< Luke 8 >

1 And it fortuned after that that he him sylfe went throughout cities and tounes preachynge and shewinge ye kyngdom of God and the twelve with him.
Dă pă aje, Isus u mers păm alčilje varušur šă satur, să propovjedălaskă šă să svitaskă dă Hir fălos dă kraljevstva alu Dimizov. Dvanaest (12) učenikur umbla dă pă jăl,
2 And also certayne wemen which wer healed of evell spretes and infirmities: Mary called Magdalen out of whom went seven devyls
šă šjeva ka mujerilje kari Isus lju oslobodulit dăm rov duhur šă dăm bičišugur: Marija (kari are dăm varuš Magdala, kari u mănat sedam drašj dăm je),
3 and Ioanna ye wyfe of Chusa Herodees stewarde and Susanna and many other: which ministred vnto the of their substaunce.
Ivana (băšăca alu upravitelj Kuza a jăl are upravitelj păntru Herod), Suzana, šă mulći alčilje căngăšj. Jelji lji služule ku benjilje šje ave.
4 When moch people were gadred to gether and were come to him out of all cities he spake by a similitude.
Mari gărmadă să akuljiže šă lume inka vinje la Isus dăm tot varušu. Isus u svătit alor ku usporedbă
5 A sower went out to sowe his seede: and as he sowed some fell by the waye syde and it was troden vnder fete and the foules of the ayre devoured it vp.
“Om šje samănă u mers să seminji sămănca aluj. Šă kum sămăna orikiči dăm sămancurljelje u kăzut pă kalji. Šă sămănce are kălkată, păn šje nor vinjit vrabujilje šă lju mănkalji.
6 And some fell on ston and assone as it was spronge vp it widdred awaye because it lacked moystnes.
Šă orikići ur kăzut ăntri petri šă jelji ur kriskut friš, ali sur uskat kă lji ibize vlagă.
7 And some fell amonge thornes and ye thornes spronge vp with it and choked it.
Šă orikići sămăncur ur kăzut ăntră măršunj šă u kriskut ku jej una, ali lji šăguša măršunji.
8 And some fell on good grounde and sproge vp and bare frute an hondred foolde. And as he sayde these thinges he cryed: He that hath eares to heare let him heare.
Šă orikići u kăzut pă bun pămănt, šă u kriskut šă u avut sto răndur majmult.” Kănd Isus u fost gata ku usporedba u mužjit: “Punjec ureći voj kari avec ureći să auzăc!”
9 And his disciples axed him sayinge: what maner similitude is this?
Učenici aluj lor ăntribat pă Isus atunšje, šje značale usporedbe.
10 And he sayde: vnto you is it geven to knowe the secretes of the kyngdom of God: but to other in similitudes that when they se they shuld not se: and when they heare they shuld not vnderstonde.
Isus u zăs: “Avovă Dimizov u dopustulită să prišjipec tajnurlje dă kraljevstva alu Dimizov, ali alu alci trăbă să să spujă ăm usporedbur; ka kum u zăs prorok Izaija: Ăs eje kari să ujtă ali nu veđi, kari auđi ali nu prišjepi.
11 The similitude is this. The seede is ye worde of God.
Aku usporedba značalešći asta: Sămănca ăj ka Vorba alu Dimizov.
12 Thoose yt are besyde the waye are they that heare and afterwarde cometh ye devyll and taketh awaye the worde out of their hertes lest they shuld beleve and be saved.
Sămănca kari ăj pă kalji, ăs ka eje ominj kari auđi Vorba, ali draku u vinji šă lji je vorba ăndărăt dăm sufljičilje alor, să nu potă ănkradă să nu să spasalaskă.
13 They on the stonnes are they which when they heare receave the worde with ioye. But these have noo rootes which for a whyle beleve and in tyme of temtacio goo awaye.
Aje sămănca ăntri petri ăs la ominj kari auđi Vorba šă u apukă ku fălušăjă ali nari korjen. Jej ănkređi nu dă lungat šă atunšje ăm vreme dă ănšjirkală jej kađi ăndărăt.
14 And yt which fell amonge thornes are they which heare and goo forth and are choked wt cares and wt riches and volupteous lyvinge and bringe forth noo frute.
Sămănca kari u kăzut ăntri măršunj šă ka ominji kari auđi Vorba, ali kum vreme fužji jej să astrănži ku brigurlje ăm kust, šă dă găzdăšije, šă žăndur ăm kust, šă eje nu adušji bun plod.
