< Romans 4 >

1 What shall we saye then that Abraham oure father as pertayninge to ye flesshe dyd finde?
Cemyih, pakdam Abraham akawng ce ikawmyihna nik kqawn lah voei?
2 If Abraham were iustified by dedes the hath he wherin to reioyce: but not with god.
Abraham ing bibinaak ak caming dyngnaak a na huh mantaw, ang oek qu aham awm hy; cehlai Khawsa haiawh taw am awm hy.
3 For what sayth the scripture? Abraham beleved god and it was counted vnto him for rightewesnes.
Cabu awi ing ikaw ak kqawn? “Abraham ing Khawsa cangna nawh, cawhkaw cangnaak ce dyngnaak na taak pehy,” tihy.
4 To him that worketh is the rewarde not reckened of favour: but of duty.
Thlang ing bibi nawh, a bibi phu a huh ce kutdo am ming na hy, a huh hly kawi ni a huh hy.
5 To him that worketh not but beleveth on him that iustifieth the vngodly is his fayth counted for rightewesnes.
Bi am bi hlai hy, thlak che ak dyng sak Khawsa ak ypnaak thlang cetaw, ak cangnaak ak caming thlak dyng na awm hy.
6 Even as David describeth the blessedfulnes of the man vnto whom god ascribeth rihgtewesnes without dedes.
Bibinaak a awm kaana Khawsa ing thlak dyng na a taak thlang a zoseennaak ce David ingawm a nak kqawn hy.
7 Blessed are they whose vnrightewesnes are forgeven and whose synnes are covered.
A khawboe seetnaak ak khanawh qeenkhaw ngai na ak awmkhqi, a thawlhnaak hlip na ak awmkhqi taw a mi zoseen hy.
8 Blessed is that ma to whom the Lorde imputeth not synne.
Bawipa ing a thawlhnaak kawna amak sui peek thlangkhqi taw a mi zoseen hy, tinawh,
9 Came this blessednes then vpon the circumcised or vpon the vncircucised? We saye verely how that fayth was rekened to Abraham for rightewesnes.
vawhkaw zoseennaak ve chahhui ak qeetkhqi doeng aham awm ak awm nu? “Abraham ak cangnaak ce am dyngnaak na taak pe hy,” ni ti hawh hy.
10 How was it rekened? in the tyme of circumcision? or in the tyme before he was circumcised? Not in tyme of circucision: but when he was yet vncircumcised.
Ikawmyihna a awm awh nu cemyihna a taak peek hy voei? Chahhui a qeet coengawh nu, a qeet hlanawh nu? A hu na am ni, lamma na hu hawh hy!
11 And he receaved the signe of circumcision as a seale of yt rightewesnes which is by fayth which fayth he had yet beynge vncircucised: that he shuld be the father of all them that beleve though they be not circumcised that rightewesnes myght be imputed to them also:
Chahhui a qeet hlanawh ni cangnaak ak caming thlak dyng na awmnaak hatnaak, chahhui qeet naak ce hu hawh hy. Cedawngawh, chahhui qeet kaana awm hlai u hy ak cangnaak thlangkhqi boeih ing dyngnaak ce a huhnaak thai aham anih ce cekkhqi a pa na awm hy.
12 and that he myght be the father of the circumcised not because they are circumcised only: but because they walke also in the steppes of that fayth yt was in oure father Abraham before the tyme of circumcision.
Cekcoengawh chahhui qeet doeng kqawn kaana chahhui qeet hlanawh ni pa Abraham ing a taak cangnaak khawleh ak tut chahhui a mik qeet thlangkhqi a pa na awm awm bai hy.
13 For the promes that he shuld be the heyre of the worlde was not geven to Abraha or to his seed thorow the lawe: but thorow ye rightewesnes which cometh of fayth.
Khawmdek qona a awm thainaak aham awikam ce Abraham ingkaw a cakhqi ing anaa ak caming am hu uhy, cangnaak ak caming ak law dyngnaak ing ni a mi huh hy.
14 For yf they which are of the lawe be heyres then is fayth but vayne and the promes of none effecte.
Anaa awi ak caming ak hqingkhqi ing qo ce ami huh mantaw, cangnaak ce a phu am awm kawmsaw awikamnaak awm a hqawng nani a awm hly hawh,
15 Because the lawe causeth wrathe. For where no lawe is there is no trasgression.
anaa awi ingtaw kawsonaak ni a haw law hy. Anaa awi a ma awmnaak awhtaw awi eeknaak awm am awm hy.
16 Therfore by fayth is the inheritauce geven that it myght come of faveour: and the promes myght be sure to all the seed. Not to them only which are of the lawe: but also to them which are of the fayth of Abraham which is the father of vs all.
Cedawngawh, qeennaak ak caming Abraham a cadilkhqi boeih a venawh awi a na kam hy – anaa awi ing ak awmkhqi doeng kaana Abraham ak cangnaak ak takhqi boeih a venawh awm awi taaknaak taw cangnaak ing ni a law hy. Anih taw ningnih boeih a pa na awm hy.
17 As it is wrytten: I have made the a father to many nacions even before god whom thou hast beleved which quyckeneth the deed and called those thinges which be not as though they were.
”Thlangphyn boeih a pa na ni sai hawh nyng,” tinawh a qee myihna. Anih ing ak cangnaak Khawsa mik huh awh anih taw ningnih a pa na awm hy, thlak thikhqi venawh hqingnaak ak pekung ingkaw amak awm ik-oeihkhqi ak awm sakkung taw Khawsa ni.
18 Which Abraham contrary to hope beleved in hope that he shuld be the father of many nacions accordynge to that which was spoken:
Ngaih-u aham a ma awm awh awm Abraham ingtaw cangnaak ing ang ngaih-u dawngawh thlangphun boeih a pa na awm hy, “Na cadil ce zah law kaw,” tinawh a venawh kqawn pehy.
19 So shall thy seed be. And he faynted not in the fayth nor yet consydered hys awne body which was now deed even when he was almost an hondred yeare olde: nether yet that Sara was past chyldeberinge.
Cangnaak awh tha seet kaana awm nawh, a pum ce ak thi hqoeng a myihna awm hawh hlai hy – cawh a kum zakhat tluk law hawh hy – Sarah awm cak kaa bai hy.
20 He stackered not at the promes of God thorow vnbelefe: but was made stronge in the fayth and gave honour to God
Cehlai Khawsa ak awikam awh upvoetnaak a khoeh ca awm am tahy, cangnaak awh tha awm sak nawh Khawsa venawh thangleeknaak ce pehy,
21 full certifyed that what he had promised that he was able to make good.
Khawsa ing ak awikamnaak awh a hoei sai thai hy tice caangna khak hy.
22 And therfore was it reckened to him for rightewesnes.
Cedawngawh, “Anih ce thlak dyng na tahy.”
23 It is not written for him only that it was reckened to him for rightewesnes:
Cehlai, “thlak dyng na tahy,” tive anih aham doeng na am qee hy,
24 but also for vs to whom it shalbe counted for rightewesnes so we beleve on him that raysed vp Iesus oure Lorde from deeth.
Bawipa Jesu thihnaak awhkawng ak thawhkung ce ak cangnaak ningnih boeih a hamna awm awm lawt hy.
25 Which was delivered for oure synnes and rose agayne forto iustifie vs.
Jesu taw ningnih a thawlhnaak awh thihnaak yh nawh nim dyngnaak a hamna thoh sak tlaihna awm hawh hy.

< Romans 4 >