< Matthew 27 >

1 When the mornynge was come all ye chefe prestes and the elders of ye people helde a counsayle agenst Iesu to put him to deeth
prabhAte jAte pradhAnayAjakalokaprAchInA yIshuM hantuM tatpratikUlaM mantrayitvA
2 and brought him bounde and delivered him vnto Poncius Pilate the debite.
taM badvvA nItvA pantIyapIlAtAkhyAdhipe samarpayAmAsuH|
3 Then when Iudas which betrayed him sawe that he was condempned he repented him sylfe and brought ageyne the. xxx. plattes of sylver to ye chefe prestes and elders
tato yIshoH parakarevvarpayitA yihUdAstatprANAdaNDAj nAM viditvA santaptamanAH pradhAnayAjakalokaprAchInAnAM samakShaM tAstrIMshanmudrAH pratidAyAvAdIt,
4 sayinge: I have synned betrayinge the innocent bloud. And they sayde: what is that to vs? Se thou to that.
etannirAgonaraprANaparakarArpaNAt kaluShaM kR^itavAnahaM| tadA ta uditavantaH, tenAsmAkaM kiM? tvayA tad budhyatAm|
5 And he cast doune the sylver plattes in the temple and departed and went and hounge him sylfe.
tato yihUdA mandiramadhye tA mudrA nikShipya prasthitavAn itvA cha svayamAtmAnamudbabandha|
6 And the chefe prestes toke the sylver plattes and sayd: it is not lawfull for to put them in to the treasury because it is the pryce of bloud.
pashchAt pradhAnayAjakAstA mudrA AdAya kathitavantaH, etA mudrAH shoNitamUlyaM tasmAd bhANDAgAre na nidhAtavyAH|
7 And they toke counsell and bought with them a potters felde to bury strangers in.
anantaraM te mantrayitvA videshinAM shmashAnasthAnAya tAbhiH kulAlasya kShetramakrINan|
8 Wherfore that felde is called the felde of bloud vntyll this daye.
ato. adyApi tatsthAnaM raktakShetraM vadanti|
9 Then was fulfylled that which was spoken by Ieremy the Prophet sayinge: and they toke. xxx. sylver plattes the prise of him that was valued whom they bought of the chyldren of Israel
itthaM sati isrAyelIyasantAnai ryasya mUlyaM nirupitaM, tasya triMshanmudrAmAnaM mUlyaM
10 and they gave them for the potters felde as the Lorde appoynted me.
mAM prati parameshvarasyAdeshAt tebhya AdIyata, tena cha kulAlasya kShetraM krItamiti yadvachanaM yirimiyabhaviShyadvAdinA proktaM tat tadAsidhyat|
11 Iesus stode before the debite: and the debite axed him sayinge: Arte thou the kynge of ye Iues? Iesus sayd vnto him: Thou sayest
anantaraM yIshau tadadhipateH sammukha upatiShThati sa taM paprachCha, tvaM kiM yihUdIyAnAM rAjA? tadA yIshustamavadat, tvaM satyamuktavAn|
12 and when he was accused of ye chefe prestes and elders he answered nothinge.
kintu pradhAnayAjakaprAchInairabhiyuktena tena kimapi na pratyavAdi|
13 Then sayd Pilate vnto him: hearest thou not how many thinges they laye ageynste ye?
tataH pIlAtena sa uditaH, ime tvatpratikUlataH kati kati sAkShyaM dadati, tat tvaM na shR^iNoShi?
14 And he answered him to never a worde: in so moche that the debite marveylled greatlie.
tathApi sa teShAmekasyApi vachasa uttaraM noditavAn; tena so. adhipati rmahAchitraM vidAmAsa|
15 At that feest the debite was wonte to deliver vnto ye people a presoner whom they wolde desyer.
anyachcha tanmahakAle. adhipateretAdR^ishI rAtirAsIt, prajA yaM ka nchana bandhinaM yAchante, tameva sa mochayatIti|
16 He had then a notable presoner called Barrabas.
tadAnIM barabbAnAmA kashchit khyAtabandhyAsIt|
17 And when they were gadered together Pilate sayde vnto the: whether wyll ye that I geve losse vnto you Barrabas or Iesus which is called Christ?
tataH pIlAtastatra militAn lokAn apR^ichChat, eSha barabbA bandhI khrIShTavikhyAto yIshushchaitayoH kaM mochayiShyAmi? yuShmAkaM kimIpsitaM?
