< Revelation 11 >

1 And then was geven me a rede lyke vnto a rodd and it was sayd vnto me: Ryse and mete the temple of god and the aultre and them that worshippe therin
Nilyapelilue ililasi lya kuvombela ndavule ulukwegho ulwa kupimila. Nikavulua, “Vukabkange ukapime inyumba inyimike ijakufunyila ija Nguluve nilitekelo navala vano vikufunya mun'kate mwa mwene.
2 and the quyre which is within the temple cast oute and mete it not: for it is gevyn vnto the gentyles and the holy cite shall they treade vnderfote. xlii. monethes.
Looli nungapimaghe kuluvigho ulwa kunji lwa nyumba inyimike ijabkufunyila, ulwakuvavapelilue avaanhu avapanji. Pe vikikanya ilikaja ilyimike munsiki ughwafighono fine nifivili.
3 And I will geve power vnto my two wytnesses and they shall prophesy. M. iic. and. lx. dayes clothed in sacke cloth.
Nikavapela avolesi vango vavili uvutavuliluavuvwa ku viila kunsiki ughwa mbilima jimo filundo fivili ni fijigho ntanda, yevafwalile ifigunila.”
4 These are two olyve trees and two cadlestyckes stodinge before ye god of ye erth
Avolesi ava ghe mapiki gha vili agha makindu nifisonge fivili fino fyimile pavulongolo pa Mutua ghwa iisi.
5 And if eny man will hurt them fyre shall procede out of their mouthes and consume their ennemyes. And yf eny ma will hurt the this wyse muste he be kylled.
Ndavule umuunhu ghweni ililamula ku nangania, umwooto kuhuma mumalomo ghavanave nakunangania avalugu vavanave. Ghweni juno ilonda kukuvanangania lunoghile abudue kusila iiji.
6 These have power to shut heven that it rayne not in the dayes of their prophesyinge: and have power over waters to turne them to bloud and to smyte the erth wt almaner plages as often as they will.
Avolesi ava valiningufu isa kudinda uvulanga ulwakuuti ifula najingatonyaghe unsiki ghuno vivila. valiningufu isa kuhambusia amalenga kuuva danda nakutova iisi ni mumuko sooni un'siki ghwoni vangighane.
7 And when they have fynysshed their testimony the beste that cam oute of the bottomlesse pytt shall make warre agaynst them and shall overcome them and kyll them. (Abyssos g12)
Unsiki gjuno viliva vamalile uvwolesi vuvanave, kila ikikanu nikiila kino kihuma mumwina ghuno ghusila kuvusila ivomba uvulugu vuvanave. Ikuvalefia na kukuvabuda. (Abyssos g12)
8 And their boddyes shall lye in the stretes of the greate cite which spritually is called zodom and Egypte where oure lorde was crucified.
Amaviili ghavanave ghilighona mu m'pulo ughwa likaja ilivaha (ghuno ikihwani kitambulivua Sodoma ni Misiri) pano uMutua ghuvanave akapumusivue.
9 And they of the people and kynredes and tonges and they of the nacions shall se their bodyes. iii. dayes and an halfe and shall not suffre their boddyes to be put in graves.
Ifighono fitatu na pakati vamo kuhuma muvaanhu, kisina, jovele, nakila kisina vilolagha amaviili ghavanave kange navange navilihumia uvutavule kuvika mu mbipa.
10 And they that dwell apon the erth shall reioyce over them and be glad and shall send gyftes one to another for these two prophetes vexed them yt dwelt on the erth.
Vala vano vikukala mu iisi vihovoka vwimila vwa mwene nakukwovela, nambe kulaghisania uluvonolo ulwakuva avuo avaviili vavili valyavapumwisie vala vano vikukala mu iisi.
11 And after. iii. dayes and an halffe the sprete of lyfe from god entred into the. And they stode vp apo their fete: and greate feare came apon the which sawe them.
Looli ifighono fitatu na pakati ulujilo nu vwumi kuhuma kwa Nguluve jikuvingila avene vikwima ku maghulu ghavanave. Uludwesi uluvaha lukuvaghwila vala vano vikuvagha.
12 And they herde a greate voyce from heven saying vnto the. Come vp hidder. And they ascended vp into heven in a cloude and their ennemyes sawe the.
Kange vipulika ilisio ilivaha kuhuma kukyanya likuvavula, “Mwise kuno!” Navene viluta kukyanya mulifunde, unsiki ghuno avalugu vavanave viloola.
13 And ye same houre was ther a gret erth quake and the tenthe parte of the cite fell and in the erth quake were slayne names of men seven. M. and the remnaunt were feared and gave glory to god of heven.
Mukivalilo ikio kuliva nulutetemo uluvaha luno ulwa kijigho kimo ulwa likaja lughua. Avaanhu mbilima lekela lubale vibudua mu lutetemo navano visighala vwumi vikwoghopesivua nakumpela u Nguluve uvwimike uvwa kukyanya.
14 The seconde woo is past and beholde ye thyrd woo wyll come ano
Iiga ja vuvili yejikilile. Lolagha! Iiga javutatu jikwisa ng'aning'ani.
15 And the seventh angell blewe and therwere made great voyces in heve sayinge: the kyngdoms of this worlde are oure lordes and his christes and he shall raygne for ever more. (aiōn g165)
Kange umunyamola ghwa lekela lubale akatovile ulukelema lwa mwene, nilisio ilikome lilyajovile kukyanya na kuuti, “Untua ghwa iisi vwa vatua umitua ghwitu nu ghwa Kilisite ghwa mwene. Ilitema kuvusila nakusila.” (aiōn g165)
16 And the. xxiiii. elders which sytt before god on their seates fell apon their faces and worshipped God
Looli avaghogholo ifijigho fivili na vane navano vakikalile pafitengo fya vutua pavulongolo pa Nguluve valyaulghwile vavuo pasii pa iisi, uvweni vuvanave vwinime pasi, naveene vakifunyagha kwa Nguluve.
17 sayinge: we geve the thankes lorde God allmyghte: which arte and wast and arte to come for thou haste receaved thy great myght and hast raygned.
Vakaati, “Tuhumia inyongesio siitu kulyuve, Mutwa Nguluve, n'tema ghwa fyooni, ghwa juno pwale, najuno pweukale, utoolile ingufu sako imbaha isa kutengula kutema.
18 And the nacions were angry and thy wrath is come and the tyme of ye deed that they shuld be iudged and that thou shuldest geve rewarde vnto thy servauntes the prophettes and saynctes and to them that feare thy name small and great and shuldest destroye them which destroye ye erth.
Avapanji vakakalala, looli ilyojo lisile. Un'siki ghufikile ku vafue ku highua uve kukuvohela avavombi vako avavili, avitiki na vano vikulyoghopa ilitavua lyako, vooni vavili vano navanoghile kiinu navanyangufu. Nu n'siki ghwako ghufikile un'siki ughwa kuvanangania vaala vano vakale vikujinangania iisi.”
19 And the temple of God was openyd in heve and there was sene in his teple the arcke of his testamet: and ther folowed lyghtnynges and voyces and thondrynges and erth quake and moche hayle.
Kange inyumba inyimike ijakufunyila ija Nguluve ku kyanya lilyadindulilue nilisanduka ilya agano lya mwene lilyavonike munyumba inyimike ija kufunyila ijamwene. Kwelukale ulumuli nu lumuli, injeghelo, ulugulumo ulwa ragi, ulutetemo ulwa iisi namavue agha fula.

< Revelation 11 >