< Luke 4 >

1 Iesus then full of the holy goost returnyd fro Iordan and was caryed of ye sprete into wildernes
Andin Eysa Muqeddes Rohqa tolup, Iordan deryasidin qaytip kélip, Roh teripidin chöl-bayawan’gha élip bérildi.
2 and was. xl. dayes tempted of the devyll. And in thoose dayes ate he no thinge. And when they were ended he afterward hongred.
U u yerde qiriq kün Iblis teripidin sinaldi. U bu künlerde héchnerse yémidi. Künler ayaghlashqanda, uning qorsiqi taza achqanidi.
3 And the devyll sayde vnto him: yf thou be the sonne of God comaunde this stone yt it be breed.
Emdi Iblis uninggha: — Sen eger Xudaning Oghli bolsang, mushu tashqa: «Nan’gha aylan!» dep buyrughin — dédi.
4 And Iesus answered hym sayinge: It is writte: man shall not live by breed only but by every worde of God.
Eysa uninggha jawaben: — [Tewratta]: «Insan peqet nan bilenla emes, belki Xudaning herbir sözi bilenmu yashaydu» dep yézilghan, — dédi.
5 And ye devyll toke him vp into an hye moutayne and shewed him all the kyngdoms of the worlde eve in ye twincklinge of an eye.
Iblis yene uni égiz bir taghqa bashlap chiqip, bir deqiqe ichide dunyadiki barliq döletlerni uninggha körsetti.
6 And ye devyll sayde vnto him: all this power will I geve ye every whit and the glory of the: for yt is delyvered to me and to whosoever I will I geve it.
Iblis uninggha: — Men bu hakimiyetning hemmisini we uninggha tewe barliq shanushewketlerni sanga teqdim qilimen; chünki bular manga tapshurulghan, men uni kimge bérishni xalisam, shuninggha bérimen.
7 Yf thou therfore wilt worshippe me they shalbe all thyne.
Eger bash qoyup manga sejde qilsang, bularning hemmisi séningki bolidu, — dédi.
8 Iesus answered him and sayde: hence from me Sathan. For it is written: Thou shalt honour the Lorde thy God and him only serve.
Eysa uninggha jawab bérip: — [Tewratta]: «Perwerdigar Xudayingghila ibadet qil, peqet Uningla qulluqida bol!» dep yézilghan, — dédi.
9 And he caryed him to Ierusalem and set him on a pynacle of the temple and sayd vnto him: Yf thou be the sonne of God cast thy silfe doune from hens.
Andin Iblis uni Yérusalémgha élip bardi we uni ibadetxanining eng égiz jayigha turghuzup: — Xudaning Oghli bolsang, özüngni peske tashlap baqqin!
10 For it is written he shall geve his angels charge over the to kepe the
Chünki [Tewratta]: «[Xuda] Öz perishtilirige séni qoghdash heqqide emr qilidu»;
11 and with there hondis they shall stey the vp that thou dasshe not thy fote agaynst a stone.
we, «Putungning tashqa urulup ketmesliki üchün, ular séni qollirida kötürüp yüridu» dep yézilghan, — dédi.
12 Iesus answered and sayde to him it is sayd: thou shalt not tempte the Lorde thy God.
Eysa uninggha: — «[Tewratta]: «Perwerdigar Xudayingni sinighuchi bolma!» depmu yézilghan, — dédi.
13 Assone as the devyll had ended all his temptacions he departed from him for a season.
Iblis barliq sinashlarni ishlitip chiqqandin kéyin, uni waqtinche tashlap kétip qaldi.
14 And Iesus retourned by the power of ye sprete in to Galile and there went a fame of him thorowe oute all the regio roude aboute.
Eysa Rohning küch-qudriti ichide Galiliye ölkisige qaytip keldi. Shuning bilen uning xewer-shöhriti etraptiki herbir yurtlargha tarqaldi.
15 And he taught in their synagoges and was commended of all men.
U ularning sinagoglirida telim bérgili turdi we ularning ulughlashlirigha sazawer boldi.
16 And he came to Nazareth where he was noursed and as hys custome was went in to the synagoge on the Saboth dayes and stode vp for to rede.
