< Romans 2 >

1 Therfore arte thou inexcusable o man whosoever thou be yt iudgest. For in ye same wherin thou iudgest another thou condemnest thy selfe. For thou that iudgest doest eve the same selfe thinges
Emdi ey bashqilarning üstidin höküm qilidighan insan, kim bolushungdin qet’iynezer bahane körsitelmeysen; chünki bashqilar üstidin qaysi ishta höküm qilsang, shu ishta öz gunahingni békitisen. Chünki ey hökümchi, sen özüngmu ulargha oxshash ishlarni qiliwatisen.
2 But we are sure that the iudgement of God is accordinge to trueth agaynst them which commit soche thinges.
Bizge melumki, Xudaning undaq ishlarni qilghanlar üstidin höküm chiqirishi [mutleq] heqiqetke asaslan’ghandur.
3 Thikest thou this O thou ma that iudgest them which do soche thinges and yet doest eve the very same yt thou shalt escape ye iudgemet of God?
Shunga, i shundaq ishlarni qilghanlar üstidin höküm chiqarghuchi, shundaqla shuninggha oxshash ishlarni qilghuchi insan, özüng Xudaning hökümidin qachalaymen dep xiyal qilamsen?
4 Ether despisest thou the riches of his goodnes paciece and longe sufferaunce? and remembrest not how that the kyndnes of God ledith the to repentaunce?
Yaki Xudaning méhribanliqining séni towa qilish yoligha bashlaydighanliqini héch bilmey, uning méhribanliqi, keng qorsaqliqi we sewr-taqitining molluqigha sel qarawatamsen?
5 But thou after thyne harde herte yt canot repet heapest ye togedder the treasure of wrath agaynste the daye of vengeauce when shalbe opened ye rightewes iudgemet of god
Eksiche, towa qilmaydighan jahilliqing we tash yüreklikingdin, Xuda adil hökümini ayan qilidighan ghezeplik küni üchün sen öz béshinggha chüshidighan ghezipini toplawatisen.
6 which will rewarde every ma accordinge to his dedes:
Xuda herkimge öz emellirige yarisha ish köridu.
7 that is to saye prayse honoure and immortalite to them which cotinue in good doynge and seke eternall lyfe. (aiōnios g166)
Yaxshi ishlarni sewrchanliq bilen qilip, shan-sherep, hörmet-éhtiram we baqiyliqni izdigenlerge U menggülük hayat ata qilidu; (aiōnios g166)
8 But vnto them that are rebellious and disobey the trueth yet folowe iniquytie shall come indignacion and wrath
lékin shexsiyetchilerge, heqiqetke ten bermey, eksiche heqqaniyetsizlikke egeshkenlerge ghezep-qehr yaghdurulidu;
9 tribulacion and anguysshe vpon the soule of every man that doth evyll: of the Iewe fyrst and also of the gentyll.
yamanliq qilidighan barliq jan igisige, aldi bilen Yehudiylargha, andin Gréklerge külpet we derd-elem chüshidu;
10 To every man that doth good shall come prayse honoure and peace to ye Iewe fyrst and also to the gentyll.
biraq, barliq yaxshiliq qilghuchilargha, aldi bilen Yehudiylargha, andin Gréklerge shan-sherep, hörmet-éhtiram we aman-xatirjemlik teqdim qilinidu.
11 For ther is no parcialyte with god. But whosoever hath synned with out lawe shall perisshe wt out lawe.
Chünki Xudada ademning yüz-xatirisini qilish yoqtur.
12 And as many as haue synned vnder the lawe shalbe iudged by the lawe.
— chünki Tewrat qanunini bilmey gunah sadir qilghanlarning herbiri Tewrat qanunining hökümige uchrimisimu, [eyibke uchrap] halak bolidu; Tewrat qanunini bilip turup gunah sadir qilghanlarning herbiri bu qanun boyiche soraqqa tartilidu
13 For before god they are not ryghteous which heare ye lawe: but the doers of the lawe shalbe iustified.
(chünki Xudaning aldida qanunni anglighanlar emes, belki qanun’gha emel qilghuchilar heqqaniy hésablinidu.
14 For if the gentyls which have no lawe do of nature the thynges contayned in the lawe: then they havynge no lawe are a lawe vnto them selves
Chünki Tewrat qanunini bilmeydighan ellikler tebiiy halda bu qanun’gha uyghun ishlarni qilsa, gerche bu qanundin xewersiz bolsimu, Tewrat qanuni ularda körün’gen bolidu.
