remnant shall return, even the remnant of Jacob, to the mighty God.
Bǝrⱨǝⱪ, bir «ⱪaldi» ⱪaytip kelidu, Yǝni Yaⱪupning «ⱪaldisi» ⱪudrǝtlik Tǝngrining yeniƣa ⱪaytip kelidu.
22 For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return: the full end decreed shall overflow with righteousness.
I Israil, hǝlⱪing dengizdiki ⱪumdǝk kɵp bolƣini bilǝn, Pǝⱪǝt bir ⱪaldisi ⱪaytidu; [Qünki] ⱨǝⱪⱪaniyliⱪ bilǝn yürgüzülgǝn, bir ⱨalakǝtning texip üstünglarƣa qüxüxi bekitilgǝndur;
23 For the Lord GOD of hosts shall make a full end, even determined, in the midst of all the land.
Qünki bir ⱨalakǝtni — bekitilgǝn bir ⱨalakǝtni samawi ⱪoxunlarning Sǝrdari bolƣan Pǝrwǝrdigar pütkül yǝr yüzidǝ ǝmǝlgǝ axuridu.
24 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD of hosts, O my people that dwellest in Zion, be not afraid of the Assyrian: he shall smite thee with a rod, and shall lift up his staff against thee, after the manner of Egypt.
Xunga samawi ⱪoxunlarning Sǝrdari bolƣan Rǝb Pǝrwǝrdigar mundaⱪ dǝydu: — « — I Zion teƣida turƣan hǝlⱪim, Asuriyǝdin ⱪorⱪma! U seni tayaⱪ bilǝn uridiƣan, Wǝ Misirliⱪlardǝk sanga ⱪarap ⱨasisini kɵtüridiƣan bolsimu,
25 For yet a very little while, and the indignation shall cease, and my anger in their destruction.
Pǝⱪǝt azƣinǝ waⱪit ɵtüxi bilǝnla, Silǝrgǝ ⱪaratⱪan muxu dǝrƣǝzipim tügǝp, Ƣǝzipimni ularƣa ⱨalakǝt qüxsun dǝp ⱪaritimǝn.
26 And the LORD of hosts shall raise up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb: and as his rod was upon the sea, so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt.
Samawi ⱪoxunlarning Sǝrdari bolƣan Pǝrwǝrdigar bolsa, ularƣa ⱪamqa bilǝn ⱨujum ⱪozƣaydu; Ularning ⱨali «Orǝbning ⱪoram texi»da bolƣan Midiyan ⱪirƣinqiliⱪidǝk ⱨalǝttǝ bolidu; U ⱨasisini dengizƣa ⱪaritip, Uni Misirliⱪlarning üstigǝ kɵtürgǝndǝk kɵtüridu;
27 And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
Andin xu künidǝ xundaⱪ boliduki, Uning yüki mürǝngdin, Boyunturuⱪi boynungdin elip taxlinidu; Mayliring sǝwǝbidin, Boyunturuⱪ sundurup yoⱪitilidu.
28 He is come to Aiath, he is passed to Migron; at Michmash he hath attended to his carriages:
Mana, ular Ayatⱪa yetip, Migrondin ɵtkǝn, Mihmaxta yük-taⱪlirini ⱪoyup ⱪoyidu;
29 They have gone over the pass: they have taken up their lodging at Geba; Ramah is afraid; Gibeah of Saul hath fled.
Ular bosuƣa-dawandin ɵtkǝn, Gebada ⱪonup ⱪalidu; Ramaⱨ titrǝp ketidu; Saulning yurti Gibeaⱨdikilǝr bolsa ⱪeqip kǝtkǝn;
30 Lift up thy voice, O daughter of Gallim: cause it to be heard to Laish, O poor Anathoth.
I Gallimning ⱪizi, pǝryadingni kɵtür! Ⱨǝy Laix, anglap ⱪoy! I biqarǝ Anatot!
31 Madmenah is removed; the inhabitants of Gebim gather themselves to flee.
Madmǝnaⱨ bolsa ⱪaqti; Gebimdikilǝr bǝdǝr ⱪaqti;
32 As yet shall he remain at Nob that day: he shall shake his hand against the mount of the daughter of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem.
Xu kün ɵtmigüqǝ ular Nob dɵngidǝ tohtap ⱪalidu; Axu yǝrdǝ u Zion ⱪizining teƣiƣa, Yǝni Yerusalemdiki dɵnggǝ ⱪarap muxtini oynitidu.
33 Behold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts, shall lop the bough with terror: and the high ones of stature shall be hewn down, and the haughty shall be humbled.
Mana, samawi ⱪoxunlarning Sǝrdari bolƣan Rǝb Pǝrwǝrdigar qong xahlarni xiddǝt bilǝn kesiwetidu; Xuning bilǝn egiz ɵskǝnlǝr kesip yiⱪitilidu; Ⱨali üstünlǝr pǝslǝxtürülidu.
34 And he shall cut down the thickets of the forests with iron, and Lebanon shall fall by a mighty one.
U tɵmür [ⱪorallar] bilǝn ormanliⱪning Baraⱪsan yǝrlirini kesip ⱪaⱪasliⱪ ⱪiliwetidu; Liwan bolsa uluƣ birsi tǝripidin yiⱪitilidu.

< Isaiah 10 >