< Jeremiah 13 >

1 Yahweh said this to me, “Go and buy a linen undergarment and put it on around your waist, but do not put it in water first.”
Seyè a pale avè m', li di m' konsa: -Al achte yon sentiwon lenn, mare l' nan ren ou. Men, piga ou tranpe l' nan dlo.
2 So I bought an undergarment as Yahweh directed, and I put in on around my waist.
Se konsa m' achte yon sentiwon jan Seyè a te di m' lan. Mwen mare l' nan ren mwen.
3 Then the word of Yahweh came to me a second time, saying,
Apre sa, Seyè a pale avè m' ankò, li di m' konsa:
4 “Take the undergarment that you purchased that is around your waist, get up and go now to Perath. Hide it there in a rock crevice.”
-Pran sentiwon lenn ou te achte a, sa ki mare nan ren ou lan, ale bò larivyè Lefrat la. W'a kache l' nan yon fant wòch.
5 So I went and hid it in Perath, just as Yahweh had commanded me.
Mwen leve vre, m' ale bò larivyè Lefrat la, mwen kache l' jan Seyè a te ban m' lòd la.
6 After many days, Yahweh said to me, “Get up and go back to Perath. Take from there the undergarment that I had told you to hide.”
Apre yon bon ti tan, Seyè a di m' konsa: -Leve non! Tounen bò larivyè Lefrat la, al pran sentiwon mwen te ba ou lòd kache a.
7 So I went back to Perath and dug out the undergarment where I had hid it, and behold, it was destroyed and completely useless.
Se konsa, m' ale bò larivyè Lefrat la, mwen chache, mwen pran sentiwon an kote m' te kache l' la. Men, li te gate, li pa t' vo anyen ankò.
8 Then the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
Lè sa a, Seyè a pale avè m' ankò, li di m' konsa:
9 “Yahweh says this: In the same way I will destroy the great arrogance of Judah and Jerusalem.
-Men ki jan mwen pral kraze lògèy moun granpanpan peyi Jida yo, ak gwo lògèy moun lavil Jerizalèm yo.
10 This wicked people who refuses to listen to my word, who walk in the hardness of their heart, who go after other gods to worship them and bow down to them—they will be like this undergarment that is good for nothing.
Moun sa yo se move moun yo ye. Yo refize koute m' lè m' pale yo. Yo fè tèt di, yo fè tout vye lide ki vin nan tèt yo. Y' al dèyè lòt bondye, yo fè sèvis pou yo, yo adore yo. Se konsa y'ap tounen tankou sentiwon lenn lan ki pa bon pou anyen ankò.
11 For just as an undergarment clings to someone's hips, so I have made all the house of Israel and all the house of Judah cling to me—this is Yahweh's declaration—to be my people, to bring me fame, praise, and honor. But they would not listen to me.
Menm jan moun mare sentiwon nan ren yo, se konsa mwen te vle pou moun peyi Jida yo ansanm ak moun lavil Jerizalèm yo te mare avè m', pou yo te ka yon pèp apa pou mwen, yon non, yon lwanj, yon bèl bagay pou mwen. Men yo pa koute m'. Se Seyè a menm ki di sa.
12 So you must speak this word to them, 'Yahweh, the God of Israel, says this: Every jar will be filled with wine.' They will say to you, 'Do we not indeed know that every jar will be filled with wine?'
W'a di yo pawoli sa a: Men sa Seyè a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, di: Potich diven fèt pou mete diven ladan l'. Y'a reponn ou: Men wi, tout potich diven fèt pou mete diven ladan l'. Se bagay nou konnen.
13 So say to them, 'Yahweh says this: See, I am about to fill with drunkenness every inhabitant of this land, the kings who sit on David's throne, the priests, prophets, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
Lè sa a w'a di yo: Men sa mwen menm Seyè a, mwen di: Mwen pral plen vant tout moun nan peyi a ak diven jouk yo sou, depi wa a ki chita sou fotèy David la, prèt yo, pwofèt yo, jouk dènye moun ki rete lavil Jerizalèm.
14 Then I will smash each man against the other, fathers and children together—this is Yahweh's declaration—I will not pity them or have compassion, and I will not spare them from destruction.'”
Apre sa, m'ap frape yo yonn ak lòt pou yo kraze, granmoun kou timoun, tout ansanm. M'ap san pitye, mwen p'ap kite yonn chape. Mwen p'ap pran priyè, m'ap touye yo tout.