U özi béqip chong qilin’ghan yurti Nasaretke kélip, shabat küni adettikidek sinagogqa kirdi we shundaqla [muqeddes yazmilarni] oqushqa öre turdi
17 And ther was delyvered vnto him ye boke of ye Prophete Esaias. And when he had opened the boke he founde the place where it was written.
we Tewrattiki «Yeshaya» dégen qisim uninggha tapshuruldi. U oram yazmini échip, munu sözler yézilghan yerni tépip oqudi:
18 The sprete of the lorde vpon me because he hath annoynted me: to preache ye gospell to ye poore he hath sent me: and to heale the broken harted: to preache delyverauce to the captive and sight to the blinde and frely to set at lyberte them that are brused
— «Perwerdigarning Rohi méning wujudumda, Chünki U méni yoqsullargha xush xewerler yetküzüshke mesih qildi. Tutqunlargha azadliqni, We korlargha körüsh shipasini jakarlashqa, Ézilgenlerni xalas qilishqa, Perwerdigarning shapaet körsitidighan yilini jakarlashqa méni ewetti».
19 and to preache the acceptable yeare of the Lorde.
20 And he cloosed the booke and gave it agayne to the minister and sate doune. And the eyes of all that were in the synagoge were fastened on him.
U yazmini türüwétip, sinagog xizmetchisige qayturup bérip, olturdi. Sinagogta olturghanlarning hemmisining közliri uninggha tikilip turatti.
21 And he began to saye vnto them. This daye is this scripture fulfilled in youre eares.
U köpchilikke: — Mana bu ayet bügün quliqinglargha anglan’ghinida emelge ashurulmaqta, — dédi.
22 And all bare him witnes and wondred at the gracious wordes which proceded oute of his mouth and sayde: Is not this Iosephs sonne?
Hemmisi uning yaxshi gépini qiliship, uning aghzidin chiqiwatqan shapaetlik sözlirige heyran qéliship: — Bu Yüsüpning oghli emesmu? — déyishti.
23 And he sayde vnto them: Ye maye very well saye vnto me this proverbe: Phisicion heale thy silfe. Whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum do the same here lyke wyse in thyne awne countre.
U ulargha: — Shübhisizki, siler manga «Ey téwip, awwal özüngni saqayt!» dégen temsilni keltürüp, «Xewer tapqinimizdek, Kepernahum shehiride néme ishlar yüz bergen bolsa, mushu yerdimu, öz yurtungdimu shularni körsetmemsen?» dewatisiler, — dédi.
24 And he sayde verely I saye vnto you: No Prophet is accepted in his awne countre.
— Biraq shuni silerge berheq éytip qoyayki, héchqandaq peyghember öz yurti teripidin qobul qilin’ghan emes.
25 But I tell you of a truth many wyddowes were in Israell in the dayes of Helias when hevyn was shet thre yeres and syxe monethes when greate fammisshemet was throughoute all the londe
Men silerge shu heqiqetni eslitimenki, Ilyas [peyghember]ning waqtida, asman uda üch yil alte ay étilip, dehshetlik bir qehetchilik barliq zéminni basqanda, Israilda nurghun tul ayallar bar idi;
26 and vnto none of them was Helias sent save in to Sarephta besydes Sidon vnto a woma that was a widow.
biraq Ilyas ularning héchqaysisining qéshigha emes, belki Zidonning Zarefat shehiridiki bir tul ayalning qéshighila ewetilgen.
27 And many lepers were in Israel in the tyme of Heliseus the Prophete: and yet none of them was healed savinge Naaman of Siria.
We [shuninggha oxshash], Élisha peyghemberning waqtida, Israilda maxaw késilige giriptar bolghanlar nurghun bolsimu, lékin Suriyelik Naamandin bashqa, héchqaysisi saqaytilghan emes! — dédi.
28 And as many as were in ye sinagoge when they herde that were filled with wrath:
Sinagogdikiler bu sözlerni anglap, hemmisi qattiq ghezeplendi;
29 and roose vp and thrust him oute of the cite and ledde him eve vnto the edge of the hill wher on their cite was bilte to cast him doune hedlynge.
ornidin turushup, uni sheherdin heydep chiqirip, shu sheher jaylashqan taghning léwige echiqip, tik yardin tashliwetmekchi bolushti.
30 But he went his waye eve thorow the myddes of them:
Lékin u ularning arisidin bimalal ötüp, öz yoligha chiqip ketti.
