< Matthew 9 >

1 Then he entred in to a shippe and passed over and came in to his awne cite.
Shuning bilen u kémige chüshüp déngizdin ötüp, özi turghan sheherge qaytip keldi.
2 And lo they brought to him a ma sicke of ye palsie lyinge in his bed. And when Iesus sawe ye faith of the he sayd to the sicke of ye palsie: sonne be of good chere thy sinnes be forgeve the.
We mana, kishiler zembilge yatquzulghan bir palechni uning aldigha élip keldi. Eysa ularning ishenchini körüp héliqi palechke: — Oghlum, yüreklik bol, gunahliring kechürüm qilindi, — dédi.
3 And beholde certeyne of ye scribes sayd in the selves this ma blasphemeth.
Andin mana, Tewrat ustazliridin beziliri könglide: «Bu adem kupurluq qiliwatidu!» dep oylidi.
4 And whe Iesus sawe their thoughtes he sayd: wherfore thinke ye evill in youre hertes?
Ularning könglide néme oylawatqanliqini bilgen Eysa ulargha: — Néme üchün könglünglarda rezil oylarda bolisiler?
5 Whether ys esyer to saye thy synnes be forgeven ye or to saye: arise and walke?
«Gunahliring kechürüm qilindi» déyish asanmu yaki «Ornungdin tur, mang!» déyishmu? — dédi we yene ulargha: —
6 That ye maye knowe that ye sonne of ma hath power to forgeve sinnes in erth then sayd he vnto ye sicke of ye palsye: arise take vp thy beed and go home to thine housse.
Emma hazir silerning Insan’oghlining yer yüzide gunahlarni kechürüm qilish hoquqigha ige ikenlikini bilishinglar üchün, — u palech késelge: — Ornungdin tur, orun-körpengni yighishturup öyüngge qayt, — dédi.
7 And he arose and departed to his awne housse.
Héliqi adem ornidin turup öyige qaytti.
8 And when ye people sawe it they marveyled and glorified god which had geve suche power to me.
Buni körgen top-top ademler qorqushup, insanlargha bundaq hoquqni bergen Xudani ulughlashti.
9 And as Iesus passed forth fro thence he sawe a ma syt a receyuinge of custome named Mathew and sayd to him: folowe me.
Eysa u yerdin chiqip aldigha kétiwétip, baj yighidighan orunda olturghan, Matta isimlik bir [bajgirni] kördi. U uninggha: — Manga egeshkin! — dédi. We Matta ornidin turup, uninggha egeshti.
10 And he arose and folowed him. And it came to passe as he sat at meate in the housse: beholde many publicans and synners came and sate downe also with Iesus and hys disciples.
We shundaq boldiki, Eysa [Mattaning] öyide méhman bolup dastixanda olturghanda, nurghun bajgirlar we gunahkarlarmu kirip, Eysa we uning muxlisliri bilen hemdastixan boldi.
11 When the Pharises sawe that they sayd to hys disciples: why eateth youre master wt publicans and synners?
Buni körgen Perisiyler uning muxlislirigha: — Ustazinglar némishqa bajgir we gunahkarlar bilen bir dastixanda yep-ichip olturidu?! — dédi.
12 When Iesus herde that he sayde vnto them: The whole neade not the phisicion but they that are sicke.
Bu gepni anglighan Eysa: — Saghlam ademler emes, belki bimarlar téwipqa mohtajdur.
13 Goo and learne what that meaneth: I have pleasure in mercy and not in offerynge. For I am not come to call the rightewes but the synners to repentaunce.
Siler bérip [muqeddes yazmilardiki]: «Izdeydighinim qurbanliqlar emes, belki rehim-shepqet» déyilgen shu sözning menisini ögininglar; chünki men heqqaniylarni emes, belki gunahkarlarni chaqirghili keldim, dédi.
14 Then came ye disciples of Ihon to hym sayinge: why do we and the Pharises fast ofte: but thy disciples fast not?
Shu waqitlarda, Yehya [peyghemberning] muxlisliri Eysaning yénigha kélip uninggha: — Némishqa biz we Perisiyler pat-pat roza tutimiz, lékin sizning muxlisliringiz tutmaydu? — dep sorashti.
15 And Iesus sayde vnto them: Can ye weddynge chyldren morne as longe as ye bridegrome is wt them? The tyme will come whe the bridegrome shalbe take fro them and then shall they faste.
Eysa jawaben: — Toyi boluwatqan yigit téxi toyda hemdastixan oltughan chaghda, toy méhmanliri haza tutup oltursa qandaq bolidu!? Emma shu künler kéliduki, yigit ulardin élip kétilidu, ular shu künde roza tutidu.
16 Noo man peceth and olde garment with a pece of newe cloothe. For then taketh he awaye ye pece agayne from the garmet and the rent ys made greater.
Héchkim kona könglekke yéngi rexttin yamaq salmaydu. Undaq qilsa, yéngi yamaq [kiriship], kiyimni tartip yirtiwétidu. Netijide, yirtiq téximu yoghinap kétidu.
17 Nether do men put newe wyne into olde vessels for then the vessels breake and the wyne runneth oute and the vessels perysshe. But they powre newe wyne into newe vessels and so are both saved togeder.
Shuningdek, héchkim yéngi sharabni kona tulumlargha qachilimaydu. Eger undaq qilsa, [sharabning échishi bilen] tulumlar yérilip kétidu-de, sharabmu tökülüp kétidu hem tulumlarmu kardin chiqidu. Shuning üchün kishiler yéngi sharabni yéngi tulumlargha qachilaydu; shundaq qilghanda, her ikkilisi saqlinip qalidu.
