< Luke 8 >

1 And it fortuned after that that he him sylfe went throughout cities and tounes preachynge and shewinge ye kyngdom of God and the twelve with him.
Mgbe ihe ndị a gasịrị, ọ gara nʼobodo ukwu niile na nʼobodo nta niile na-ekwusa ma na-ewetakwara ndị mmadụ oziọma nke alaeze Chineke. Ndị ozi iri na abụọ ahụ sokwa ya,
2 And also certayne wemen which wer healed of evell spretes and infirmities: Mary called Magdalen out of whom went seven devyls
na ụmụ nwanyị ụfọdụ ndị a chụpụrụ mmụọ ọjọọ site nʼime ha, gwọkwa ha nrịa nrịa: Meri Magdalin onye e sitere nʼime ya chụpụ mmụọ ọjọọ asaa,
3 and Ioanna ye wyfe of Chusa Herodees stewarde and Susanna and many other: which ministred vnto the of their substaunce.
na Joana nwunye Chuza onye na-elekọta ụlọeze Herọd na akụ ya niile, na Suzana, na ọtụtụ ndị ọzọ ndị ji akụ ha na-enyere ha aka.
4 When moch people were gadred to gether and were come to him out of all cities he spake by a similitude.
Mgbe oke igwe mmadụ gbakọrọ ha na ndị mmadụ si nʼobodo dị iche iche bịakwute ya. Ọ tụụrụ ha ilu a sị,
5 A sower went out to sowe his seede: and as he sowed some fell by the waye syde and it was troden vnder fete and the foules of the ayre devoured it vp.
“Ọgha mkpụrụ pụrụ ịkụ mkpụrụ ya, mgbe ọ nọ na-agha mkpụrụ ndị a, ụfọdụ nʼime mkpụrụ ahụ dara nʼakụkụ ụzọ ebe ndị mmadụ zọrọ ha ụkwụ, ụmụ nnụnụ bịakwara tụrịa ha loo.
6 And some fell on ston and assone as it was spronge vp it widdred awaye because it lacked moystnes.
Ụfọdụ nʼime ha dakwasịrị nʼelu nkume. Mgbe ha puputara chọọ ito, ha kpọnwụrụ nʼihi na mgbọrọgwụ ha enweghị ike ịmịta mmiri mkpụrụ ahụ ga-eji dị ndụ.
7 And some fell amonge thornes and ye thornes spronge vp with it and choked it.
Ụfọdụ dara nʼetiti ogwu, ogwu ndị a sooro ha puo ma kpagbuo ha.
8 And some fell on good grounde and sproge vp and bare frute an hondred foolde. And as he sayde these thinges he cryed: He that hath eares to heare let him heare.
Ụfọdụ nʼime mkpụrụ dara nʼezi ala. Ha puputara, too, mịa mkpụrụ dị otu narị nʼọnụọgụgụ.” Mgbe o kwusiri nke a, ọ sịrị ha, “Onye ọbụla nwere ntị ịnụ ihe, ya nụrụ.”
9 And his disciples axed him sayinge: what maner similitude is this?
Ndị na-eso ụzọ ya jụrụ ya ihe ilu a pụtara.
10 And he sayde: vnto you is it geven to knowe the secretes of the kyngdom of God: but to other in similitudes that when they se they shuld not se: and when they heare they shuld not vnderstonde.
Ọ sịrị, “Ọ bụ unu ka e nyere ịmata ihe omimi niile nke alaeze Chineke, ma ndị ọzọ ga-anụ ya naanị nʼilu. Site nʼụzọ dị otu a, “‘ha ga na-ele anya, ma ha agaghị ahụ ihe ọbụla. Ha ga na-anụ ntị ma ha agaghị aghọta ihe ọbụla.’
11 The similitude is this. The seede is ye worde of God.
“Nke a bụ nkọwa ilu ahụ. Mkpụrụ ahụ bụ okwu Chineke.
12 Thoose yt are besyde the waye are they that heare and afterwarde cometh ye devyll and taketh awaye the worde out of their hertes lest they shuld beleve and be saved.
