< Genesis 40 >

1 It came about that after these things, the cupbearer of the king of Egypt and king's baker offended their master, the king of Egypt.
Bu ixlardin keyin Misir padixaⱨining saⱪiysi wǝ bax nawiyi Misir padixaⱨining zitiƣa tegip gunaⱨkar bolup ⱪaldi.
2 Pharaoh was angry with his two officials, the chief of the cupbearers and the chief of the bakers.
Xuning bilǝn Pirǝwn uning bu ikki mǝnsǝpdariƣa, yǝni bax saⱪiy wǝ bax nawayƣa ƣǝzǝplinip,
3 He put them in custody in the house of the captain of the guard, in the same prison where Joseph was confined.
ularni pasiban bexining sariyiƣa, Yüsüp solaⱪliⱪ munarliⱪ zindanƣa solap ⱪoydi.
4 The captain of the guard assigned Joseph to them, and he served them. They remained in custody for some time.
Pasiban bexi Yüsüpni ularning hizmitidǝ bolup ularni kütüxkǝ tǝyinlidi. Ular solaⱪta birnǝqqǝ kün yetip ⱪaldi.
5 Both of them dreamed a dream—the cupbearer and the baker of the king of Egypt who were confined in the prison—each man had his own dream in the same night, and each dream had its own interpretation.
Ular ikkisi — Misir padixaⱨining saⱪiysi wǝ nawiyi gundihanida solaⱪliⱪ turƣan bir keqidǝ qüx kɵrdi. Ⱨǝrbirining qüxining ɵzigǝ has tǝbiri bar idi.
6 Joseph came to them in the morning and saw them. Behold, they were sad.
Ətisi ǝtigǝndǝ, Yüsüp ularning ⱪexiƣa kiriwidi, ularning ƣǝmkin olturƣinini kɵrdi;
7 He asked Pharaoh's officials who were with him in custody in his master's house, saying, “Why do you look so sad today?”
xunga u ɵzi bilǝn billǝ hojisining sariyida solaⱪliⱪ yatⱪan Pirǝwnning bu ikki mǝnsǝpdaridin: — Nemixⱪa qirayinglar bügün xunqǝ solƣun? — dǝp soridi.
8 They said to him, “We have both dreamed a dream and no one can interpret it.” Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me, please.”
Ular uningƣa jawab berip: — Ikkimiz bir qüx kɵrduⱪ; ǝmma qüximizning tǝbirini yexip beridiƣan kixi yoⱪ, dedi. Yüsüp ularƣa: — Qüxkǝ tǝbir berix Hudadin bolidu ǝmǝsmu? Qüxünglarni manga eytip beringlar, — dedi.
9 The chief of the cupbearers told his dream to Joseph. He said to him, “In my dream, behold, a vine was in front of me.
Buning bilǝn bax saⱪiy Yüsüpkǝ qüxini eytip: — Qüxümdǝ aldimda bir üzüm teli turƣudǝk;
10 In the vine were three branches. As it budded, its blossoms came out and the clusters of grapes ripened.
bu üzüm telining üq xehi bar ikǝn. U bih urup qeqǝklǝp, saplirida uzum pixip ketiptudǝk;
11 Pharaoh's cup was in my hand. I took the grapes and squeezed them into Pharaoh's cup, and I placed the cup into Pharaoh's hand.”
Pirǝwnning ⱪǝdǝⱨi ⱪolumda ikǝn; mǝn üzümlǝrni elip Pirǝwnning ⱪǝdǝⱨigǝ siⱪip, ⱪǝdǝⱨni uning ⱪoliƣa sunuptimǝn, dedi.
12 Joseph said to him, “This is the interpretation of it. The three branches are three days.
Yüsüp uningƣa jawabǝn: Qüxning tǝbiri xudurki, bu üq xah üq künni kɵrsitidu.
13 Within three days Pharaoh will lift up your head and restore you to your office. You will put Pharaoh's cup into his hand, just as when you were his cupbearer.
