< Luke 8 >

1 And it fortuned after that that he him sylfe went throughout cities and tounes preachynge and shewinge ye kyngdom of God and the twelve with him.
Yahumila unsikhi usupi u Yisu akhava nu lugendo mu miji ni mijiji fingi alikukumbilila nu khuvavula inongwa inonu icha ludeva lwa Nguluve na vala kumi na mbili vakhaluta paninie nu mwene,
2 And also certayne wemen which wer healed of evell spretes and infirmities: Mary called Magdalen out of whom went seven devyls
navavange avadala uvuva khaponile ukhuhuma kumepo imbivi nu mutamu ulipapingi. Vakhale vi Mariamu uviali kwilangiwa magadalena uvi va khahumiche imepo saba.
3 and Ioanna ye wyfe of Chusa Herodees stewarde and Susanna and many other: which ministred vnto the of their substaunce.
UYoana udala va kuza nu numbaha va Herode, Susana, na vadala avange vingi, uvuvakhahumicha ifyuma fyavene.
4 When moch people were gadred to gether and were come to him out of all cities he spake by a similitude.
Eikhipungha khya vanu vavile valundamine papanie ukhuhuma mwonimwoni mbunchenge, vu ava anchovangha navo mfihwananincho. Pa akhanchova eikheihwani akhata.
5 A sower went out to sowe his seede: and as he sowed some fell by the waye syde and it was troden vnder fete and the foules of the ayre devoured it vp.
“alekhyo umunu uvei avyalyangha eimbiyu, avile ivyala, imbiyu inchinghe ncha nghwinchangha mundukanji munjeila pu avanu vakanya na malunde ifidenghe fya khukyanya fikhalya imbiyu incho.
6 And some fell on ston and assone as it was spronge vp it widdred awaye because it lacked moystnes.
Inchinge imbiyu ncha nghwile pang'ang'a unghwa palunalawe ncha vile nchimelile vuuchi kula punchilikhunialalukha ulwakhuva sapale na magasi.
7 And some fell amonge thornes and ye thornes spronge vp with it and choked it.
Imbiyu inchinge nchikhanghwamumitwinyo pungheileinkula pupanie punchikheivunghuteila.
8 And some fell on good grounde and sproge vp and bare frute an hondred foolde. And as he sayde these thinges he cryed: He that hath eares to heare let him heare.
Puleino imbeyu inchinge vu ilaha pakhuvyala palinkunghwa mung'ang'a unghunya mbolela nchikhamotekha punchikhahola isekhe nchunyingi. “Pu u Yisu avile anchovile ndavule pu akhanchova neilimenyu eilivaha fincho akhata, “Ula uvyaleini mbulukhuta inchakhupuleikha puapuleikhanghe.”
9 And his disciples axed him sayinge: what maner similitude is this?
Pu khange avakongi va mwene vakhambuncha ikheihwani eikhyo khyukhuta kheikhi,
10 And he sayde: vnto you is it geven to knowe the secretes of the kyngdom of God: but to other in similitudes that when they se they shuld not se: and when they heare they shuld not vnderstonde.
U Yisu akhavavula akhata, “Umwe muleihuba pakhuva munchimanyile nchila incha khuludeva lwa Nguluve. Pu leino avange vimanyeisiwangwa mfihwananincho, khuta pu vangalole valekhe ukhufivona, vangapuleikha valekhe ukhweliwa.'
11 The similitude is this. The seede is ye worde of God.
Pu leino ikheihwananincho ikhei vakhiita, khukhuta. Eimbeyu lyulimenyu lya Nguluve.
12 Thoose yt are besyde the waye are they that heare and afterwarde cometh ye devyll and taketh awaye the worde out of their hertes lest they shuld beleve and be saved.
Imbeyu nchila inchanghwile mundukanji munjeila vyu vanu avavipuleikha eilimenyu, pu ponghela undunghu usetano ikhwincha munumbula nvhavo puihencha eilimenyu leila eilyuvaleipulikhe ukhuta puvalekhe ukhulyeideikha nu khupokhiwa.
