< Revelation 15 >

1 And I sawe another signe in heve grett and mervellous. vii. angells havynge the seven laste plages for in the is fulfylled ye wrath of god.
Asmanda zor hem karametlik yene bir alametni, yeni axirqi yette balayi’apetni tutup turghan yette perishtini kördüm (axirqi balayi’apet déyilishtiki seweb, Xudaning ghezipi bular bilen axirlishidu).
2 And I sawe as it were a glassye see mingled with fyre and the that had gotten victory of the beest and of his ymage and of his marke and of the nombre of his name stode on the glassye see havinge ye harpes of god
Men yene ot arilash eynek déngizidek bir körünüshni hem eynek déngizning üstide turghan, diwe we uning but-heykili we namining reqimi üstidin ghalib kelgenlerni kördüm. Ularning qollirida Xuda bergen chiltarlar bolup,
3 and they songe the songe of Moses the servaunt of god and the songe of the lambe sayinge. Gret and marvellous are thy workes Lorde god almyghty iuste and true are thy wayes kynge of saynctes.
ular Xudaning qul-xizmetkari bolghan Musaning küyini hem Qozining küyini éytishatti: — «Ulugh we karamet Séning qilghanliring, I Hemmige Qadir Perwerdigar Xuda, Yolliring adil we heqtur, I pütkül ellerning Padishahi!
4 Who shall not feare o lorde and gloryfy thy name? For thou only arte holy and all gentylls shall come and worshippe before the for thy iudgmentes are made manyfeste.
I Perwerdigar, kim Sendin qorqmaydighan, Namingni ulughlimaydighan bolalisun? Chünki birdinbir muqeddes Özüngdursen; Barliq eller aldinggha kélidu, Sanga sejde qilidu; Chünki heqqaniy qilghanliring ashkare boldi».
5 And after that I loked and beholde ye temple of the tabernacle of testimony was opyn in heven
Bu ishlardin kéyin, men kördümki, mana ershtiki ibadetxana, yeni höküm-guwahliq chédiri échildi!
6 and the seven angelles cam out of the temple which had the seven plages clothed in pure and bryght lynnen and havynge their brestes gyrded with golden gerdelles.
Yette balayi’apetni öz ilkide tutqan yette perishte pakiz, parqirap turidighan libas kiygen, köksige altun kemer baghlighan halda ibadetxanidin chiqti.
7 And one of the fowre beestes gave vnto ye seve angells vii. golden vialles full of ye wrath of God which lyveth for ever more. (aiōn g165)
Töt hayat mexluqning biri yette perishtige ebedil’ebed yashaydighan Xudaning qehri bilen tolghan yette altun chinini berdi. (aiōn g165)
8 And the temple was full of the smoke of the glory of God and of his power and no man was able to entre into the temple tyll the seven plages of the seven angels were fulfilled.
Ibadetxana Xudaning shan-sheripi we qudritidin tütün bilen liq toldi. Yette perishtining yette balayi’apiti ayaghlashmighuche, héchkim ibadetxanigha kirelmidi.

< Revelation 15 >