Mkpụrụ dara nʼakụkụ ụzọ nọchiri anya ndị nụrụ okwu Chineke, ma ekwensu bịara napụ ha okwu ahụ nʼobi ha, ka ha ghara ikwere ma nwetakwa nzọpụta.
13 They on the stonnes are they which when they heare receave the worde with ioye. But these have noo rootes which for a whyle beleve and in tyme of temtacio goo awaye.
Mkpụrụ ndị ahụ dara nʼelu nkume nọchiri anya ndị nụrụ okwu Chineke jiri ọṅụ nabata ya, ma ha enweghị mgbọrọgwụ nʼime ha. Ha na-ekwere naanị nwa oge nta, ma mgbe ọnwụnwa bịara ha na-adachapụ.
14 And yt which fell amonge thornes are they which heare and goo forth and are choked wt cares and wt riches and volupteous lyvinge and bringe forth noo frute.
Mkpụrụ nke dara nʼetiti ogwu nọchiri anya ndị nụrụ okwu Chineke, ma mgbe ha na-aga nʼụzọ ha, echiche banyere akụ na ihe ụtọ nke ụwa na-akpagbu okwu ahụ, mee ka ha ghara ịmị mkpụrụ.
15 That in ye good grounde are they which with a good and pure hert heare the worde and kepe it and bringe forth frute with pacience.
Ma mkpụrụ ndị ahụ dara nʼezi ala nọchiri anya ndị jiri obi ghere oghe na mmụọ ziri ezi nabata okwu ahụ ma werekwa ndidi mịpụta mkpụrụ.
16 No man lyghteth a candell and covereth it vnder a vessell nether putteth it vnder ye table: but setteth it on a candelsticke that they that enter in maye se ye lyght.
“Ọ dịghị onye ọbụla, nke na-amụnye oriọna zoo ya nʼime igbe maọbụ dọnye ya nʼokpuru ihe ndina. Kama, ọ na-adọkwasị ya nʼelu ihe ịdọba ọkụ ka ndị ọbụla na-abata nʼụlọ ahụ jiri ya hụ ụzọ.
17 No thinge is in secret yt shall not come abroode: Nether eny thinge hyd that shall not be knowen and come to lyght.
Ọ dịghị ihe ọbụla zoro ezo nke na-agaghị emesịa pụta ìhè, ọ dịkwaghị ihe ọbụla dị nzuzo nke a na-aghaghị eme ka ọ pụta ìhè.
18 Take hede therfore how ye heare. For whosoever hath to him shalbe geve: And whosoever hath not fro him shalbe take even that same which he supposeth that he hath.
Ya mere, kpacharanụ anya otu unu si ege ntị. Nʼihi na ọ bụ onye ahụ nwere ihe ka a ga-enye karịa, ma onye ahụ na-enweghị, ọ bụladị nke o nwere, ka a ga-anapụ ya.”
19 Then came to him his mother and his brethren and coulde not come at him for prease.
Nʼoge a, nne ya na ụmụnne ya nwoke bịakwutere ya. Ma ha enweghị ike ịbịaru ya nso nʼihi igwe mmadụ.
20 And they tolde him sayinge: Thy mother and thy brethren stonde with out and wolde se the.
Otu onye gwara ya sị, “Nne gị na ụmụnne gị ndị nwoke guzo nʼezi, ha chọrọ ịhụ gị.”
21 He answered and sayd vnto them: my mother and my brethren are these which heare the worde of God and do it.
Ọ zara sị, “Nne m na ụmụnne m ndị nwoke bụ ndị ahụ na-anụ okwu Chineke ma jiri ya mere ihe.”
22 And it chaunsed on a certayne daye that he went into a shippe and his disciples also and he sayde vnto them: Let vs goo over vnto the other syde of the lake. And they Lanched forthe.