18 For he knewe well that for envie they had delivred him.
tairIrShyayA sa samarpita iti sa j nAtavAn|
19 When he was set doune to geve iudgemet his wyfe sent to him sayinge: have thou nothinge to do with that iuste man. For I have suffered many thinges this daye in a dreame about him.
aparaM vichArAsanopaveshanakAle pIlAtasya patnI bhR^ityaM prahitya tasmai kathayAmAsa, taM dhArmmikamanujaM prati tvayA kimapi na karttavyaM; yasmAt tatkR^ite. adyAhaM svapne prabhUtakaShTamalabhe|
20 But the chefe preestes and the elders had parswaded the people that they shulde axe Barrabas and shulde destroye Iesus.
anantaraM pradhAnayAjakaprAchInA barabbAM yAchitvAdAtuM yIshu ncha hantuM sakalalokAn prAvarttayan|
21 Then the debite answered and sayde vnto them: whether of the twayne wyll ye that I let loosse vnto you? And they sayde Barrabas.
tato. adhipatistAn pR^iShTavAn, etayoH kamahaM mochayiShyAmi? yuShmAkaM kechChA? te prochu rbarabbAM|
22 Pilate sayde vnto them: what shall I do then with Iesus which is called Christ? They all sayde to him: let him be crucified.
tadA pIlAtaH paprachCha, tarhi yaM khrIShTaM vadanti, taM yIshuM kiM kariShyAmi? sarvve kathayAmAsuH, sa krushena vidhyatAM|
23 Then sayde the debite: what evyll hath he done? And they cryed the more sayinge: let him be crucified.
tato. adhipatiravAdIt, kutaH? kiM tenAparAddhaM? kintu te punaruchai rjagaduH, sa krushena vidhyatAM|
24 When Pilate sawe that he prevayled nothinge but that moare busines was made he toke water and wasshed his hondes before ye people sayinge: I am innocent of the bloud of this iuste person and that ye shall se.
tadA nijavAkyamagrAhyamabhUt, kalahashchApyabhUt, pIlAta iti vilokya lokAnAM samakShaM toyamAdAya karau prakShAlyAvochat, etasya dhArmmikamanuShyasya shoNitapAte nirdoSho. ahaM, yuShmAbhireva tad budhyatAM|
25 Then answered all the people and sayde: his bloud be on vs and on oure chyldren.
tadA sarvvAH prajAH pratyavochan, tasya shoNitapAtAparAdho. asmAkam asmatsantAnAnA nchopari bhavatu|
26 Then let he Barrabas loose vnto them and scourged Iesus and delivered him to be crucified.
tataH sa teShAM samIpe barabbAM mochayAmAsa yIshuntu kaShAbhirAhatya krushena vedhituM samarpayAmAsa|
27 Then the soudeours of the debite toke Iesus vnto the comen hall and gaddered vnto him all the company.
anantaram adhipateH senA adhipate rgR^ihaM yIshumAnIya tasya samIpe senAsamUhaM saMjagR^ihuH|
28 And they stripped him and put on him a purpyll roobe
tataste tasya vasanaM mochayitvA kR^iShNalohitavarNavasanaM paridhApayAmAsuH
29 and platted a croune of thornes and put vpon his heed and a rede in his ryght honde: and bowed their knees before him and mocked him saying: hayle kinge of the Iewes:
kaNTakAnAM mukuTaM nirmmAya tachChirasi daduH, tasya dakShiNakare vetramekaM dattvA tasya sammukhe jAnUni pAtayitvA, he yihUdIyAnAM rAjan, tubhyaM nama ityuktvA taM tirashchakruH,
30 and spitted vpon him and toke the rede and smoote him on the heed.
tatastasya gAtre niShThIvaM datvA tena vetreNa shira AjaghnuH|
31 And when they had mocked him they toke the robe of him ageyne and put his awne reymet on him and leed him awaye to crucify him.