15 That in ye good grounde are they which with a good and pure hert heare the worde and kepe it and bringe forth frute with pacience.
Ali sămănca kari kađi pă bună pămănt aje eje ominj kari auđi Vorba šă u cănji ăm sufljitu bun, jej ăs ustrajni šă u adušji bun plod.”
16 No man lyghteth a candell and covereth it vnder a vessell nether putteth it vnder ye table: but setteth it on a candelsticke that they that enter in maye se ye lyght.
“Njime nu acăcă lampă să u pujă dăsup ter ili dăsup pat. Nu, jăl u punji pă svijećnjak aša toc u viđe lumină kănd vinji ăm nontru
17 No thinge is in secret yt shall not come abroode: Nether eny thinge hyd that shall not be knowen and come to lyght.
atunšje kutotu šje ăj aku askuns, šă šje ăj pă askuns făkut, kutotu u jăšă afară.
18 Take hede therfore how ye heare. For whosoever hath to him shalbe geve: And whosoever hath not fro him shalbe take even that same which he supposeth that he hath.
Daje păzec kum auzăc. Kă šinji ari ju fi dat maj mult, šă šinji gođe nari njimika, dă la jăl u fi lot čak šă aje cară šje samănă kă ari.”
19 Then came to him his mother and his brethren and coulde not come at him for prease.
Alu Isus u vinjit mumăsa šă fraci să ăl posjetilaskă pă Isus ali jej nu puće să vijă apropi dă jăl dă rănd dă gărmadă.
20 And they tolde him sayinge: Thy mother and thy brethren stonde with out and wolde se the.
Šinjiva u javalit alu Isus: “Mumăta ata šă fraci atej stă afară či aščaptă.”
21 He answered and sayd vnto them: my mother and my brethren are these which heare the worde of God and do it.
Isus lju u zăs: “Mama ame šă fraci amej ăs eje kari auđi Vorba alu Dimizov, šă u kustă.”
22 And it chaunsed on a certayne daye that he went into a shippe and his disciples also and he sayde vnto them: Let vs goo over vnto the other syde of the lake. And they Lanched forthe.
Una ză Isus šă učenici aluj ur tunat ăm čamac šă să mergă pă alta parći dă galilejsko jezero. Isus u zăs: “Hajd pă haje parči!” Aša sur maknulit dă la mal.
23 And as they sayled he fell a slepe and there arose a storme of wynde in ye lake and they were fylled with water and were in ieopardy.
Ali kum plovule jej, pă Isus lu furat somnu. Atunšje oluja ku văntu una su slăbuzăt pă jezero šă jej asre ăm opasnost, daje ka karu să umplje ku apă.
24 And they went to him and awoke him sayinge: Master Master we are loost. Then he arose and rebuked the wynde and the tempest of water and they ceased and it wexed calme.
Jej ur mers la Isus šă lor skulatulă ăm frikă šă mužje: “Domnu, Domnu, noj nji ăntupenj!” Aša su skulat šă u zapovjedalit alu văntu šă alu valuvurljelje să să putuljaskă. Oluja su putuljit šă are putuljală.
25 And he sayd vnto the: where is youre faith? They feared and wondred sayinge one to another: what felowe is this? for he comaundeth bothe the wyndes and water and they obey him?
“Hunđi vi ănkriđala?”, Isus lju ăntribat pă jej. Ali jej asre pljinj dă frikă šă ămirală, šă u zăs una la alt: “Šinji ăj asta čak šă văntu šă valuvurlje ăl punji ureći pă jăl kănd zapovijedalešći?”
26 And they sayled vnto the region of ye Gaderenites which is over agaynst Galile.
Jej ur plovulit păn la malu dă Gerasa, kari ăj pă alta parći dă Galileja.
27 And as he went out to londe ther met him a certayne man out of ye cite which had a devyll longe tyme and ware noo clothes nether aboode in eny housse: but amonge graves.
Kum Isus u pus pišjorilje pă pămănt, ju vinjit dădănenči om dăm varuš kari are mar da multă dobă ku drašj ăm jăl. Jăl nu purta colji, šă nu kusta ăm kasă mar ăm gropur.
