< Revelation 11 >

1 And then was geven me a rede lyke vnto a rodd and it was sayd vnto me: Ryse and mete the temple of god and the aultre and them that worshippe therin
Anante mago azota anteno mesarimi huno ke'za nenamigeno mago'mo huno, Anumzamofo ra mono none, kresramna vunentaza ita azota antenka mesarim nehunka, anampima mono'ma hunentaza vahera, hamprinka ko.
2 and the quyre which is within the temple cast oute and mete it not: for it is gevyn vnto the gentyles and the holy cite shall they treade vnderfote. xlii. monethes.
Hagi ra mono nomofo megi'a kumara azota antenka mesarimia osunka atro, na'ankure megia vahe'mofo zamineankino, 42'a ikampi ruotge'ma hu'nea rankumara, zamagareti eme repehana hugahaze.
3 And I will geve power vnto my two wytnesses and they shall prophesy. M. iic. and. lx. dayes clothed in sacke cloth.
Hanki ana hanige'na Nagri nanekema huama hana'a netrena, hanavea zanami'nuge'ne, 1,260'a zagegnafi zanasunku kukena huke, kasnampa kea huama hugaha'e.
4 These are two olyve trees and two cadlestyckes stodinge before ye god of ye erth
Ama ana netrena, tare olivi zafane, tare lamu tavikna huke, maka ama mopamofo Ramofo avugama oneti'a netrene.
5 And if eny man will hurt them fyre shall procede out of their mouthes and consume their ennemyes. And yf eny ma will hurt the this wyse muste he be kylled.
Hanki iza'o ana netre'ma znahenakuma hanamokizmia, znagipinti tevemo'a hagana hagana huno atiramino ana vahera tefanane hugahie. Hagi ina vahe'mo'za znahenaku'ma hanamokizmia, anahukna kante ahegahie.
6 These have power to shut heven that it rayne not in the dayes of their prophesyinge: and have power over waters to turne them to bloud and to smyte the erth wt almaner plages as often as they will.
Ama ana netremokea monama eriginakeno ko'ma orania hanavea erina'ankino, kasnampa kema huamama hana'a knafina, kora azerinakeno norina, tina amne eri koranke nehuke, zanagrima zanavesisiaza huke amne mopamofona knazana amigaha'e.
7 And when they have fynysshed their testimony the beste that cam oute of the bottomlesse pytt shall make warre agaynst them and shall overcome them and kyll them. (Abyssos g12)
Zanagrama ana nanekema huvagamaretesakeno'a, riga omane kerifinti'ma etiramino esia afi zagamo hara huznagatereno zanahe frigahie. (Abyssos g12)
8 And their boddyes shall lye in the stretes of the greate cite which spritually is called zodom and Egypte where oure lorde was crucified.
Hagi ana znahe frisia zanavufamo'a, rankuma'mofo kampi me'nenigeta, e'i ana kumaku fronka ke huta Sodomune Isipie huta hugahune. E'ina kumapinke Razanimofona rugeka zafare ahe'naza kumapi, zanavufgamo'a megahie.
9 And they of the people and kynredes and tonges and they of the nacions shall se their bodyes. iii. dayes and an halfe and shall not suffre their boddyes to be put in graves.
Ama ana fri'na'a znavufgamofona 3'a knagi mago zageferupi mene'nige'za, maka vahepinti'ene, naga nofipinti'ene, zmagerupinti'ene, maka kazigati vahe'mo'za znagegahaze. Hianagi kerifima eriza ome aseznante zankura i'o huzmantegahie.
10 And they that dwell apon the erth shall reioyce over them and be glad and shall send gyftes one to another for these two prophetes vexed them yt dwelt on the erth.
Hagi mopafima mani'namo'za ana kasnampa netrema fri'na'a zankura musena nehu'za, ana zankura ne'zana retro hu'za nene'za, musezana omi ami hugahaze. Na'ankure ana tare kasnampa netremokea mopafima mani'naza vahera zamatazama zami'naza zanku, ana musena hugahaze.
