< Ezekiel 29 >

1 In the tenth year, in the tenth month on the twelfth day of the month, the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
Mfeɛ edu so bosome a ɛtɔ so edu no ɛda a ɛtɔ so dumienu no, Awurade asɛm baa me nkyɛn sɛ:
2 “Son of man, set your face against Pharaoh, the king of Egypt; prophesy against him and against all of Egypt.
“Onipa ba, fa wʼani kyerɛ Misraimhene Farao so na hyɛ nkɔm tia no ne Misraim nyinaa.
3 Declare and say, 'The Lord Yahweh says this: Behold! I am against you, Pharaoh, king of Egypt. You, the great sea monster that lurks in the midst of the river, that says, “My river is my own. I have made it for myself.”
Kasa kyerɛ no na ka sɛ: ‘Yei ne deɛ Otumfoɔ Awurade seɛ. “‘Me ne wo anya, Misraimhene Farao asuboa kɛseɛ a woda wo asutene mu.’” Woka sɛ, “Nil yɛ me dea; meyɛ maa me ho.”
4 For I will place hooks in your jaw, and the fish of your Nile will cling to your scales; I will lift you up from the middle of your river along with all the fish of the river that cling to your scales.
Na mede nnarewa bɛsosɔ wʼapantan mu na mama mpataa a ɛwɔ wo asutene mu afenfam wo ho. Mɛtwe wo afiri wo asutene no mu, a mpataa no nyinaa tetare wo ho.
5 I will throw you down into the wilderness, you and all the fish from your river. You will fall on the open field; you will not be gathered nor lifted up. I will give you as food to the living things of the earth and to the birds of the heavens.
Megya wo hɔ wɔ ɛserɛ no so, wo ne mpataa a wɔwɔ wo asutene mu no nyinaa. Wobɛhwe ase wɔ asase petee mu a wɔrempagya wo bio. Mede wo bɛma asase so mmoa ne ewiem nnomaa sɛ wɔn aduane.
6 Then all the inhabitants of Egypt will know that I am Yahweh, because they have been a reed stalk to the house of Israel.
Afei wɔn a wɔte Misraim nyinaa bɛhunu sɛ mene Awurade no. “‘Woayɛ sɛ demmire poma ama Israel efie.
7 When they took hold of you in their hand, you broke and tore open their shoulder; and when they leaned on you, you were broken, and you caused their legs to be unsteady.
Wɔde wɔn ho too wo so no, wo mu bukaaeɛ na wowɔɔ wɔn mmatire. Wɔtweree woɔ no, wo mu buiɛ ma wɔn sisi hinhimiiɛ.
8 Therefore the Lord Yahweh says this: Behold! I will bring a sword against you. I will cut off both man and beast from you.
“‘Ɛno enti sei na Otumfoɔ Awurade seɛ: Mede akofena bɛba abɛtia wo na makunkum wo mmarima ne wɔn mmoa.
9 So the land of Egypt will become desolate and a ruin. Then they will know that I am Yahweh, because the sea monster had said, “The river is mine, for I have made it.”
Misraim bɛda mpan na asɛe. Ɛno na wɔbɛhunu sɛ mene Awurade. “‘Ɛfiri sɛ wo kaa sɛ, “Nil yɛ me dea; Me na meyɛeɛ,” enti
10 Therefore, behold! I am against you and against your river, so I will give the land of Egypt over to desolation and waste, and you will become a wasteland from the Migdol to Syene and the borders of Cush.
me ne wo ne wo asutene anya, na mɛma Misraim asase asɛe na ada mpan, ɛfiri Migdol kɔsi Aswan twam de kɔka Kus hyeɛ so.
11 No man's foot will pass through it, and no wild animal's foot will pass through it. It will not be inhabited for forty years.
Onipa anaa aboa biara nan rensi so, obiara rentena so mfeɛ aduanan.
