< Matthew 2 >

1 When Iesus was borne at Bethleem in Iury in the tyme of Herode the kynge. Beholde there came wyse me from the eest to Ierusalem
Nae watugwa u Yesu mkisale ka Bethelehemu a Uyahudi mumahiku ang'wa mutemi Herode, eantu nia manyi kupuma kilya na kuli ikapika ku Yerusalemu ikalunga.
2 saynge: Where is he yt is borne kynge of ye Iues? We have sene his starre in ye eest and are come to worship him.
Ukolipi uyu nutugilwe umutemi wa Ayahudi? Aza kuina nzota akwe kukilya nusese kapika kumukulya.
3 When Herode ye kynge had herde thys he was troubled and all Ierusalem with hym
Matungo nu Herode aewija inkani izi akaambwa masigo makulu, i Yerusalemu ihi palung'wi nung'wenso.
4 and he gathered all ye chefe Prestes and Scribes of the people and axed of them where Christ shulde be borne.
Herode akailingiila iakulu ihi nawa neetunza inkani ya antu, akaakolya, “u Kilisto ukutugwa pee?”
5 And they sayde vnto hym: at Bethlee in Iury. For thus it is written by the Prophet.
Akamuila, “ukutugwa ku Bethelehemu a Uyahudi, kunsoko uu aeyandikilwe nianyakidagu,
6 And thou Bethleem in the londe of Iury art not the leest concernynge the Princes of Iuda. For out of the shall come the captayne that shall govern my people Israhel.
Nue Bethelehemu, ihi ang'wa Yuda, singa wimunino muatongeeli ang'wa Yuda, kunsoko kupuma kitalako uzile mkulu nuziadima iantu ane Israeli.”
7 Then Herod prevely called the wyse men and dyligetly enquyred of them ye tyme of the starre that appered
Herode akaitanga iamanyi ankani kenkunku akaakolya ite matungo kelukulu inzota ai ezigela.
8 and sent the to Bethleem saynge: Goo and searche dyligetly for ye chylde. And when ye have founde hym bringe me worde yt I maye come and worshippe hym also.
Akaatuma alongole ku Bethelehemu, akalunga, longoli kiisa uende mumuetume ung'wana nutugilwe. Matungo angamamuona, ulete inkani nunene nihuma kuza kumukulya.”
9 When they had heard the kynge they departed: and lo the starre which they sawe in ye eeste went before them tyll it came and stode over the place where the chylde was.
Nai amija umtemi, ikalongoleka numuhinzo wao, ni nzota iyo naeamiine kukilya ikaatongeela ikimika migulya apo nung'wana utugiwe.
10 When they sawe the starre they were marvelously glad:
Nai amiona inzota ikalowa ikulu.
11 and went into the house and found the chylde with Mary hys mother and kneled doune and worshipped hym and opened their treasures and offred vnto hym gyftes gold frackynsence and myrre.
Ikingila mnyumba ikamuona ung'wana nutugilwe nu Mariamu unyinya wakwe. Ikamiloelya nukumukulya. Ikatungula imaintu nimaza naiatite ikamupa.
12 And after they were warned of God in a dreame that they shuld not go ageyne to Herod they retourned into their awne countre another waye.
Itunda akaahugulya kukeela ndoti kusuka kung'wa Herode, kululo, ikahega kusuka kihe ao kukeela nzila ngiza.
13 When they were departed: beholde the angell of the Lorde appered to Ioseph in dreame sayinge: aryse and take the chylde and his mother and flye into Egypte and abyde there tyll I brynge the worde. For Herod will seke the chylde to destroye hym.
Nai akondya kuhega, malaika akamuzeela Yusufu kukeela ndoti akalunga, “Uka, muhole ung'wana nu nyinya wakwe mumankeele ku Misri. Musige kuko mpaka ninzemuila kunsoko u Herode wenda ukumupenza amubulage.
14 The he arose and toke the chylde and his mother by night and departed into Egypte
Utiku wuwo u Yusufu akauka akamuhola ung'wana nu nyinya wakwe ikamankiila ku Misri.
15 and was there vnto ye deeth of Herod to fulfill that which was spoken of the Lorde by ye Prophet which sayeth out of Egypte haue I called my sonne.
Akikie kuko mpaka u Herode ikasha. Iko naikilingiligwe numunyakidagu, “Kupuma ku Misri numitangile ung'waane.”
16 Then Herod perceavynge yt he was moocked of the wyse men was excedynge wroth and sent forth and slue all the chyldren that were in Bethleem and in all the costes there of as many as were two yere olde and vnder accordynge to the tyme which he had diligetly searched oute of the wyse men.
Kululo u Herode, akalunga kina iantu awa niahugu antendela ubi, akalaka. Akalagiilya kubulagwa ehi iang'enya niagoha ku Bethelehemu niatite miaka ibiile ni pihe apang'wanso kunsoko aiwakondya kulinga kukeela antu ao niamanyi ankani.
17 Then was fulfilled yt which was spoken by the Prophet Ieremy sayinge:
Ingi nailakondigwa ulukani naeluligitigwe kukeela mnyakidagu Yeremia,
18 On the hilles was a voyce herde mornynge wepynge and greate lamentacion: Rachel wepynge for her chyldren and wolde not be conforted because they were not.
Luli lukigela ku Ramah, kilelo nikinyauwai kikulu, u Raheli akazealila iana akwe, hangi akahita kupumbuligwa, kunsoko ikutile singaaziziona hangi.”
19 When Herode was deed: beholde an angell of ye Lorde appered in a dreame to Ioseph in Egypte
U Herode naiwasha, umalaika akamuhanga u Yusufu kukeela ndoti kuko ku Misri akalunga,
20 sayinge: arise and take ye chylde and his mother and go into ye londe of Israel. For they are deed which sought ye chyldes life.
“Uka muhole ung'wana nunyinya wakwe, mlongole mihe a Israeli kunsoko awa naienda upenza upanga wa ng'wana akuza.”
21 The he arose vp and toke ye chylde and his mother and cam into the londe of Israhel.
U Yusufu akauka akamuhola ung'wana nu nyinya wakwe, ikolongola mihe a Israeli.
22 But whe he hearde yt Archelaus did raygne in Iury in ye roume of his father Herode he was afrayde to goo thither. Not withstondynge after he was warned of god in a dreame he turned a syde into ye parties of Galile
Ingi gwa nae wija kina Arikelau ae mutemi Yuda pang'wa tata wakwe u Herode. Akogopa kulongola kung'wanso. Matungo ni Tunda nae wamuhugula kukeela mundoti, akahega akalongola mukisali ka Galilaya.
23 and wet and dwelt in a cite called Nazareth to fulfill yt which was spoken by ye Prophetes: he shalbe called a Nazarite
Hangi akalongola kikie mukisali nikitangwa Nazareti. Ike aekekondaniye iko naikiligitigwe kukeela nzila aanyakedagu, kina ukitangwa Mnazareti.

< Matthew 2 >