< Matthew 17 >

1 And after. vi. dayes Iesus toke Peter and Iames and Ihon his brother and brought them vp into an hye mountayne out of the waye
We alte kündin kéyin, Eysa Pétrus, Yaqup we Yaqupning inisi Yuhannani ayrip élip, égiz bir taghqa chiqti.
2 and was transfygured before them: and his face did shyne as the sunne and his clothes were as whyte as the light.
U yerde uning siyaqi ularning köz aldidila özgirip, yüzi quyashtek parlidi, kiyimliri nurdek ap’aq bolup chaqnidi.
3 And beholde ther appered vnto the Moses and Helyas talkinge with him.
We mana, [muxlislargha] Musa we Ilyas [peyghemberler] uning bilen sözlishiwatqan halda köründi.
4 Then answered Peter and sayde to Iesus: master here is good beinge for vs. If thou wylt leet vs make here. iii. tabernacles one for the and one for Moses and one for Helyas.
Shuning bilen Pétrus Eysagha: — I Reb, bu yerde bolghinimiz némidégen yaxshi! Xalisang, birini sanga, birini Musagha, yene birini Ilyasqa atap bu yerge üch kepe yasayli! — dédi.
5 Whyll he yet spake beholde a bright cloude shadowed them. And beholde there came a voyce out of ye cloude sayinge: this is my deare sonne in whom I delite heare him.
Uning gépi tügimeyla, mana nurluq bir bulut ularni qapliwaldi. Mana, buluttin: «Bu Méning söyümlük Oghlumdur, Men uningdin xursenmen. Uninggha qulaq sélinglar!» dégen awaz anglandi.
6 And when the disciples hearde that they fell on their faces and were soore afrayed.
Muxlislar buni anglap özlirini yerge tashlap düm yétip wehimige chüshti.
7 And Iesus came and touched them and sayde: aryse and be not afrayed.
Biraq Eysa kélip, ulargha qolini tegküzüp: Qopunglar, qorqmanglar, — dédi.
8 And when they looked vp they saw no man saue Iesus onely.
Ular béshini kötürüp qariwidi, Eysadin bashqa héchkimni körmidi.
9 And as they came doune from the mountayne Iesus charged them sayinge: se yt ye shewe the vision to no man vntyll the sonne of man be rysen ageyne from deeth.
Taghdin chüshüwétip, Eysa ulargha: — Insan’oghli ölümdin tirildürülmigüche, bu alamet körünüshni héchkimge éytmanglar, — dep tapilidi.
10 And his disciples axed of him sayinge: Why then saye the scribes yt Helyas muste fyrst come?
Andin muxlisliri uningdin: — Tewrat ustazliri néme üchün: «Ilyas [peyghember Mesih kélishtin] awwal qaytip kélishi kérek» déyishidu? — dep sorashti.
11 Iesus answered and sayd vnto them: Helyas shall fyrst come and restore all thinges.
U ulargha jawaben: — Ilyas [peyghember] derweqe [Mesihtin] awwal kélidu, hemme ishni ornigha keltüridu.
12 And I saye vnto you yt Helyas is come alredy and they knewe him not: but have done vnto him whatsoever they lusted. In lyke wyse shall also the sonne of man suffre of the.
Emma men silerge shuni éytip qoyayki, ilyas alliqachan keldi, lékin kishiler uni tonumidi, belki uninggha xalighanche muamile qildi. Shuninggha oxshash, Insan’oghlimu ularning qollirida azab chékish aldida turidu, — dédi.
13 Then ye disciples perceaved that he spake vnto them of Ihon baptist.
Shu chaghda muxlislar uning chömüldürgüchi Yehya toghrisida sözlewatqanliqini chüshendi.
14 And when they were come to ye people ther cam to him a certayne man and kneled doune to him and sayde:
Ular xalayiqning yénigha barghinida, bir kishi uning aldigha kélip, tizlinip:
15 Master have mercy on my sonne for he is franticke: and is sore vexed. And oft tymes he falleth into the fyre and oft into ye water
Reb, oghlumgha ichingni aghritqaysen! Chünki uning tutqaqliq késili bar bolghachqa, zor azab chékiwatidu; chünki u daim otning yaki suning ichige chüshüp kétidu.