13 They on the stonnes are they which when they heare receave the worde with ioye. But these have noo rootes which for a whyle beleve and in tyme of temtacio goo awaye.
Pu leino nchiila inchanghwile palunalawe vyu vanu vala avipuleikha eilimenyu nu khulyupeileila nu luhekhelo pu leino valei vula milela eighya khweitotekha, puvikhweideikha paseikhei unghwa khunghelivwa puvinghwa.
14 And yt which fell amonge thornes are they which heare and goo forth and are choked wt cares and wt riches and volupteous lyvinge and bringe forth noo frute.
Nchombe imbeyu nchila incha nghwile mumatoni vyu vanu vala vavo vipukikha eilimenyu, pu leino inchankilunga nchikhuvapeinjeileihania imbombo incha vukavi ni fyuma nuvunonghwe uvwankeilunga pu savihola isekhe.
15 That in ye good grounde are they which with a good and pure hert heare the worde and kepe it and bringe forth frute with pacience.
Pu leino imbeyu nchincho ncha nghwile ming'anga unghunya mote pakhuva nghuleineimbolela vyu vanu, vala avadekhedekhe ni numbula inonu, vavapulikhe eilimenyu vikhulibaleileila nu khuleikonga puvihola ni sekhe incha khweliyumeleincha.
16 No man lyghteth a candell and covereth it vnder a vessell nether putteth it vnder ye table: but setteth it on a candelsticke that they that enter in maye se ye lyght.
Pu leino asikhuli umunu na yumo, uvi iwasya einyali nu khunghubeikheila nei ndelema hange siveikha pasi pakheisanja. Pu iveikha pa kyanya pavuhanghufu pakheisanja ukhuta avanu vavikhwingeila vavenchanghe vanu vakhula vukhuvalafu.
17 No thinge is in secret yt shall not come abroode: Nether eny thinge hyd that shall not be knowen and come to lyght.
Ulwakhuva kheisikhuli eikheiyakheiva khifihama, leve lyu limenyu leilyo saleikhamange ikheikhe nukhuva pavavalofu.
18 Take hede therfore how ye heare. For whosoever hath to him shalbe geve: And whosoever hath not fro him shalbe take even that same which he supposeth that he hath.
Pu leino muvenchanghe vanu vakhupuleikha nukhunchingahe incha nchila unchuvu puleikha pakhuva avyalei na khyo, uywavifikhyongelelangha vikhupinchangha, pu ula uvyaleivuvula na kheilakheila eikheidebe eikhya leinakhyo puvipokhangha khyope.”
19 Then came to him his mother and his brethren and coulde not come at him for prease.
Pu leino uvaninemwe va Yeisu na valukololwe puvakhanduteila pasavahenghelele pamwene savuli ya kheipungha khya vanu eikhyanchunghutile.
20 And they tolde him sayinge: Thy mother and thy brethren stonde with out and wolde se the.
Pu vakhambula vakhata, “Uvanine mwa vakho navalukololyo veimile panchi vilonda ukhwa nghanila nuve.
21 He answered and sayd vnto them: my mother and my brethren are these which heare the worde of God and do it.
Pu leino, u Yeisu akhata”, Ujyuva vango navalukolo lwango vyu vala avikhuleipuleikha eilimenyu lya Nguluve nukhuleikonga.”
22 And it chaunsed on a certayne daye that he went into a shippe and his disciples also and he sayde vnto them: Let vs goo over vnto the other syde of the lake. And they Lanched forthe.
Pu yeikhava eiliinchuva leimo u Yeisu navakongi vamwene vakhingeila muvwato, pu akhavavula akhata, “Pu tulove khe einyanja tulute khumwambo, puvakhatesyania uvwato.
23 And as they sayled he fell a slepe and there arose a storme of wynde in ye lake and they were fylled with water and were in ieopardy.