itthaM taM tiraskR^itya tad vasanaM mochayitvA punarnijavasanaM paridhApayA nchakruH, taM krushena vedhituM nItavantaH|
32 And as they came out they fonnde a man of Cyren named Simon: him they compelled to beare his crosse.
pashchAtte bahirbhUya kurINIyaM shimonnAmakamekaM vilokya krushaM voDhuM tamAdadire|
33 And whe they cam vnto ye place called Golgotha (that is to saye a place of deed mens sculles)
anantaraM gulgaltAm arthAt shiraskapAlanAmakasthAnamu pasthAya te yIshave pittamishritAmlarasaM pAtuM daduH,
34 they gave him veneger to drinke mengled with gall. And when he had tasted therof he wolde not drinke.
kintu sa tamAsvAdya na papau|
35 When they had crucified him they parted his garmentes and did cast lottes: to fulfyll that was spoken by the prophet. They deuyded my garmetes amonge them: and apon my vesture did cast loottes.
tadAnIM te taM krushena saMvidhya tasya vasanAni guTikApAtena vibhajya jagR^ihuH, tasmAt, vibhajante. adharIyaM me te manuShyAH parasparaM| maduttarIyavastrArthaM guTikAM pAtayanti cha||yadetadvachanaM bhaviShyadvAdibhiruktamAsIt, tadA tad asidhyat,
36 And they sate and watched him there.
pashchAt te tatropavishya tadrakShaNakarvvaNi niyuktAstasthuH|
37 And they set vp over his heed the cause of his deeth written. This is Iesus the kynge of the Iewes.
aparam eSha yihUdIyAnAM rAjA yIshurityapavAdalipipatraM tachChirasa Urdvve yojayAmAsuH|
38 And ther were two theves crucified with him one on ye right honde and another on the lyfte.
tatastasya vAme dakShiNe cha dvau chairau tena sAkaM krushena vividhuH|
39 They that passed by revyled him waggynge ther heeddes
tadA pAnthA nijashiro lADayitvA taM nindanto jagaduH,
40 and sayinge: Thou that destroyest the temple of God and byldest it in thre dayes save thy sylfe. If thou be ye sonne of God come doune from the crosse.
he Ishvaramandirabha njaka dinatraye tannirmmAtaH svaM rakSha, chettvamIshvarasutastarhi krushAdavaroha|
41 Lykwyse also the hye prestes mockinge him with the scribes aud elders sayde:
pradhAnayAjakAdhyApakaprAchInAshcha tathA tiraskR^itya jagaduH,
42 He saved other him sylfe he can not save. If he be ye kynge of Israel: let him now come doune from the crosse and we will beleve him.
so. anyajanAnAvat, kintu svamavituM na shaknoti| yadIsrAyelo rAjA bhavet, tarhIdAnImeva krushAdavarohatu, tena taM vayaM pratyeShyAmaH|
43 He trusted in God let him deliver him now yf he will have him: for he sayde I am the sonne of God.
sa Ishvare pratyAshAmakarot, yadIshvarastasmin santuShTastarhIdAnImeva tamavet, yataH sa uktavAn ahamIshvarasutaH|
44 That same also the theves which were crucified with him cast in his tethe.
yau stenau sAkaM tena krushena viddhau tau tadvadeva taM ninindatuH|
45 From the sixte houre was there dercknes over all the londe vnto the nynth houre.
tadA dvitIyayAmAt tR^itIyayAmaM yAvat sarvvadeshe tamiraM babhUva,
46 And about ye nynth houre Iesus cryed with a loude voyce sayinge: Eli Eli lama asbathani. That is to saye my God my God why hast thou forsaken me?
tR^itIyayAme "elI elI lAmA shivaktanI", arthAt madIshvara madIshvara kuto mAmatyAkShIH? yIshuruchchairiti jagAda|
47 Some of them that stode there when they herde that sayde: This man calleth for Helyas.
tadA tatra sthitAH kechit tat shrutvA babhAShire, ayam eliyamAhUyati|
48 And streyght waye one of them ranne and toke a sponge and filled it full of veneger and put it on a rede and gave him to drinke.