28 When he sawe Iesus he cryed and fell doune before him and with a loude voyce sayde: What have I to do with the Iesus the sonne of the God moost hyest? I beseche the torment me not.
Kănd lu văzutulă pă Isus, jăl u mužjit tari šă u kăzut dădănenći la jăl šă dăm tot graju u mužjit: “Šje gănđešč dă la minji, Isuse Fišjoru alu Dimizov, Maj Mari? Ju mă arog la činji să nu mă mučulešć!”
29 Then he comaunded ye foule sprete to come out of the man. For ofte tymes he caught him and he was bounde with chaynes and kept with fetters: and he brake the bondes and was caryed of the fende into wyldernes.
Draku ăl cănje mar multă vremi. Majnti ominji ku lancurlje ăl ljiga šă ăl păze, ali jăl tod daje rupe lancurlje šă draku lu mănat ăm pustinjă. Isus u dat zapovjed alu rov duhu să ješi afară dăm jăl.
30 And Iesus axed him sayinge: what is thy name? And he sayde: Legion because many devyls were entred into him.
Isus lu ăntribat: “Kum či čem?” Jăl u zăs: “Legija”, daje kă mulc drašj asre ăm jăl.
31 And they besought him yt he wolde not comaunde the to goo out into ye depe. (Abyssos g12)
Šă jej sur arugat la Isus să nu lji đe zapovjed să mergă ăm gropă făr dă dno. (Abyssos g12)
32 And ther was there by an heerde of many swyne fedynge on an hyll: and they besought him yt he wolde soffre the to enter into the. And he soffred the.
Akulo are mari stadă dă poršj šje mănka pă parće dă đal, šă jej sur arugat să dozvolulaskă să tunji ăm jej, šă Isus lju dazvolulit.
33 Then went the devyls out of the man and entred into the swyne: And the heerd toke their course and ran heedlynge into the lake and were choked.
Drašji dăm omula u fužjit ăm gărmadă poršj, šă stada dă poršj ur arljigată dă pă đal ăm jezero šă akulo sur ăntupit.
34 When the herdmen sawe what had chaunsed they fleed and tolde it in the cite and in the villages.
Ominji šje păze stado u skăpat kănd u văzut aje, šă jej ur dus hir ăm varuš šă ăm sat.
35 And they came out to se what was done: and came to Iesus and founde ye man out of who the devyls were departed sittynge at the fete of Iesus clothed and in his right mynde and they were afrayde.
Šă lume ur vinjit să vadă šje u fost aje. Kănd ur vinjit la Isus, jej ur aflat pă omu šje are ku drašj ăm jăl are ămbrăkăt, šă šăđe la pišjorilje alu Isus ku fire săntosă. Šă kănd u văzut aje kutotu jej sur ănfrikušat.
36 They also wich sawe it tolde the by what meanes he yt was possessed of ye devyll was healed.
Hej kari ur văzut or spus kum Isus u oslobodulešči pă omu ku drašj.
37 And all the whole multitude of ye cotrye of the Gaderenites besought him yt he wolde departe from the: for they were taken wt greate feare. And he gate him into the shippe and returned backe agayne.
Ali tota lume dăm lok ăm Gerasa ur zăs alu Isus să fugă dăm akulo kă asre tari ănfrikušac. Isus u tunat ăm kar šă gănđe să fugă ăm napoj.
38 Then the man out of whom the devyls were departed besought him yt he myght be wt him: But Iesus sent him awaye sayinge:
Omu dăm kari Isus u mănat afară dăm drašj să aruga la Isus: “Pot să fug ku činji?”, ali Isus lu mănat šă ju zăs:
39 Goo home agayne into thyne awne housse and shewe what great thinges God hath done to ye. And he went his waye and preached thorow out all the cite what great thinges Iesus had done vnto him.
“Dući ăm napoj akasă, šă spunji alu toc kutotu šje Dimizov u făkut dă činji.” Aša u mers akasă šă u širilit ăm varuš kutotu šje Isus u făkut păntru jăl.
40 And it fortuned when Iesus was come agayne that ye people receaved him. For they all wayted for him.
Gărmadă are akulo să ăl pozdravalaskă pă Isus kănd su ăntorsusă pă alta parči dă jezero, jej toc tari ăl aščipta pă jăl.