Pu vavile valei munyanja vinghenda, u Yeisu akhanghonelela itulu pu umbelo umbaha nghukha tenghula ukhukulunghuta, pu uvwato vwavo vukhanja ukhudeingha amanghasi pa vakhavmumbupala uvwakhufwa.
24 And they went to him and awoke him sayinge: Master Master we are loost. Then he arose and rebuked the wynde and the tempest of water and they ceased and it wexed calme.
Pu avakongi vamwene vakhaluta upwanghonile u Yisu vakhasisimula, vakhata, “Nkuludeva Nkuludeva! Tuleipakhufwa!” Pu akhasisimukha akhanghutaneila umbelo unghunyakulunghuto, pu amanghasi anghambelo nu kulunghuto nghakhalitama vuvule.
25 And he sayd vnto the: where is youre faith? They feared and wondred sayinge one to another: what felowe is this? for he comaundeth bothe the wyndes and water and they obey him?
Pu akhavavula akhata, “Ulwelideikho lweinyo luleindakhu?” Vakhadwada nukhudengha vavo kheila munu aleinkudeingha nukhuta, “Uyu vei munu, mukhi pakhuva umbelo nghwa manghasi anghanyakulunghuto nghikhupuleikha nukhumweideikha?”
26 And they sayled vnto the region of ye Gaderenites which is over agaynst Galile.
Puvakha`nchifikhe khuvunchenge uvwa kheilunga eikhya Nghelaseni uvanchenge uvulei khulavafu ulwakhusana mu Nghalilaya.
27 And as he went out to londe ther met him a certayne man out of ye cite which had a devyll longe tyme and ware noo clothes nether aboode in eny housse: but amonge graves.
Avile ahumile muvwato pukhava mukheilunga eikhya mwambo khunyanja pu akhanghanila nu munu umo uvambunghenge vula, pu umana uyu ale namakha nghamepo imbivi. Pa finghono fingi akhava sifwala eimyenda, hange saleikhuta munyumba, aleikhutama khuvunghuli vwa vanu avafwile.
28 When he sawe Iesus he cryed and fell doune before him and with a loude voyce sayde: What have I to do with the Iesus the sonne of the God moost hyest? I beseche the torment me not.
Avile ambwene u Yisu pu akhakutafincho puakhanghwa pasi mbulungholo khwa Yeisu, akhakuta nukhyovela fincho aleikhuta, neivombile khinu kheikhi khulyuve, Yeisu vei mwana va Nguluve uvakhukyanya? Nikhukhudova, ulekhe ukhumbunga une”
29 Then he comaunded ye foule sprete to come out of the man. For ofte tymes he caught him and he was bounde with chaynes and kept with fetters: and he brake the bondes and was caryed of the fende into wyldernes.
Pu u Yeisu akhayeilangeila eimepo eimbivi akhata, humangha, ulwakhuva isikhunchoni umepo umbivi aleikhung'usania khyoni khyoni ukhwanukhwa. Pu avanine valeikhundolela nu khunkunga eiminyololo pwaleikhudumulania imepo imbivi nchilikhundongoncha impakha mundunkunghu mumakha ngha mepo ula.
30 And Iesus axed him sayinge: what is thy name? And he sayde: Legion because many devyls were entred into him.
U Yeisu akhambuncha akhata, “Eiliyavwa lyakho veve veni?” Pu akhamula akhata, “Nene kheipungha” Ulwakhuva imepo imbivi nchunyingi nchingile mumwene.
31 And they besought him yt he wolde not comaunde the to goo out into ye depe. (Abyssos g12)
Pu imepo imbivi nchisikhupisima khwa Yeisu ukhuta siwo ulekhe ukhututangha munghunghenge. (Abyssos g12)
32 And ther was there by an heerde of many swyne fedynge on an hyll: and they besought him yt he wolde soffre the to enter into the. And he soffred the.
Pu leino khyale epwo eikheipungha khya nghube eikhivaha kheikhalya eilinyasi pakhyamba. Puvakhaduva nu khusima ukhuta avatavulile vinghile munghube incho pu u Yeisu akhavatavula munghube incho.