16 And I brought him to thy disciples and they coulde not heale him.
Uni muxlisliringgha élip kelgenidim, saqaytalmidi, — dédi.
17 Iesus answered and sayde: O generacion faythles and croked: how longe shall I be with you? how longe shall I suffre you? bring him hidder to me.
Eysa jawaben: — Ey étiqadsiz we tetür dewr, siler bilen qachan’ghiche turay?! Men silerge yene qachan’ghiche sewr qilay? — Balini aldimgha élip kélinglar — dédi.
18 And Iesus rebuked the devyll and he ca out of him. And ye child was healed even yt same houre.
Shuning bilen Eysa [jin’gha] tenbih bériwidi, jin balidin chiqip ketti, balimu shuan saqaydi.
19 Then came the disciples to Iesus secretly and sayde: Why could not we cast him out?
Kéyin, Eysa ayrim qalghanda, muxlislar uning yénigha kélip: — Biz néme üchün jinni qoghliwételmiduq? — dep sorashti.
20 Iesus sayd vnto the: Because of youre vnbelefe For I saye veryly vnto you: yf ye had faythe as a grayne of musterd seed ye shuld saye vnto this moutayne remove hence to yonder place and he shuld remove: nether shuld eny thinge be vnpossible for you to do.
U ulargha: — Ishenchinglar bolmighanliqi üchün. Men silerge shuni berheq éytip qoyayki, silerde qicha uruqidek zerriche ishench bolsila, siler awu taghqa: «Bu yerdin u yerge köch» désenglar, köchidu; shundaqla silerge mumkin bolmaydighan héch ish bolmaydu.
21 How be it this kynde goeth not oute but by prayer and fastinge.
Biraq, bundaq jinlarni dua qilish we roza tutush bilen bolmisa heydigili bolmaydu — dédi.
22 As they passed the tyme in Galile Iesus sayde vnto them: the sonne of man shalbe betrayed into the hondes of men
Ular Galiliye ölkiside aylinip yürginide, Eysa ulargha: — Insan’oghli [satqunluqtin] insanlarning qoligha tapshurulidu;
23 and they shall kill him and the thyrd daye he shall ryse agayne. And they sorowed greatly.
ular uni öltüridu, lékin üchinchi küni u tirilidu, — dédi. Buni anglap muxlislar éghir ghem-qayghugha chömüp ketti.
24 And when they were come to Capernau they yt were wont to gadre poll money came to Peter and sayde: Doth youre master paye tribute?
Andin ular Kepernahum shehirige kelginide, [ibadetxana] «ikki draqma» [béjini] yighquchilar Pétrusning yénigha kélip: — Ustazinglar «ikki draqma»ni tölemdu? — dep soridi.
25 He sayd: ye. And when he was come into the house Iesus spake fyrst to him saying What thinkest thou Simon? of whome do ye kynges of the erth take tribute or poll money? of their chyldren or of straungers?
Töleydu, — dédi Pétrus. Lékin u öyge kirgishigila, téxi bir néme démestila Eysa uningdin: — Simon, séningche bu dunyadiki padishahlar kimlerdin baj alidu? Öz perzentliridinmu, yaki yatlardinmu, — dep soridi.
26 Peter sayde vnto him: of straungers. Then sayd Iesus vnto him agayne: Then are the chyldren fre.
Pétrus uninggha: Yatlardin, — déwidi, Eysa uninggha: — Undaqta, perzentler [bajdin] xaliy bolidu.
27 Neverthelesse lest we shuld offende the: goo to ye see and cast in thyne angle and take the fysshe yt fyrst cometh vp: and when thou hast opened his mouthe thou shalt fynde a pece of twentie pence: yt take and paye for me and the.
Biraq [baj yighquchilargha] putlikashang bolmasliqimiz üchün, déngizgha bérip qarmaqni tashla. Tutqan birinchi béliqni élip, aghzini achsang, töt draqmiliq bir tengge pul chiqidu. Uni élip men we sen ikkimizning [béji] üchün ulargha ber, — dédi.

< Matthew 17 >