41 And beholde ther came a man named Iairus (and he was a ruler of ye synagoge) and he fell doune at Iesus fete and besought him yt he wolde come into his housse
Atunšje su pojavalit om kari să čima Jair vođa dă sinagogă. Jăl u vinjit la Isus šă u kăzut žos la pišjorilje aluj šă să aruga la jăl să vijă la jăl akasă daje kă
42 for he had but a doughter only apon a twelve yere of age and she laye a dyinge. And as he went the people thronged him.
jedina fata aluj dă dvanaest aj (12) dă bătărnă are pă morči. Isus u mers dă pă Jair kănd mulc să ămpinžje să fijă dapropi dă jăl.
43 And a woman havynge an issue of bloud twelve yeres (which had spent all her substance amonge phisicios nether coulde be holpen of eny)
Ăm gărmade are mujeri kari kărvarale dvanaest (12) aj šă je u čiltit kutotu šje ave pă doktur ali no aflat pă njime kari ar puće să u ozdravalaskă.
44 came behinde him and touched the hem of his garmet and immediatly her issue of bloud staunched.
Je u vinjit pă dănapoj šă su apukat pus dă cola alu Isus, šă sănžilje u stat să kuri.
45 And Iesus sayde: Who is it that touched me? when every man denyed Peter and they yt were with him sayde: Master the people thrust the and vexe the: and sayest thou who touched me?
“Šinji u pus măna pă minji?”, u ăntribat Isus. Toc zăšje kă nu ur pus. Atunšje Petar u zăs: “Domnu, tu vejs kum să ămpinži toc ominji la činji!”
46 And Iesus sayd: Some body touched me. For I perceave that vertue is gone out of me.
Isus u zăs: “Šinjiva u pus namjerno măna pă minji kă am sămcăt pučere kum jašă afară dăm minji.”
47 When the woman sawe that she was not hid she came trimblynge and fell at is fete and tolde him before all the people for what cause she had touched him and how she was healed immediatly.
Kănd u văzut mujere kă majmult nu poći cănje ăm je, je u vinjit ăm nenći trămurănt dă frikă, u kăzut ăm njenće alu Isus šă u spus la toc adăšje u pus măna pă jăl, šă kum u fost ozdravalită dăm turdată.
48 And he sayde vnto hyr: Doughter be of good comforte Thy faith hath made the hoale goo in peace.
Isus u zăs: “Fato, ănkriđala ata ću ozdravalit. Dući ăm putuljală!”
49 Whyll he yet spake there came one from ye rulers of the synagogis housse which sayde to him: thy doughter is deed disease not the master.
Kănd Isus svite ku mujere, glasniku dăm kasa alu vladaru dă sinagogă u vinjit šă u zăs: “Fata ata ăj mortă. Nu ăl gnjavali pă učitelj!”
50 When Iesus hearde that He answered the father sayinge: Feare not beleve only and she shalbe made whole.
Kănd u auzăt Isus aje, jăl u zăs alu Jair: “Nuc fijă frikă! Numa ănkređi mijă šă je u kusta!”
51 And when he came to ye housse he suffred no man to goo in with him save Peter Iames and Iohn and the father and the mother of the mayden.
Kănd ur vinjit jej la kasa, Isus nu lăsă să mergă ăm nontru ku jăl osim Petar, Ivan, Jakov šă mumăsa šă tatusu alu fate haje.
52 Every body weept and sorowed for her. And he sayde: Wepe not: for she is not deed but slepeth.
Šă toc ăm kasa plănžje šă u žalale, aša jăl u zăs: “Nu plănžjec. Je nuj mortă, numa să kulkat!”
53 And they lewgh him to scorne. For they knew that she was deed.
Jej ăl răđe pă Isus, kă jej asre sigurni kă je ăj mortă.
54 And he thrust the all out and caught her by the honde and cryed sayinge: Mayde aryse.
Isus atunšje u apukatu dă măna šă dăm tot graju u mužjit: “Skolăći kupilu amnjov!”
55 And hyr sprete came agayne and she roose strayght waye. And he commaunded to geve her meate.
Šă duhu alji su ăntorsăsă šă je su skulat dăm turdată. Isus u dat zapovjed atunšje să ăj đe šjeva să mănăšji.
56 And the father and the mother of hyr were astonyed. But he warned the that they shuld tell noo man what was done.
Roditelji alji asre ămirac a Isus lju purunšjit pă roditelji să nu spujă alu njime šje u fost.

< Luke 8 >