Otu ụbọchị, ya na ndị na-eso ụzọ ya banyere nʼụgbọ mmiri, ọ sịrị ha, “Ka anyị gafee nʼofe nke ọzọ nke osimiri.” Nke a mere ha ji nụpụ ụgbọ,
23 And as they sayled he fell a slepe and there arose a storme of wynde in ye lake and they were fylled with water and were in ieopardy.
ma mgbe ha na-aga, ọ rahụrụ ụra. Oke ifufe malitere ife nʼelu ọdọ mmiri ahụ, nke mere na mmiri na-awụbanye nʼime ụgbọ ha, mee ka ha nọrọ nʼoke nsogbu.
24 And they went to him and awoke him sayinge: Master Master we are loost. Then he arose and rebuked the wynde and the tempest of water and they ceased and it wexed calme.
Ha gara kpọtee ya na-eti mkpu, “Nna anyị ukwu! Nna anyị ukwu! Lee na anyị nʼala nʼiyi!” O biliri, baara ifufe na ebili mmiri ahụ mba. Ha dara jụụ, ebe niile dekwara jii.
25 And he sayd vnto the: where is youre faith? They feared and wondred sayinge one to another: what felowe is this? for he comaundeth bothe the wyndes and water and they obey him?
Ọ sịrị ha, “Ebee ka okwukwe unu dị?” Ha ji oke egwu na oke iju anya jụrịta onwe ha sị, “Onye bụ onye a? Ọ na-enye ọ bụladị ifufe na ebili mmiri iwu, ha na-aṅakwa ya ntị.”
26 And they sayled vnto the region of ye Gaderenites which is over agaynst Galile.
Ha kwọrọ ụgbọ mmiri rute nʼala Gerazin, nke dị nʼofe mmiri Galili.
27 And as he went out to londe ther met him a certayne man out of ye cite which had a devyll longe tyme and ware noo clothes nether aboode in eny housse: but amonge graves.
Mgbe o si nʼụgbọ mmiri rịpụta nʼelu ala, otu nwoke obodo ahụ onye mmụọ ọjọọ bi nʼime ya zutere ya. Nwoke a ebighị nʼụlọ maọbụ yie uwe ogologo oge, ma ebe obibi ya bụ ebe a na-eli ozu.
28 When he sawe Iesus he cryed and fell doune before him and with a loude voyce sayde: What have I to do with the Iesus the sonne of the God moost hyest? I beseche the torment me not.
Mgbe ọ hụrụ Jisọs, ọ bịara daa nʼihu ya, tie mkpu nʼoke olu sị, “Gịnị ka mụ na gị nwekọrọ Jisọs, Ọkpara Chineke Onye kachasị ihe niile elu? Biko arịọ m gị, atala m ahụhụ.”
29 Then he comaunded ye foule sprete to come out of the man. For ofte tymes he caught him and he was bounde with chaynes and kept with fetters: and he brake the bondes and was caryed of the fende into wyldernes.
Nʼihi na o nyela mmụọ ahụ na-adịghị ọcha iwu ka o site nʼime ya pụta. Ọtụtụ oge, mmụọ ọjọọ a na-ejidesi ya ike, nʼagbanyeghị na eji ụdọ igwe kee ya aka na ụkwụ, debe ebe a na-eche ya nche, ọ na-adọbisi ụdọ igwe e ji kee ya, mmụọ ọjọọ a na-eduru ya gaa nʼime ọzara.
30 And Iesus axed him sayinge: what is thy name? And he sayde: Legion because many devyls were entred into him.
Jisọs jụrụ ya sị, “Gịnị bụ aha gị?” Ọ zara sị, “Lijiọn,” nʼihi na igwe mmụọ ọjọọ bi nʼime ya.
31 And they besought him yt he wolde not comaunde the to goo out into ye depe. (Abyssos g12)
Ha rịọsiri ya arịrịọ ike ka ọ ghara inye ha iwu ka ha banye nʼAbis. (Abyssos g12)
32 And ther was there by an heerde of many swyne fedynge on an hyll: and they besought him yt he wolde soffre the to enter into the. And he soffred the.
Igwe ezi nọ nʼakụkụ ugwu dị ebe ahụ nso na-akpa nri. Mmụọ ọjọọ ndị a rịọrọ Jisọs ka o nye ha ike ka ha banye nʼime ha. Jisọs nyere ha ike.
