< Revelation 10 >

1 And I sawe another myghtye angell come doune from heven clothed with a cloude and the rayne bowe apon his heed. And hys face as it were the sunne and his fete as yt were pyllars of fyre
και ειδον [ αλλον ] αγγελον ισχυρον καταβαινοντα εκ του ουρανου περιβεβλημενον νεφελην και η ιρις επι της κεφαλης αυτου και το προσωπον αυτου ως ο ηλιος και οι ποδες αυτου ως στυλοι πυρος
2 and he had in his honde a lytell boke opyn: and he put his ryght fote apon the see and his lyfte fote on the erth.
και εχων εν τη χειρι αυτου βιβλιον ανεωγμενον και εθηκεν τον ποδα αυτου τον δεξιον επι της θαλασσης τον δε ευωνυμον επι της γης
3 And cryed with a lowde voyce as when a lyon roreth. And when he had cryed seven thondres spake their voyces.
και εκραξεν φωνη μεγαλη ωσπερ λεων μυκαται και οτε εκραξεν ελαλησαν αι επτα βρονται τας εαυτων φωνας
4 And whe the vii. thondres had spoken their voyces I was aboute to wryte. And I herde a voyce from heven sayinge vnto me seale vp thoo thynges which the vii. thondres spake and write them not.
και οτε ελαλησαν αι επτα βρονται εμελλον γραφειν και ηκουσα φωνην εκ του ουρανου λεγουσαν σφραγισον α ελαλησαν αι επτα βρονται και μη αυτα γραψης
5 And the angell which I sawe stonde apon the see and apon the erth lyfte vppe his honde to heven
και ο αγγελος ον ειδον εστωτα επι της θαλασσης και επι της γης ηρεν την χειρα αυτου την δεξιαν εις τον ουρανον
6 and swore by him that liveth for ever more which created heven and the thynges that ther in are and the see and the thynges which therin are: that there shulde be no lenger tyme: (aiōn g165)
και ωμοσεν εν τω ζωντι εις τους αιωνας των αιωνων ος εκτισεν τον ουρανον και τα εν αυτω και την γην και τα εν αυτη και την θαλασσαν και τα εν αυτη οτι χρονος ουκετι εσται (aiōn g165)
7 but in the dayes of the voyce of the seventh angell when he shall begyn to blowe: eve the mistery of god shalbe fynisshed as he preached by his servauntes ye prophetes.
αλλ εν ταις ημεραις της φωνης του εβδομου αγγελου οταν μελλη σαλπιζειν και ετελεσθη το μυστηριον του θεου ως ευηγγελισεν τους δουλους αυτου τους προφητας
8 And the voyce which I herde from heven spake vnto me agayne and sayde: goo and take the lytle boke which ys open in the honde of the angell which stondeth apon the see and apon the erth.
και η φωνη ην ηκουσα εκ του ουρανου παλιν λαλουσα μετ εμου και λεγουσα υπαγε λαβε το βιβλιδαριον το ανεωγμενον εν τη χειρι του αγγελου του εστωτος επι της θαλασσης και επι της γης
9 And I went vnto the angell and sayde to him: geve me the lytle boke and he sayd vnto me: take it and eate it vp and it shall make thy belly bytter but it shalbe in thy mouth as swete as hony.
και απηλθα προς τον αγγελον λεγων αυτω δουναι μοι το βιβλιδαριον και λεγει μοι λαβε και καταφαγε αυτο και πικρανει σου την κοιλιαν αλλ εν τω στοματι σου εσται γλυκυ ως μελι
10 and I toke the lytle boke out of his honde and ate it vp and it was in my mouth as swete as hony and as sone as I had eate it my belly was bytter.
και ελαβον το βιβλιον εκ της χειρος του αγγελου και κατεφαγον αυτο και ην εν τω στοματι μου ως μελι γλυκυ και οτε εφαγον αυτο επικρανθη η κοιλια μου
11 And he sayde vnto me: thou muste prophesy agayne amonge the people and nacions and tonges and to many kynges.
και λεγουσιν μοι δει σε παλιν προφητευσαι επι λαοις και εθνεσιν και γλωσσαις και βασιλευσιν πολλοις

< Revelation 10 >