33 Then went the devyls out of the man and entred into the swyne: And the heerd toke their course and ran heedlynge into the lake and were choked.
Pu leino imepo imbivi nchikhala uma khumunu ula panchikhingeila mu nghube nchile, pu eikhipungha kheila pukheikhei landaveikha palunghenge kheikheitangha munyanja nchikhadwiveila.
34 When the herdmen sawe what had chaunsed they fleed and tolde it in the cite and in the villages.
Avanu vala avadumangha einghube vavile vakheivwene eikheihumile ndavule puvakhava vanu vakhuluta nimbeilo nu khuvuleisya inongwa inchi mwoni mwoni khuvanu va mbunchenghe vwoni.
35 And they came out to se what was done: and came to Iesus and founde ye man out of who the devyls were departed sittynge at the fete of Iesus clothed and in his right mynde and they were afrayde.
Avanu vuvapuleikhe inongwa ndenchi puvakhaluta khukheilolela vavo eikheihumila, puvakhincha khwa Yeisu vakhambona imbivi leino nchihumile pu umunu ula akhava ulunonghile. Akhava atamile pamalunde ngha Yeisu, puvakhadwada.
36 They also wich sawe it tolde the by what meanes he yt was possessed of ye devyll was healed.
Pavala vavo valolile puvakhavavula inchihumila khumunu ula uveiakhanghatanchivwangha nu vulongonchi vwa mepo imbivi u aponile.
37 And all the whole multitude of ye cotrye of the Gaderenites besought him yt he wolde departe from the: for they were taken wt greate feare. And he gate him into the shippe and returned backe agayne.
Avanu voni avakheihungha eikhya mu Nghelasini na mufilonga ifya ndukanchi pu khavona ukhuta u Yeisu ahenghanghe khuvene pakhuva vale nuvudwanchi uvuvaha. Pu akhingheila muvwato aleikhuvaya.
38 Then the man out of whom the devyls were departed besought him yt he myght be wt him: But Iesus sent him awaye sayinge:
Umunu ula uvei imepo chahumile puakhasima khwa Yeisu akhata vahenghanghe njeila. Pu leino u Yeisu akhambula akhata alutanghe khukaya ya mwene akhata,
39 Goo home agayne into thyne awne housse and shewe what great thinges God hath done to ye. And he went his waye and preached thorow out all the cite what great thinges Iesus had done vnto him.
“Vuya khukaya yakho pu ukheisanghele nchila nchoni inchu u Yeisu akhuvombile.
40 And it fortuned when Iesus was come agayne that ye people receaved him. For they all wayted for him.
Pu U Yeisu avile, avuyile avanu eikheipungha vakhamwambeileila pakhuva voni valeikhunghuleila.
41 And beholde ther came a man named Iairus (and he was a ruler of ye synagoge) and he fell doune at Iesus fete and besought him yt he wolde come into his housse
Pu akhavonakha nu munu umo uvu alilangivwanghwa vei. Yailo ale manyisi mbaha paninie navamanyisi munyumba ya khweisayeila. Yailo uyu avile afikhe pamalunde ngha Yeisu pwaeikhwaeibeilusya nukhusima ukhuta idova alute pakaya ya mwene,
42 for he had but a doughter only apon a twelve yere of age and she laye a dyinge. And as he went the people thronged him.
pakhuva alei nu mwaleive umo vuvule uludeingha unymiakha kheinchingo na ngheiveilei aleilamu fincho nduvyaleipakhufwa. Pu u Yeisu avile iluta eikheipungha khya vanu kheileikhu mbunghuteileila.
43 And a woman havynge an issue of bloud twelve yeres (which had spent all her substance amonge phisicios nether coulde be holpen of eny)
Hange na Yudala umo uveiavenchangha khwimali ifinghono fyoni eimiakha kheinchingho neingheiveilei pu nakheikhyuma khyamwene amalile khuvanghanga alepwo pakhipungha kheila, pu asikhuli na yumo unghanga aveiayavile eilimali lyamwene, Pu udala ula akhafuyenye lukha pakhelipunga
44 came behinde him and touched the hem of his garmet and immediatly her issue of bloud staunched.
akhanchiva pasana nghwa Yeisu akhabasya mukheihundwa khya Yeisu khumalunde. Pu akhasekhe ndakhaleikhu eilimali lya mwene leikhadungha akhava aponile.