18 Whyls he thus spake vnto the beholde ther came a certayne ruler and worshipped him sayinge: my doghter is euen now deceased but come and lay thy honde on her and she shall live.
U [Yehyaning muxlislirigha] bu sözlerni qiliwatqan waqtida, mana bir hökümdar kélip, uning aldigha bash urup: — Méning qizim hazirla ölüp ketti; emma siz bérip uninggha qolingizni tegküzüp qoysingiz, u tirilidu, dédi.
19 And Iesus arose and folowed hym with hys disciples.
Eysa ornidin turup, muxlisliri bilen bille uning keynidin mangdi.
20 And beholde a woman which was diseased wt an yssue of bloude. xii. yeres came behynde hym and toched ye hem of hys vesture.
We mana, yolda xun tewresh késilige giriptar bolghinigha on ikki yil bolghan bir ayal Eysaning arqisidin kélip, uning tonining péshini silidi.
21 For she sayd in her silfe: yf I maye toche but even his vesture only I shalbe safe.
Chünki u ichide «Uning tonini silisamla, choqum saqiyip kétimen» dep oylighanidi.
22 Then Iesus tourned him about and behelde her sayinge: Doughter be of good conforte thy faith hath made the safe. And she was made whole even that same houre.
Emma Eysa keynige burulup, uni körüp: — Qizim, yüreklik bol, ishenching séni saqaytti! dédi. Shuning bilen u ayal shu saette saqaydi.
23 And when Iesus came into ye rulers housse and sawe the minstrels and the people raginge
Emdi Eysa héliqi hökümdarning öyige kirgende, ney chéliwatqan we haza tutup waysawatqan kishiler topini körüp,
24 he sayde vnto them: Get you hence for ye mayde is not deed but slepeth. And they laughed hym to scorne.
ulargha: — Chiqip kétinglar, bu qiz ölmidi, belki uxlawatidu, dédi. [Shuni anglap] köpchilik uni mesxire qildi.
25 Assone as ye people were put forthe he went in and toke her by ye hond and the mayde arose.
Kishiler chiqiriwétilgendin kéyin, u qizning yénigha kirip, uning qolini tutiwidi, qiz ornidin turdi.
26 And this was noysed through out all that lande.
Bu toghrisidiki xewer pütün yurtta pur ketti.
27 And as Iesus departed thence two blynde men folowed hym crying and saying: O thou sonne of David have mercy on vs.
Eysa u yerdin chiqqanda, ikki qarighu uning keynidin kélip: — I Dawutning oghli, bizge rehim qilghaysiz! — dep nida qilishti.
28 And when he was come to housse the blynd came to hym And Iesus sayde vnto them: Beleve ye that I am able to do thys? And they sayde vnto hym: ye Lorde.
U öyge kirgendin kéyin, shu ikki qarighu uning aldigha keldi. Eysa ulardin: — Siler méning bu ishqa qadir ikenlikimge ishinemsiler? — dep soridi. — I Rebbim, ishinimiz, — dep jawab berdi ular.
29 Then touched he their eyes saying: acordynge to youre faythe be it vnto you.
U qolini ularning közlirige tegküzüp turup: — Ishenchinglar boyiche bolsun! déwidi,
30 And their eyes were opened. And Iesus charged the saying: Se yt no man knowe of it.
Ularning közliri échildi. Eysa ulargha: Bu ishni héchkimge éytmanglar! dep qattiq tapilidi.
31 But they assone as they were departed spreed abroade his name through oute all the londe.
Lékin ular u yerdin chiqipla, uning nam-shöhritini pütkül yurtqa yéyiwetti.
32 As they went out beholde they brought to hym a dome ma possessed af a devyll.
Ular chiqip kétiwatqanda, kishiler jin chaplashqan bir gachini uning aldigha élip keldi.
33 And as sone as the devyll was cast oute the domme spake: And the people merveled sayinge: it was never so sene in Israel.
Uninggha chaplashqan jinning heydilishi bilenla, héliqi adem zuwan’gha keldi. Xalayiq intayin heyranuhes bolup: — Bundaq ish Israilda zadi körülüp baqmighan, — déyishti.
34 But the Pharises sayde: he casteth oute devyls by the power of the chefe devyll.
Lékin Perisiyler: — U jinlarni jinlarning emirige tayinip qoghlaydiken, déyishti.
35 And Iesus went about all cities and tounes teachynge in their synagoges and preachyng the glad tidinges of ye kyngdome and healinge all maner sicknes and desease amoge ye people.
We Eysa barliq sheher we yéza-qishlaqlarni kézip, ularning sinagoglirida telim bérip, ersh padishahliqidiki xush xewerni jakarlidi we herxil késellerni we herxil méyip-ajizlarni saqaytti.
36 But when he sawe the people he had copassion on the because they were pyned awaye and scattered abroade eve as shepe havige no shepherd.
Lékin u top-top ademlerni körüp ulargha ich aghritti, chünki ular xarlinip padichisiz qoy padiliridek panahsiz idi.
37 Then sayde he to hys disciples: the hervest is greate but the laborers are feawe.
Shuning bilen u muxlislirigha: — Hosul derweqe köp iken, biraq [hosul élish üchün] ishleydighanlar az iken.
38 Wherfore praye the Lorde of the harvest to sende forthe laborers into hys harvest.
Shunga hosulning Igisidin, Öz hosulingni yighiwélishqa ishlemchilerni jiddiy ewetkeysen, dep tilenglar, — dédi.

< Matthew 9 >