< Matthew 14 >

1 At that tyme Herod the tetrarcha hearde of the fame of Iesu
Kumatungo nanso Herode akija ulukumo lang'wa Yesu.
2 and sayde vnto his servautes: This is Ihon ye baptist. He is risen agayne from deeth and therfore are soche myracles wrought by him.
Akaila eitumi akwe, “Uyu yuyu Yohana uhimbukile kupuma kuashi. Kululo ingulu izi ikole kitalakwe.”
3 For Herod had taken Ihon and bounde him and put him in preson for Herodias sake his brother Philips wyfe.
Kunsoko u Herode amuambile Yohana akamtunga akamuguma kukitungo nsoko ang'wa Herodia, musungu wang'wa Filipo nuluna wakwe.
4 For Ihon sayde vnto him: Yt is not lawfull for the to have her.
Kunsoko Yohana, amuie sunga tai nuanso kumuhola atule musungu wake.
5 And when he wold have put him to deeth he feared the people because they counted him as a prophet.
Herode auze mubulaga akogopa antu kunsoko aumuine Yohana kina munyakidagu.
6 But when Herodes birth daye was come the doughter of Herodias daunsed before them and pleased Herod.
Ingi gwa uluhiku lakutugwa Herode nailapika umunanso wa Herodia aiwiginsile muantu akamuloilya i Herode.
7 Wherfore he promised wt an oth that he wolde geve hir whatsoever she wolde axe.
Akapumya ilago akamuila ukumupa kihi nukulilompa kung'wakwe.
8 And she beinge informed of her mother before sayde: geve me here Ihon baptistes heed in a platter.
Naiwasigigwa nunyinya, akalunga kulompa itwe lang'wa Yohana mbatizaji.”
9 And ye kynge sorowed. Neverthelesse for his othes sake and for their sakis which sate also at ye table he comaunded yt to be geven hir:
Umtemi akatula nimasiko makulu na malompi ang'wa munanso, nsoko ilago lakwe la aantu naiakoli palung'wi pandya, akaila leki itulike uu.
10 and sent and beheeded Ihon in the preson
Akaaligity u Yohana aletwe kupuma kukitungo
11 and his heed was brought in a platter and geven to the damsell and she brought it to her mother.
itwe lakwe likaletwa mukiseme umunanso akatwala kung'wa nyinya.
12 And his disciples came and toke vp his body and buryed it: and went and tolde Iesus.
Sunga amanyisigwa akwe akaza akauhola umuimba akautulila naamala akenda akamuila u Yesu.
13 When Iesus hearde that he departed thence by shippe in to a desert place out of ye waye. And when the people had hearde therof they folowed him afote out of their cities.
U Yesu naiwija nanso akalongola kuna antu kutili. Ni lundo la antu nailija likamutyata na migulu kukisali naukoli.
14 And Iesus went forth and sawe moche people and his herte did melte vpon them and he healed of them those that were sicke.
Sunga u Yesu akaza akauona ulundo ukulu. Akahumila kinyauwai akakomya indwala naiyiaja.
15 When even was come his disciples came to him sayinge. This is a deserte place and the daye is spent: let the people departe yt they maye go into ye tounes and bye them vytayllis.
Naapika impindi iamanyisigwa akaza akalunga, iyi mbuga, uluhiku iahila. Asambailye aantu ende musali yao ende agule indya kunsoko ao.
16 But Iesus sayde vnto them. They have no neade to go awaye. Geve ye the to eate.
U Yesu akaaila, “agila anga nsula akuhega api indya alye”
17 Then sayde they vnto him: we have here but. v. loves and two fysshes.
Akamuila ingi kukite mikate itaano ni nsamaki ibiili du.
18 And he sayde: bringe the hyther to me.
U Yesu akalunga, “Mileti kitalane.”
19 And he comaunded ye people to syt downe on ye grasse: and toke ye. v. loves and the. ii. fysshes and loked vp to heven and blessed and brake and gave the loves to his disciples and the disciples gave them to ye people.