teShAM madhyAd ekaH shIghraM gatvA spa njaM gR^ihItvA tatrAmlarasaM dattvA nalena pAtuM tasmai dadau|
49 Other sayde let be: let vs se whyther Helyas will come and deliver him.
itare. akathayan tiShThata, taM rakShitum eliya AyAti naveti pashyAmaH|
50 Iesus cryed agayne with a lowde voyce and yelded vp the goost.
yIshuH punaruchairAhUya prANAn jahau|
51 And beholde the vayle of the temple dyd rent in twayne from ye toppe to the bottome and the erth dyd quake and the stones dyd rent
tato mandirasya vichChedavasanam UrdvvAdadho yAvat ChidyamAnaM dvidhAbhavat,
52 and graves dyd open: and the bodies of many sainctes which slept arose
bhUmishchakampe bhUdharovyadIryyata cha| shmashAne mukte bhUripuNyavatAM suptadehA udatiShThan,
53 and came out of ye graves after his resurreccion and came into the holy cite and appered vnto many.
shmashAnAd vahirbhUya tadutthAnAt paraM puNyapuraM gatvA bahujanAn darshayAmAsuH|
54 When the Centurion and they that were with him watchinge Iesus sawe ye erth quake and those thinges which hapened they feared greatly sayinge. Of a surete this was the sonne of God.
yIshurakShaNAya niyuktaH shatasenApatistatsa Nginashcha tAdR^ishIM bhUkampAdighaTanAM dR^iShTvA bhItA avadan, eSha Ishvaraputro bhavati|
55 And many wemen were there beholdinge him a farre of which folowed Iesus fro Galile ministringe vnto him.
yA bahuyoShito yIshuM sevamAnA gAlIlastatpashchAdAgatAstAsAM madhye
56 Amonge which was Mary Magdalen and Mary the mother of Iames and Ioses and ye mother of zebedes chyldren.
magdalInI mariyam yAkUbyoshyo rmAtA yA mariyam sibadiyaputrayo rmAtA cha yoShita etA dUre tiShThantyo dadR^ishuH|
57 When the even was come there came a ryche man of Aramathia named Ioseph which same also was Iesus disciple.
sandhyAyAM satyam arimathiyAnagarasya yUShaphnAmA dhanI manujo yIshoH shiShyatvAt
58 He went to Pilate and begged the body of Iesus. Then Pilate commaunded the body to be delivered.
pIlAtasya samIpaM gatvA yIshoH kAyaM yayAche, tena pIlAtaH kAyaM dAtum Adidesha|
59 And Ioseph toke the body and wrapped it in a clene lynnyn clooth
yUShaph tatkAyaM nItvA shuchivastreNAchChAdya
60 and put it in his newe tombe which he had hewen out even in the roke and rolled a greate stone to the dore of ye sepulcre and departed.
svArthaM shaile yat shmashAnaM chakhAna, tanmadhye tatkAyaM nidhAya tasya dvAri vR^ihatpAShANaM dadau|
61 And there was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sittynge over ageynste the sepulcre.
kintu magdalInI mariyam anyamariyam ete striyau tatra shmashAnasammukha upavivishatuH|
62 The nexte daye that foloweth good frydaye the hye prestes and pharises got them selves to Pilate
tadanantaraM nistArotsavasyAyojanadinAt pare. ahani pradhAnayAjakAH phirUshinashcha militvA pIlAtamupAgatyAkathayan,
63 and sayde: Syr we remember yt this deceaver sayde whyll he was yet alyve After thre dayes I will aryse agayne.
he mahechCha sa pratArako jIvana akathayat, dinatrayAt paraM shmashAnAdutthAsyAmi tadvAkyaM smarAmo vayaM;
64 Commaunde therfore that the sepulcre be made sure vntyll ye thyrd daye lest paraventure his disciples come and steale him awaye and saye vnto the people he is rysen from deeth and the laste erroure be worsse then the fyrst.
tasmAt tR^itIyadinaM yAvat tat shmashAnaM rakShitumAdishatu, nochet tachChiShyA yAminyAmAgatya taM hR^itvA lokAn vadiShyanti, sa shmashAnAdudatiShThat, tathA sati prathamabhrAnteH sheShIyabhrAnti rmahatI bhaviShyati|
65 Pilate sayde vnto them. Take watche men: Go and make it as sure as ye can.
tadA pIlAta avAdIt, yuShmAkaM samIpe rakShigaNa Aste, yUyaM gatvA yathA sAdhyaM rakShayata|
66 And they went and made the sepulcre sure with watche men and sealed the stone.
tataste gatvA taddUrapAShANaM mudrA NkitaM kR^itvA rakShigaNaM niyojya shmashAnaM rakShayAmAsuH|

< Matthew 27 >