12 For I will make the land of Egypt a desolation in the midst of uninhabited lands, and its cities in the midst of wasted cities will become a desolation for forty years; then I will scatter Egypt among the nations, and I will disperse them though the lands.
Mɛma Misraim asase no ada mpan wɔ nsase a asɛeɛ mu na ne nkuropɔn bɛda mpan mfeɛ aduanan wɔ wɔn nkuropɔn a asɛeɛ mu. Na mɛbɔ Misraimfoɔ apete wɔ amanaman mu, na mahwete wɔn wɔ nsase so.
13 For the Lord Yahweh says this: At the end of forty years I will gather Egypt from the peoples among whom they were scattered.
“‘Nanso yei ne deɛ Otumfoɔ Awurade seɛ: Mfeɛ aduanan akyi no, mɛboaboa Misraimfoɔ ano afiri aman a mebɔɔ wɔn petee soɔ no so.
14 I will restore the fortunes of Egypt and bring them back to the region of Pathros, to the land of their origin. Then they will be a lowly kingdom there.
Mede wɔn bɛfiri nnommumfa mu aba na mede wɔn akɔ Misraim Atifi, wɔn nananom asase. Ɛhɔ na wɔbɛyɛ ahennie mu kumaa bi.
15 It will be the lowliest of the kingdoms, and it will not be lifted up any more among the nations. I will diminish them so they will no longer rule over nations.
Ɛbɛyɛ ahennie a ɛnyɛ den na ɛrentumi mma ne ho so wɔ aman a aka no mu. Mɛyɛ no ahennie a ɛrentumi nni aman foforɔ so.
16 The Egyptians will no longer be a reason for confidence for the house of Israel. Instead, they will be a reminder of the iniquity that Israel committed when they turned to Egypt for help. Then they will know that I am the Lord Yahweh.'”
Misraim renyɛ ɔman a Israelfoɔ de wɔn ho bɛto no so bio, mmom ɛbɛkae wɔn bɔne a wɔyɛeɛ sɛ wɔde wɔn ho kɔdane no, de pɛɛ mmoa. Afei, wɔbɛhunu sɛ mene Otumfoɔ Awurade no.’”
17 Then it came about in the twenty-seventh year on the first of the first month, that the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
Mfeɛ aduonu nson so, ɔbosome a ɛdi ɛkan no ɛda a ɛdi ɛkan no, Awurade asɛm baa me nkyɛn sɛ:
18 “Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon stationed his army to do hard work against Tyre. Every head was rubbed until it was made bald, and every shoulder was made raw. Yet he and his army received no payment from Tyre for the hard work that he carried out against it.
“Onipa ba, Babiloniahene Nebukadnessar ne nʼakodɔm koo ɔkoden tiaa Tiro, etire biara so pepaeɛ na mmatire nso so popɔreeɛ. Nanso ɔno ne nʼakodɔm no annya hwee amfiri adwumaden a wɔyɛ de tiaa Tiro no mu.
19 Therefore the Lord Yahweh says this, 'Behold! I am giving the land of Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, and he will take away its wealth, plunder its possessions, and carry off all he finds there; that will be his army's wages.
Ɛno enti, yei ne deɛ Otumfoɔ Awurade seɛ: Mede Misraim rebɛhyɛ Babiloniahene Nebukadnessar nsa na ɔbɛsoa nʼahodeɛ akɔ. Ɔbɛfom asase no de ayɛ akatua ama nʼakodɔm.
20 I have given him the land of Egypt as the wages for the work they did for me—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.
Mede Misraim ama no sɛ nʼadwumayɛ so akatua, ɛfiri sɛ ɔne nʼakodɔm ko maa me, Otumfoɔ Awurade asɛm nie.
21 On that day I will make a horn sprout up for the house of Israel, and I make you speak in their midst, so that they will know that I am Yahweh.'”
“Saa ɛda no, mɛma abɛn bi afifiri ama Israel efie, na mebue wʼano wɔ wɔn mu. Afei wɔbɛhunu sɛ mene Awurade no.”

< Ezekiel 29 >