11 And after. iii. dayes and an halffe the sprete of lyfe from god entred into the. And they stode vp apo their fete: and greate feare came apon the which sawe them.
Hianagi 3'a knagi mago zageferu evanigeno'a, Anumzamo'a zanasimura zanamina, zanagra oti'nakeno, kesaza vahe'mo'za tusi kore hugahaze.
12 And they herde a greate voyce from heven saying vnto the. Come vp hidder. And they ascended vp into heven in a cloude and their ennemyes sawe the.
Hagi ana netre'mokea nentahikeno, monafinti ranke huno, amare emareri'o huno higene, ha'ma reznante'naza vahe'mo'za nezanagage'ne hampompi monafi mareri'na'e.
13 And ye same houre was ther a gret erth quake and the tenthe parte of the cite fell and in the erth quake were slayne names of men seven. M. and the remnaunt were feared and gave glory to god of heven.
Anama neha'a kna fatgore tusi'a imi erigeno 10ni'a ranku'ma me'nefinti, mago rankuma'mo'a fragu vaziramigeno, 7 tauseni'a veara imimo'a zamahe fri vagaregeno, mago'amo'za kore hu'za monafi Anumzamofo ra agi erisaga hu'naze.
14 The seconde woo is past and beholde ye thyrd woo wyll come ano
Hanki nampa 2 knazamo'a agatereno evige'na negogeno, nampa 3 knazamo'a ame huno fore hu'za nehianki kva hiho.
15 And the seventh angell blewe and therwere made great voyces in heve sayinge: the kyngdoms of this worlde are oure lordes and his christes and he shall raygne for ever more. (aiōn g165)
Anante nampa 7ni ankeromo ufe regeno, ranke hu'za monafintira kezati'za anage hu'naze. Ama mopafi rankumamo'a, tagri Ramofo kuma nesenkeno, Agri Kraisi kuma fore hinkino, Agra kini manino kegava huvava hugahie. (aiōn g165)
16 And the. xxiiii. elders which sytt before god on their seates fell apon their faces and worshipped God
Hanki 24'a ugagota kva vahe'mo'za kini trate'ma Anumzamofo avuga mani'nazareti, atre'za zamavugosaregati emase'za, Anumzamofo mono hunente'za,
17 sayinge: we geve the thankes lorde God allmyghte: which arte and wast and arte to come for thou haste receaved thy great myght and hast raygned.
anage hu'za, Hanavenentake Ra Anumzamoka, tagra rankagi kamune, korapa mani'namoka, menina mani'nane, na'ankure Kagra tusi'a hihamu hanave e'nerinka, menina erigafa hunka kini maninka kegava nehane.
18 And the nacions were angry and thy wrath is come and the tyme of ye deed that they shuld be iudged and that thou shuldest geve rewarde vnto thy servauntes the prophettes and saynctes and to them that feare thy name small and great and shuldest destroye them which destroye ye erth.
Hagi miko kokankoka vahe'mokizmia zamarimpa nehenkeno, Kagri karimpa hezamo'a ne-enkeno, fri vahe'ma refkoma hanana knamo'a ne-enkeno, kazokzo eri'za vahe'ene kasnampa vaheka'ane mono naga'ene zamagi me'nenia vahero, zamagi omnene'nia vahe'mo'za Kagri kagigu'ma kore'ma nehaza vahera mizana nezaminka, ama mopafima vahe zamahenefriza vahera, zamahe frigahane.
19 And the temple of God was openyd in heve and there was sene in his teple the arcke of his testamet: and ther folowed lyghtnynges and voyces and thondrynges and erth quake and moche hayle.
Hagi monafima me'nea Anumzamofo ra mono nomofo kafamo'a anagi hagro higeno, Agrama huvempa ke huno huhagerafi'nea vogisimo'a, Agri mono nompintira efore higeno, kopasinamo'a trege huno vuno eno higeno, ranke huno monage nehigeno, imi e'nerigeno, tusi ko'mopa ko ru'ne.

< Revelation 11 >