< Mark 3 >

1 And he entred agayne into ye synagoge and there was a man there which had a widdred honde.
anantaraM yIshuH puna rbhajanagR^ihaM praviShTastasmin sthAne shuShkahasta eko mAnava AsIt|
2 And they watched him to se whether he wolde heale him on the Saboth daye yt they might accuse him.
sa vishrAmavAre tamarogiNaM kariShyati navetyatra bahavastam apavadituM ChidramapekShitavantaH|
3 And he sayde vnto ye man which had ye wyddred honde: arise and stonde in ye middes.
tadA sa taM shuShkahastaM manuShyaM jagAda madhyasthAne tvamuttiShTha|
4 And he sayd to them: whether is it laufull to do a good dede on ye Saboth dayes or an evyll? to save life or kyll? But they helde their peace.
tataH paraM sa tAn paprachCha vishrAmavAre hitamahitaM tathA hi prANarakShA vA prANanAsha eShAM madhye kiM karaNIyaM? kintu te niHshabdAstasthuH|
5 And he loked round aboute on them angerly mournyge on the blindnes of their hertes and sayde to the man: stretch forth thyne honde. And he stretched it oute. And his honde was restored even as whole as the other.
tadA sa teShAmantaHkaraNAnAM kAThinyAddheto rduHkhitaH krodhAt chartudasho dR^iShTavAn taM mAnuShaM gaditavAn taM hastaM vistAraya, tatastena haste vistR^ite taddhasto. anyahastavad arogo jAtaH|
6 And ye Pharises departed and streyght waye gaddred a counsell with the that belonged to Herode agaynst him yt they might destroye him.
atha phirUshinaH prasthAya taM nAshayituM herodIyaiH saha mantrayitumArebhire|
7 And Iesus auoyded wt his disciples to ye sea. And a greate multitude folowed him fro Galile and fro Iurie
ataeva yIshustatsthAnaM parityajya shiShyaiH saha punaH sAgarasamIpaM gataH;
8 and fro Hierusalem and fro Idumea and fro beyonde Iordane: and they yt dwelled about Tyre and Sidon a greate multitude: which whe they had herde what thinges he dyd came vnto him.
tato gAlIlyihUdA-yirUshAlam-idom-yardannadIpArasthAnebhyo lokasamUhastasya pashchAd gataH; tadanyaH sorasIdanoH samIpavAsilokasamUhashcha tasya mahAkarmmaNAM vArttaM shrutvA tasya sannidhimAgataH|
9 And he comaunded his disciples yt a shippe shuld wayte on him because of the people leste they shuld througe him.
tadA lokasamUhashchet tasyopari patati ityAsha Nkya sa nAvamekAM nikaTe sthApayituM shiShyAnAdiShTavAn|
10 For he had healed many in somoche that they preased apon him for to touche him as many as had plages.
yato. anekamanuShyANAmArogyakaraNAd vyAdhigrastAH sarvve taM spraShTuM parasparaM balena yatnavantaH|
11 And when the vnclene sprites sawe him they fell doune before him and cryed sayinge: thou arte the sonne of God.
apara ncha apavitrabhUtAstaM dR^iShTvA tachcharaNayoH patitvA prochaiH prochuH, tvamIshvarasya putraH|
12 And he straygtly charged them that they shuld not vtter him.
kintu sa tAn dR^iDham Aj nApya svaM parichAyituM niShiddhavAn|
13 And he wet vp into a mountayne and called vnto him whom he wolde and they came vnto him.
anantaraM sa parvvatamAruhya yaM yaM pratichChA taM tamAhUtavAn tataste tatsamIpamAgatAH|
14 And he ordeyned ye. xii. that they shuld be wt him and that he myght sende the to preache:
tadA sa dvAdashajanAn svena saha sthAtuM susaMvAdaprachArAya preritA bhavituM
15 and that they might have power to heale syknesses and to cast out devyls.
sarvvaprakAravyAdhInAM shamanakaraNAya prabhAvaM prAptuM bhUtAn tyAjayitu ncha niyuktavAn|
16 And he gave vnto Simon to name Peter.
teShAM nAmAnImAni, shimon sivadiputro
17 And he called Iames the sonne of zebede and Iohn Iames brother and gave them Bonarges to name which is to saye the sonnes of thounder.