Üq kün iqidǝ Pirǝwn ⱪǝddingni ruslitip, seni mǝnsipinggǝ ⱪaytidin tǝyinlǝydu. Buning bilǝn sǝn burun uningƣa saⱪiy bolƣandǝk Pirǝwnning ⱪǝdǝⱨini uning ⱪoliƣa sunidiƣan bolisǝn.
14 But think of me when it goes well with you, and please show kindness to me. Mention me to Pharaoh and bring me out of this prison.
Lekin ixliring onguxluⱪ bolƣanda meni yadingƣa yǝtküzüp, manga xapaǝt kɵrsitip Pirǝwnning aldida mening toƣramda gǝp ⱪilip, meni bu ɵydin qiⱪartⱪaysǝn.
15 For indeed I was abducted out of the land of the Hebrews. Here also have I done nothing that they should put me in this dungeon.”
Qünki mǝn ⱨǝⱪiⱪǝtǝn ibraniylarning zeminidin naⱨǝⱪ tutup elip kelindim; bu yǝrdimu meni zindanƣa salƣudǝk bir ix ⱪilmidim, — dedi.
16 When the chief of the bakers saw that the interpretation was favorable, he said to Joseph, “I also had a dream, and, behold, three baskets of bread were on my head.
Bax naway Yüsüpning xundaⱪ yahxi tǝbir bǝrginini kɵrüp uningƣa mundaⱪ dedi: — Mǝnmu ɵzümni qüxümdǝ kɵrdüm; mana, beximda aⱪ nan bar üq sewǝt bar ikǝn.
17 In the top basket there were all kinds of baked goods for Pharaoh, but the birds ate them out of the basket on my head.”
Əng üstünki sewǝttǝ nawaylar Pirǝwngǝ pixurƣan ⱨǝrhil nazunemǝtlǝr bar ikǝn; lekin ⱪuxlar beximdiki u sewǝttiki nǝrsilǝrni yǝp ketiptudǝk, — dedi.
18 Joseph answered and said, “This is the interpretation. The three baskets are three days.
Yüsüp jawabǝn: — Qüxning tǝbiri xudurki: — Bu üq sewǝt üq künni kɵrsitidu.
19 Within three days Pharaoh will lift up your head from you and will hang you on a tree. The birds will eat your flesh off you.”
Üq kün iqidǝ Pirǝwn sening bexingni kesip, jǝsitingni dǝrǝhkǝ asidikǝn. Xuning bilǝn uqarⱪanatlar kelip gɵxüngni yǝydikǝn, — dedi.
20 It came about on the third day that it was Pharaoh's birthday. He made a feast for all his servants. He lifted up the head of the chief of the cupbearers and the head of the chief of the bakers, among his servants.
Üqinqi küni xundaⱪ boldiki, Pirǝwnning tuƣulƣan küni bolƣaqⱪa, u ⱨǝmmǝ hizmǝtkarliri üqün bir ziyapǝt ⱪilip bǝrdi, xundaⱪla dǝrwǝⱪǝ hizmǝtkarlirining arisida bax saⱪiyning bexini kɵtürdi wǝ bax nawayning bexini aldi;
21 He restored the chief of the cupbearers to his responsibility, and he put the cup into Pharaoh's hand again.
u bax saⱪiyni ⱪaytidin ɵz mǝnsipigǝ tǝyinlidi; xuning bilǝn u Pirǝwnning ⱪǝdǝⱨini uning ⱪoliƣa ⱪaytidin sunidiƣan boldi.
22 But he hanged the chief of the bakers, just as Joseph had interpreted to them.
Lekin bax nawayni bolsa Yüsüp ularƣa tǝbir bǝrgǝndǝk esiwǝtti.
23 Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot about him.
Əmma bax saⱪiy Yüsüpni ⱨeq ǝslimǝy, ǝksiqǝ uni untup ⱪaldi.

< Genesis 40 >