45 And Iesus sayde: Who is it that touched me? when every man denyed Peter and they yt were with him sayde: Master the people thrust the and vexe the: and sayest thou who touched me?
U Yeisu pu akhata, “Veeni uveianyabasinche?” Vooni vakhabela, pu u Peteli akhata, Nkuludeva, avanu avavakhuvunghuleilile nukhukhu kulungha.”
46 And Iesus sayd: Some body touched me. For I perceave that vertue is gone out of me.
Pu Yeisu leino akhata, “Umunu umo anyabasinche pakhuva neivwene ukhuta amakha nghavile mapepe nghasimuli ndyune.”
47 When the woman sawe that she was not hid she came trimblynge and fell at is fete and tolde him before all the people for what cause she had touched him and how she was healed immediatly.
Pu udala ula avile avwene ilemwa ukhweimyesya eikhyu avombile, akhahengelela pa Yeisu khunu itetema pu akhanghwa pasi akhava munu uvei ikheilata inchipelile ukhumwabasya nukhupona eilimali paalapala.
48 And he sayde vnto hyr: Doughter be of good comforte Thy faith hath made the hoale goo in peace.
Pu leino u Yeisu akhata, “Eingh'ienja, ulwaideikho lwa kho lukhuponiche. Pu wei luteilanghe nulunonchehencho.”
49 Whyll he yet spake there came one from ye rulers of the synagogis housse which sayde to him: thy doughter is deed disease not the master.
Pu avile iinchova ndavule, umunu umo akhincha ukhuma khu kya ya ula umbaha vanyumba ya kweisayeila, akhata, “Umwaleivo amalile ukhufwa. ulekhe ukhunghatancha umanyisi.”
50 When Iesus hearde that He answered the father sayinge: Feare not beleve only and she shalbe made whole.
Pu leino u Yeisu avile, apulikhe ndavuleakhamula akhata, “Ulekhe. Ukhudwada vweideikhevuvule navope ipokhivwa.”
51 And when he came to ye housse he suffred no man to goo in with him save Peter Iames and Iohn and the father and the mother of the mayden.
Pu leino avile afikhe pakaya nukhweingeila munyumba, pusantavuleile munu ukhwingeila paninie nu mwene, pu u Peteli, nu Yohani nu Yakobo, vise va ngh'eincha, nu vaninemwa veene.
52 Every body weept and sorowed for her. And he sayde: Wepe not: for she is not deed but slepeth.
Pu avanu voni valeikhuleila nukhyovela savuli ya mwana ula uvyafwile, pu u Yeisu akhata, “Mulekhe ukhyovela, safwile, anghonelile vuvule.”
53 And they lewgh him to scorne. For they knew that she was deed.
Pu leino avanu vakhang'ekha nukhubedana, pakhuva valumanyile ukhuta afwile.
54 And he thrust the all out and caught her by the honde and cryed sayinge: Mayde aryse.
Pu umwene, u Yeisu akhamwibata ikhivokho u ngh'eincha ula, pu akheilanga neilimenyu eilivaha akhata, “Vei mwana, uve sisimukha”
55 And hyr sprete came agayne and she roose strayght waye. And he commaunded to geve her meate.
pu u mwuyu nghwa mwene nghukhakilivukha, pu akhasisimukha useikhei nghulanghula, pu akhalangheila akhata vampe kheininie alye.
56 And the father and the mother of hyr were astonyed. But he warned the that they shuld tell noo man what was done.
Avahonchi vamwene vakhaswingha, pu leino akhavavula ululangeilo ukhuta valambu langha munu inongwa inchi.

< Luke 8 >