yAkUb tasya bhrAtA yohan cha AndriyaH philipo barthalamayaH,
18 And Andrew and Philip and Bartlemew and Mathew and Thomas and Iames the sonne of Alphey and Taddeus and Symon of Cane
mathI thomA cha AlphIyaputro yAkUb thaddIyaH kinAnIyaH shimon yastaM parahasteShvarpayiShyati sa IShkariyotIyayihUdAshcha|
19 and Iudas Iscarioth which same also betrayed him. And they came vnto housse
sa shimone pitara ityupanAma dadau yAkUbyohanbhyAM cha binerigish arthato meghanAdaputrAvityupanAma dadau|
20 and the people assembled togedder agayne so greatly that they had not leesar so moche as to eate breed.
anantaraM te niveshanaM gatAH, kintu tatrApi punarmahAn janasamAgamo. abhavat tasmAtte bhoktumapyavakAshaM na prAptAH|
21 And when they that longed vnto him hearde of it they went out to holde him. For they thought he had bene beside him selfe.
tatastasya suhR^illokA imAM vArttAM prApya sa hataj nAnobhUd iti kathAM kathayitvA taM dhR^itvAnetuM gatAH|
22 And ye Scribes which came fro Ierusalem sayde: he hath Belzebub and by ye power of the chefe devyll casteth out devyls.
apara ncha yirUshAlama AgatA ye ye. adhyApakAste jagadurayaM puruSho bhUtapatyAbiShTastena bhUtapatinA bhUtAn tyAjayati|
23 And he called them vnto him and sayde vnto them in similitudes. How can Satan drive out Satan?
tatastAnAhUya yIshu rdR^iShTAntaiH kathAM kathitavAn shaitAn kathaM shaitAnaM tyAjayituM shaknoti?
24 For yf a realme be devided ageynste it silfe that realme cannot endure.
ki nchana rAjyaM yadi svavirodhena pR^ithag bhavati tarhi tad rAjyaM sthiraM sthAtuM na shaknoti|
25 Or yf a housse be devided agaynste it silfe that housse cannot continue:
tathA kasyApi parivAro yadi parasparaM virodhI bhavati tarhi sopi parivAraH sthiraM sthAtuM na shaknoti|
26 So yf Sata make insurreccion agaynste himsilfe and be devided he cannot continue but is at an ende.
tadvat shaitAn yadi svavipakShatayA uttiShThan bhinno bhavati tarhi sopi sthiraM sthAtuM na shaknoti kintUchChinno bhavati|
27 No man can entre into a stronge mans housse and take awaye hys gooddes excepte he fyrst bynde that stronge man and then spoyle hys housse.
apara ncha prabalaM janaM prathamaM na baddhA kopi tasya gR^ihaM pravishya dravyANi luNThayituM na shaknoti, taM badvvaiva tasya gR^ihasya dravyANi luNThayituM shaknoti|
28 Verely I saye vnto you all synnes shalbe forgeven vnto mens chyldren and blasphemy wherwith they blaspheme.
atoheto ryuShmabhyamahaM satyaM kathayAmi manuShyANAM santAnA yAni yAni pApAnIshvaranindA ncha kurvvanti teShAM tatsarvveShAmaparAdhAnAM kShamA bhavituM shaknoti,
29 But he that blasphemeth ye holy goost shall never have forgevenes: but is in dauger of eternall dapnacion: (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
kintu yaH kashchit pavitramAtmAnaM nindati tasyAparAdhasya kShamA kadApi na bhaviShyati sonantadaNDasyArho bhaviShyati| (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
30 because they sayde he had an vnclene sprete.
tasyApavitrabhUto. asti teShAmetatkathAhetoH sa itthaM kathitavAn|
31 Then came his mother and his brethre and stode with out and sent vnto him and called him.
atha tasya mAtA bhrAtR^igaNashchAgatya bahistiShThanato lokAn preShya tamAhUtavantaH|
32 And the people sate aboute hym and sayde vnto him: beholde thy mother and thy brethre seke for the with out.
tatastatsannidhau samupaviShTA lokAstaM babhAShire pashya bahistava mAtA bhrAtarashcha tvAm anvichChanti|
33 And he answered them sayinge: who is my mother and my brethre?
tadA sa tAn pratyuvAcha mama mAtA kA bhrAtaro vA ke? tataH paraM sa svamIpopaviShTAn shiShyAn prati avalokanaM kR^itvA kathayAmAsa
34 And he loked rounde about on his disciples which sate in compasse about hym and sayde: beholde my mother and my brethren.
pashyataite mama mAtA bhrAtarashcha|
35 For whosoever doeth ye will of God he is my brother my syster and mother.
yaH kashchid IshvarasyeShTAM kriyAM karoti sa eva mama bhrAtA bhaginI mAtA cha|

< Mark 3 >