Sunga u Yesu akaupa ilago umilundo pihi mumala. Akahola mikate itaano ni nsamaki ibiili akagoza kigulu, akakembeta, akaige imikate akaapa iamanyisigwa. Iamanyisigwa akaugalanya umilundo.
20 And they dyd all eate and were suffised. And they gadered vp of ye gobbetes that remayned vii. basketes full.
Akalya ihi akikuta sunga ikahoela indya yihi ikizulya imbugulu ikumi na ibiili.
21 And they yt ate werein nobre about. v. M. men besyde wemen and chyldren.
Ao naialia asigiiwe kuhugela magana nzogu ataano iasungu nia ng'enya ikutile mialo nilanso.
22 And strayght waye Iesus made his disciples enter into a shippe and to goo over before him whill he sent ye people awaye.
Itungo akaapi ilago iamanyisigwa ingile mibini, matungo nanso akilaga nimilundo.
23 And assone as he had sent the people awaye he went vp into a moutayne alone to praye. And when nyght was come he was there himsilf alone.
Naiilaga numilundo, akalongola mulugulu kulompa akaziwing'wene. Ai matungo ampindi akaziukoli wing'wene.
24 And the shippe was now in the middes of the see and was toost with waves for it was a cotrary wynde.
Ingi gwa ibini alikoli pakati aluzi likazikenkwa ni maingo kunsoko ung'wega aiukulu.
25 In the fourthe watche of ye night Iesus came vnto them walkynge on the see.
Matungo nautiku wa kupitilya kane u Yesu akaahugeela, akaze igenda mumazi.
26 And when his disciples sawe him walkynge on the see they were troubled sayinge: it is some spirite and cryed out for feare.
Iamanyisigwa akwe naamuona ugenda mumazi. Ikogopa ikalunga, uyu mintunga ikazogolya kunsoko awoa.
27 And streyght waye Iesus spake vnto them sayinge: be of god cheare it is I be not afrayed.
U Yesu akaaila tuli nu moyo leki kogopi ingi nene.”
28 Peter answered him and sayde: master if thou be he bid me come vnto the on the water.
Petro akasusha akalunga, Mukulu ang'wi wewe mpi lago ngendi mumazi nze kitalako.
29 And he sayde come. And when Peter was come doune out of ye shippe he walked on ye water to go to Iesus.
U Yesu akalunga, “Nzuu” Kululo u Petro akahega mibini akagenda mumazi akalongola kuna Yesu aukoli.
30 But when he sawe a myghty wynde he was afrayed. And as he beganne to synke he cryed sayinge: master save me.
U Petro naiwaona imaingo, akogopa, akatula nyeheela mumazi, akitanga akalunga, Mukulu ngune!”
31 And immediatly Iesus stretched forth his hode and caught him and sayde to him: O thou of lytell faith wherfore diddest thou dout?
Itungo u Yesu akagoola umukono akamuhumbula u Petro akamuula, iwe nukite uhuili unino, niki nazawogopile?
32 And assone as they were come in to ye shippe ye wynde ceassed.
Kululo u Yesu nu Petro naingila mibini ung'wega ukahila.
33 Then they that were in the shippe came and worshipped him sayinge: of a truth thou arte ye sonne of God.
Iamanyisigwa naiakoli mibini ikamukulya u Yesu akilanga, “Tai uewe wi ng'wana wang'wi Tunda.”
34 And when they were come over they went in to ye londe of Genazareth.
Naikondya kuputa uluzi. Akapika mihi na Genesareti.
35 And when ye men of yt place had knowledge of him they sent out in to all yt countre rounde about and brought vnto him all that were sicke
Iantu naiakondya kumumanya u Yesu akatwala inkani muisali, ikaaleta ihi nailwae.
36 and besought him that they myght touche the hemme of his vesture only. And as many as touched it were made safe.
Akaminena ahume kuomba inguo akue, ihi naiambile inguo ikagunwa.

< Matthew 14 >