15 Listen and pay attention. Do not be arrogant, for Yahweh had spoken.
Nou menm pèp Izrayèl, Seyè a ap pale, louvri zòrèy nou pou nou tande! Pa fè gwo kòlèt!
16 Give honor to Yahweh your God before he brings darkness, and before he causes your feet to stumble on the mountains at twilight. For you are hoping for light, but he will turn the place into a deep darkness, into a dark cloud.
Fè lwanj Seyè a, Bondye nou an, anvan fènwa bare nou, pou pye nou pa al bite sou mòn yo lannwit la, anvan li fè limyè nou t'ap tann lan tounen yon gwo fènwa, yon dekou ki fènwa kou lank.
17 So if you will not listen, I will weep alone because of your arrogance. My eyes will certainly weep and flow with tears, for Yahweh's flock has been taken captive.
Si nou pa koute l', mwen pral kache kò m' yon kote pou m' kriye, paske nou gen twòp lògèy. Je m' pral koule dlo, yo pral ponpe dlo, paske yo pral fè pèp Seyè a prizonye, yo pral depòte yo.
18 “Say to the king and to the queen mother, 'Come down from your thrones, for your splendid crowns have fallen from your heads.'
Seyè a di m' konsa: -Pale ak wa a ansanm ak manman l'. Di yo desann soti sou fotèy yo, paske bèl kouwòn ki te sou tèt yo a tonbe atè.
19 The cities in the Negev will be shut up, with no one to open them. All Judah will be taken captive, completely taken captive.
Yo sènen tout lavil ki nan sid peyi Jida a. Pesonn pa ka pase. Yo depòte dènye moun peyi Jida yo. Yo pa kite yonn deyò.
20 Lift up your eyes and look at the ones coming from the north. Where is the flock he gave to you, the flock that was so beautiful to you?
Jerizalèm, leve je ou gade. Gade lènmi ou yo k'ap desann soti nan nò! Kote moun ki te sou kont ou yo, moun ki t'ap fè ou mache tèt byen wo a?
21 What will you say when God sets over you those you had trained to be your special allies? Are these not the beginnings of the labor pains that will seize you just like a woman in childbirth?
Kisa w'a di lè w'a wè moun ou te kwè ki te zanmi ou yo leve dèyè ou pou yo vin chèf sou ou nan peyi ou? Ou pral nan lapenn tankou yon fanm ansent ki gen tranche.
22 Then you might say in your heart, 'Why are these things happening to me?' It will be for the multitude of your iniquities that your skirts are raised up and you have been violated.
W'a mande tèt ou: Poukisa tout bagay sa yo ap rive ou? Se paske sa ou te fè a te grav anpil kifè yo mete ou toutouni, yo fè kadejak sou ou.
23 Can the people of Cush change their skin color, or a leopard change its spots? If so, then you yourself, although accustomed to wickedness, would be able to do good.
Moun po nwa pa ka chanje koulè po yo. Leyopa pa ka wete takte nwa ki sou kò li yo. Konsa tou, nou menm ki fin gen labitid fè sa ki mal nou pa ka fè sa byen.
24 So I will scatter them like chaff that perishes in the desert wind.
Mwen menm, Seyè a, mwen pral gaye yo tankou pay van ap gaye nan savann.
25 This is what I have given to you, the portion I have decreed for you—this is Yahweh's declaration— because you have forgotten me and trusted in deceit.
Seyè a di: Men sa k'ap tann nou. Men sa mwen deside fè nou paske nou te bliye m', nou t' al mete konfyans nou nan fo bondye.
26 So also I myself will strip your skirts off you, and your private parts will be seen.
Se mwen menm menm ki pral leve rad nou jouk sou tèt nou, pou yo wè nou toutouni.
27 I have seen your adultery and neighing, the wickedness of your prostitution on the hills and in the fields, and I have seen these detestable things! Woe to you, Jerusalem! How long until you are made clean again?”
Mwen te wè n'ap fè bagay mwen rayi. Tankou yon nonm marye k'ap kouri dèyè madanm lòt moun, tankou poulen k'ap ranni dèyè jiman, nou kouri dèyè lòt bondye, n'ap rele nan pye yo. San ankenn wont, n'ap fè sèvis pou yo sou tèt ti mòn yo ak nan laplenn. Aa! moun lavil Jerizalèm, nou fini vre! Kilè n'a sispann? Kilè n'a manyè netwaye kè nou?

< Jeremiah 13 >