< 1 Corinthians 8 >

1 Now about food sacrificed to idols: We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.
περι δε των ειδωλοθυτων οιδαμεν οτι παντες γνωσιν εχομεν η γνωσις φυσιοι η δε αγαπη οικοδομει
2 If anyone thinks he knows something, that person does not yet know as he should know.
ει δε τις δοκει ειδεναι τι ουδεπω ουδεν εγνωκεν καθως δει γνωναι
3 But if anyone loves God, that person is known by him.
ει δε τις αγαπα τον θεον ουτος εγνωσται υπ αυτου
4 So then, about eating food sacrificed to idols: We know that an idol in this world is nothing and that there is no God but one.
περι της βρωσεως ουν των ειδωλοθυτων οιδαμεν οτι ουδεν ειδωλον εν κοσμω και οτι ουδεις θεος ετερος ει μη εις
5 For maybe so-called gods do exist, either in heaven or on earth, just as there are many “gods” and many “lords.”
και γαρ ειπερ εισιν λεγομενοι θεοι ειτε εν ουρανω ειτε επι της γης ωσπερ εισιν θεοι πολλοι και κυριοι πολλοι
6 Yet for us there is only one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we live, and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom all things exist, and through whom we exist.
αλλ ημιν εις θεος ο πατηρ εξ ου τα παντα και ημεις εις αυτον και εις κυριος ιησους χριστος δι ου τα παντα και ημεις δι αυτου
7 However, this knowledge is not in everyone. Instead, some previously practiced idol worship, and they eat this food as if it were something sacrificed to an idol. Their conscience is thereby corrupted because it is weak.
αλλ ουκ εν πασιν η γνωσις τινες δε τη συνειδησει του ειδωλου εως αρτι ως ειδωλοθυτον εσθιουσιν και η συνειδησις αυτων ασθενης ουσα μολυνεται
8 But food will not present us to God. We are not worse if we do not eat, nor better if we do eat it.
βρωμα δε ημας ου παριστησιν τω θεω ουτε γαρ εαν φαγωμεν περισσευομεν ουτε εαν μη φαγωμεν υστερουμεθα
9 But take care that your freedom does not become a reason for someone who is weak in faith to stumble.
βλεπετε δε μηπως η εξουσια υμων αυτη προσκομμα γενηται τοις ασθενουσιν
10 For suppose that someone sees you, who have knowledge, eating a meal in an idol's temple. Is not his weak conscience emboldened to eat what is offered to idols?
εαν γαρ τις ιδη σε τον εχοντα γνωσιν εν ειδωλειω κατακειμενον ουχι η συνειδησις αυτου ασθενους οντος οικοδομηθησεται εις το τα ειδωλοθυτα εσθιειν
11 So because of your understanding about the true nature of idols, the weaker one, the brother for whom Christ died, is destroyed.
και απολειται ο ασθενων αδελφος επι τη ση γνωσει δι ον χριστος απεθανεν
12 Thus, when you sin against your brothers and wound their weak consciences, you sin against Christ.
ουτως δε αμαρτανοντες εις τους αδελφους και τυπτοντες αυτων την συνειδησιν ασθενουσαν εις χριστον αμαρτανετε
13 Therefore, if food causes my brother to stumble, I will never eat meat again, so that I may not cause my brother to fall. (aiōn g165)
διοπερ ει βρωμα σκανδαλιζει τον αδελφον μου ου μη φαγω κρεα εις τον αιωνα ινα μη τον αδελφον μου σκανδαλισω (aiōn g165)

< 1 Corinthians 8 >