< Romans 16 >

1 I commede vnto you Phebe oure sister (which is a minister of the congregacion of Chenchrea)
Namuika kitalanyu ng'waitu u Fibi adada witu, niza mitumi kitekeelo nilikoli Kenkrea,
2 that ye receave her in the Lorde as it becommeth saynctes and that ye assist her in whatsoever busynes she neadeth of youre ayde. For she hath suckered many and myne awne selfe also.
muhume kumusingiilya kukiila tata. Itumi uu kua nulanso nula uza nua ahuili hangi mimike palung'wi nung'wenso kua lukani lihi nukutula uloilwe kupata kunsoko waina mitumi waantu idu nukunsoko ane hangi mitumi.
3 Grete Prisca and Aquila my helpers in Christ Iesu
Mulamushe u Priska nu Akila, itumi amilimo palung'wi nune kung'wa Kilisto Yesu.
4 which have for my lyfe layde doune their awne neckes. Vnto which not I only geve thankes but also the congregacion of the getyls.
Kua upanga wane ikagazanja upanga wao, kupumya isongeelyo kitalao. Hangi singa unene du nukumatekeelo ihi namihi,
5 Lyke wyse grete all the copany that is in thy housse. Salute my welbeloved Epenetos which is the fyrst frute amoge them of Achaia.
Lilamushe itekeelo nilikoli kitakeo. Mulamushe Epanieto mulowa wane, numulelwa wang'wandyo kung'wa Kilisto ku Asia.
6 Grete Mary which bestowed moche labour on vs.
Mulamushe u Mariamu naukagupile kituma imilimo kunsoko anyu.
7 Salute Andronicus and Iunia my cosyns which were presoners with me also which are wele taken amoge the Apostles and were in Christ before me.
Mulamushe Androniko nu Yunia anyandugu ane, naiatungilwe palung'wi nunene, nawa naiahuiwe muitumi hangi naiatongee kumulinga Ukilisto asese kazekukili kumulinga.
8 Grete Amplias my beloved in ye Lorde.
Mulamshe Ampliato, mulowa wane kung'wa Tata.
9 Salute Vrban oure helper in Christ and Stachys my beloved.
Mulamushe Urbano, mituma milimo palung'wi nune kung'wa Kilisto, nu Stakisi mulowa wane.
10 Salute Appelles approved in Christ. Salute them which are of Aristobolus housholde.
Mulamushe Apele, nugombilwe kung'wa kung'wa Kilisto. Alamushe ihi ao naiakoli mito lang'wa Aristobulo.
11 Salute Herodion my kynsma. Grete them of the housholde of Narcissus which are in the Lorde.
Namushi Herodioni, ahumba iane, namushi antu niamito ang'wa Narkiso niakoli kung'wa Tata.
12 Salute Triphena and Triphosa which wemen dyd labour in ye Lorde. Salute ye beloved Persis which laboured in the Lorde.
Namushi Trifaina nu Trifosa, niakagupile kituma imilimo ang'wa Tata. Mulamushe u Persisi mulowa, nuitumile imilimo nidu kung'wa Tata.
13 Salute Rufus chosen tn the Lorde and his mother and myne.
Mulamushe u Rufo, naiwimikigwe nu Tata nu ia wakwe palung'wi nuia ane.
14 Grete Asincritus Phlegon Herman Patrobas Hermen and the brethren which are wt them.
Mulamushe Asinkrito, Flegoni, Herme, Patroba, Herma nia aluna ihi niakoli nienso.
15 Salute Philologus and Iulia Nereus and his sister and Olimpha and all the saynctes which are with them.
Mulamushe Filologo nu Yulia, Nerea nu muluna wakwe nu Olimpa nia huili ihi niakoli palung'wi nienso.
16 Salute one another with an holy kysse. The congregacions of Christ salute you.
Alamushe ung'wiung'wi kua kualungila kuaza. Matekeelo ihi nang'wa Kilisto amulamusha.
17 I beseche you brethre marke them which cause division and geve occasions of evyll contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned: and avoyde them.
Itungile aluna ane kutuna kusige kiisa iantu akutemanuka, akutemela ni nkani nimbi. Enda atemanuka nayo naikumanyisigwe. Piluki muhege kitalao.
18 For they yt are suche serve not ye Lorde Iesus Christ: but their awne bellyes and with swete preachinges and flatteringe wordes deceave the hertes of the innocetes.
Kunsoko iantu anga awashanga imitumila Ukilisto tata itumila inda yao. Kua nkani ninza, nia uteele akuikonga inkolo ni ngila imagazo.
19 For youre obedience extendeth to all men. I am glad no dout of you. But yet I wolde have you wyse vnto yt which is good and to be innocetes concerninge evyll.
Kumpyani ni kulyo lanyu mapika mihi kululo nalowa kitalanyu, itungili nalowa kitalanyu mutule nimahala ni maza, muuleke kutula nimagazo pantongeela aubi.
20 The God of peace treade Satan vnder youre fete shortly. The grace of oure Lorde Iesu Christ be with you.
Itunda singa ukutinya kumulimansiilya umulugu kumpambatilyo yanyu. Uukende wang'wa Tata Yesu Kilisto utule palung'wi nunye.
21 Thimotheus my worke felow and Lucius and Iason and Sopater my kynsmen salute you.
Timoteo, mitumi palung'wi nune amulamusha nu Lukio, Yasoni nu Sospeter ahumba iane.
22 I Tertius salute you which wrote this epistle in the Lorde.
Nene Tertio, ainandikile ibada ili, numulamukilye kulina lang'wa Tata.
23 Gaius myne hoste and the hoste of all the congregacions saluteth you. Erastus the chamberlayne of ye cite saluteth you. And Quartus a brother saluteth you.
Gayo, naunoneeye nukitekeelo lihi numulamukilye Erasto, muiki wa mpia wa muki sali, amulamushe, palung'wi nu Kwarto nai muluna.
24 The grace of oure Lorde Iesu Christ be wt you all. Ame
25 To him that is of power to stablisshe you accordinge to my gospell and preachinge of Iesus Christ in vtteringe of the mistery which was kept secret sence the worlde begane (aiōnios g166)
Itungili kitalakwe yuyu nukete uhumi nuakuimisha mulukani numuma manyiso nang'wa Yesu Kilisto, nukunukuilwa nuaunkunku uo naupihiluwe kumatungo malipu. (aiōnios g166)
26 but now is opened by ye scriptures of prophesie at the commaundement of the everlastinge god to stere vp obedience to the faith publisshed amonge all nacions: (aiōnios g166)
Kulilo itungili yakondigwa kukunukulwa nukumanyika nukandikwa nianyakidagu aya namalagiilyo ang'wi Tunda nua mahiku ihi, nukua ikulyo la uhuili muma hi ihi? (aiōnios g166)
27 To the same God which alone is wyse be prayse thorowe Iesus Christ for ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
Itunda wingwena nuama hala akwe. Ukulu utite ng'wenso kukiila Yesu Kristo ikali na kali Amina. (aiōn g165)

< Romans 16 >