< Revelation 8 >

1 And when he had opened the seventh seale there was silence in heven aboute the space of halfe an houre.
Hatnaak ak khqihnaak ce am awng awh, khan na khawnoek keekvang khui a dinkqak na awm hy.
2 And I sawe angelles stondynge before god and to them were geven vii. trompettes.
Cawh Khawsa haiawh ak dyi khan ceityih khqih ce hu nyng, cekkhqi venawh uut khqih pek khqi hy.
3 And another angell cam and stode before the aultre havynge a golden senser and moche of odoures was geven vnto him that he shulde offre of the prayers of all saynctes apon the golden aultre which was before ye seate.
Khan ceityih ak chang pynoet, bawktui bawm pawm doena law nawh bawkthang a haiawh ce dyi hy. Thlakciimkhqi a cykcahnaak ce boei ngawihdoelh a haiawh ak awm sui bawkthang awh nawn aham bawktui khawzah ce anih a venawh pe uhy.
4 And ye smoke of the odoures which came of ye prayers of all saynctes ascended vppe before god out of ye angelles honde.
Bawktui ingkaw thlakciimkhqi ak cykcahnaak ce khan ceityih kut awhkawng Khawsa haina hang kai hy.
5 And ye angell toke the senser and fylled it with fyre of the aultre and caste it into the erth and voyces were made and thondrynges and lightnynges and erthquake.
Cekcoengawh khan ceityih ing bawktui bawm ce lo nawh, bawkthang awhkaw mai ce ahawk sih coengawh dek awh hawk hy; cekcoengawh khawnghum awi, khawkphla ingkaw khawmdek awh lipi ce tat hy.
6 And the. vii. angells which had the. vii. tropettes prepared them selves to blowe.
Uut ak pawm khan ceityih khqih ing uut ce yng uhy.
7 The fyrst angell blewe and there was made hayle and fyre which were myngled with bloud and they were caste into ye erth: and the thryd parte of trees was burnt and all grene grasse was brent.
Ak lamma cyk khan ceityih ing uut ce yng hy, cawh rel ingkaw thi ing ak kqit qu mai ce dek awh hawk qu hy. Cawh khawmdek hloep thum khuiawh hloep oet, thing hloep thum khuiawh hloep oet ingkaw sai ak hqingkhqi boeih ce ui hy.
8 And ye seconde angell blewe: and as it were a gret mountayne: burnynge wt fyre was caste in to the see and the thyrde parte of the see tourned to bloud
A pak khihnaak khan ceityih ing uut ce a yng awh, tlang ak bau soeih amyihna ak awm ik-oeih pynoet ce mai awh ui nawh tuicun na khawng qu hy. Cawh tuicun hloep thum khuiawh hloep oet ce thi na thoeng hy,
9 and the thyrde parte of the creatures which had lyfe dyed and the thyrde part of shippes were destroyed.
tuicun khuiawh ak hqing ik-oeih hloep thum khuiawh hloep oet ce thi nawh, tui awh ak cet lawng hloep thum khuiawh hloep oet te plawci kang hy.
10 And the thyrde angell blewe and ther fell a grett starre from heven burnynge as it were a lampe and it fell into the thyrde parte of the ryvers and into fountaynes of waters
Apak thumnaak khan ceityih ing uut ce a yng awh, khan nakawng maihchoei a myihna ak kqawng aihchi ak bau soeih ce tuiva ingkaw lawngca hloep thum khuiawh hloep oet awh nung tla hy –
11 and the name of the starre is called wormwod. And ye thyrde part was turned to wormwod. And many me dyed of the waters because they were made bytter.
cawhkaw aihchi cetaw Thikkha mingna hy. Tui hloep thum awh hloep oet ce kha sak hy, cawhkaw tuihkha ami awk a dawngawh thlang khawzah ing thi hy.
12 And the fourth angell blew and the thyrde parte of the sunne was smytten and the thyrde parte of the mone and ye thyrde part of starres: so that the thyrde parte of them was darckned. And the daye was smytten that the thyrde part of it shulde not shyne and lyke wyse ye nyght.
A pupthlinaak khan ceityih ing uut ce a yng awh, khawmik hloep thum khuiawh hloep oet, pihla hloep thum khuiawh hloep oet, aihchi hloep thum khuiawh hloep oet ce than hy. Khawkdai hloep thum khuiawh hloep oet ce vangnaak am awm nawh than hloep thum khuiawh hloep oet awm vangnaak am awm hy.
13 And I behelde and herd an angell flyinge thorowe the myddes of heven sayinge with a lowde voyce: Woo wo to the inhabiters of the erth because of the voyces to come of the trompe of the. iii. angells which were yet to blowe.
Ka toek awh, khan khawnghi zilh awh ak ding awi khawteh na ak khy huu pynoet ce hu nyng: “Khaw map hy! Khaw map hy! Ak chang khan ceityih pakthum ing uut yng aham a awm hyn a dawngawh khawmdek awh ak thlangkhqi ham khaw map hy!” tinawh khy hy.

< Revelation 8 >