15 which shewe the dede of the lawe wrytten in their hertes: whyll their conscience beareth witnes vnto them and also their thoughtes accusynge one another or excusynge
Ularning bu qilghanliri öz qelblirige qanun teleplirining pütüklük ikenlikini körsitidu; shuningdek, ularning wijdanlirimu özlirige heqiqetning guwahchisi bolup, oy-pikirliri özini eyibleydu yaki özini aqlaydu)
16 at the daye when god shall iudge the secretes of men by Iesus Christ accordinge to my Gospell.
— men yetküzüp kéliwatqan bu xush xewerge asasen Xudaning Eysa Mesih arqiliq insanlarning qelbide pükken mexpiy ishlar üstidin höküm chiqiridighan künide [yuqirida éytilghan ishlar choqum yüz béridu].
17 Beholde thou arte called a Iewe and trustest in the lawe and reioysist in God
Senchu, eger özüngni Yehudiy dep atap, Tewrat qanunigha ümid baghlap, Xudagha tewemen dep maxtansang,
18 and knowest his will and hast experience of good and bad in that thou arte informed by the lawe:
qanundin öginip uning iradisini bilip, ésil bilen pesni perq etken bolsang,
19 and belevest that thou thy silfe arte a gyde vnto the blynde a lyght to them which are in darcknes
Tewrat qanunidin bilim we heqiqetning jewhirige ige boldum dep qarap, özüngni korlargha yol bashlighuchi, qarangghuda qalghanlargha mayak, nadanlargha ögetküchi, gödeklerge ustaz dep ishen’gen bolsang —
20 an informer of them which lacke discrecio a teacher of vnlearned which hast the ensample of that which ought to be knowen and of the truth in the lawe.
21 But thou which teachest another teachest not thy selfe. Thou preachest a man shuld not steale: and yet thou stealest.
emdi sen bashqilargha telim bérisenu, özüngge bermemsen? Oghriliq qilmanglar dep wez éytisenu, özüng oghriliq qilamsen?
22 Thou sayst a man shuld not commit advoutry: and thou breakest wedlocke. Thou abhorrest ymages and robbest God of his honoure.
«Zina qilmanglar» — dep wez éytiysenu, özüng zina qilamsen? Butlardin nepretlinisenu, özüng butxanilardiki nersilerni bulang-talang qilamsen?
23 Thou reioysest in the lawe and thorow breakinge the lawe dishonourest God.
Tewrat qanuni bilen maxtinisenu, özüng shu qanun’gha xilapliq qilip, Xudagha dagh keltüremsen?!
24 For the name of god is evyll spoken of amonge the Gentyls thorowe you as it is written.
Xuddi [muqeddes yazmilarda] yézilghinidek: «Silerning qilmishinglar tüpeylidin Xudaning nami taipiler arisida kupurluqqa uchrimaqta».
25 Circumcisio verely avayleth if thou kepe the lawe. But if thou breake the lawe thy circumcision is made vncircumcision.
Tewrat qanunigha emel qilsang, xetne qilin’ghiningning ehmiyiti bolidu, lékin uninggha xilapliq qilsang, xetne qilin’ghining xetne qilinmighandek hésablinidu.
26 Therfore if the vncircumcised kepe the ryght thinges contayned in the lawe: shall not his vncircumcision be counted for circumcision?
Emdi xetnisizler qanunning teleplige emel qilsa, gerche xetnisiz bolsimu, Xuda teripidin xetnilik hésablanmamdu?
27 And shall not vncircumcision which is by nature (yf it kepe the lawe) iudge the which beynge vnder the letter and circumcision dost transgresse the lawe?
Tewrat qanun desturidin xewerdar we xetnilik turuqluq qanun’gha xilapliq qilghuchi, i Yehudiy, qanun’gha emel qilidighan jismaniy xetnisizler teripidin séning gunahing üstidin höküm chiqiriliwatmamdu?
28 For he is not a Iewe which is a Iewe out warde. Nether is that thynge circumcision which is outwarde in the flesshe.
Chünki sirtqi körünüshi Yehudiy bolsila uni [heqiqiy] Yehudiy dégili bolmaydu, sirtqi jehettiki jismaniy xetninimu [heqiqiy] xetne dégili bolmaydu,
29 But he is a Iewe which is hid wythin and the circucisio of ye herte is the true circumcision which is in the sprete and not in ye letter whose prayse is not of men but of god.
rohida Yehudiy bolghini [heqiqiy] Yehudiydur; uning xetne qilin’ghini xetne qanun desturi arqiliq emes, belki qelbide, Rohtindur. Bundaq kishining teriplinishi insanlar teripidin emes, belki Xuda teripidin bolidu.

< Romans 2 >