33 Then went the devyls out of the man and entred into the swyne: And the heerd toke their course and ran heedlynge into the lake and were choked.
Mmụọ ọjọọ ndị ahụ sitere nʼime nwoke a pụọ banye nʼime ezi ndị ahụ, igwe ezi ahụ niile sitere na mkputamkpu ala ọnụ mmiri ahụ gbara ọsọ dabanyechaa nʼime mmiri ebe osimiri riri ha.
34 When the herdmen sawe what had chaunsed they fleed and tolde it in the cite and in the villages.
Mgbe ndị na-elekọta ezi ahụ hụrụ ihe mere, ha gbara ọsọ gaa nʼime obodo na nʼobodo nta niile dị gburugburu ebe ahụ kọsaa ihe mere.
35 And they came out to se what was done: and came to Iesus and founde ye man out of who the devyls were departed sittynge at the fete of Iesus clothed and in his right mynde and they were afrayde.
Ndị mmadụ pụtara ịhụ ihe mere. Mgbe ha rutere ebe Jisọs nọ, ha hụrụ nwoke ahụ e si nʼime ya chụpụ mmụọ ọjọọ ndị ahụ, ebe ọ nọdụrụ ala yiri uwe ma nọrọkwa nʼezi uche ya. Egwu tụrụ ha.
36 They also wich sawe it tolde the by what meanes he yt was possessed of ye devyll was healed.
Ndị hụrụ ka ihe a si mee kọọrọ ha ka e siri gwọọ onye ahụ mmụọ ọjọọ na-esogbu.
37 And all the whole multitude of ye cotrye of the Gaderenites besought him yt he wolde departe from the: for they were taken wt greate feare. And he gate him into the shippe and returned backe agayne.
Mgbe ahụ, ndị niile bi na Gerazin na nʼobodo gbara ebe ahụ gburugburu rịọrọ Jisọs ka ọ hapụrụ ha obodo ha, nʼihi na egwu dị ukwuu tụrụ ha. Ọ banyekwara nʼime ụgbọ mmiri ahụ laghachi.
38 Then the man out of whom the devyls were departed besought him yt he myght be wt him: But Iesus sent him awaye sayinge:
Nwoke a e sitere nʼime ya chụpụ mmụọ ọjọọ rịọrọ ya ka o soro ya ma o zilagara ya, sị ya,
39 Goo home agayne into thyne awne housse and shewe what great thinges God hath done to ye. And he went his waye and preached thorow out all the cite what great thinges Iesus had done vnto him.
“Laghachi nʼezinaụlọ gị kọọrọ ha ihe niile Chineke meere gị.” Nwoke ahụ lara, gbasaa akụkọ ihe Jisọs meere ya nʼobodo ahụ niile.
40 And it fortuned when Iesus was come agayne that ye people receaved him. For they all wayted for him.
Mgbe Jisọs lọghachiri, igwe mmadụ nabatara ya nʼihi na ha niile na-eche ya.
41 And beholde ther came a man named Iairus (and he was a ruler of ye synagoge) and he fell doune at Iesus fete and besought him yt he wolde come into his housse
Mgbe ahụ otu nwoke nke aha ya bụ Jairọs, onye bụ onyeisi nʼụlọ ekpere, bịara daa nʼala nʼụkwụ Jisọs na-arịọ ya ka ọ bịa nʼụlọ ya.
42 for he had but a doughter only apon a twelve yere of age and she laye a dyinge. And as he went the people thronged him.
Nʼihi na otu nwata nwanyị ọ mụtara naanị ya, nke gbara afọ iri na abụọ nọ nʼọnụ ọnwụ. Mgbe ọ na-aga, igwe mmadụ ahụ na-akpagbu ya.
43 And a woman havynge an issue of bloud twelve yeres (which had spent all her substance amonge phisicios nether coulde be holpen of eny)
Ọ dị otu nwanyị nʼetiti ha nke nọrịị na-arịa ọrịa oruru ọbara afọ iri na abụọ, onye mefuru ihe niile o ji nʼaka ndị dibịa, ma ọ dịghị onye nwere ike ịgwọ ya.