31 and came in to Capernaum a cyte of Galile and there taught the on the Saboth dayes.
U Galiliye ölkisining Kepernahum dégen bir shehirige chüshti, u yerde shabat künliride xelqqe telim béretti.
32 And they were astonyed at his doctrine: for his preachige was wt power.
Ular uning telimige heyran qélishti, chünki uning sözi tolimu nopuzluq idi.
33 And in the synagoge ther was a ma which had a sprete of an vncleane devell and cryed with aloude voyce
Emdi sinagogta napak jinning rohi chaplashqan bir kishi bolup, [uningdiki jin] qattiq awazda:
34 sayinge: let me alone what hast thou to do with vs thou Iesus of Nazareth? Arte thou come to destroye vs? I knowe the what thou arte eve the holy of God.
— Ey Nasaretlik Eysa, séning biz bilen néme karing?! Bizni yoqatqili keldingmu? Men séning kimlikingni bilimen, Xudaning Muqeddes Bolghuchisisen! — dep towlap ketti.
35 And Iesus rebuked him sayinge: holde thy peace and come oute of him. And the devyll threwe him in the myddes of them and came oute of him and hurt him not.
Lékin Eysa jin’gha tenbih bérip: — Aghzingni yum! Uningdin chiq! — déwidi, jin héliqi ademni xalayiq otturisida yiqitiwétip, uningdin chiqip ketti. Lékin uninggha héch zerer yetküzmidi.
36 And feare came on them all and they spake amonge them selves sayinge: what maner a thinge is this? For with auctorite and power he commaundeth the foule spretes and they come out?
Hemmeylen buningdin qattiq heyran bolushup, bir-birige: — Bu zadi qandaq ish! U derweqe hoquq we qudret bilen napak rohlargha emr qilsila, ular chiqip kétidiken, — déyishti.
37 And ye fame of him spreed abroode thorowoute all places of the countre round aboute.
Shuning bilen uning xewer-shöhriti etraptiki herbir yurtlargha tarqaldi.
38 And he roose vp and came oute of ye sinagoge and entred in to Simons housse. And Simos motherelawe was take with a greate fever and they made intercession to him for her.
Eysa sinagogtin chiqip, Simonning öyige kirdi. Lékin Simonning qéynanisi éghir tep késili bolup qalghanidi; ular Eysadin uning hajitidin chiqishini ötündi.
39 And he stode over her and rebuked the fever: and it leeft her. And immediatly she arose and ministred vnto them.
U ayalning béshida turup, tepke tenbih bériwidi, tep shuan uningdin ketti. U derhal ornidin turup, ularni kütüshke bashlidi.
40 When the sonne was doune all they that had sicke take with divers deseases brought them vnto him: and he layde his hondes on every one of them and healed them.
Kün pétishi bilenla, kishiler herxil késellerge giriptar bolghan yéqinliri bolsila, ularni uning aldigha élip kélishti. U ulargha bir-birlep qolini tegküzüp, ularni saqaytti.
41 And devils also cam out of many of them crying and saying: thou arte Christ the sonne of God. And he rebuked them and suffered them not to speake: for they knewe that he was Christ.
Kishilerge chaplashqan nurghun jinlar ulardin chiqip: «Sen Xudaning Oghli!» dep towlap kétetti. Lékin u ulargha tenbih bérip, söz qilishigha yol qoymidi; chünki ular uning Mesih ikenlikini biletti.
42 Assone as it was daye he departed and went awaye into a desert place and ye people sought him and came to him and kept him that he shuld not departe from the.
Kün chiqishi bilen, u sheherdin chiqip, pinhan bir jaygha ketti. Biraq top-top xalayiq uni izdep yüretti; ular uni tapqanda aldigha kélip, uni arimizda qalsun dep kétishidin tosmaqchi bolushti.
43 And he sayde vnto the: I muste to other cities also preache the kyngdome of God: for therfore am I sent.
Lékin u ulargha: — Xudaning padishahliqining xush xewirini bashqa sheher-yézilarghimu yetküzüshüm kérek; chünki men del bu ishqa ewetilgenmen, — dédi.
44 And he preached in the synagoges of Galile.
Shuning bilen u Galiliyediki sinagoglarda telim bérip yüriwerdi.

< Luke 4 >