44 came behinde him and touched the hem of his garmet and immediatly her issue of bloud staunched.
O sitere nʼazụ ya metụ ọnụ uwe ya aka. Ngwangwa, ọrịa oruru ọbara ahụ kwụsịkwara.
45 And Iesus sayde: Who is it that touched me? when every man denyed Peter and they yt were with him sayde: Master the people thrust the and vexe the: and sayest thou who touched me?
Jisọs sịrị, “Onye metụrụ m aka?” Mgbe ọ na-enweghị onye pụtara kwuo sị na ọ bụ ya. Pita gwara ya sị, “Nna anyị ukwu, igwe mmadụ gbara gị gburugburu na-adakwasịkwa gị.”
46 And Iesus sayd: Some body touched me. For I perceave that vertue is gone out of me.
Ma Jisọs sịrị, “Otu onye metụrụ m aka; amatara m na ike esitela nʼime m pụọ.”
47 When the woman sawe that she was not hid she came trimblynge and fell at is fete and tolde him before all the people for what cause she had touched him and how she was healed immediatly.
Mgbe nwanyị ahụ hụrụ na ọ dịkwaghị ihe o nwere ike ime iji zoo onwe ya, o ji ịma jijiji bịa daa nʼụkwụ ya. Nʼihu mmadụ niile, ọ kọrọ ihe mere o ji metụ ya aka na otu e sị gwọọ ya nʼotu ntabi anya.
48 And he sayde vnto hyr: Doughter be of good comforte Thy faith hath made the hoale goo in peace.
Ọ gwara ya sị, “Ada m nwanyị, okwukwe gị agwọọla gị. Laa nʼudo.”
49 Whyll he yet spake there came one from ye rulers of the synagogis housse which sayde to him: thy doughter is deed disease not the master.
Mgbe ọ ka nọ na-ekwu okwu, otu onye si nʼụlọ Jairọs bụ onyeisi ụlọ ekpere, bịara sị, “Ada gị nwanyị anwụọla, enyekwala onye ozizi nsogbu ọzọ.”
50 When Iesus hearde that He answered the father sayinge: Feare not beleve only and she shalbe made whole.
Ma mgbe Jisọs nụrụ ozi a, ọ zara ya sị, “Atụla egwu, naanị kwere, a ga-agwọkwa ya.”
51 And when he came to ye housse he suffred no man to goo in with him save Peter Iames and Iohn and the father and the mother of the mayden.
Mgbe o rutere nʼụlọ Jairọs, o kweghị ka onye ọbụla soro ya baa nʼime ụlọ ahụ ma ọ bụghị naanị Pita, Jọn, Jemis, nne na nna nwata ahụ.
52 Every body weept and sorowed for her. And he sayde: Wepe not: for she is not deed but slepeth.
Nʼoge ahụ, ha niile nọ na-ebe akwa na-eru ụjụ maka nwata ahụ. Ọ sịrị ha, “Unu ebezila akwa, nʼihi na ọ nwụghị anwụ kama ọ nọ nʼụra.”
53 And they lewgh him to scorne. For they knew that she was deed.
Ha chịrị ya ọchị, nʼihi na ha matara na ọ nwụrụ anwụ.
54 And he thrust the all out and caught her by the honde and cryed sayinge: Mayde aryse.
Ma o jidere ya nʼaka, sị, “Nwa m, bilie!”
55 And hyr sprete came agayne and she roose strayght waye. And he commaunded to geve her meate.
Mmụọ ya lọghachiri, o bilitekwara mgbe ahụ. Ọ gwakwara ha ka ha chọọrọ ya nri ka o rie.
56 And the father and the mother of hyr were astonyed. But he warned the that they shuld tell noo man what was done.
Ihe a gbara ndị mụrụ ya gharịị ma ọ nyere ha iwu ka ha ghara ịkọrọ onye ọbụla ihe mere.

< Luke 8 >